Disclaimer: Blah Blah Blah Amiko: As you know I took over. And am writing this fic. All you fangirls are gonna like this (I hope). I hope this part is more humorous than the last one. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By Amiko - Butchered by SSJ Heero ____________________________________________________________________________________________ --- Recap --- SSJ: Amiko's is gone, we must find out where she is... And who's gonna cook?! TM: This is the first time that a recap was short! There is a GOD! ---- Chapter 7: Amiko: Going... Going... Gone? Part II ---- The scene: SSJ and co. sitting around a fire. The flames heated the boys as they discussed how to handle the situation. They were tired and angry, exemplified by Heero's yelling at Trowa, "WHY DIDN'T YOU PROTECT HER BETTER?!" Trowa did his best to defend himself. He yelled back, "I DID MY BEST!" "WELL, YOUR BEST WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH, WAS IT?!" TM sighed. They had been fighting like that for HOURS. He was getting tired of it, and interrupted with, "Hey calm down, we don't need to worry about blaming people. Anyway, we HAVE to find out WHERE she is... And whose gonna cook?" Silence passed. If they were on an island with crickets, you would have heard Jiminy. SSJ looked around at everyone. Along with their anger and frustration, another prevailing feeling spread. Their stomachs grumbled, and he suggested, "Well, I guess we have no choice but to have Relena cook." Heero suddenly grabbed SSJ by the shirt. He spoke harshly, "Listen, you baka! If we can't get Amiko back by sundown then we'll have to eat Relena's cooking. And man, oh man, are you going to wish you died at sea." SSJ turned white and stared at the pilot with wide eyes. They were silent, and finally, Heero let go of his shirt. "Catherine’s?" asked TM. "Not much better," Trowa replied with a sigh. "Same with Noin, Kiyone, and us." SSJ's face twisted into a humorous look of despair. "We're gonna die here!" he quite optimistically pointed. *** Amiko slept elsewhere, far away from the boys. She awoke to the sound of conversing, and there was a heck of a lot of it. She heard voices everywhere, and they weren't just ones in her head. She lifted her head and looked about, seeing a surprise before her. She was in a rather large room, and all around were young girls just like her. It seemed to be a plot stolen from an anime! A feminine voice spoke, "So, you're up?" Amiko looked up at a familiar woman standing over her. Amiko blurted out, "Tooru?" She was much confused with the X character standing before her. She then continued quite rudely, "Hey, didn't you die when Kamui was sent to go back to Tokyo?" Tooru was taken aback. She demanded, "How do you know my name? Are you a Seer?" Amiko paused. She then stammered back as calmly as possible, "N-No, I just... Nevermind." Tooru frowned at her. 'I better watch out. This one is something unreal.' Oh how little she knew. Tooru then looked about the room at all the ladies. She thought, 'It's time,' and headed towards a large platform in the center of the room. The room quieted down when a spotlight dropped down on her, and she began, "Ladies, I am Tooru. The reason you were all kidnapped is to find my son, Kamui, a wife. In order for this to happen you will have to pass three tasks. These tasks will prove you worthy of my son, and who ever loses will be disposed of permanently." Amiko froze. Hell, she just arrived in another world, was kidnapped by a supposed-to-be-dead woman and forced to participate in a death match. She thought to herself, 'Crap, what if I can't win?' She caught sight of Tooru, walking away from the platform. She worked her lungs, "Ummmmmmmm Ms. Tooru? What're the three tasks?" Tooru looked at her and smiled. "You'll see." *** Meanwhile at camp, the boys were gathered around a campfire. TM, Heero, and Trowa sat upon logs as SSJ attempted to cook. There was a pot here, a pan there, a set of somehow dulled Miracle Blades all around, and nothing to show for it. After a couple of mushroom clouds and several swears much too harsh to relay, he muttered, "Damn it! How do women do it?!" He ended up with a somehow burnt salad, though he didn't remember attempting to cook one. He sighed and tossed it into the ocean. Heero then shoved him aside, speaking, "Move isshi, let a man try this." So Heero took over with the cooking, ending up with everything being poisoned. After a half an hour and attempts from