Disclaimer: Fic, plot, and such are mine. Anything else is THEIRS. (Points to anime companies) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! Once again by SSJ Heero ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ---- Recap ---- SSJ: Holy crap! We're back! Amiko: YEA! TM: About time... SSJ: Okay, so last time we met Kamui and co. Amiko: And their island exploded by some unknown force! TM: So now, we are in another strange land. SSJ: And just imagine the jealousy to arise! Amiko: (*_*) So many bishounen... SSJ: Oh, crap...! Start the fic before she gets too dazed here! ---- Chapter 8: Battle at the Garden! ---- The story continued with incident as the three main characters wandered down a grassy plain, familiar music playing in the background. Enter SSJ Heero, who bowed towards the screen and introduced, "Welcome again, great readers! Welcome back to our universe!" Amiko stopped in her tracks, turning to SSJ who had stopped a distance back. "Uh," she began, "Who are you talking to?" SSJ shrugged in reply. "I dunno." Amiko sweatdropped. She just didn't understand him sometimes. She just looked about the area. TM stopped as well, for now they just realized, despite some wandering, that they had absolutely no idea where they were. "Well, where are we?" she wondered. The three continued walking down the grassy plain. For some reason, their vision suddenly blurred and the sights faded to the left. Battle music played. Two blue bugs appeared out of nowhere. All three reappeared in a line. SSJ looked around at the situation, yelling, "WHAT IN THE HELL?!" Amiko's mouth dropped open. "Random battles?!" TM swore, grabbing his hair and pulling, "SHIT! I FORGOT TO JUNCTION KIYONE!" Amiko and SSJ facefaulted, causing numbers to fly across the screen. They noticed it, with SSJ yelling with anger, "WHAT?! WE LOST HP?!" "THAT'S CHEAP!" added Amiko as the battle continued. SSJ turned to look to behind and saw many red bars and numbers. SSJ sweatdropped and turned back to the battle, not quite sure what to make out of it. But there was one thing he could tell: the enemies were extremely patient, flying before them as it was TM's turn. He heard TM yell, "NOIN SUMMON!" With that, the screen turned black and Noin appeared from out of nowhere. TM continued, "Noin! Hyper Shot!" The words "HYPER SHOT" appeared on top of the screen. SSJ noticed, looking up at it as TM's attack took place. A light enveloped Noin and her mobile suit came forth from the ground. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! The number 9999 flew across the screen whenever a bite bug was hit. The bite bugs fell to the ground and turned black, disappearing into thin air. As suddenly as the battle began, it had ended. Victory music played and the three all did a victory dance. The screen faded and returned to the three, standing in the plain. SSJ turned to Amiko, not quite sure what just happened. He asked, "What the hell was that?" "I dunno... But..." She trailed off. She couldn't explain it at all. SSJ suddenly realized something, then. His eyes bulged as he rambled, "Hey wait... If there are bite bugs, then we are in... The FF8 world..." TM's eyes, too, widened as the realization came to him. Oh no, not another chapter of insanity. He realized it as well, "And there is..." Amiko was not slow, either. Her eyes turned to stars and hearts upon thinking of what this land contained. She yelled out the pet name for her future bishounen, "SQUALLIE!" With that, she ran in the direction of Balamb Garden. Though, SSJ wasn't sure how she knew it, but knew it was bad. SSJ grit his teeth, turning to TM. He yelled with panic, "AH, SHIT! GET MY TRANQUILIZER! FAST!" TM didn't need to be told twice. He fumbled through his back in search for a tranquilizer gun. He found one quickly, and he threw it to SSJ. SSJ was quicker in loading it and turning back to Amiko, only to find out she was a good fifty miles ahead. SSJ was silent, looking at the shrinking speck. He swore, "Damn." *** Amiko in her fangirl haze, dashed straight into Balamb Garden, ignoring the gates and walls and various security measures. Regular Balamb Garden music played as Amiko reached the interior of the school. She suddenly froze, realizing she was alone. She turned about and looked