Disclaimer: Blah blah blah blah... I don't own... Blah blah... Anime not mine... Blah blah blah blah. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in danger! By SSJ Heero ____________________________________________________________________________________________ --- Recap --- SSJ: Last time, on Ginga GIRI GIRI... You'd know. Unless you forgot or are too lazy to reread the chapter. Amiko: We'll go with the latter. TM: We met Heero. (He has nothing to do with SSJ Heero, in case you are wondering.) SSJ: Well, he led us to Relena, and through her, we learn of the hunt for us. Amiko: So we're now semi-fugitives. TM: And now, we're somewhere in the world, though it's hard to tell. SSJ: Now, here we go! ---- Chapter 3: Circus Act ---- Somewhere in the world, there were three rather strange kids. Yes, one girl, two boys, all alone in the world, escaping carnivores as they escaped to a nearby city. It was quite dark on their first day since arriving. SSJ, Amiko, and TM entered the city as it reached twighlight. Cars passed by as they stepped onto the sidewalk. They passed a steel barred gate, just before it closed behind them. They looked behind and saw nothing but a lonely desert. SSJ sighed, and his eyes burned with pain. He rubbed them with the back of his right hand, and muttered, "Damn it. We haven't gotten any rest since earlier today..." "Y'know," Amiko mentioned, "it'll look strange for three kids to wander around on their own in the night." TM was leaning forward, carrying the weight bag of pokeballs over his right shoulder. He sighed, "Well, we have no choice." SSJ was looking around the city, tired and in need of rest. He wondered, "Is there any place to get some sleep...?" "Well," pondered TM as he noticed a bunch of homeless, dirty hobos lining the sidewalks of the city. "BESIDES on the sidewalk?" "...No. Everywhere costs money." Amiko sighed. "I need to take a shower..." "I smell like dirt," SSJ added. TM weakly smirked. "How is that different from any other day?" SSJ glared at TM, but was too weak and full of pain to do anything. They continued on, hunched and fatigued. They soon neared a motel. A sign read "Motel - $50 a night!". TM saw the sign and pointed it out to the others. "Hey," he uttered. "SSJ, you bring any money with you?" SSJ silently reached in his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, and counted the money inside. "Twenty dollars." "And I have about twenty five..." Both looked at Amiko. She pulled out four dollars from her pockets. They stood in silence in front of the motel, and their hopes got washed down the drain. All of them swore at the same time, "Shit." Man, this just wasn't their day. SSJ sighed and put his wallet back into his back pocket and stuffed his hands into his pockets. His eyes widened when he heard a jangling and felt coins. Amiko and TM looked at him in desperation. SSJ fumbled through his pockets and produced three quarters. SSJ was silent. He then swore, "FU-" Before he could finish, TM yelled, "Hey!" SSJ looked at TM, who picked up a quarter from the ground. All of their eyes shone with happiness. "YES!" they yelled as they jumped into the air with glee, with several passerbys stopping to stare at them. They became silence and walked into the motel. They walked up to the clerk, who looked up from reading a newspaper. SSJ spoke in a soft voice, "We'd like a room." Clerk held one eyebrow raised as he looked at the three. "You three in one room?" "Uh... Yeah." The clerk looked at TM, Amiko, then SSJ. SSJ glared with annoyance, speaking harshly, "Hey, get your mind out of the gutter." Clerk sighed, "Fine. But I can tell none of you are adults." "Look, you want money or not?" The clerk didn't have to think about that. Not enough people came to his motel nowadays, so he agreed, "Fine. That'll be... Thirty dollars." The three were silent. They just stared at the guy and blinked. He sweatdropped as SSJ asked, "...Did you say *thirty*?" "Yes." Amiko pointed to the sign outside the door and stammered, "B-But the sign outside said *fifty*!" "Oh, we need to change the sign outside sometime." The three paused...and facefaulted into the ground. TM and SSJ shoved over the money and grabbed a key from the clerk's hand. The three walked through the hall and up a staircase. A small screen with SSJ's