Disclaimer: Anime not mine. I am. Amiko and TM exist in real life. That's about it. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ---Recap--- SSJ: Last time, on Ginga GIRI GIRI! Stuff happens! Amiko: Gang violence! Runaway! TM: Circuses! I kill someone! I'm depressed! SSJ: There we are in a nutshell! Read! Now! ---- Chapter 04: Remaster: Resistance Lines ---- Somewhere in the world, a mobile suit ripped through fields of crops and flew low to avoid the skies. Inside, a young boy of 14 was barely able to maneuver the control sticks, while his two friends sat in silence. The cockpit rumbled and SSJ lost grip on the levers. His hands slipped, and he swore. The vehicle scraped along the dirt. SSJ reached out and regained hold on the levers, pulling the suit away from the ground. Two foot controls strained under his feet, which he tried to keep steady. Then there was a problem. An explosion ripped into the suit's right arm, and SSJ's hand became red as he tightened his grip. The lever vibrated constantly under his grip, and his arm began to feel limp and sore. He sighed, "Crap... Can't do much more... Sorry guys..." Amiko looked at SSJ, who was straining to keep control. She meekly started, "SSJ..." SSJ replied in a low tone without looking back, "What?" "Sorry... For what I said before." SSJ pulled the suit to a stop, just as the whole suit was beginning to overheat. The narrow cockpit was cramped and humid; a sweat bead rolled down SSJ's cheek. He unhooked his seat belt, and kicked open the hatch. His leg was then worn out, and it refused to move as he fell back to his seat. He returned, "Whatever. I really don't care what you think of me." SSJ leaned forward and put his arms on his knees. He panted as he looked down. Then he asked without looking up, "How is TM?" TM didn't answer, but was staring at the ceiling. His eyes were narrow and full of despair. His mouth was slightly open, muttering incoherent babble to himself. Amiko glanced at him and replied, "Not much better..." SSJ pounded on the sides of his seat. "Damn it... This sucks." "Yeah. I wish I was home... If only..." Then there was a pause before SSJ inquired, "'If only?'" "If only that hole hadn't taken us..." SSJ's eyes suddenly flashed as he realized something. He looked up and ahead of the cockpit. "Hey," he began. "Why did it take only us?! Why wasn't anyone else there?!" Amiko's eyes were wide open with surprise as well. "Yeah...! Why only us?!" SSJ rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "This is weird..." Suddenly, another explosion was heard, this time in the leg. The suit toppled on its side, and threw SSJ out. TM and Amiko were stuck seatbealted in the suit. SSJ stood and walked into the downed cockpit. Amiko and TM coughed as SSJ asked, "You okay?" "Ugh," Amiko groaned. "Yeah." Amiko then unlatched her seatbelt, and looked up at TM, hanging sideways in his chair. She went and unlatched him, and as he fell, SSJ caught him. SSJ then turned to Amiko. "Come on, before something else explodes." Amiko nodded, and dragged TM out to follow SSJ. SSJ stepped a way ahead of the suit, and Amiko caught up. SSJ looked around and saw nothing but crops in every direction. "Crap shit... We're in the middle of nowhere..." Amiko looked around as well, TM's arm slung over her shoulder. "Damn..." They couldn't find their way in this maze. SSJ then looked at TM. "TM, snap out of it, damn it." TM suddenly glared up at SSJ, and his face twisted to anger. He replied with anger, "No... I just fucking killed someone, damn it! How would you feel?!" SSJ was silent as TM continued to yell. His fists were clenched, and his veins bulged as he poured out his emotion. "Don't tell me you won't care! I know you, and you would care more than I!" SSJ sighed and replied in a calm tone, "Maybe so-" "No!" TM interrupted, tears forming in his eyes. "Not 'maybe'! You would be crying and full of despair! More than I!" SSJ suddenly pushed his hand on TM's mouth and blocked out his sound. SSJ then dropped to the ground, Amiko and TM following. They listened and heard a voice off in the distance, "Who's there?! Who's out there on my property?! I've got a shotgun and I'm not afraid to use it!" SSJ was as silent as possible as he whispered to the two, "We can't stay here. The mobile suit is obvious... Let's go." Throughout the next thirty minutes, the three crouched and walked under the shade of the crops. SSJ lead the three, pushing down crops as he walked on top. They walked in a straight line, and eventually came across a dirt road. The three looked around, and eventually at each other. SSJ spoke to TM, "You feeling like yourself yet?" "Not yet, but I needed to let that out." Amiko was shading her eyes and looking in the direction