behind. Her friends weren't there, obviously. She sighed, "Where the hell are TM and SSJ?" They couldn't be that slow! *** Back at SSJ and TM in the same place, same time... SSJ looked ahead, seeing a large building with what appeared to be a halo over it. He sighed with relief, glad that he was fast on the trek. He announced to TM, "Okay, we are close to Garden!" TM, however, was paying attention to other things in the sky. SSJ turned and saw TM point at a speck of light in the sky. "Uh... What's that?" asked TM. SSJ looked up, and too, couldn't distinguish it. As it approached, they saw it was a glowing purple sphere, hanging in the sky by an invisible string. Now that they thought about it, they thought it looked familiar to Kamui's psychic sphere. They waited as it approached them, throwing a wind as it landed on the ground. They were surprised to find Trowa and all the X/1999 cast appear from the sphere. And they saw Trowa was not in the best of moods. Now that SSJ remembered it, Trowa wasn't with them when they left the island. 'Oops,' SSJ thought as Trowa yelled, "YOU LITTLE SHITS!" Yuzuriha came in, yelling back, "BARTON! WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!" SSJ was glad she was on his side, at least. Trowa ignored the girl and continued, "YOU FORGOT US! HOW COULD YOU?!" SSJ sighed and shrugged. "Eh," muttered SSJ. "Ask Kamui..." He wasn't in the mood to argue with Trowa, considering the terrible danger they were in. Trowa continued leering at SSJ, but took his advice and looked about the area. He searched for that Kamui punk, turning left and right. No sign. There was no sign of Amiko, either, he noticed. A wave of anxiousness rolled over him. He turned his head in sudden jerky movements to SSJ. "Where IS Amiko?" The color seemed to drain from his face as he thought of the possibilities. "Did that Heero or Kamui-" TM figured what the guy was thinking, and he yelled, "Calm down! We dunno yet!" Some color returned to Trowa's face as TM continued, "Just follow us! We know where they are." "Good! Because we had to depend on this psychopath intent on destroying the planet!" He pointed to Fuuma. Fuuma heard him, and inquired, "What?" SSJ cut in to stop further delays, "Forget it. Let's go." He turned back the way he was going and dashed forward, with the others following. The group all sprinted to Balamb Garden, Fuuma killing everything on the way. *** The large group entered Balamb Garden the same way Amiko did, breaking in without any regard to security measures. Music played in the background, which was strange to say the least. SSJ looked at the sky, searching for the source of the music. It seemed to come from everywhere. "Where the hell is the music coming from?" he wondered. TM shrugged in reply and SSJ turned back to the Garden. Trowa spoke, being Captain Obvious for the chapter, "Okay, we gotta find Amiko in here!" The group nodded. Yes, it was too dangerous to allow her in her state to roam free. SSJ smirked and stepped forward. He knew the place like the back of his hand, considering that it was his favorite FF game. "This place isn't so big," he smugly said. "I can find her in several minutes." *** ...And hours later, they weren't even closer to the main complex. The large building loomed far away as the group was stuck in the middle of a giant maze. And the author means it when he writes "giant". There seemed to be no end to the maze, since it was a three-dimensional one, adding a whole other layer of annoyance. As SSJ led the group wandering through the maze, he became more and more agitated. The group behind him noticed, with each step of his echoing louder and louder. They saw veins appear all over the boy. Finally, he snapped, grabbing his head and yelling into the sky, "WHERE THE HELL AM I?! THERE WASN'T A MAZE LAST TIME I WAS HERE!" Trowa returned to his angry yelling, "You said you could search the place in minutes. It's taking you hours!" Yes, it was confirmed that Trowa caught Captain-Obvious-syndrome. SSJ spat back, "Shut up! This place is different from my memories!" He just grit his teeth and twitched all over as a thought ran through his head, 'Whoever screwed up here will take a hell of a beating!' And they continued onward. TM noticed from the corner of his