picture and statistics popped up (a la RPGs). A box saying "Negotiating Skills +1!" appeared for a bit as music played in the background. They walked on to their room, Number 123 because the author is not original. The three stepped into the room. Ahead, a window lay on the opposite wall, closed and covered with a thin curtain. A TV was along the right wall. On their left lay a bathroom, and on the opposite left corner of the room were two beds. SSJ noticed it, muttering, "Looks like one of us'll sleep on the floor..." SSJ looked behind him and began speaking to TM. Only he saw TM wasn't behind him anymore. He looked ahead and TM was already settled in a bed. Amiko lay on the other one. He sighed, "You two are cruel." Both tossed SSJ a pillow to shut him up. "Let me sleep," was all TM said. Amiko added while nodding off, "Me too..." They both drifted to sleep on the beds. SSJ just sat on the floor, crossing his arms over his bent knees. "Well," muttered SSJ, "I should brush my teeth or something." SSJ walked over to the sink, and picked up a toothbrush. In a few minutes, he felt somewhat fresher. He looked at a clock. It read 3:00 AM.) He sighed, "Damn... It's late-" SSJ stopped as he fell on his pillows, and drifted to sleep as well. He just missed the sound clothes billowing in the wind. For just outside the window, sat a lone boy. *** The morning then, just five hours after sleeping, SSJ awoke up, looking around the motel room. He found a slightly refreshed Amiko, with fairly slightly wet hair from a recent shower. She looked up from her X manga and glanced at SSJ. She immediately dropped the manga and her eyes were wide, mouth wide open. TM stood by the window, looking through the city. He happened to glance as SSJ as well. He had the same reaction. SSJ yawned and noticed their reactions, "What?!" SSJ looked at TM and Amiko, who only manage to stutter before busting into laughter. SSJ looked in a mirror to see his face. His eye-length hair floated about his head, pointing in whichever direction. His clothes hung loosely and wrinkled on him. There were large bags under his eyes. He realized why they were laughing. "Hm," came from him as he pondered. "Hehehe," Amiko chuckled, "Well, looks like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed." "I didn't have a bed," SSJ pointed out. "I slept on the floor in case you didn't notice." "Oh, whatever. You know what I mean." SSJ ignored her and walked into the bathroom. Almost instantly, he emerged, clean and refreshed. His clothes had no wrinkles, and his hair was neatly combed to each side. Some went in front of his eyes, which no longer were baggy. TM smirked. "Well, aren't we a stud," he sarcastically muttered. "Don't make me toss you out that window." "Okay, fine..." SSJ turned to Amiko. "Well, anyway," he began. "What are we going to do for now? We can't stay here, and being homeless living on the street does not interest me very much." TM took a chair and sat down. "What can we do?" he asked. Amiko looked up from manga to reply, "Well, nothing. Everything needs money." TM's eyes narrowed in annoyance. He sighed and spoke, "Everything requires money, damn it. And we have no way of getting money." Amiko wrapped her arms around her knees. She spoke softly, more to herself than to anyone else, "I wonder... If we'll ever return..." SSJ stood there, looking at her, and then leered at the ceiling. "Well, I couldn't care less," he just coldly replied. "Tch," TM grunted. "SSJ, you know you're itching to return home." SSJ coldly glared at TM. "What about you?" "Huh? Hey! Don't try to change the focus-" "Well?! What do you wish?" TM grunted again and turned to the window. "Well, I don't have a reason to want to stay here..." Amiko continued to mutter, ignoring the two, "Why are we here? How did we get here?" SSJ and TM glanced at Amiko and kept silent. Amiko sighed and looked at ceiling, then at the two. She apologized with a smile, "Sorry, I was just thinking aloud." SSJ just looked out the window. "Apparently so." TM scolded SSJ, "No need to be so apathetic." "Meh..." After a moment of silence, SSJ began again, "So, what shall we do? We have twenty dollars left. What can we do with that?" TM lay on a bed and stared at the ceiling. He spoke without turning back, "Well, we're here. I guess we should make the