of the sun when she exclaimed, "I think I see a city!" TM turned to look at Amiko, then at the direction she was pointing. "You're right," he affirmed. "Let's go. It’s better than in the crops." Amiko looked at TM with a smile, and back at SSJ, who was staring at the direction they came. "I can hear something landing nearby," he muttered with wonder. Amiko and TM looked up and listened, and heard a faint rumbling sound. The sound of a plane or the like rumbling was what it sounded like. Amiko uttered, "Yeah..." "Then come on," said TM. The three dashed towards the East as a plane landed by a farmhouse. The farmer greeted an old man, whose clean white suit seemed to emit power. His graying hair blew in the wind as he spoke in a low tone, "I see the mobile suit you spoke of." "That's right, Eiji," coarsely replied the farmer. Eiji glared at the farmer and walked past, warning him over his shoulder, "Speak with respect to your elder, you petty farmer." The farmer sweated and stuttered as he replied in nervousness, "Yes... Mr. Eiji... I am sorry for my mistake." "Good." Eiji ran his left hand through his hair, trying to keep it from billowing in the wind. The farmer took notice of something.) "Mr. Eiji... Your hand..." Eiji stopped and looked back at the farmer. He held up his hand and showed a cross scar. He asked, "This?" The farmer nodded, and Eiji explained, "I got it some years ago... I challenged Kino Tsumuji to fencing." "Ah..." Eiji then turnsed away and sternly said, "Just mind your business as I conduct mine." The farmer nodded, and Eiji walked towards the downed mobile suit in the distance. *** In the nearby city, SSJ, Amiko, and TM sat on the floor and lean against a brick wall. The wall lined the street in the edge of the city. All around, people walked past, and didn't seem to care for the three, with a paper sailor hat held in front of them. SSJ looked at TM with narrow eyes. He muttered, "This is degrading." "Well, we need money don't we?" replied TM. SSJ sighed, and looked at Amiko. "What are you thinking?" Amiko groaned with fatigue. "We need money, yet we have none. We need a way home, yet we have none as well. We need a lot of things, and we have none!" Amiko's yelling filled the streets, and the crowds of people looked in their direction. One woman walked up to her and began to speak, "You need money, child?" Amiko silently nodded, and the woman handed over a dollar. Not wanting to feel guilty, most of the rest crowded around, and handed a dollar or five as well. Amiko's eyes lit with happiness as she smiled again. "Wow... Thank you, all!" Suddenly, a voice rang through the crowd, "Are you people, stupid?!" The crowd looked for the speaker, who separated himself from the crowd and stood in front of the three. He spoke with intense seriousness in his voice, and his eyes blazed, "I see these people look pretty healthy to me!" The people looked at the three, and back at the guy. He continued, "Take your money back! These three are nothing but frauds-" He looked down while speaking, and noticed the three were gone from their seats near the wall. The crowd looked around, but the three were nowhere to be seen. "The Hell?!" the guy yelled. *** Somewhere else, in a dark musty room, a phone rang. A man with a cross scar on his left hand picked up the phone. A dim light shone through the room as Eiji spoke with a barely audible voice, "Is that so... The three are in New York Harbor?" He was silent as he listened to the voice on the receiver. "Yes... I see. Thank you for your help. You will be handsomely rewarded." Eiji then placed the phone back on its hook, and turned to his bags. He opened the top of the sack, and dug through a mess of fencing gear. Helmets, pads, gloves, and the like were inside. He pulled out a fencing rapier and examined it closely. He smiled and thought, 'Good... This will do.' He then repacked his gear and left his room. He stood at the cockpit of his ship, floating in the sky heading West. He picked up a radio transmitter and pressed a button on the box. He spoke into the reciever, "Apologize to President Mishima for me, I won't be there for my meeting." His ship then turned around in the sky, and flew in the opposite direction. *** Meanwhile again, in New York Harbor, the three were hiding and panting in the edge of an alley. Many people passed by, but paid no attention, as they stood in the outskirts of town. SSJ looked up at TM and asked, "How much... Money... Did we... Get?" TM looked through the hat and counted all the bills. He put them all together and shoved them in his wallet. He turned to SSJ. "Well, we have about a hundred twenty dollars." Amiko sighed, "That won't last for long..." TM rested his chin in his fist as he thought