every guy, there was an absolute failure in creating anything edible. TM sank in his seat. His complaints filled the air, "I'm too young to die! I wanted to be a freshman! I wanted to get a Playstation 2! But now I'm gonna starve in another world with 2 gundam pilots and a psycho!" In the background, SSJ muttered something that resembled, "Who are you calling 'psycho'?!" *** Later, Amiko stood alone in the room, despite being surrounded by girls. She looked around at all the girls, nervous from being separated from their important ones and forced into a death match. She didn't blame them, but spoke to herself, "I'm gonna make it. I know it. Hopefully, since this world revolves around anime- well, I think it does- I'll blow the competition away. I feel sorry for all the losers already." Little did Amiko knew that a man in black was watching her every move. He saw her strange movements, carefully calculated, and her thoughts were confident. He muttered, "She is very young to be in this competition. But she's very confident. How did she know my name? Was her destiny foreordained like ours... Like mine?" This time a woman with long black hair and wearing a school uniform came in, standing up on the platform in the crowd of girls. Amiko turned to the woman, very beautiful looking as she stood upon the platform. She introduced herself, "My name is Arashi, and I shall tell you the three tasks you are to complete in order to survive. The first task is to fight in a Rhythm Gymnastics Martial Arts competition..." There was a rise of surprised gasps. "-the second task is to kill a kagemusha-" Now some of the girls whimpered. Arashi finally finished, "-and the last is to pass the maze of the Shadow Temple." Gasps were heard all over the room again. Many of the girls began crying. This couldn't have been happening! Arashi coldly continued, "The tasks will start in tomorrow morning. You will suit up in armor, in any style you want, now." At that, servants came in with armor for the girls. As the girls all around got their gear with much fear, one servant walked up to Amiko and asks her, "What shall it be?" Amiko turned to the man with a determined look. She listed from the top of her head: "I'll need Eskudo, a bow, arrows, a sword, a shield, some ribbon, lots of batons, the magic demon compact, and a castor." The servant nodded, not quite sure of her quite random assortment. After writing it down on his notepad, he asked, "Yes, will that be all?" Amiko nodded. "Hai." Elsewhere, another woman looked down upon Amiko. She took notice of her after Tooru pointed her out. The whole cast of X, it seemed, noticed her. "Hmm," Saya thought aloud, "She has wits about her, I'll have to be careful." *** The next day, back at camp, the boys wandered about the island, starving after not accomplishing anything the night before. Heero caught sight of the second island just near the first. He turned to Trowa. "Trowa, do you think that island Amiko pointed out yesterday has any significance to what has happened?" Trowa looked back to the island. He scowled and replied, "Most likely, because there aren’t any people here except us and those kids she came with." SSJ and TM yelled back, "WE'RE NOT KIDS! (WE'RE ONLY A YEAR YOUNGER THAN YOU TWO!)" *** Back at the hideout, Tooru stood before the ground of girls, outfitted with armor and weapons galore. It was like a cosplay event, only with more pointy weapons. Tooru looked approvingly from girl to girl, and after a thumbs-up from a group at a fighting ring a distance away, she announced, "Time to commence the tasks." - First Task - Rhythm Gymnastics Martial Arts Amiko had her hair in a braid and stood in a tight Eskudo armored jumpsuit (like Rei's from Eva). She looked at the girls all around and said, "Hn, child's play." And so began the competition when her first opponent stepped up. Since the author is too lazy to type the 50 billion battles this will be short with the main contenders fighting like so... It was the final battle of the Rhythm Gymnastics Martial Arts task and all Amiko had to do was kick one more ass and she was on to the next task, having the most points. Her opponent was Kodachi Kuno, the Black Rose. She smiled and uttered, "Ha, I know her technique. Thank GOD, I was right about this world." Kodachi glared back at Amiko. Kodachi proudly spoke, "I've seen you fight. You're fast and good, but you're gone, joji." "Joji!" Amiko repeated. She didn't just say that! Amiko glared and spat back