Disclaimer: I own the plot for this chapter! Amiko and TM own their chapters! We don't own any anime show, or we wouldn't be writing this fic! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! Chapter 9 by SSJ Heero ------------------------------------------------------------------- (Insert Outlaw Star Theme Song for temporary usage) ---- Recap ---- SSJ: Last time on GINGA GIRI GIRI! We arrived at Balamb Garden! Amiko: (^_^) SQUALLIE!l TM: (^_^) And I got Rinoa! SSJ: (^_^) I got Quistis! Yea! Amiko: So now, we are heading to find Rantmon! TM: Thievery abound! ---- Chapter 9: Outlaws VS Outlaws! Identity Crisis Abound! ---- SSJ: We are nearing the L3-Z24511 Colony! Amiko: Oh... YAY. Certain death if we find Rantmon... TM: Are there more rich people there? Trowa: Does this mean more bishounen? Heero: Mission Accepted. Squall: Okay. Selphie slow down and dock.. (Ship slows down. We dock at the L3-Z2411 Colony. SSJ, Amiko, and TM step out, much to the surprise of the technicians.) Tech: What the... Kids can fly ships now? Tech 2: Yeah... But some are prodigies. (Tech turns to the three.) Tech: You three need some repairing? SSJ: No... Not at all. Just parking. Tech: Then, it'll be some thousand dollars to park. (TM whispers to SSJ as he walks past.) TM: I'll be getting some funds now. (TM walks away.) :: Local Bank :: (In a local bank, a vault open and a boy in brown cape steal all the money and run out in a blur.) TM: Okay! We have the money! (The police appears and aim guns at TM.) Cop: Stop right there! TM: Oh shit! (TM turns chibi and runs through walls, the bags slung over his shoulder. He runs away at the speed of light.) Cop: WHAT THE HECK?! :: Universal Police HQ :: (In a police room, a cop is leaning over a computer screen. It suddenly beeps and flashes red and white. He turns to his captain.) Cop: Sir! The Outlaws have appeared in the L3-Z24511 Colony! Captain: What?! Send every mecha to that colony! Stop them at once! Cop: Roger! :: Docks :: SSJ: Just wait for our 'credit card' to show up... TM: Here's the money! SSJ: AGH! (All jump back. TM is shown where SSJ stood.) SSJ: We did you come from? (TM shrugs and hands over the money.) TM: Here. Tech: Okay then. (Amiko looks around, and her jaw drops when she sees something.) SSJ: (notices Amiko) Huh? (SSJ turns, and looks in the direction Amiko was facing. His eyes widen when he sees a giant red ship with...grappling arms?) SSJ: The... Outlaw Star?! Amiko: What the... (Amiko steps towards the Outlaw Star.) Voice: Hold it right there! Voice 2: Yea! Stop! (All turn around and sees a group of people, who were VERY pissed off.) SSJ: Waddya want? TM: Get lo-- WHAT?! Amiko: Who? WHA?!! (Eyes turn to hearts) AH! IT'S GENIE STAR! Gene: (dumbfounded) What? (at Jim) Who is *she*, Jim? Jim: The one who stole our Outlaw Star! Gene: Okay. (To Amiko) Give it back! Amiko: Wha- WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! Gene: SHUT UP! WE KNOW YOU STOLE IT! (All bishounen appear.) All: WHAT WAS THAT, STARWIND?! (All bishounen aim weapons at Gene.) SSJ: STOP THIS! (Everyone looks at SSJ.) SSJ: Okay! We have to settle this MY way! (Grin) We shall have a duel in space! Ragnarok VS Outlaw Star! Gene: (Rubbing chin) That sounds like a good idea... But... SSJ: But? Gene: HOW ABOUT NOT?! -------- PRELUDE BATTLE: GENE VS SSJ -------- (Gene jumps at SSJ. A fight begins.) Gene: Die THIEF! SSJ: I'M NOT A THIEF! BUT 'TM', OVER THERE, IS! (SSJ points to TM, who is secretly stealing money from Jim.) TM: Oh shit! DAMN YOU SSJ! (Gene's attention is diverted towards TM.) SSJ: Heh... (SSJ punches Gene and kick him off.) -------- WINNER: NONE! -------- Amiko: SSJ! YOU LITTLE SH*T! HOW DARE YOU ATTACK MY GENIE STAR! SSJ: What? (Amiko whips out the Interdimensional Baka Hammer and runs toward SSJ.) SSJ: Oh, FUCK! (SSJ starts running around the dock at light speed, Amiko following close behind.) Gene: (Dazed) Whoa, look at them go. Jim: Great god! Suzuka: HAMMER?! SWORDS ARE THE BEST! (Everyone looks at Suzuka and sweatdrops.) Melfina: How is it possible for humans to be so fast? Gene: How knows, Mel-chan? (Amiko stops in her tracks.) Amiko: What? 