eye a rather peculiar thing. A distant wall of the maze was cracked and torn open, almost as if a single person dashed through and utterly destroyed it. He turned white, knowing who caused the destruction. He took SSJ's attention and pointed out the damage. SSJ turned white as well, tranquilizer gleaming in his hand. He didn't want to do it, but needed to do it. He gulped and led the now scared group through the trail of destruction, all of which led to the Garden. *** Amiko glowed with pride as she stepped into the main hall of the Garden. She saw the gardens and fountains and walkways, all of which circled the large elevator. She stepped inside, wondering where Squall was. She came all the way there and wanted to see her future bishounen fast. She muttered to herself, "Where's Squallie?" The students around didn't notice that she clearly didn't belong. After all, the students were getting younger all around. But they finally figured that out when she sucked in all the air she could and let out a giant scream, "SQUALL!" A giant shockwave of sound came from her, shattering the glass in the elevator. The shards of glass fell to the ground and fountain, throwing water about. The nearby students suffered the most, thrown away from the impact. What tremendous energy she had! Squall couldn't ignore the wanton destruction of the main hall of the Garden. He stood above on the second floor's walkway, looking down on the new girl. He saw that she was quite normal, except for the soldiers strewn all around her in pain. He was stupefied as he muttered, "Who the hell?" With a shrill whistle, he gathered his crew and came down through the elevator, facing Amiko. Amiko was thrilled to see Squall facing her with his comrades. Though, she wasn't thrilled to see him draw his gunblade and aim it at her, saying, "One of Ultimecia's henchmen?" Amiko pouted. She didn't come to be questioned. "I don't appreciate being called that, Squallie." Squall paused, thinking about what she just called him. He didn't know how to respond. It was like she was treating him, a total asshole of a stranger, as a friend. "Squallie?" he repeated aloud. Zell and Irvine heard it, and couldn't help but fall to the floor laughing. Squall glared at the two as Zell cried, "HAHAHAHA! 'SQUALLIE'?! WHAT A RIOT!" Steam came from Squall's ears as Irvine added, "Nice girlfriend ya got the Squall! HAHAHA!" Squall was glad to see Rinoa slap Irvine to his senses, though now she was even madder than he. Rinoa grabbed Irvine by the collar, yelling at him with a clear aggravation vein, "*I'M* his girlfriend!" Rinoa let go of Irvine, quite sure he learned his lesson. She stood triumphantly, turning around only to see Amiko clinging onto Squall's arm. She suddenly shot back; damn, she was fast! Rinoa screamed, "AH! GET AWAY FROM HIM, KAPPA!" Amiko's ears pricked upon hearing the last word. Now, one may not find that word rather offensive, but Amiko knew the story behind it. But, that'll be for another day (or an author's note[1]). She let go of Squall and stood to face Rinoa. Amiko glared and twitched, harshly replying, "YOU are calling me kappa, too? Hah! Look who's talking!" Rinoa exploded. So did Amiko. The screen blurred and faded to the left as battle music began to play as the screen returned. Amiko and Rinoa stood at opposite sides of the screen, vital statistics showing behind them. "Die hag!" Rinoa yelled as she took initiative. She shot her Shooting Star at Amiko, hitting her with precise accuracy. The numbers 5000 appeared as Amiko reeled. Still, Amiko recovered, muttering "Why you little..." Amiko then stood up and countered, drawing the castor she recieved from just last chapter and causing 3000 HP loss. She continued with her regular attack, dealing yet another 5000. Rinoa coughed in pain as she fell back. She had just 1999 HP left, and it was because of this stupid girl. She needed to be serious. "Close, but not quite!" said Rinoa as she pulled an X-potion from her pocket. She opened the top and let it flow down her throat, and immediately, the green numbers of 9999 appeared. Amiko swore, "SHIT!!" This is not helping her! But then all of a sudden, there were the sound of a silent gunshot. Well, obviously they weren't that silent, but you get the picture