Disclaimer: I don’t own anything cool so it doesn’t matter. Anyway the owners can’t make money off of me because I’m broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By Amiko (for the most part) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ---- Recap --- Me: Yea! We finally return to the path! TM: What path? Me: Eh... Never mind. Amiko: We continue and run into none other than Ranma! TM: So anyway! On with the show! ---- Chapter 12: Jusenkyou, Oh No! ---- TM: Geez, how fast can she run? She doesn’t even run this fast for the mile! She can even beat you, SSJ. SSJ: HAHAHAHAHA YEAH RIGHT! (SSJ trips over a big rock.) SSJ: That wasn’t there before. (Author whistles innocently.) (SSJ glares at author. Any who, SSJ and TM continue to try to catch up with Amiko.) *** :: Meanwhile with Amiko :: Amiko: Ranma! COME BACK! Ranma: Geez, that kid can run. Shit, how am I supposed to get rid of her? (Then, from out of NOWHERE, Ryoga suddenly appears and calls out to Ranma.) Ryoga: Ranma! I have finally found you! (Ryoga is run over by Ranma.) Ryoga: Ranma, how dare you treat me like some kind of doormat! Ranma: You followed me all the way to Nekolon, China?! What the hell for?! Ryoga: To beat the hell outta you, Ranma! (As Ryoga and Ranma fight, with Amiko frozen and watching, SSJ and TM finally catch up to Amiko. Ryoga then throws his umbrella at Ranma, and it misses.) Ranma: Oh geez, I'm scared. (Ranma then kicks Ryoga into the water, and a little black piglet pops out.) TM: A black pig? Amiko:OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH P-Chan! Bishie Ball go! (Amiko catches P-Chan in a bishie ball, while Ranma stares dumbfounded.) Ranma: What the hell? Let Ryoga go. He doesn’t even deserve being stuffed into a ball. Amiko: Now it’s your turn. (SSJ and TM then appeared at that point, standing with Amiko on a platform held up by a pillar. Amiko gets a bishie ball out and is ready to throw it when she realizes something.) Amiko: WAIT! I HAD THESE LABELED! (Amiko looks at all her bishie balls and sees the stickers she used for labeling came off.) SSJ: I told you to put scotch tape over it. POP! [Amiko transforms into her Mihoshi form (introduced chapter 6) and starts to look through her things like in the first episode of Tenchi Universe (New limit break! Amnesia). Ranma only sweatdrops, as does SSJ and TM.] Mihoshi-Amiko: I just know I put that bishie ball somewhere…. BUT I CAN’T FIND IT! (Mihoshi-Amiko starts crying. Amiko’s flying objects and question marks hit Ranma and the guys repeatedly.) Ranma (covering his ears): I can’t take it anymore! (Ranma prepared an attack and aimed it straight at Amiko.) Ranma: Whirling Dragon Punch! (Ranma punches the pole that SSJ, TM, and Mihoshi-Amiko are on and they fall into three separate springs.) Ranma: Oh crap... I better make a run for it. I definitely don’t want to see what they’ll do to me after they get out of there. (But poor Ranma never gets the chance to run. Amiko gets up from her spring and looks around at the steaming water.) Amiko: Huh? What happened? Geez, who turned up the thermostat? (Amiko swipes off sweat from her forehead and realizes. She immediately looks at the back of her hands.) Amiko: Oh my god! I’m blue and fuzzy! LIKE NIGHTCRAWLER! (TM and SSJ got out of their springs and looked at Amiko.) TM: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, YOU ARE! SSJ: I wouldn’t be talking midget cat! TM: What? Who are ya calling midget cat? (TM looks into the spring he came out of, and sees that he very much resembles that Spinel from Card Captor Sakura.) TM: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I’M A FLYING THING! (TM looks at SSJ.) TM: AND SO ARE YOU! SSJ: What? [SSJ looks into his own spring, screams and starts complaining. (I would use another word but I'd rather not make it Rated R).] SSJ: FREAKING- I'M KERO. There is no way in hell that I’m gonna help catch cards. NO WAY. Amiko: Oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! (SSJ and TM looked cluelessly at Amiko, who was staring curiously at them.) Amiko: Cutie! (Amiko smiled wide, and SSJ and TM gave her looks of fear.) Amiko: Stuffed animals for me to catch! Yay! SSJ and TM: HOLY SH*! RUN! [SSJ and TM ran (or in this case flew) for dear life from Amiko. ] Ranma (who was temporally forgotten): That uncute tomboy chick just turned into a kijo! (Amiko disappears and reappears in front of Ranma, SSJ, and TM.) SSJ and TM: W-T-F! (Yes, they did spell it.) Ranma: A really cool Kijo! Amiko: I’M NOT A KIJO! SSJ, TM, and Ranma: Then what are you? Amiko: (grins) I’m a harmless blue fuzz ball! (All males facefault.) Amiko: Now where were we? Oh yeah (evil grin) Bishie ball... go? Where did Ranma go? (Amiko, SSJ, and TM watch where Ranma once stood, seeing nothing but air. Confused, they look ahead and saw him dashing off fifty miles ahead.) Amiko: COME BACK! ---- To Be Continued ---- (And now! It's time for Amiko's corner! Japanese lessons for the otaku! Info in case you didn't read what happened!) Japanese words: Kijo = demoness *** Alternate forms: Amiko: Mutant (A mix between Nightcrawler from X-Men: Evolution, along with Ryoko and Washu from Tenchi.) SSJ: Kero, or Cerberus, the Sun guardian from Card Captor Sakura. (Sakura’s guardian) Transforms into a lion with wings. TM: Suppi, or Spinel Sun, the Dark Guardian from CCS (Eriol’s guardian) Transforms into a panther with wings. *** Email me @ amiko_chan1231@hotmail.com if you want more info and links to good CCS sites. --- Preview --- Heero: Who the hell is this Ranma guy anyway? Kamui: And why does Amiko have to catch him let alone you? (Glares at other bishie) Vivi: Umm... Please don’t fight. All other bishies: Shut up! Amiko: Just read the script! Heero: Anyway, with Ranma gone and Amiko and Co. cursed, it’s off to catch another bishounen! Kamui: On the next episode of Ginga GIRI GIRI! "Not Another Chick Fight..." ----------