Disclaimer: I don’t own anything cool so it doesn’t matter. Anyway the owners can’t make money off of me because I’m broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By Amiko ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ---- Chapter 13: Not Another Chick Fight... ---- :: At Tendo Dojo:: Ranma: Finally, I’m home. (Shampoo and Ukyo run in the room at the sound of Ranma’s voice.) Shampoo: RANMA! Ranma come home for Shampoo. (Shampoo then promptly glomps Ranma.) Ukyo: I don’t think so, hussy. Shampoo: What you say, Spatula-girl? Ukyo: Why you... Ranma: Not again... (Akane steps into the room.) Akane: Oh Ranma, you’re home. (Akane then notices what’s going on.) Akane: Wait, I don’t want to disturb you. ?????: Bakusaitenket! Ranma: Hey that sounds like Ryoga. Amiko: See! I told you he’d take us here! SSJ: Yeah, after he took us ALL OVER ASIA! TM: Not to mention Canada. (Ryoga actually has done this) Amiko: Hey! Give him some credit. Ryoga: Ranma Saotome, today is the day I shall break you! Ranma: Huh? I thought you were in that little ball thingy. Ryoga: I was, but Miss Amiko was kind enough to let me out so I can have my revenge. (Ryoga starts to attack Ranma and Ranma parries the blow.) TM and SSJ: MISS? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Amiko (with Kamui’s holy sword in hand): IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THAT?! TM and SSJ: ... (Kasumi mysteriously pops out along with Nibiki. [Yay]) Kasumi: Oh Ryoga, who are your new friends? Nibiki: Yeah, who’s the chick? (Ranma blocks Ryoga’s kick.) Ranma: Fr...Fri..Friend’s? That chick put Ryoga in a little ball! Nibiki: Why did ya let him out? Ryoga: Hey! (Right then and there, Ranma lays out a single blow, which knocks poor P-Chan in the pond.) Amiko and Akane: P-CHAN! (Akane glares.) Akane: How do you know P-Chan? Amiko: I have my ways. TM: Crap, Amiko is gonna get in a fight with Akane. Ranma: Oh no. Amiko: P-Chan return. (P-Chan (Ryoga) returns to his bishie ball.) Akane: Hey! Give him back! Amiko: You’ll have to fight me for him. Shampoo: Come on Ranma, no you need worry about violent Akane. Akane: Why you... (Amiko and Akane start to fight.) Amiko: Hey wait. (Akane stops from attacking.) Amiko (in Shogo’s [from X] attitude): I wouldn’t want to make a mess on Kasumi’s floor, so why don’t we act like civilized people and take this outside? Hmm? Akane: Fine. (While Akane walks out to the pond Amiko puts on her eye shadow.) Bat SL Amiko: Oh yeah! It’s time to kick some butt! Akane: Hey, where’s that Amiko chick? Bat SL Amiko (or just Bat SL): Right here. I hope you didn’t mind if I put some make-up on. After all it gives this fight a more dramatic appearance. Akane: Whatever. It won’t help you. SSJ: I can’t watch. Poor Akane is doomed. (SSJ peeks through fingers.) TM: CATFIGHT! CATFIGHT! Bat SL: Let’s just get this over with. I have more important things to do. (Akane then rushes towards Bat SL. Bat SL gets punched around a few times.) Bat SL: So you drawn first blood. Then I’ll draw this! (Bat SL starts glowing and a new Limit Break was born.) Bat SL: DEADLY NIGHTSHADE! (Out of the sky come thousands of bats that start flying across the battlefield [namely the Tendo’s backyard] and Akane is struck senseless and is unable to move. And then a voice calls.) Voice: Bishie ball, go! (Akane is caught, and the bishie ball goes flying towards SSJ.) Demo: Damn it! Amiko was again used as a Pikachu. Huh? Amiko? Amiko where are you? (Demo looks at where Ranma is and sweatdrops. He sees Bat SL leaning on Ranma making a circle on Ranma’s chest. [Think Ryoko on Tenchi Muyo with Tenchi in the picture.]) Bat SL: Anyway, aren’t you glad I got rid of that wicked little Akane? Shampoo: Who are you to take my Ranma? Ukyo: Hey! Get off my Ranma-honey. (Ranma lets out a sigh.) Bat SL: Don’t worry Ranma. I’ll take care of them. (Bat SL takes out the compact and layers the Crimson eye shadow on the black.) Ranma: She’s kinda obsessed with make-up, isn't she? TM: No, she only got this way after she was kidnapped. Ranma: Kidnapped? SSJ: Yeah, and got engaged. (And then, some random guy spoke over the conversation.) ????: Engaged? My poor sweet Suzuran has been engaged to whom? Ranma, you fiend! Cat SL: I thought I got rid of you on that island. Kuno (yes the poetry spewing upperclassman is back): Is that Rosy kitten my lovely Suzuran? ???????: Silence brother! I must have revenge. Kuno: I won’t let you hurt my Suzuran, Kodachi. (Amiko and everyone else except for the 2 siblings gags.) Kodachi: You! I challenge you to a match! Cat SL: Please, I know I’m wonderful, but one at a time. (Ranma, TM, and SSJ sweatdrop.) Kodachi: Why you can’t handle all of us together?! Shampoo: Shampoo agrees with flower lady. Ukyo: Ditto. Cat SL: Fine, have it your way. (Cat SL gets in a fighting stance.) Cat SL: Bring it on. (Shampoo