if you have played Metal Gear Solid. Right in the heat of battle, a tranquilizer dart sped forward and hit the back of Amiko's arm. She definitely felt it, looking down at it, then at the source. She saw SSJ standing at the doorway into the Garden. She began with hatred, "What?! SSJ, you little-" She stopped there. Amiko wavered and tottered over as she fell asleep while standing upright. She fell to the ground with a thud, snoozing off peacefully. The FF8 cast then noticed SSJ, TM, Trowa, and the X-1999 cast. They heard SSJ, panting as he announced, "Made it just in time!" They also saw TM, panting as well as he spoke, "Thank GOD no one is dead! There are too many bishoujo here!" Trowa then laughed at them. He just simply gloated, "You two are weak. I am not tired at all!" "Well," TM insulted, "we were not abandoned and trained as a child were we?" That struck a nerve in the already out of character Trowa. "I wasn't abandoned..." Trowa trailed off, sniffing up as he remembered his past. "I was... Orphaned." "Translation meaning: abandoned." "That hurt," whimpered Trowa, now quite out of character and proving that the author is too incompetent to handle the lack of emotions of Trowa. "Agh!" SSJ groaned as Trowa started welling up with tears. He grabbed his ears and yelled, "I can't stand to see a soldier cry! Catherine!" The FF8 cast sweatdropped at the spectacle, at least up until Catherine suddenly appeared. They were caught by surprise at the sudden appearance of Catherine. They then heard SSJ command, "Calm Trowa down!" Catherine nodded as she looked at her adopted brother. "It's okay, Trowa," she comforted as she held tightly onto Trowa. And it was then that Amiko awoke. Tranquilizer wears off fast for hyper people, apparently, which made SSJ fear for his life then. He couldn't stop her from seeing Trowa and Catherine, and discreetly attempted to dash away. He was stopped when Amiko grabbed onto his shirt. He turned white, turning about to face a red, angry Amiko. "Uh, good morning!" he said with a forced smile. Amiko wasn't falling for SSJ's ploy. She glared at him as she screamed, "SSJ NO BAKA[2]! OF ALL THINGS YOU COULD'VE DONE TO TORTURE ME, YOU TRANQUILIZE ME BEFORE I KILL RINOA, THEN YOU LET CATHERINE FREE TO EMBRACE TROWA? WHAT KIND OF FRIEND *ARE* YOU?!" "Uh," SSJ tried to stall as he thought of an answer. Finally, he replied, "The kind that never wants to see a soldier cry?" Amiko blinked. That actually sounded like a good reason to her as well. She let go of SSJ's shirt and looked at Trowa, seeing that he had been on the verge of crying. She just consented, "Okay..." SSJ sighed. Oh how glad he was that his life was saved! "Catherine, return," he said. Catherine turned red, disappearing in a flash into her bishie ball. Trowa calmed down at that point, thanks to Catherine. He faced Amiko and stated, "I can't believe you forgot me, Amiko!" "Well, I was a *bit* preoccupied at the time, Tro-Tro..." Trowa sighed, "Oh well, I'm here, I guess." Suddenly, another voice rang through the place, "KAMUI!" It was Fuuma. Amiko felt a rumbling on her belt as Kamui's bishie ball vibrated. There was a pop and Kamui appeared with a red flash, saying "Yes?" as he faced Fuuma. Amiko was quite confused on how Kamui could have gotten out on his own. But Fuuma still continued, "HOW COULD YOU FORGET US?!" "Well my wife here only asked me to pick up those two kids." Trowa cut in, now angered again, "There you go with your wife routine, huh? Well YOU CAN STOP THAT NOW!" And Heero's voice added to the argument, "WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP?! I'M TRYING TO LEARN HOW TO REMODEL A GUNBLADE!" It was by far very random, mostly because the author couldn't come up with anything funny. In any case, everyone who heard it sweatdropped. Squall muttered with dejection, "Have you forgotten us?" Quistis sighed, "This is stupid." So the FF8 cast was about to turn around and leave the area, but then, quite randomly, the whole grounds began to shake. "What the Hell?" everyone heard SSJ mutter as the shaking became quite violent. Plants tipped over. Ripples formed in the water. Everyone grabbed onto something (or someone in Amiko's case) to keep balance. Everyone felt a sudden chill as winds gathered near the