with a raised fist, "You're gonna pay for that mesuinu!" Amiko attacked with her ribbon and grabbed a table from outside the ring. Kodachi countered with her brother, Takwake Kuno. He took the blow of the table without injury as he stood between the two. He caught sight of Amiko. "What is your name, suzuran?" he asked the surprised Amiko. Amiko stammered, "K...kuno?" Kuno was filled with joy as he heard her. He announced with a high-pitched voice, "Ahhh... The suzuran knows my name. Oh, the joy!" Amiko pulled out her castor without a word. Well, except for this, "Get a life." With a bang, Kuno then got shot with a No. 9 shell. Rather painfully and quite cruelly, he disappeared in a black ball. Kodachi saw her brother disappear and yelled, "NO! BROTHER!" But her yelling was of no avail. Kuno was gone in less than 60 seconds, and Amiko lost some energy. She fell to the ground and panted, "Hn, I lost some energy. None of the less, I must finish this task and continue." She was becoming like Heero. She turned back to the angry Kodachi. Amiko saw her fuming. Kodachi then hatefully spoke, "You killed my brother. Now I shall avenge his death. PREPARE TO DIE BY THE ATTACK OF A THOUSAND ARMS!" Amiko was too slow to dodge. She panted as she struggled to move, but was too weak from that blast. She was hit by Kodachi's attack and skidded across the ring in pain. Kodachi stood at the other edge as Amiko pulled herself together. She had a plan, though. "I knew this would come in handy," she said to herself. Amiko pulled out a make up compact. Kodachi caught sight of it and laughed. After the amusement died, Kodachi blurted, "What are you gonna do? Scare me with a make over?" Kodachi then got into her stance, preparing for the final blow. Amiko just coldly announced, "Not likely. After I put this on, you'll feel my wrath." Amiko opened compact, seeing black, blue, and red eye shadow. She put on a black one. All of a sudden a white light enveloped Amiko and out came a girl dressed in a tight black leather dress that would satisfy any fanboy (or rather, Katsura Masakazu fans). Along with her transformation came a little demon. Amiko's new self chuckled and stretched, speaking, "I'm free again! Demo, let's go on a heist, huh?" Kodachi's mouth dropped to the ground. 'No way, that couldn't have just happened!' she thought. She then yelled at the girl that once was Amiko, "WHAT HAPPENED? A MINUTE AGO, YOU WERE A SILLY LITTLE GIRL! NOW, YOU'RE A WENCH!" "WENCH?!" Amiko's alter ego repeated as a vein appeared on her forehead. She yelled back, "FOR YOUR INFORMATION, I'M THE UNBEATABLE SHADOW LADY, AND AMIKO'S THE ONE WHO RELEASED ME. SHE MUST HAVE HYPERACTIVE TENDENCIES AND I SHALL DEFEND HER! TIME TO PAY THE PIPER!" As fast as she came, Shadow Lady jumped up to aim a kick at Kodachi's face, so it seemed. Kodachi smirked and yelled, "Fool, you'll be disqualified! You can only attack using weapons!" But Shadow Lady simply replied, "The weapon is under your feet!" Shadow Lady kicked the post Kodachi was on, much to everyone's surprise. Kodachi flew into the air, flying away from the ring, and eventually she landed on the floor. There was a mass of shouts from the people around. Arashi came to the platform and announced, "The winner for Task One is Amiko!" *** Heero and company gathered around a rather poorly carved map in the sand. Two islands were sketched into the sand as a big circle was drawn around one. Heero pointed to it with a stick and said, "We have to get over to that island. Any ideas?" Trowa replied, "We can build a boat." A boat, just then by use of a plot device, "conveniently" falls out of the sky. SSJ noted it as it splashed into the water. He pointed to it and ignored logic, "Why don't we use that one?" TM and company shrugged. After many miles of rowing to the other island SSJ and company made it to the island. They spotted a sign before them. "Don't come here. There is no one on the island." So the sign read, despite obvious logical fallacies. TM sighed, "Well, I guess this was a waste of time." Heero sighed. Trowa said nothing. They both thought the same thing, 'I hope he's kidding.' TM, as if reading their minds, said, "I was kidding... Geez." *** - Second Task - Kill a Kagemusha Arashi stood before them, just a few minutes after the end of the rhythm gymnastics duel between Kodachi and Amiko. She announced, "The remaining participants will step forward." Since the first task, sadly, only 1,231 girls remained. Another