Disclaimer: BLAH BLAH BLAH Amiko: As you know I took over and am writing this fic. All you fangirls are gonna like this (I hope). Oh yeah, this won't have very much humor, 'cause it's more action but the next part will be more humorous. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! Original Screenplay by Amiko - Butchered by SSJ Heero ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ---- Recap ---- Heero: On our last episode of Ginga GIRI GIRI, Amiko got pissed at Zechs. Trowa: And some self-destruct system engaged. Catherine: But before that, TM caught Noin and Kiyone. Heero: Now, we don't know where we are. Kiyone: LET'S START THIS ALREADY! ---- Chapter 6: Amiko: Going...Going...Gone?! ---- The crashing of the waves could be heard throughout the area. Our heroes, last time we left, fell from space and luckily near an island. They had washed ashore, still sleeping soundly as they were being watched. No, it wasn't an ordinary island, for there was a secret to be had... But that'll be revealed next chapter. Anyway, the voices were off in the distance- on the edges of a jungle that sat in the middle of the island. Two people looked down on the five people there: SSJ, TM, Heero, Trowa and... They saw something good. They saw Amiko. One of them spoke with a commanding voice, "Hmmm, it seems they have a female. Take her." The other one, quite obviously a minion, repluied, "Yes, My lady." *** Meanwhile! Heero shook Amiko repeatedly in order to wake her up. She seemed to be sleeping soundly, despite dropping from space. She was really quite stubborn with sleep and all, and he spoke to try and wake her up, "Umm, you can wake up now." With no immediate response, he shook Amiko harder. Amiko's eyes opened just a crack. She saw the light around the area. She yawned and stretched and sat up. She was quite confused with the scenery, not knowing what to make of it. "Huh?" she wondered aloud. "Where are we?" Slowly, the memories of what happened flooded back to her. With the remembering of what Zechs called her, she fumed. She eventually calmed down, looking around the area to see another island in the distance. SSJ then was next to open his eyes, seeing nothing but light all around. He sighed and felt sore all over. He got up and looked around, seeing that Amiko and Heero are up. Being frank, he asked, "What happened?" Amiko turned to SSJ, seeing that he was awake. She then remembered he was knocked out just as the chaos happened. "Libra self-destructed," Amiko replied as she turned back to look around the island. SSJ rubbed his head. It still hurt from the pistol hitting him. "How?" "You knocked over a lava lamp." "Oh..." A silence passed then as SSJ, too, checked out the island. Finally, he thought it was weird that a battleship had such a decor. "...How the Hell did the lava lamp get there?" Amiko grabbed her head in confusion, "HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?!" Suddenly, there came a sort of deep puttering nearby. They turned to TM, still sleeping soundly. SSJ looked at TM and got an idea. He grinned as he cupped his hands over his mouth, and suddenly yelled in TM's direction, "FIRE IN THE HOLE! AMIKO HAD SUGAR!" TM suddenly jumped out of his sleep, frightened out of his wits. He screamed as he leapt out, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He eventually landed on the sand, shivering and shaking and looking around for any sign of Amiko's sugar high. Upon calming down and seeing a laughing SSJ, he fumed. Trowa (or as Amiko calls him, TRO TRO!), muttered as he got to his feet, "Well, with that primitive display outof the way. Amiko and I will scout for food and water." He then grabbed Amiko's hand and pulled her to her feet. He was about to walk away with her when Heero yelled in reply, "What did you say?!" Trowa repeated blankly, "I said, ‘Amiko and I will scout out for food.’" Heero, quite out of character, retorted, "NO YOU'RE NOT! SHE'S GOING WITH ME! GEL BOY!" "I said it first!" Trowa, as well, was out of character, but it's all for my artistic license. Heero and Trowa were glaring with daggers pointed at each other. "Shut the Hell up!" Amiko yelled at both of them. She didn't want them arguing this early in the morning, so she came up with a brilliant proposition, "I’m not in the mood. HOW ABOUT YOU BOTH COME?" Heero and Trowa exchanged glances. Finally, without making eye contact, they followed Amiko into the jungle behind them. SSJ nudged TM and whispered, "Do you think it's that time of the month?" "I HEARD THAT!" Amiko angrily yelled back from the forest. *** Amiko, Trowa, and Heero were stalking through the jungle, searching for anything in the least bit edible. Strange, there was very little wildlife in the island's jungle, especially as they walked through. Amiko peered through the trees of the jungle and saw the island again. She turned to the two and pointed at the other island, "Hey, do you guys see that island in the distance?" Trowa and Heero nodded in reply, still not making eye contact. "Do you think it has people on it?" Amiko asked without noticing the underlying hostility. "Hn," Heero emotionlessly answered, "Probably not, since there are none here." Trowa had searched the island already, noticing the familiarity of the landscape. He then pointed out to Amiko's surprise, "I found a stream and some berries here, we should get the two kids and camp here." "Forget them," was all Heero blankly muttered. "Hey," said Amiko with concern. "They may be of help to you someday!" "Fine," Heero sighed. He turned to Trowa and impersonally waved him away. "Trowa, go get 'em." Trowa glared at Heero's direction, but immediately turned away. He refused to make eye contact as he replied, "No. Heero, you have a mission." Heero glared back as he got tense. "No, I'm not falling for that crap." Amiko, struggling to keep her sanity, clasped her hands together and looked to Heero. "PPPLLLLLLLEAAAAAASSSSSEEEEEEEEE, Hee-chan for me?" she begged. Finally, Heero sighed and nodsded, turning to fetch