aloud, "The government is after us... So getting a job won't be the best thing to do..." "Then," SSJ slowly began. "We'll have to hide behind the law." The other two looked at him. "Even if it's against your morals, Amiko-chan, we must get money. Even if we have to resort to theft." Amiko sighed and glared at SSJ. She angrily replied, "You don't get it. I care about my morals, damn it! I don't want to abandon my morals-" She looked and saw TM already trying to reach and pick the pockets of those passing by. Amiko was furious and yelled, "HEY! STOP THAT!" TM looked at Amiko, and raised his empty hands in front of her. He innocently said, "Hey, I'm pretty quick and nimble, and no one has noticed my attempts!" "It doesn't matter! What if some guy was heading home to feed his family, and realizes he has no money! You just killed someone, and now you want to ruin other people's lives?!" "Hey, I'm over that." Amiko grew silent, and looked at him with narrow eyes a la Rurouni Kenshin. She coldly said, "That was less than three hours ago..." "Yeah, but whining isn't gonna help," TM replied while turning back to his task. Amiko fumed, and began to yell, but TM stopped her. He interrupted, turning around and saying, "Fine, if it makes you feel any better, I'll only try steal from the rich ones." Just as he finished that, he quickly snatched the wallet from an Armani-wearing man who passed by. Amiko began to rebut, but SSJ interrupted, "Leave it at that. We won't be hurting much. And we need the money." Amiko frowned, and then she turned around and looked away at the two. She muttered under her breath, "Fine. But this is a huge blow to my morals." SSJ smiled, for once. He began, "Okay then, Amiko-chan. Now-" Before SSJ could finish, a loud voice was heard throughout the streets, "Outlaws! Step out from the alley!" The three turned and looked in the direction of the sound. They saw a familiar face, wearing the white suit, and a large black bag was slung over his shoulder. The three's eyes were wide open in surprise, while Relena's voice echoed in their memories, 'He'll inform President Mishima, and you three shall have to be brought in for questioning. And they won't be as lenient as me, nor will they even slightly believe your story.' The three stepped backwards as he spoke, "You three... I've been searching for you three." Amiko recalled his name, "Kurosawa..." SSJ finished, "Eiji." Eiji smiled. "I'm glad you know my name," he said as he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. He unfolded it, and read off the text printed on it, "By order of President Mishima, you three are to be detained and questioned about your lack of data. You three shall receive no force if your story does not sound plausible." He then folded up the paper again and spoke, "Well, will you three come, or shall I have to force you?" The three clenched their teeth and glared at Eiji. They then raised their fists, and Eiji weakly smiled. "You kids really shouldn't," he replied to their threat. "You all are still young, but it seems we'll have to fight..." Suddenly, Amiko's pockets began to glow, and she pulled out her bishie-balls. Eiji's eyes widened when Heero and Trowa appeared, bathed in a red light. They stood in front of the three, arms raised and ready to fight. "What?!" Kurosawa yelled. "Heero Yuy... Trowa Barton... Where the HELL DID YOU TWO COME FROM?!" Heero replied blankly, with a cold, unemotional glare, "We're here to protect Amiko-chan." He bent his knees and raised his fists, while the three lowered their guard.) Trowa added, "As will I." Eiji ground his teeth together and put his bag on the ground. He opened it and reached in. From it, he pulled out a rapier, one that was about three feet long. He pushed up his glasses with two fingers, and spoke, "Then I'll question you after I haul you all to headquarters." Heero didn't reply as he leapt into the air, aiming a punch at Eiji. Eiji muttered under his breath as he thrusted his rapier at Heero. Before Heero could react, the point tore through his stomach, and emerged out his back. Amiko had her hands covering her mouth, her eyes wide in fear. She screamed, "HEERO!" SSJ and TM watched helplessly as Eiji kicked Heero off his blade. He then turned towards Trowa. "You're next." Eiji put the metal blade near his mouth, and licked the blood from the blade. SSJ and TM's eyes narrowed in disgust. Eiji then glanced at Trowa, who took a step back. Eiji smiled. "Scared, boy? You should be." Eiji then pulled his sword back, and placed his left hand forward near the tip of the blade. He bent his knees and crouched back. Amiko's eyes widened further upon realization of the technique, "It's... The Gatotsu..." SSJ's glanced at Amiko, then at Eiji, who