best of it for now." There was the shifting of papers. The two turned to Amiko as she rummaged through a desk. SSJ asked, "What are you doing?" Amiko found a small booklet, and flipped it open. She flipped through the pages, scanning each, before tossing the booklet facedown on the desk. She cursed, "Damn! There's nothing to do!" SSJ and TM were silent. SSJ thought about it, and then replied, "Well, we don't necessarily have school anymore..." And TM added. "And we're in the middle of no-" He stopped and suddenly changed his tone, "Hey! A circus!" Amiko and SSJ sweatdropped as TM grabbed the booklet from the desk, and stared at the back cover. He skimmed through the text, reading aloud, "Circus Act... Later today... By L-3 Colony... Cluster..." TM looked at SSJ, then Amiko, who was behind him. "More Gundam W," they muttered at once. Amiko stood up, and a dramatic worm's eye camera ensued. A dramatic wind came from the window as she declared, "Then we're going to the circus!" Sakura blossoms flew into the room and circled Amiko and cliche anime style. TM jumped with joy. "YES! THE CIRCUS! WE'RE GOING TO THE CIRCUS!" SSJ, however, was looking back at the window, staring with narrow eyes. He stammered, "But... This window is closed... What the Hell?!" Before SSJ could finish his head exploding due to the lack of logic, the clerk rushed through the door and tossed the three out the door. "It's noon! Your room has expired! Thank you!" was all he said before welcoming a new set of tenants as the three got up. SSJ sighed and stood in a dignified leader stance. He just stated, "Well, we're going to the circus." "Wasn't that already established?" sarcastically came from Amiko. SSJ sweatdropped. *** Meanwhile, the scene changed to a circus. A boy with extremely long bangs, combed over one eye, as standing with a wood wall behind him. A girl dressed in flamboyant circus clothing held knives between her fingers. They were both in the center of the circus, standing in the midst of taller seats circling around the platform. The girl declared with a cheery voice, "Okay, Trowa! Here I go!" The girl tossed the knives at the boy named Trowa, who didn't move at all. The knives all hit at once, but all barely missed his flesh. Trowa spoke, already out of character, "...I was so scared, Catherine. Really. I was." Cathrine rolled her eyes. "Yeah," she sarcastically muttered. "Sure." "It'll just be the same boring routine?" "Yeah... But you're not that exciting anyway." "Hey, I have a fast paced life, good looks, *and* I pilot a Gundam." Now, he was really out of character, and the author just suffered a grenade from hardcore fans. Coughing up smoke, the author continued typing. Catherine laughed, "Hah. Sure. Don't move now." She picked up a knife and chucked it to Trowa. *** Elsewhere in the streets, the three were wandering about the city. SSJ and Amiko stopped and looked through various shops while TM tried to find a way to get money. SSJ stood at the doorway of a shop, looking around for anything of interest. Amiko was some way in, examining an item. SSJ walked up to her and asked, "Find anything of interest?" Amiko sighed in reply, "Not really...And if I did I couldn't afford it... I wish we could get home." SSJ frowned. He spoke his mind, "It's not like you to be depressed..." "Whatever," she roughly replied. "I'll look around some more. I just hope we can go to the circus still." She didn't have the energy of a person going to a circus. She just walked deeper into the shop, and SSJ stepped outside through the open doorway. The streets of a dusty city were almost empty as the clocks display 11:00. Other buldings lined the streets, which were too thin for cars. A light breeze rushed past him, and he sighed while looking up at the sky. SSJ softly muttered to himself, "The sky is the same... The ground feels the same... Everything seems the same... Yet what is this place?" SSJ looked back down. A mirror leaned on a wall opposite of him. He noticed his reflection in the mirror. He stepped up to it and looked carefully. He was pale, and his hair was dusty. "Will we spend the rest of our lives here?" Then his eyes shot open as he noticed something in the corner of the mirror. He noticed his reflection... No. It wasn't his reflection... But it was someone who looked exactly like