Anime NEXT

Updated: 08-07-2003 at 21:31 PST

Updated: 07-30-2003 at 18:55 PST
Whoa. One year later, and I update this page. Anyway, for those who are wondering wtf is up with Anime NEXT, here's the lowdown: Michael's server seems to be rejecting everyone outside his network, and thus my brilliant site and new kick ass layout are down. But have no fear! I'll be back... Eventually!

Updated: 07-30-2002 at 18:55 PST
It's about time. Tripod is too restricting for my site now. Those corporate bastards forced me to cut down on my site, wade carefully as not to go overboard, and charge a dollar per extra megabyte (which I don't feel like paying). And now, it's time for my first ever roadtrip, and not abandonment. I moved to my friend's server (Thanks, man), and uploaded all my content again. Yep. That's right. My brilliant Eva Wallpapers are back on that server, as are its scans and such. And my forum is gonna return soon afterward. So, this is SSJ Heero, and for the third time in my website career, moving my site.

For the lowdown, my site has moved here.

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Copyright © 2001-2002 by Kha Chu
Yes, I do own the copyright. Go here for some nice, concise details. Take any of my stuff, you shall die a horrible, bloody death.

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