replied, "Yes, it is. Some thought it was merely a left handed technique, but it's just fine right handed." Eiji then lunged forward with amazing speed. It all seemed as a blur as he sprinted towards Trowa. Trowa didn't have enough time to react. The blade sped ever closer to his heart. But just before the blade touched skin, it shattered. Everyone stopped and diverted their attention, and a knife embedded itself in the walls of the alley. SSJ looked beside him, and saw Catherine, hands full of knives. "Don't ever..." She paused and continued again, "Try to hurt Trowa..." Eiji didn't respond, and when Relena appeared, he was no longer surprised. She ran over to Heero, and lifted him up to her. Amiko quickly ran up and pushed her away. She knelt down and helped Heero. "Are you okay? Heero-kun?" she spoke with a frightened tone. Heero grunted in pain and replied, "Yeah... I... I'm okay..." Contrary to that, though, Heero coughed out blood, and leaned on Amiko's lap. Relena fumed with anger at the sight and turned to Eiji. "How could you...?" Eiji coldly responded, "He was the one who challenged me, Peacecraft." Eiji then looked at the tip of his broken rapier. "Damn it... I liked this one." It was no matter to him, though. He got into his stance again. He aimed it at Trowa again. TM silently began to think. He then yelled as the realization dawned on him, 'No... He's aiming it at... Catherine!' He threw his attention towards Catherine. Trowa looked back at him, and then at Catherine. Eiji lunged forward again. This time, Trowa caught the metal blade, dull around the sides. Eiji cursed, "Damn you!" Trowa merely kicked the sword out of Eiji's grasp, and it fell to the ground. Eiji stepped back, and Trowa advanced, picking up the hilt of the rapier as well. Eiji jumped back to his bag, and pulled out a bamboo sword- a shinai in Japanese. Trowa mocked him, "Hm. Looks like you'll have to rely on that weak little thing..." "Shut up, Barton." Eiji flipped the sword around in his hand, just as Trowa raised his arm, and aimed a slash from the metal blade down at Eiji. With great speed, Eiji caught the blade in midstroke with the back of his hands, crossed at the wrists. SSJ stared silently, while Amiko screamed for Trowa. Eiji moved his hands up the blade, the hilt of his shinai aiming at Trowa. He yelled, "FEEL THIS! THE HAWATARI!" The hilt hit Trowa right under his chin, the soft area in front of the throat and under the tongue. Trowa couldn't scream as the pain became to great. He dropped the piece of the rapier, and was launched into the air from the impact. He landed, and struggled to breathe. Tears ran down Amiko's cheeks. Catherine ran for Trowa. TM's eyes twitched in fear. And Eiji only laughed. That is, until SSJ stepped up, and grabbed the piece of the rapier from the ground. All looked at him as he faced Eiji. He simply sighed, "Looks like I'll be the one taking care of you." Eiji's eyes narrowed in hate. He spat at SSJ, and it hit him right on his cheek. Disgusted, SSJ wiped the saliva off, and glared at Eiji. Eiji stood with pride, muttering, "Why should I bother with a little shit like you?!" SSJ cracked in anger and lunged at Eiji, who easily dodged. With great force, he hand chopped SSJ's back. SSJ coughed in pain as he was thrown into the ground. Eiji ignored the rest and walked to SSJ, who got to his feet. "You'll be the first to come, then, boy." Eiji then raised his arm high, and slashed downwards at SSJ's shoulder. Amiko screamed. TM yelled for SSJ. Catherine and Relena were frozen in fear. But the blade never touched SSJ. It never touched the intended target, at least. Eiji's attack suddenly stopped, and he looked down to see SSJ, with the boy's hands crossed just as his own were a minute ago. With great surprise, SSJ yelled, "HAWATARI!" SSJ yelled a warcry as he moved his hands along the blade. Splinters ran across the back of his hands, and eventually, the hilt of the rapier hit Eiji right under the chin. Eiji muttered in a muffled tone, "It... It can't... be..." He was stunned, and fell on his knees. He then collapsed to the floor in a crumpled heap of pain. SSJ stood and panted over Eiji's unconscious body. He threw the hilt down, and threw a foot down. It shattered into many pieces as Amiko spoke, "How... How did you do that?! That was a... Succession technique..." The others turned to SSJ. Relena remarked, "That's impossible! It requires years of training and dedication to learn any ougi[1]!" TM remembered SSJ, who was completely silent and unmoving when Trowa got hit with the attack. "Is it possible," he wondered aloud, "to learn a difficult technique like that... With only seeing it once?" All then looked at TM. Trowa tried to speak, while breathing heavily