him. He shivered, and looked down the street. An alleyway lay a short distance ahead, connected to the right side of the street. SSJ ran and turned into it, and saw his reflection. He looked down the alley, and saw himself... sitting down and leaning against the wall. He didn't look up, but SSJ figured his predicament. The reflection was dirty, and a foul smell seemed to come from his direction. His hair was soiled, and his face was covered in dirt. He wore a wet rag, which seemed to resemble a shirt. His eyes were devoid of emotion, just staring blankly forward. He seemed so pale, and his rag was so faded, that he seemed to be in mere grayscale. He seemed oblivious to the rats gnawing at his rags, and the ones climbing over his shoulders. SSJ stepped forward, eyes wide open. He stepped in puddles, and the sound of soft splashes filled the air. The rats scurried away from him, and when he reached the reflection, he said nothing. The rats stayed away, and SSJ stood over the reflection, eyes twitching in fear. He mustered up the strength to ask, "Who... Who are you...?" The other's eyes immediately shot open, and he snapped his head at SSJ. SSJ's cheek was hit by flecks of soiled water as the other's hair flew. The other's eyes narrowed into a look of pure hatred. He got up and ran in the opposite direction. Even when running, he seemed pale. SSJ was stunned, but soon gave chase to the mirror image. Finally, the mirror image spoke, "Light... Stay away!" SSJ couldn't understand the meaning of that. He continued chasing the other, yelling forward, "Who the Hell are you?! Why do you look like I?!" The pale being whipped his head back, and showed a face filled with despair, anger, and frustration. "JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME, DAMN LIGHT!" The pursuit continued, and SSJ's shorts became wet and acrid. His shoes were filled with vile liquid, and fatigue was grasping him. The other turned a corner, and SSJ followed, looking ahead and finding a dead end. SSJ was taken aback as the pale reflection vaulted over a tall brick wall with a single leap. SSJ stopped and looked up to the top of the wall. There is a long silence before he muttered, "Who are you...? Why did you call me Light? ...Where am I?" SSJ looked around him, and saw that he was lost. He cursed under his breath, and turned his back to the wall. Steam was rising from a sewer cover, and shaded a group of approaching people. He heard the splashes as a gang approached him, covered with tatoos and wearing baggy pants. SSJ stepped back as they pulled out knives. One of the members spoke in a threatening voice, "Well, well... Someone has some to the alleyway..." SSJ clenched his teeth as they step forward. He stepped back to keep away. Another laughed, "Heheheh... What shall we do with you, punk?" SSJ swore, "Shit..." "Damn straight you're in shit now," the first one said again. SSJ looked around, trying to find a way out. Through out the alley, sewer covers lined the streets, yet the nearest one was beyond the gang. There was no exit, and the solid walls were littered with graffiti which resembled dry blood. SSJ shuddered at the thought. Another one spoke, "If you want no shit, hand over money." "Shit... I have none." "Well, that's a crying shame, asshole," yet another one added. The gang turned their knives around and dashed at SSJ. SSJ jumped back, and tried to think of a way to escape. SSJ looked to the corner on his left, and found an old trash can. Without thinking, he picked it up and chucked it at the first group. It hit dead on, and tore open in a mess of trash, decaying food, and pungent liquid. He took the time to dash through the gang and sprint forward as fast as he can. Fear gripped him as he continued onward. The gang rushed after him. His eyes were wide open and red with fear. He breathed irregularly as he panicked. He found a metal trash can, and threw it at the nearest pursuer. He toppled and tripped others as SSJ continued onward. Water was thrown everywhere as they continued. It seemed futile. They were closing in, and SSJ was already fatigued. He didn't want to give up. He looked back, and saw only a few were left in the chase. He couldn't find the others. He looked ahead of him and saw the others coming from ahead. SSJ gave up. It was over. He slowed down, and