'MEL-CHAN'? -------- FIRST BATTLE! MELFINA VS AMIKO! -------- Gene: What? (Amiko runs towards Melfina and gives her a whack and sends her flying.) Suzuka: Impressive... Gene: NO! (Melfina falls in front of TM, who catches her.) TM: So it seems I had to depend on Amiko to catch this one... -------- WINNER: AMIKO! (Cheer) -------- (Suzuka pulls out her sword and threatens Amiko.) SSJ: (GASP!) ARASHI! GO! (Arashi materializes in front of Suzuka.) Arashi: Yes? SSJ: Arashi! Duel Attack! Arashi: Okay! -------- SECOND BATTLE: ARASHI VS SUZUKA -------- (Arashi and Suzuka both aim their swords at each other and start fighting.) -------- TO BE CONTINUED LATER (Jeer!) -------- Gene: What in the- (Aisha jumps in front of Gene and challenges Amiko.) Amiko: Sure... Hehe... (Amiko whacks Aisha and sends her flying. Aisha lands in front of SSJ and challenges him.) Aisha: (Threateningly) I SHALL KILL YOU! -------- THIRD BATTLE: AISHA VS RELENA! -------- SSJ: WHAT?! RELENA! (Relena appears.) SSJ: PACIFY ATTACK! Relena: You must stop these battles. They will only lead to more- (Aisha slaps Relena away.) Relena: Ah! Aisha: You actually thought THAT would work? (Relena jumps back and gets into a Judo pose.) Relena: JUDO FLIP! (Relena throws Aisha and jumps on top of her. She tramples Aisha's face.) Relena: (^_^ V) Yea! Victory for me! -------- WINNER: RELENA! (WHAT?!) -------- SSJ: You're a *bit* of a hypocrite, are you not? Relena: Oh well... SSJ: And where in the hell did you learn Judo? Relena: I dunno. SSJ: (Shaking head) Forget I asked that. (SSJ catches Aisha.) SSJ: Another one! Yea! (Everyone sweatdrops.) -------- RETURN TO SUZUKA VS ARASHI -------- Suzuka: Time to die! Arashi: Nope! (Arashi breaks Suzuka's wooden sword and rams her into the ground in front of SSJ.) SSJ: Cool! Another one! (SSJ catches Suzuka.) SSJ: YEA! MORE BISHOUJO, I GOT! TM: What? SSJ: ...Nothing. -------- WINNER: ARASHI! (CHEER!) -------- SSJ: Okay, only two left. Jim and Gene, but that's for Amiko. Gene: You want to challenge me, girl? Amiko: WHAT?! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO FIGHT WOMEN! DO YOU HAVE NO HONOR?! -------- FOURTH BATTLE: AMIKO VS EVERYONE ELSE! -------- (Gene punches Amiko and she flies back.) Amiko: (Crawling out of a wall) Don't you like me... (sniff) Genie... (sniff) Star? Gene: No. Amiko: (cries) WAAAAHHHH!!! (She turns chibi and runs around the dock, hitting Gene and Jim while wailing. Every time she rams into one of them, the number 9999 flies on the screen.) Gene: AH! OUCH! AGH! Jim: DAMN! AH! THIS- OUCH! GIRL- AGH! IS- FUCK! STRONG! SHIT! ---- Combo! 80! ---- (Gene and Jim fall to the ground, knocked out.) Gene and Jim: Ooowww... -------- WINNER! AMIKO! (Victory music plays.) -------- (Experience screen shows up and Amiko "levels up". Text appears saying Amiko mastered her first limit break: Chibi Storm!) Amiko: What were you speaking about? Gene: Ouch... Okay, I'll tell. Some time ago, our Outlaw Star was hijacked! SSJ: Hijacked? Jim: Yeah. Someone that looks STRANGELY like your friend over there! (Jim points to Amiko.) Amiko: (narrow eyes) ...I stole nothing... SSJ: Are you sure it looked like her? Gene: It looked EXACTLY like her. (They all are silent.) Amiko: Well, it wasn't me. If I were to heal you, would you be on my side? Gene and Jim: YES! Amiko: OKAY! (Amiko magically transforms into the "Nurse Joy" costume and heals them.) Amiko: (Clinging onto Gene) There! All