woman came up next to Arashi and finished the announcement, "My name is Satsuki. I am to show you to your next task." Satsuki stepped away and led them all to a door on the side of the giant room. She opened it, which led to a gigantic arena. As the girls stepped forward, looking around with amazement, kagemusha appear out of mid-air. With yelps, they prepared for the sudden battle. And to make matters worse, the door quickly closed and bolted shut. All the girls are locked inside. The kagemusha each chose a girl to fight, and the battles commenced. *** Two hours passed, and even less of the original numbers were left. The battles still commenced as kagemusha fought girls everywhere. With every proud kagemusha leaving the arena with a body, Amiko grew nervous. She thought to herself, 'These girls are gonna die like the others if they don't try harder. Come on Heero, save us.' She was trapped in thoughts as attacks from her kagemusha continued. A left hook in the gut hit Amiko, who was focusing on defense. She coughed as she was thrown away from impact. She skidded to a stop, lifting her head to watch the approaching kagemusha. She leapt to her feet and held her hands before her, pleading, "Hey, let a girl have some dignity, and let me make myself pretty on the passage to the afterlife." The kagemusha, not going out to talk to girls much, never was used to having one plea for her life. He succumbed to Amiko's "pleas" and stood by as she whispered, "Sucker." Amiko got the eye shadow out and thought, 'Now which one? Hmm. Crimson Blood, Peacock Blue, or Bat Black?' Amiko settled on crimson. She applied it and a white light enveloped her. In her place soon after was a girl dressed in a tight crimson cat suit. Crimson Cat Shadow Lady faced the kagemusha, cursing to himself at letting her fool him. The kagemusha dashed forward to attack, and the girl muttered, "You may pack a punch. But try to catch me." Crimson Cat Shadow Lady laughed and bounced around the room (literally) and stopped behind the kagemusha. Before he could react, he heard her say, "Sayonara." The kagemusha was seen by the spectators far away falling apart as if it were sliced into thin slices (which indeed it was). Amiko smiled and wiped the makeup off her eye. She returned to normal, proud of her accomplishment. *** - Third Task - Pass the maze of the Shadow Temple After the second task, not even half of the girls survived. Actually, there was only twenty left. After examining the survivors, Amiko looked upon the last task looming before her, the Shadow Temple of a certain Hyrulian land. She didn't bother thinking about the nonsensical mix of games and anime and simply thought to herself, 'The final task and it JUST had to be the temple in Zelda I hate the most. Well, at least I know my way around.' Beside her was her new buddy, who she met just after turning into Shadow Lady. A man then came in and caught everyone's attention. They all faced him as he introduced himself, "I am Sorata. I will lead you to the Shadow Temple where you will have to pass a maze of invisible enemies and dangers unknown. Who ever passes this task will win no matter what they did in the other two." Amiko frowned. So the last two events were for nothing. "This is gonna be a piece of cake," she said as she glared at the temple. Man, they could have at least put it first, and then she wouldn't have had to go through those battles. The little boy next to Amiko looked at Amiko carefully. He saw her confidence, and pointed it out, "You know Amiko you shouldn't be over confident." "Ha, I know my way around here like the back of my hand. Anyway, the rest have to get around the monsters AND the invisible holes, et cetera." "...How exactly do you know the Shadow Temple so well?" "I..." She paused. She couldn't possible have told him without his head exploding. "I saw it in a dream," she hastily created. Amiko and Demota stepped forward, entering the temple with the other girls. *** Ten minutes passed after entering, and Amiko stood in the guillotine room, about to cross the dark abyss into the room of the fans of death. She heard Demo advise her, "You're gonna need to use the Peacock Blue eye shadow to get across." Amiko thought about it and sighed. "I know, because I don't have the Lens of Truth to guide me to the right path." Amiko pulled the compact out again and put on the blue eye shadow. (You know what happens...) Blue Bird Shadow Lady flew over the abyss and went into the