SSJ and TM. *** Elsewhere in some unknown hideout for the unknown person in the first scene, a plot was being hatched. Somehow or other, the master knew that Heero was gone. The person just turned to the minion- or kagemusha -and commanded, "Go now one of them is gone, disable the other but bring the female here." The kagemusha [1] departed to do the master's bidding, forshadowing quite a bit. *** Back at Trowa and Amiko, a bad feeling suddenly ran down Trowa's spine. He looked around, and suddenly, heard a rustling of leaves in the distance. He turned to Amiko with surprise, "Did you hear something?!" Amiko froze as she looked up at Trowa. "N-no... Trowa, what's wrong?" "Stay by me," said Trowa as he looked about. Just as Amiko pressed closer to Trowa, a bunch kagemusha suddenly appeared from all sides. Way too much for Trowa to fight on his own. Trowa cursed in thought, 'Crap, there's too many of them. What the hell are they anyway?' They were strange looking and had seemingly random movements. It was impossible to predict their movements. Suddenly, one of the kagemusha attacked Trowa and knocked him out faster than a bat out of hell. So much for being a gundam pilot! Amiko cursed as she saw Trowa sprawled prone on the ground. She turned to the kagemusha, "Okay, stay back, or I'll be forced to hurt you." She shook a menacing fist, but to no avail. 'Shit... That works all the time with SSJ and TM. These guys are gonna do something to me...' The kagemusha advanced further. Amiko got in a stance to fight, but the kagemusha shot magic of sorts at her. The author can't really describe such things, because it was quite majickal. Anyway, the blow caused Amiko to wail like Usagi from Sailor Moon; the sound echoed for miles and miles. It quickly reached Heero, who had finally reached SSJ and TM, and caught him by surprise. He swore, "Trowa, you bastard! If something happens, you're dead!" SSJ heard the wailing as well. "Huh? Amiko wails?" "AW, man!" TM sank to the ground and swore. "I wish I had my camcorder. Talk about blackmail." His chance had passed and he sulked as Heero dashed away from them. Faster than a bat out of Hell, Heero got to where Amiko was and saw a rather strange Amiko, wailing and knocking out people by accident as she dashed this way and that. He saw the spectacle and sweatdropped. SSJ and TM could not help but do the same. Heero ran over to Amiko, threw a punch at the last remaining kagemusha, weakened by Amiko's vigilance, and defeated him easily. Even to the point that Bruce Lee and Jackee Chan would be put to shame. Amiko looked at Heero in glee. "Hee-chan, you saved me," said Amiko as sparkles formed in her eyes. SSJ and TM noticed the background change behind them into a flowery pink background so common in romance anime. "Aishiteru Hee-chan!" she proclaimed as Trowa was still knocked out in the distance. Amiko ran to Heero and threw a wide hug, thus, leading to the now conscious Trowa's envy. But the sappy moment was cut short when a gigantic explosion rang through the area. SSJ was the first to notice the strange person- even stranger than the master from the first scene. "Hey, look! Up in the sky!" he yelled at everyone. Everyone looked up and saw a dark, blurry shadow in the sky- kokuei [1] in Japanese. Heero stepped in front of Amiko to protect her from harm, and, of course, left SSJ and TM to fend for themselves. SSJ and TM yelled, "HEY!". That Heero couldn't leave them on their own! They dashed to Heero and slid to a stop behind the gundam pilot, looking up at the kokuei. "Hand over the girl," commanded the kokuei, "and I won't be forced to hurt you." "And if I refuse?" Heero replied with hate. "Then, suffer my wrath!" SSJ and TM exchanged glances as they heard strange, cliche video game music play from out of nowhere. They looked about the scene, searching for the source as the kokuei charged up a blast in its palm. It smiled and threw it at Heero. 'Fast!' Heero thought as he barely dodged it. He was knocked away as the trees behind him split into pieces. The kokuei laughed at the still standing pilot and muttered, "Impressive, usually my opponents are already dead... But, no matter." Then, the kokuei snapped its fingers, and a gigantic red dragon came forth from out of nowhere. ("NO WAY!" yelled SSJ and TM in the background.) The dragon was surprisingly fast, restraining Heero from behind. SSJ stared up at it with surprise. "What the Hell is THAT?!" he screamed, pointing at the red dragon. Amiko gasped, staring up at it as well. She covered her mouth in surprise. "Oh my gosh!" she exclaiemd. "I can't believe this- It's a Dragon of Heaven!" Suddenly, a thought came to her as she remembered the kokuei's voice. "Hey... I know your voice!" She was filled with surprise as she pointed up at the kokuei, "You're-" SMACK! The kokuei knocked Amiko out before she can complete what she said, leaving a giant cliffhanger for the next chapter. The author laughs at you with this well planned, well timed event. With that, the kokuei dashed into the forest as their attention was diverted onto the dragon. With a few bullets from Trowa, the dragon let go of Heero and flew off in the same direction. They all knew it was no use chasing them. They were gone, and the group was lost in the jungle. "Crap!" SSJ cursed. "Where do we go?!" TM muttered as he glanced around the area. Heero's eyes twitched with fury. He fell to the floor, cursing with anger. With that, the chapter ended, and the author laughed at his (or at first, her) readers by sticking this random cliffhanger ending in the mix. ---- To Be Continued ---- --- Preview --- Heero: Man, I screwed up big time. Amiko's gone, and it's all my fault. SSJ: While Amiko's is gone, we must find out where she is, as well as the big question... Trowa: WHO THE HELL WILL COOK?! (Everyone sighs.) TM: Next! On Ginga GIRI GIRI! "Amiko: Going... Going... Gone?! Part II" ---------- Author's Note: [1] Refer to the end of Chapter 7 for translations of all Japanese words used in this chapter.