almost stopped. Before he could, he disappeared, and the sound of breaking glass was heard. The gang stopped, puzzled over his disappearance. They looked at the nearest wall, and found a broken window. The edges of the window was lined with razor sharp glass. Through it, they saw an open door, swinging on its hinges. They cursed, and ran around the wide building. *** Amiko stepped outside the shop, and looked around. The streets were empty and bare. It was quiet except for the sound of soft splashes. She heard a voice call her, "Hey... Where's he?" Amiko turned and saw TM walking up from beyond the street. She replied, "Huh?" She looked back into the shop and failed to find SSJ. She sighed with annoyance, "Where is he?!" "So... He's gone?!" "Ugh... Damn it... Anyway, any luck?" TM shook his head. "No. No one would let me take a job, and I have no idea on how to get money... Unless..." "I'm not going to join in theft. We're already in plenty of trouble." "Yeah... You're right." Then Amiko heard the soft splashes have gone louder, and turned around. A group of armed gangsters turned the alleyway, and one glanced at Amiko. He turned his head and pointed at Amiko and TM. He spat and spoke, "Well, we lost that kid... But these two will be just fine." Amiko and TM's eyes widened as the group began dashing towards them. The clerk inside the shop yelled and stepped outside, running into a member. The member tripped and fell. The clerk yelled, "WHAT IS THIS?!" The other members stopped, and looked at the downed member. All in the area turned to look at the person laying on the ground. He didn't move. His eyes were wide open. He didn't twitch and didn't breathe. He was dead, and a dirt he laid upon was stained red. TM stated the obvious, "He fell..." "...On his knife?" Amiko finished. The other members walked up to him and nudged him. One yelled, "Hey! Get up! FUCKING STAND UP!" They shook him, but he didn't respond. He lay, limp on the street. Their faces twisted in anger and hatred, and then gave a glare that could break glass. Amiko stepped back, and the gang dashed forward. "ACK!" uttered with surprise to the misplaced hatred. "CRAP!" Amiko added. Amiko and TM turned around and dashed in the opposite direction. The gang dashed after them in blind rage. Their stomps threw puddles of water into the air, and they weren't stopping as they ran towards the two. Amiko and TM saw a large forum ahead, and dashed as fast as they could. They couldn't keep their speed long. They became exhausted, but still ran as hard as they could. They ran past into an intersection, and into a network of streets. Suddenly, SSJ came from another street and ran into Amiko and TM. They all toppled onto the dirt, and the gang approached. Amiko rubbed her skin as she got up from the dirt, "Gah... That hurt..." SSJ rubbed his head, muttering, "Oro..." TM finally groaned as he got up, "Ouch..." During this, the gang approached the three, knives in hand. One spoke, "Damn kids... Have to be a pain in the ass huh?" Another added, "And because of you, our friend is DEAD!" SSJ, Amiko, and TM looked at each other. Then at the gang members, who approached with pure hatred. Then a voice called from behind them, however, "Now, what do we have here?" The gang members wheeled around in surprise and caught sight of the speaker, Trowa Barton, clad in his green sweatshirt and blue jeans. The gang members stepped back, and leered at Trowa. "Who the fuck are you?!" one yelled. Trowa just grunted, "Hm." He then ran his hand through his hair. "No need for you to be concerned." Amiko swooned despite the quite serious situation, "HE'S SO COOL." SSJ and TM sweatdropped, and the gang rushed at Trowa. Trowa didn't seem to move an inch as they neared him. Amiko covered her eyes as the gang all prepared to slash through Trowa. Trowa then jumped at them, and quickly punched one in the gut. He whirled around, and roundhouse kicked the rest. They all fell to the ground in a considerable heap of pain, but not one was able to stand. Amiko swooned once more, and TM "enthusiastically" thanked Trowa, "Well... Thanks... And Stuff..." The three looked at Trowa, silent with TM, SSJ, and Amiko respectively being surprised, apathetic, or full of praise. SSJ had narrow eyes and muttered, "Well, isn't this great." Suddenly, Amiko