opposite room. Because of the fans, BBSL flew out of control, along with Demo. After much effort, she finally made it out of the fan room and into the ferry boat room. The ferry started down stream as she rested upon it. And then, BBSL killed two stalfos, leaping off just before the boat plunged into the poisonous waters. On the other side of the water she saw a blue light. "The warp hole to get out of here!" she proclaimed. "But there is no way to cross," Demo pointed, looking about the area, "and you need to save your strength. You better not fly." BBSL wiped off eye shadow and turned back into Amiko; Demo turned into Demota. She grinned and spoke, "Don't worry." Yes, she was ready for everything. Amiko summoned her bow and arrows from her Eskudo armor glove and aimed for some bombs on the opposite side by a huge statue. The bombs detonated, causing a chain reaction, which made the statue fall. And then, just before her was a bridge to the exit. She proudly announced, "I'M ALL-PRO!" Demota and Amiko went to cross the bridge but as they got closer to the warp hole, a Wallmaster came from nowhere and caught Demota. Amiko without thinking quickly fired an arrow at it and killed it just in time to save Demota. She seemed to know it was about to appear as Demota ran back to her. "Amiko, you saved me! You are a true friend..." Amiko sheepishly spoke, "Let's just go through, huh?" Amiko and Demota stepped through, and were transported back to Tooru's hideout. *** "Almost in... THERE!" yelled Heero with pride. The scene: Heero and the others stood in front of a previously locked door. SSJ angrily pointed out, "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE THE PERFECT SOLDIER AND YOU CAN'T EVEN PICK A LOCK. IT TOOK YOU THREE HOURS!" "I'M A SOLDIER NOT A THIEF LIKE 'TM' OVER THERE!" Trowa interrupted what could have ended up in a fist fight, "Shut up you two. Amiko could be in danger." They stopped and turned to Trowa. Everyone nodded and proceeded onward. *** Tooru looked at the contest results with a photograph of the winner. "Well, it looks like this mysterious little girl won again," she announced with wonder. "Hmm... She is worthy." Kamui, her son whom the girls were fighting for, asked, "Mother, who is she?" "That's beyond me, but somehow she knows our names." Then, there was a flash of light. In the middle of the air, a hole opened and Amiko fell onto the ground. Amiko painfully got up and looked around, spotting the tall boy around 15 years old, with black hair and blue eyes. She recognized the boy instantly, proclaiming, "KAMUI!" Amiko leapt forward and glomped the surprised Kamui. Kamui sheepishly grinned as Demota arrived. "Hey, calm down," said Demota. "He's Prince Kamui." "Hehehe," Kamui chuckled as he looked at the girl. "How do you know my name Miss...?" He trailed off, not knowing her name. "My name's Amiko," she said, and then she continued with fingers crossed behind her back, "and because your kaasan told us your name." "Oh." Sorata then came out of nowhere, nudging the boy, "So Kamui, I guess she's your fiancée, huh?" Amiko was stupefied with that. She turned to Kamui, "Huh? Fiancée?" Kamui smiled and said aloud, "Yeah. I know, it's a little weird, huh? Being married so young..." He then whispered to Amiko, "I'll delay it." And then aloud, he continued again, "How old are you?" "Fourteen." Yuuto, another X character without time for an introduction, choked on a soda he was drinking a distance away. He coughed out, "Fourteen?!" Yuzuriha, yet another one (and very cute in SSJ's standards), shoved into the foreground. She clapped her hands together, "Finally, someone my age!" Amiko smiled at Yuzuriha and turned to them all, "So what's gonna happen to the others and me?" Tooru replied, "Well, you're a princess now." Amiko heard that and proudly yelled to no one in particular, "OH YEAH! EAT THAT CHEERLEADER SQUAD!" Tooru sweatdropped at that, and cleared her throat loudly. Amiko still yelled as Tooru continued, "And you'll live here." Amiko stopped her cheering and looked blankly at Tooru. She thought she didn't hear that right. Still, she replied, "Umm... One problem: I have to go home sometime..." Nataku, another unintroduced X character, added, "Well, you can't go home." "But my stuff is at home..." She sniffed back a tear. She started weeping, and reverted to the rather strange form she showed off last chapter. She strangely seemed to resemble Mihoshi or Usagi as she yelled, "I HAVE TO GO HOME! OR