elevator. A torrent of circling wind contained itself in one area, lights flashing and a hole tearing open in the middle of the sky. Everyone froze as a human figure became clear in the swirl of dust and darkness. Squall and Rinoa recognized the actions. Squall was suddenly gripped with fear as he muttered, "What?! Is it..." He trailed off, for he was interrupted by Rinoa, "Rantmon?!" She, too, was gripped with fear. The three main characters turned to Squall and Rinoa, quite confused off the circumstances. "Rantmon?" repeated SSJ. "Who the hell is he?" Amiko could only look up at the forming human again. "What the fuck?" slipped out of her mouth. Yuzuriha heard it, yelling as she gripped onto a railing, "AMIKO! YOU ARE A PRINCESS! DON'T YOU HAVE MORALS?" She seemed sure on having Amiko being prim and proper; she was one of her guards after all. But it was little time for manners as the being called Rantmon touched down on the ground, wearing a hooded shirt of tan and baggy green pants. The group wasn't able to see his eyes, hidden under his shadows, but the very tips of his brown hair flew about as his black boots settled on the floor. He was hunched over, and as suddenly as he arrived, he raised his body up to face the three. Only, even then, they couldn't see his eyes. 'How convenient,' the three thought. They heard Rantmon's voice then, chuckling to himself. It was a deep voice, not unlike a young male that could be their age. "Well," he began, "So you three have made plenty of allies..." SSJ's eyes flashed into a leer. 'Who is this guy,' he thought, 'coming in here out of the blue and begins with this nonsense?!' He demanded, "Who the hell are you?" Rantmon laughed again. Oh how foolish the boy was. Rantmon grinned and explained, "Who am I? Why you should know me! I am creator of the universe! This here world is all nothing but MY doing! It was brought about by my infinite power; whatever I desire, I can achieve! If that included your dead bodies, it'd be a simple task..." And so he went on, rambling on and on about nothing in particular. Well, it seemed like that to everyone in the area. Rantmon found that out when he finally finished, three hours after he began, "...I am the God eternal! So NOW are you ready to face me?!" He turned to the crew, seeing that they had all fallen fast asleep, snoozing on the ground with hands over their ears. He muttered to himself, "This always happens! Can't they take an emotional speech?!" He then yelled, "HEY!" And everyone still snored. He just simple screamed, "DAMN IT!" And all the annoying yelling pulled SSJ from what had been a comfortable nap. He drowsily arose, looking this way and that. "Huh? What?!" weakly came from him. And he noticed Rantmon again. He sighed, "Oh yeah... You're still here." Rantmon glared at the boy, though no one could be sure, considering his eyes were covered. "For that pathetic lack of respect, I think it's time you met your death." Everyone's ears twitched. They all quickly woke up at the word "DEATH", excited to see some morbid event. SSJ heard Amiko, "Who's gonna die?" And he heard TM, "LEMME SEE! LEMME SEE!" And he facefaulted, sighing, "You think they would give me a little support here..." SSJ quickly threw himself back up and prepared for battle. He relaxed his muscles and breathed slowly, preparing his mind for certain pain. From out of nowhere, SSJ pulled out a katana, sheathed in a cheap wooden scabbard.) Amiko noticed, muttering in the background, "Now where the HELL did that come from?" SSJ faced Amiko and replied, "Don't ask." He then lowered into his battle stance, whispering, "Bishoujo! Help me here!" Then from SSJ came a faint white aura. Rantmon smirked. He couldn't be a huge bother. SSJ then muttered under his breath, "Arashi... You'll help me a lot for now." He then raised his head, ready to fight Rantmon. He saw another torrent form next to Rantmon, and from the dust and debris there, out came Rantmon's weapon. It was a blade in the shape of a hook extending down over the hilt and his fingers to twist around and connect on both sides of the hilt. It was a really long, dangerous blade. But it was no time for SSJ to be scared. SSJ then rushed forward to Rantmon. They dealt blow after blow. SSJ was punched in the gut; Rantmon