jumps and kicks at Cat SL but hits only air.) Shampoo: Huh? Ukyo: Eat this, kitty cat. (Ukyo throws mini-spatulas at Cat SL.) Cat SL: You all are going to have to do better than that to beat me. Kodachi: Then try resisting the attack of a thousand arms. (Cat SL barely jumps out of the way from that attack.) Ukyo: If we work together, then we can slow her down and beat her. (Shampoo, Ukyo, and Kodachi nod in agreement. With their combined power [if you can call it power], they attack Cat SL and pin her down.) Cat SL: Ganging up is no fair! (Cat SL pouts.) (Kodachi wipes away eye shadow.) Kodachi: There, now you’re not so tough. Give up? Amiko: No, never. (Amiko gets away from the three Ranma obsessed women, but lands in the pond.) NC Amiko (Nightcrawler Amiko): Verdammen! (German for damn) Shampoo: Where little girl go? NC Amiko: Here again. Kodachi: Hahahahahaha! What a pathetic sight! Kasumi: Poor thing. What happened? NC Amiko: Well Ranma dumped us into the springs at Jusenkyou. Nibiki (just so you know she’s here): Ranma did you really do that? Ranma: Y-Y-Yeah sorry about that. NC Amiko: That’s ok. Kuno: Ranma! How dare you do that to my little Suzuran! (Kuno swipes his kendo sword at Ranma, who just jumps on it.) Ranma: I didn’t mean to! Shampoo: Let’s get rid blue furry thing. Ukyo: Yeah she was all over my... I mean, our Ranma! Kodachi: We shall spite you. TM: This is coming out to a real violent chapter. SSJ: Yeah. NC Amiko: That’s if you can catch me! (Shampoo and the other two chicks jump at NC Amiko. Then BAMF! NC Amiko is hanging on the wall of the dojo.) NC Amiko: As they say in America, neener, neener, neener! Ukyo: Ggggggggrrrrrrrrrr... (Just then a bloody Kuno comes in and stops Amiko from getting any more injury [if she had any].) Kodachi: Out of the way, brother. Kuno: No. Look, you scared the little angel. Ukyo: ANGEL?! Shampoo: She tried to take my Ranma! NC Amiko: Bishie ball, go! (NC Amiko catches Ranma.) NC Amiko: There! I got Ranma. YAY! (She grinned wide, and held out her hand with the victory/peace sign.) Kuno: Come on, little one. It's safe. NC Amiko: (thinking) Just go with the innocent act, and I’ll catch another bishie. (saying) Oh, Kuno-kun you saved me. Kodachi: Get back here. Kuno: I don’t think so. (Kuno and Kodachi fight. As well as Shampoo, Ukyo, Nibiki [because Amiko stole Kuno], and Amiko. After an hour of fighting and the author's fingers getting tired, everyone was too weak to continue except NC Amiko [considering that Nightcrawler had endless energy and all...].) TM: Bishie Balls, go! SSJ: Bishie Balls... Go... And stuff. (SSJ and TM catch their respective bishoujo. SSJ ends up catching Kasumi and Shampoo, while TM catches Nibiki and Ukyo. They are finally ready to sigh when a random voice calls.) ??????: Hey! Let Shampoo go! SSJ: Huh? (SSJ looks at the source of the random voice, and so does NC Amiko.) NC Amiko: MOUSSE! (NC Amiko glomps Mousse.) Mousse: Umm... Miss? NC Amiko: Oh yeah, Amiko. BAMF! (NC Amiko teleports and comes back with hot water and pours it on herself. She reverts to normal with her clothes and hair wet.) Amiko: Forget about Shampoo. You deserve better. After all, she likes Ranma. Mousse: No! I can never forget Shampoo. Amiko: (sighs) Why do ALL BISHIES have to be uncooperative... Fine, if you fight my friend and beat him you can have Shampoo. Deal? Mousse: Deal! Who are they, anyway? Amiko: Bishie ball, go! (The bishie ball opens and Nataku pops out.) Nataku: Yes, Princess Amiko? Amiko: Nataku-chan, can you please defeat this man? (points to Mousse) But don't cause death or even severe injury to him. Nataku: Hai. (Nataku and Mousse get in their fighting stances. Nataku charges and smacks Mousse hard into the ground.) Amiko: I said don’t hurt him severely! Nataku: Sorry, Princess. (Amiko blows a kiss.) Amiko: That’s ok. (Nataku blushes and throws Mousse into the pond, which causes for Mousse to change into a duck.) SSJ: That was quite a short fight. Amiko: That’s exactly how I wanted it. And that’s why I chose Nataku-Chan. (SSJ facefaults.) SSJ: Figures. (And as if the randomness in this chapter wasn't enough, TM pointed to an anomaly in the sky.) TM: What’s that light? (SSJ and Amiko look up at the sky.) Nataku: It looks like it might be a warp gate. Amiko: Crap... It’s moving towards us. (Amiko and company try to run away, only to be sucked away into its vortex.) ---- To Be Continued ---- Email me @ amiko_chan1231@hotmail.com if you want comment me or give me more tips on making this fic better, since I don’t get any reviews R&R. ---- Preview ---- Ryoga: Well, we all have been sucked up in this beam of light. I would say it sucks, but oh well. TM: This is like in Escaflowne...? Amiko: No, Escaflowne’s is blue. TM: Then where are we going?! SSJ: Find out on the next episode of Ginga GIRI GIRI! "Guter Tag Fraeulein" ----------