felt a rumbling in her pocket. She looked down and dug out a rattling bishie-ball, from which Heero popped out. Trowa's eyes widened and he stepped back as Heero suddenly appeared. Relena followed suit, appearing right next to Heero. The gundam pilot could only wonder, "What the...?!" Relena smiled and waved. "Hi, Trowa," she greeted casually. "Yeah, nice to meet you," Heero added. "What the- Where did you come from?!" Trowa asked indignantly. Heero just replied, "We'll explain later. Let's just get somewhere private." *** In a small trailer behind the circus, Relena, Heero, and Amiko sat on chairs circling a table. SSJ and TM leaned on the walls in the back of the room. Trowa and Catherine sat before them all, listening to their story. Their eyes were wide in disbelief, and Relena spoke, "So, that's what happened so far." "So," Catherine began, "They're from a completely different world?!" Trowa slammed his open palms on the table and stood, yelling, "How do you know they aren't lying?!" "Well, we don't," Relena conceded. "The fact is, the government is searching for them. They have absolutely no data or profile; they're lost kids." Trowa twitched. "No... No data at all?!" Catherine turned to Trowa, "Is that possible?!" "No," Heero simply answered. "It's not." "Then," Catherine wondered, "What other explanation is there?" SSJ interrupted with glaring eyes, "There is none other. Some kind of vortex brought us here." Trowa angrily yelled back, "And we should randomly believe you just because Heero and Relena are here?! And the thing about trapping them in pokeballs make no sense at all!" SSJ grit his teeth and narrowed his eyes in annoyance. He stepped forward and uncrossed his arms, and stood tense as he yelled, "DAMN IT! OF COURSE IT MAKES NO SENSE, BUT IT'S TRUE." "SSJ, don't yell," Amiko muttered. SSJ leered at Amiko, who said that over her shoulder. He returned to his spot on the wall and glared at the ceiling. Trowa turned back to Heero and Relena, and returned to his seat. He sighed as Catherine asked, "Well, where are you all going?" "We just need to get away from the government," Relena answered. "Damn," Trowa swore. "Well," he began, but then was interrupted. Suddenly, a loud digital voice was heard from miles away. The trailer shook from the high volume, and all of the group was able to hear, "Trowa Barton, Catherine Bloom. Hand over the three kids, as well as Heero Yuy and Relena Peacecraft." Trowa, Catherine, Amiko, Relena, and Heero rose to their feet, pushing their chairs back. SSJ and TM stepped up from their walls. All looked at the ceiling, at the source of the voice. All looked at each other, and Amiko proposed an idea, "Hey, they're mainly looking for us." "Yeah, so?" Trowa coldly replied. "Why not hide? In the pokeballs?" Trowa and Catherine looked at her with incredulity. "Are you MAD?!" "That's crazy!" Catherine yelled. "Well, there is no choice," SSJ sighed. Trowa and Catherine stood in silence. Relena walked up to SSJ, and turned to Catherine. She said, "It's not that bad. It's quite comfortable." Relena turned into a red beam, and returned to a bishie-ball he held in his hand. He tossed the ball into the air, catching it, and then repeating. Catherine sighed, "Well, we don't have much of a choice." "Thanks, Catherine-chan." SSJ tossed the ball at Catherine, who soon disappeared like Relena. SSJ caught the ball as it flew back, and stuffed it in his pocket. Heero said as he disappeared, "Come on, Trowa." Trowa stood in silence, staring at the floor. Heero disappeared, and Amiko pulled out another bishie-ball. "It's for your own good Trowa," was all she said. Amiko tossed the ball, and it hit Trowa. He disappeared, and Amiko stuffed the ball into her pocket. She turned to TM, who stood at the door. "Come on," said TM. The three stepped out of the trailer and stared up at a giant mobile suit. The pilot inside smiled as he opened his hatch. He proudly spoke, "Well, was it just you three hiding in there?!" He saw SSJ nod. "Where are Heero Yuy and Relena Peacecraft?!" He saw SSJ shrug again and was filled with annoyance, "Crap... Kurosawa-san said they were traveling as a group... But oh well. Three out of five is good enough." The pilot controled the suit to reach down for the three. TM got a random idea, and quickly pulled out a