I'LL NEVER SEE HEXIDECIMAL[1], MY N64, MY MANGA, MY DVDS, OR MY X MOVIE EVER AGAIN! I HAVE TO GO HOME!" Yuuto covered his ears in pain. He yelled, "Can someone SHUT HER UP!!" Kamui grabbed onto Amiko and shook her. She calmed down as he asked, "Umm... Can you please calm down? Where do you live?" Amiko sniffed and replied, "Southern California." Kamui paused. He never heard of that place before. "Where the Hell is that?!" Amiko stammered with embarrassment, "Oh yeah, you probably never heard of it before? Huh? Have you ever been to Tokyo?" Despite her expectations, Kamui replied, "No." Something worked in Amiko's mind. She thought, 'Their memories are different than from the TV shows and manga. Weird. Take note of that.' She then continued normally, "I'm kinda tired. Is there anywhere I can sleep?" "Yeah, this way." Kamui and Amiko headed towards the rooms. *** The scene: Heero and company have stormed the island and rushed into the X cast's room. TM kicked over a table in his moment of manliness, yelling, "Okay, Amiko! We're here to... Save... Ya...?" He looked around the room, finding his cool entrance wasted, since no one was there save for Tooru and the other Dragons. He sighed and shrunk back into the background with SSJ. Tooru looked at the strange group and sipped her tea, not reacting much. She just thought to herself, 'If it isn't Amiko's little friends. They aren't taking her away from my Kamui.' Heero demanded them all with a gun raised, "Where is Amiko?!" Nataku replied to the threat without emotion, "We don't know of any Amiko, but we do have a Princess Amiko." SSJ sighed. "Figured," he muttered. "She'd find some way of being a ruler of some sort, even if it's a lie." TM laughed at the thought, "AMIKO A PRINCESS! HAHAHAHAHAHA! THAT'S A RIOT!" Inuki, Yuzuriha's dog, started growling at TM's rudeness. SSJ took one look at the dog before he edged back. He edged back past TM, who noticed and smirked. SSJ just simply mutter, "Damn dogs..." Just then Kamui walked in. Kamui noticed Heero and Trowa. He then turned to Tooru, pointing at the two. "Who the Hell are they?" he asked, despite Heero holding a gun. Heero fumed at being ignored. He held his gun out and repeated, "I'll say it one more time! Where is Amiko?!" Just then, someone walked in Shadow Lady form and caught sight of Heero. Oh how happy she was when she proclaimed, "Hee-chan, where have you been?! I HAD TO DO A RHYTHM GYMNASTICS MARTIAL ARTS BATTLE, KILL A KAGEMUSHA, AND GO THROUGH THE SHADOW TEMPLE!" SSJ noted the new person and how she talked. He noted, "Only one person calls him Hee-chan..." "...And that is Amiko," TM finished. Oh how surprised they were upon realizing how much fan service Amiko was giving. Trowa added, "But isn't Amiko usually conservative?" "Yeah, what's into her?" TM thought aloud. He then pointed to Demota next to Amiko, "And who's the bat thing?" Demota turned to TM and replied despite TM's rudeness, "So, you're the guys Amiko told me about. You're sure a weird looking." "Hey!" TM yelled back in anger. Heero lowered the gun, and after hearing SSJ and TM speak, he harshly spoke to Shadow Lady, "Prove to me your Amiko." Shadow Lady pouted. "Fine. Party-pooper." Shadow Lady wiped off her eye shadow and changed back to Amiko. Amiko was now dressed up like Hinoto (in a traditional kimono but for royalty). Heero's mouth dropped to the ground. "Huh? WHAT THE?!" "See, Hee-chan! I told you so!" Heero sighed and shrunk, "Gomen." TM smiled upon recognizing her. He stepped up and said, "Hey Amiko, what's with the dress?" She saw him point to her now conservative clothing. Amiko said sternly in reply, "It's for royalty, and that's Princess Amiko to you." SSJ leaned towards Trowa. Captain Obvious, now SSJ, pointed out, "Her ego is swelling." Trowa replied, "Don't provoke her." SSJ didn't need to be told that twice, or even once. He knew her well enough for that. So he thought to himself about the recent events, glad to have Amiko back there again... Amiko then interrupted his thoughts, "SSJ? Earth to SSJ?" He was then returned to normal as he saw that everything had gone silent. He then heard Amiko announce, "I'm gonna go change and get off this rock!" Sorata, however, yelled, "What? You can't leave! You're supposed to get married!" Heero and the gang nearly choked. "MARRIED?!" they all yelled at once. Amiko shrugged and confirmed it, "Well, I DID beat every obstacle." Kamui turned to Amiko and her gang of friends, impressed that