still, "Im...possible..." Heero grabbed his wound, while Amiko wiped a tear from her eye. He added, "Yes. It's impossible." Amiko turned to SSJ with wonder, "Then how..." The rest turned to SSJ. SSJ shut his eyes and answered, "It just... Came to me... I guess... I noticed the small parts of the technique. Seeing it once was all I needed to understand it." At this point, the screen went black, and a text box popped up. Text appeared, reading, "SSJ learned new technique: 'Mimic'!" Further text read, "As long as he has seen a technique once, he can do so without any difficulty or having to learn it." And so the RPG-parody scene ended. *** The next day, SSJ, Amiko, and TM entered a space port- the Manhattan Gateway. The port was filled with mobile suits and the like. Futuristic weaponry and machinery lined the docks. The view of the sea was stunning, and caught the three's attention. They stood at the edge of a large platform, leaning on the rail the looked over the sea. Amiko sniffed the fresh air and spoke, "This is so refreshing..." "Yeah," said SSJ as he looked around. "It is." TM was too busy stealing money from the rich in order to comment. SSJ turned away from the sea, and walked towards the space docks. "Well, here we go," he simply spoke. Amiko turned, and walked in step with SSJ. She asked, "Where're we going?" Relena's voice echoed through her bishie-ball, "Well, we shall have to leave for now. There are a few mobile suits rented here in my name. I'll tell you the way to get them." Trowa's voice echoed as well, "I'll lend some of my skills to you, Amiko." Amiko became silent and stopped walking. The other two looked at her as they stopped as well. Amiko asked, "What do you mean, lend you skill?" Relena explained: "Well, in these pokeballs- or bishie-balls- we are like a wellspring of power for you to draw strength from. Our mass disappeared into the pokeballs, and the loss in the world in compensated with energy from which you can draw from." Amiko nodded in comprehension. "I see... So that means, I can take any skill into myself... Like I'm... Drawing strength." Heero's voice echoed through the walls of the bishie balls, "Correct." "Then... What about the other two?" Off in the distance, SSJ and TM muttered something that resembled, "The *other two*?". Trowa replid, "They'll have to manage on their own. SSJ seems to be proficient enough with a suit." "Yeah, but what about TM?" The sound of Heero's sigh echoed through the bishie-balls, "He'll have to learn as he goes." From there, the three went to the docks Relena informed them of. They inputed a code into a numerical access pad, and a door to an elevator opened ahead of them. They entered, and were carried up to the suit bays. Five regular mobile suits lay for the taking. They each entered separate suits, and prepared them. (Well, TM tried to on his own, but eventually, Amiko was forced to teach him the basics on mobile suit piloting.) Soon, they left the docks and tore out of Earth's gravity. TM spoke to the other two via radio, "Well, where shall we go?" Suddenly, all three picked up a radio signal. Amiko was quickly able to find the coordinates for the signal as they heard it, "You three... Take your suits. We shall go to Battleship Libra. We need to prevent a war before it begins. You'll each be rewarded." TM echoed the message, "Battleship... Libra?" "More Gundam W fun," SSJ sarcastically added. "Hey!" Amiko exclaimed. "Zechs is gonna be there! Maybe I'll get more skills if I catch him!" SSJ's eyes narrowed as he spoke through his radio, "Exploitation now, huh Amiko-chan?" TM interrupted before a small quarrel could break out, "Come on! Money awaits!" "Well, I need some more power!" Amiko yelled. "Let's go, go, go!" Then, Amiko sped off ahead, towards a floating ship with four octahedral shapes, connected at a central square. SSJ and TM followed far behind. ---- To Be Continued ---- --- Preview --- SSJ: Get ready! For bad two year old writing theatre! TM: Yes! We go to Libra! We do stuff! And more stuff! SSJ: Which I totally, completely butched! TM: Remember! Amiko wrote it! Blame her for the bad writing! (Suddenly, TM and SSJ go flying and hit a wall.) Amiko: I HEARD THAT! WHAT WERE YOU SAYING ABOUT MY OLD WRITING?! (The two cough up the usual in a cracking painful voice.) SSJ and TM: Next... On... GINGA GIRI GIRI... (*GACK!*) "Zechs! Watch out! Here comes Ami-chan!" (Amiko continues to beat the crap out of the two as the preview closes.) ---------- Author's Notes: [1] Ougi: Japanese for the supreme technique of a certain kenjutsu, or a succession technique. It's the technique a master teaches the student for mastery of a certain style (Ama Kakeru Ryuu no Hirameki for Kenshin, Hawatari for Yahiko, etc.)