bishie-ball. The pilot was taken aback, but before he could utter a word, TM chucked the ball at him. The man was hit and turned red as he disappeared. The ball returned to TM, who caught it in his hand and shrunk it. SSJ and Amiko stared at TM in disbelief. "TM! Genius!" Amiko exclaimed. But TM tightened his grip on the ball, until he finally crushed it. It sparked, and slightly burned his hand. He dropped the crushed piece on the ground. A red light came from the crushed sphere, and the limp body of the pilot appeared on the ground in front of the three. Amiko and SSJ's eyes are wide open. SSJ stood in disbelief, "You... You... Killed him...?" Amiko could only say, "TM..." TM grit his teeth, and muttered under his breath, "It's what I needed to do... Even if I did kill him..." TM walked to the pilot's body, and searched through his clothes. He pulled out a wallet. He opened the wallet, and a photograph fell to the ground. Amiko picked it up, and the other two crowded around. The pilot was in the background, with someone who appeared to be his wife next to him, with a young girl sitting in front. TM meekly added, "Well, one girl won't find her father coming home..." He sunk to the ground, and sobbed, "Damn it... I just killed someone, and ruined a family... All so we won't be taken." Amiko helped TM up, and tried to console him. She glanced at SSJ, who was already climbing into the suit. She yellws after him, "Wait! What are you doing?!" SSJ randomly flipped knobs and switches as if he knew what he's doing. A missile was launched and exploded in the air. Birds flew away from the sound, causing a huge ruckus in the sky. SSJ muttered, "We have nowhere to go... So let's find a place." "Don't act like you don't care! One of your best friends is having a guilt trip! Don't put on this circus act to look cool!" SSJ sighed in reply, "You know, I really couldn't care less about who he killed. The fact is, we're lost and have no way of returning home." Amiko was silent, and looked at TM, who sunk to the ground. He stared at the lifeless body, and couldn't seem to move. Amiko weakly uttered, "SSJ... I thought I knew you... You're heartless." "Maybe so, Amiko... But right now, the only thing we can rely on is survival of the fittest. We need to go. Get Heero or Trowa to pilot this hunk of crap." Amiko looked at the ground, torn in thought. She looked at the depressed TM, and at the blunt SSJ, and finally replied, "No. We'll go, but I don't want to help you." SSJ ground his teeth to dust. "Fine, but don't mind me if we fucking get killed." Amiko dragged TM into the open hand of the mobile suit. SSJ pulled on control sticks, and manage to shakily position the hand in front of the hatch. Amiko then pushed TM into the back of the cockpit, and into a chair in the back. She seatbelted him, as well as herself in another seat. Amiko muttered to herself, "I don't ever remember a mobile suit with more than one seat... Strange." SSJ didn't say a word as he pulls every random knob he could find. Eventually, the hatch closed, and SSJ was left in soft darkness to work in. A radio signal called from the left of him, "Roy! Hey! Roy! Where are you?! Answer!" SSJ simply punched the speakers. It sparked, and sputtered out, and SSJ's hand bled as he continued trying to work at guessing. Amiko saw it, weakly speaking, "SSJ... You really don't care... Not even about yourself." Finally, SSJ looked up and found a switch, which he pressed. Jetpacks behind the mobile suit lt up, and the suit immediately took off. SSJ attempted to control the levers as they speed onward to wherever they needed to be. He just spoke, "This world... I wonder what it has in store for us..." Amiko kept silent, and stared to her right, at a blank wall. She closed her eyes and sighed before resting her head on the back of her chair. She thought to herself, 'This won't be a smooth ride at all.' --- To Be Continued --- Amiko: HEY! Looks like our plot is kicking off! TM: What plot? Amiko: You know! *THE* plot! TM: Oh, THAT plot. Amiko: Yes! We do stuff! TM: I do stuff after I get over my trauma! Amiko: SSJ does stuff! Both: Next! On Ginga GIRI GIRI! : Resistance Lines TM: Hey, where's SSJ?! (Amiko points to SSJ, who is playing Lunar 2 with red bloodshot eyes.) Amiko: He's scary now. TM: No kidding. --------------------