they have all made it there. He stepped up to Amiko and said, "She can leave, but I'm coming." Heero and Trowa glared at the new guy. They both screamed in unison, "NO. NO. NO." Yuzuriha came up and nudged them both. She grinned as she teased them, "What's a matter? Jealous?" Heero and Trowa turned red as she giggled. Amiko, meanwhile, turned to Kamui. She told him, "Anyway I'm gonna change and pack." He nodded and followed her as she stepped towards the exit. SSJ looked at her with narrow eyes, muttering to TM, "What does SHE have to pack?" After Amiko walked into the hall and out of the room, Kamui turned around and sticks out his tongue and pulls down his lower eyelid, aiming the insult at Heero and Trowa. The pilots yelled, "YOU LITTLE BASTARD! GET BACK HERE!" *** Amazingly fast, Amiko arrived back five minutes later with her stuff packed and carried in a bag strapped around her shoulder. "There, everything packed," she said with a smile. Kamui spoke from behind, "Have enough stuff?" "Yeah, you should always be prepared." Sorata and the X company discussed the matter. After discussion, which everyone tried to listen in on, Sorata turned about and announced, "Since we are the protectors of the Royal Family, then we'll come also." Heero shook a fist at the collection of guys standing there in the X crowd. "If they make a move on her..." Amiko turned to SSJ as Heero and the X guys argued. She took off the strap and yelled, "Here SSJ, catch!" Before SSJ could react, Amiko tossed a bag to SSJ. SMACK, it hit him dead on, and he was knocked out from the impact. He fell to the ground, with a groan. Yuzuriha and her dog approached SSJ, pitying the poor boy. Inuki licked SSJ's face, who began to recover. Upon realizing what was happening, he quickly got up and dashed away, seeming to fear the dog. He shakes his fist and yelled, "Any step closer and that dog'll..." But suddenly, the ground shook, knocking everyone off balance. When the shaking stopped, Amiko looked at Kamui. "Kamui? Is the island supposed to shake?" "No the volcano is inactive." Suddenly, the ground split open, revealing the magma flow a mile below. SSJ yelled at Kamui from his point, "INACTIVE, HUH?!" Amiko scolded, "Don't talk to Kamui like that!" SSJ was silent at that point. The ground shook again and more cracks appeared. TM cursed, "Damn it! This island's gonna explode!" "My psychic powers can help," Kamui announced as he prepared his thoughts. Heero came out of nowhere and glared at Kamui. Kamui noticed and paused as Heero yelled, "WHY MUST YOU SAVE AMIKO?!" Amiko glared at Heero and Kamui and stopped the fight before it could begin again, "Let's just go! You two can fight later!" A light enveloped the three and SSJ and TM at that point, and they all floated away from the scene. They all escaped just in the nick of time before an explosion tore through the island, throwing chunks of dirt and trees everywhere. At that point, a random voice called from out of nowhere, "ESCAPE! ESCAPE ALL YOU WANT!" SSJ snapped, angry at how long the chapter was dragging. He then yelled randomly as the rest looked at him funnily, "Shut up, you damned voice! We have enough problems already!" And the voice only replied, "...Okay." ---- To Be Continued ---- (And now! It's time for Amiko's corner! Japanese lessons for the otaku! Info in case you didn't understand what happened!) I would like to thank SSJ for the ending, and here are the Japanese words I used for chapter 6 and this chapter: Kaasan: Mother Kagemusha: Shadow Warrior Kokuei: Dark shadow Joji: Baby girl Suzuran: Lily of the valley Mesuinu: Bitch (Literally: female dog) *** Anime terms: Eskudo: A magical metal used to make armor for the Magic Knights (Rayearth). Demon compact: A make up compact used to transform someone into Shadow Lady (in the anime of the same name). For constructive complaints or compliments (compliments preferred), email me at amiko_chan1231@hotmail.com . --- Preview --- TM: Who the Hell was that voice? Amiko: I believe it'll be a NEW, INSANELY POWERFUL, OMNIPOTENT BEING who will be introduced next chapter. TM: Oh, like anyone LIKE THAT will appear from OUT OF NOWHERE. Amiko: I don't know about "out of nowhere"... SSJ: Will you two please not give away that a NEW, INSANELY POWERFUL, OMNIPOTENT BEING will arrive next chapter? (Amiko and TM sigh.) SSJ: Well, make them read it to figure it out! All: NEXT! On Ginga GIRI GIRI! "Battle at the Garden!" ---------- Author's Note: [1] Her computer.