was slashed in his shoulder. It was a battle of epic proportions, metal clanging and skin turning blue from the impacts. After a minute of horribly animated fighting, the two jumped away from each other. SSJ glared at Rantmon, and Rantmon at SSJ. They both were panting. Rantmon commended the boy, "It seems... I underestimated you..." SSJ smirked in reply, "And it seems, I'll have to overestimate you to win." SSJ raised sword in the air. He thought to himself, 'Okay! Time to mimic...' SSJ began the attack's name, "Omni..." A circle appeared on the ground under SSJ. A light enveloped him as power surged through his body. Finally, he relaxed, lowering his blade and yelling, "-SLASH!" As quick as he could, SSJ dashed at Rantmon. Rantmon couldn't block as SSJ slashed him over and over, numbers flying across the screen for every slash. Rantmon quickly faltered. "Damn you!" he swore. "You little shit..." Rantmon coughed out, saliva spilling from his mouth. He leapt away, and crashed onto the ground as a sensation of pain suddenly filled him. His legs were cut open, and he was unable to move as SSJ ran up to him and slashed straight through him. With a cough of spit, Rantmon fell to the ground, dead. SSJ haughtily laughed and exclaimed, "Oh, yeah! Experience points, baby!" He then turned to Rantmon, expecting the person to fade to black and disappear. But instead, the body broke apart into smoke. SSJ was taken aback as the smoke flowed into the air, diffusing and fading as the winds returned to normal. He couldn't speak. TM had to do it for him, "What the HELL was that?!" Squall then stepped up, beside TM. He looked at the place where Rantmon was and explained, "A copy... That was only a fraction of his power..." SSJ froze. That just couldn't be. After that painful fighting, with his gut hurting, he couldn't believe that was just merely a fraction. He just turned his head and looked at Squall. "Only a *fraction*?!" he repeated. "Yes." SSJ was lost in thoughts. Suddenly, he made the chapter serious as he thought, 'Shit... That was freaking hard... And with that only part of his power...' He became lost in his thoughts. Amiko interrupted SSJ's thoughts, speaking, "Whatever... I got what I came here for..." Squall turned to the girl. He wasn't sure what she meant, but he asked, "Are you all going to search for Rantmon?" TM sighed and replied for Amiko, "I don't see a reason to-" SSJ suddenly interrupted, "We are." The rest turned at SSJ. He suddenly had a once-hidden look of stern determination. TM and Amiko rarely saw him with his serious face on, and were surprised to have heard him say that. Squall finally answered, "Then I'll join you." Rinoa added, "Then I'll join you, too." Quistis returned to the area, approaching SSJ from behind and patting him. He turned to the older woman as she complimented, "You're pretty strong, boy." SSJ guessed she meant that she would go with him. SSJ blushed at the woman's sudden words. He just thought to himself, 'Well, it'll work out, I guess.' TM narrowed his eyes at the spectacle, sighing, "Lucky bastard..." Irvine and Zell didn't need to be told to make up their minds. It was not after seeing Amiko's destructive powers against Rinoa, they announced, "Anything for this Amiko-chan!" They both weakly grinned, hoping Amiko wouldn't notice their fakeness. But there was a scream of shouts from the other bishounen. All of them, at one points or another, yelled, "WHAT?! SHE'S MINE!" It was much confusion over who would get Amiko. SSJ guessed it must have been the stupid author that made bishies conveniently learn to fall for their captors. Explosions and bullets tore through the area. There was a clang of metal. Somewhere in the dust kicked up from bishounen appearing and fighting, Heero threatened, "Oh, you want some, Barton?" In the same vicinity of Heero's threats, everyone heard Trowa yelling, "Amiko is MINE!" Somewhere in there, a psychic battle raged between Kamui and Fuuma, no doubt over Amiko. "HA! DIE FUUMA!" everyone heard, not needing to guess who said it. "You are weak! Go ahead and try to hurt me!" The FF8 cast stood idly by, watching the battle take place with much hurt and pain and punches and explosions and other things that currently make this chapter NC-17. But