better! Gene: (grinning) Thanks! ...You can't be that bad... Jim: Thank you, Amiko-sama! Amiko: Hey, how about you lend us the Outlaw Star? Gene: What?! (SSJ interrupts.) SSJ: Come on! We're going to find someone named Rantmon! Gene: (eyes widen) Rantmon?! You're seriously going after him?! (The three nod.) Gene: Hm. Okay then. You can use the Outlaw Star. Amiko: I knew you would! TM: But what if he's here?! Jim: He isn't! In fact, he lives on Terra! (The three are silent.) TM: Where's that?! (Gene and Jim facefault.) Gene: (points at the main planet) THAT'S TERRA! YOU NEVER NOTICED?! Amiko: Well, we never learned its name... Gene: Whatever... (puts an arm over Amiko's shoulder) Then let's go! (All bishies death glares Gene, who flips them off, American AND Japanese way at once.) All bishies except Gene: WHAT WAS THAT?! :: Several Hours Later :: (The three are divided into the two ships. SSJ and his bishoujo in the Ragnarok. Amiko, TM, and their captures in the Outlaw Star.) Amiko: Okay, we're a little off schedule, but now... Gene: Let's go find Rantmon! SSJ: FINALLY! TM: A small delay, ne? (While the Outlaw Star and Ragnarok leaves, the crew is stopped by mecha.) Pilot: STOP OUTLAWS! Gene & SSJ: NO! (Gene and SSJ look at each other in the screens of their ships.) Gene: You stole our name, didn't you kid? SSJ: Well I couldn't come up with a better one! Pilot: (Thinking) 'WHAT? BOTH outlaws are here? YES!' SSJ: Hit it Selphie! Gene: (Jumping into pilot chair) Go Melfina! TM: (Drooling over Melfina in the tank) Whoa... Amiko: AGH! HENTAI! (Amiko punches TM and sends him flying.) SSJ: Whoa... (SSJ sees TM fall near the camera.) TM: Oohhh... That hurt... SSJ: That's what you get, hentai. TM: (Holding up wallet and whispering) I got Jim's wallet. SSJ: Shut up and brace yourself! The ships are starting! (The ships speed up and attempt to escape. The mecha shoot at the ships.) BOOM! Selphie: Damn! Left thruster damaged! BOOM! Melfina: Malfunction in right side of ship. Gene & SSJ: Shit! (Both ships fly wildly and both fly and flip through space.) SSJ: DAMN! ANOTHER DETOUR?! Amiko: NOOOO!!! TM: DAMMIT! Gene: Shit. TM: You know, there never was an identity crisis. THAT TITLE IS A LIE! SSJ: SHU'UP! MORE READERS IS GOOD, RIGHT?! (Everyone facefaults.) SSJ: But no more of that. Let me return to my yelling. (Inhale) WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! (The ships continue to fly wildly through space, and the mecha stay behind. A mobile suit pilot talks to someone in the shadows on his screen.) Pilot: I branded them with tracking, master. Person-in-shadows-on-screen: Good. Pilot: I am expecting a raise. Person-in-shadows-on-screen (This name is too long here.): You'll get none. Pilot: What?! (Person-in-shadows-on-screen pushes a button and the mecha explodes, and so does every nearby mecha.) Person-in-shadows: Because... I am... (Lights flash on.) Rantmon: AGH! IT BURNS! I AM RANTMON! AND I PROCLAIM I AM BLINDED! (Everyone who hears sweatdrops.) ---- To Be Continued ---- (Insert Outlaw Star end theme for temporary usage.) ---- Preview ---- SSJ: DAMMIT! We hit another detour! Amiko: And we may not live through this one... (sniff) TM: Where in the HELL are we going?! Gene: I think I see a planet nearby... Melfina: It is the Planet. SSJ: A little more specific here? Melfina: That's its name. The Planet. (SSJ blinks.) SSJ: Okay... Whatever you say... Gene: Next time on Outlaw- (Gets whacked by Amiko.) Amiko: It's next time on 'GINGA GIRI GIRI'! Not Outlaw Star! TM: Episode 10: 'The Hot Bar Waitress who would probably lift her skir-' (SSJ tackles TM.) SSJ: NO MORE, HENTAI! The name is 'Final Fantasy Crossover Special!' Amiko: A bit self-explanatory, but oh well! --------------------------------------------------------------------