luckily, with a whirring sound, the scene fast-forwarded on, past the battles and pain, and the scene played normally near the end of the brawl. Amiko, distressed upon watching the melee, yelled into the dust, "My bishounen! You can't kill each other! No!" Rinoa saw Amiko, turning her back to her as she faced her bishounen. Rinoa was not over hitting her opponents in the back; it was a regular practice in the battles. She aimed her weapon, and was just about to strike Amiko, but then she turned red and disappeared in a flash of light. The FF8 crew, along with Amiko, turned to see a bishie ball fly towards TM. Squall and company froze, hearing TM announce, "Man, she's like me." He then turned to Amiko, explaining, "She was just about to hit you." Amiko frowned, and turned back to her more pressing matter. SSJ noticed, as well. He sighed, "Time to break up this fight..." And several boxes of tranquilizers later, the fight was stopped. Everyone, though, couldn't sleep as the pain from the scars and bruises of the fight kept them awake. SSJ winced at the scene, "Ouch..." And eventually, all order was restored as TM summoned Rinoa again. TM requested, "Heal them, please." Rinoa looked at the group of injured bishounen. She then turned back to TM, "If I do that, and heal them all to their maximum HP, my HP junctions will drop to 0! I'll be a weakling with only 120 HP!" TM just yelled back, "Okay! I'll get some stuff to refine into Curagas later, so don't worry!" Rinoa just sighed and did the job. Peace and quiet slowly returned to Balamb Garden after suffering two brawls in the same hour and a shorter one three hours before those. Squall stepped to Amiko, with Zell and Irvine following with fear. Squall spoke, "We don't know what's up, but we'll go your way." Amiko was filled with joy, quickly capturing the three and standing in a victory pose. TM jumped in as well as victory music began to play. SSJ quickly wanted to join in, capturing Quistis and jumping before the two in his own victory pose. Only, by the time he did, the music ended and Amiko and TM relaxed. SSJ just stood there in his pose, sweatdropping. He then sighed, "Man, I'm not cool at all..." And during this, Selphie bounded about the room, angry at Amiko for capturing Irvine. Clearly, she was as hyper as Amiko, and SSJ figured he didn't need that. Before Amiko and Selphie could duke out a fourth brawl, SSJ captured Selphie and ended it then and there. *** And finally, an hour later, SSJ, TM, and Squall stood at the cockpit of the Ragnarok, grounded and waiting for a pilot. Amiko waited down below, for if she had come up, the cockpit would have been filled to the brim with people. Not wanting to crash the rather expensive ship or risk air-traffic tickets, Squall advised SSJ, "Summon Selphie." So SSJ did, and Selphie pouted as she stood before her captor. They then heard Squall continue, already out of character since he said more than one line, "The first place to find Rantmon would be in Colony L3-Z24511. He appears there a lot." SSJ nodded. "Yes. I see..." He then nodded at Selphie, who just looked away in the opposite direction as she headed for the pilot's chair. He heard Selphie answer, "You know I'm only doing this because my friends want this." SSJ didn't expect her to like him anyway. "Yeah, yeah," said SSJ. With that, there was a rush of wind as flames shot from the back of the Ragnarok. It lifted off from the ground, throwing dust about as it shot towards the sky. And in the end, Selphie still fell for SSJ, like all bishies do, he figured from Amiko's case. ---- To Be Continued ---- ---- Preview ---- SSJ: Here we go! Amiko: Oh no... Why are we involved with a plot?! This story was never supposed to have one! TM: You sold us out, SSJ! But anyway, we head for the colony because of plot! SSJ: But before we can leave the colony, another group challenges us... Amiko: That means more bishounen! TM: And more money if we win! SSJ: In the next episode of Ginga GIRI GIRI: Episode 9: 'Outlaws VS Outlaws! Identity Crisis Abound!' ---------- Author's Note: [1] As I promised: Kappa - A Japanese water demon in the form of a green turtle thing. Needless to say, it's not very pretty and an obvious insult on Amiko's looks. [2] "SSJ NO BAKA!" - Lit. "SSJ, YOU IDIOT!"