Disclaimer: I OWNZ J00!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero (OH NO! IT'S "COMMON SENSE"! RUN AWAY!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- Chapter 15: Darkness Beyond Twilight ---- :: Somewhere :: Voice: It is time... SSJ... Amiko... TM... Cindy... You shall all feel my wrath! Smaller Voice: Master, the omelettes are finished. Voice: Not now, Devimon. I'm "foreshadowing". Devimon: Okay... (starts eating omelette) Voice: You shall not escape, fools. FOR I AM THE DARK DIGIMON TAMER! Devimon: Uhh... (reaches for DDT's omelette) DDT: Don't even think about it. *** :: SSJ and Co. :: (The scene is a road in an iron town. It is, obviously, filled with iron. The buildings are all made with metal and have steam shooting from the roof.) Me: (monotone) I HOPE WE DO NOT MEET A NEW CHARACTER. Amiko: (stops walking and turns toward SSJ) Why do you say that? Me: (shrug) I don't know. I just have a feeling that SOMEONE MAY JOIN AT ANY MOMENT. Amiko: (sigh) TM: Look. There's a bar. SSJ: No shit. It's not like I'm blind... Random Passerby: But I am! Damn kids don't appreciate sight! (walks away) Cindy: ...Okay, that was completely random. SSJ: Anyway, let's enter the bar and find out what the Hell is happening here. TM: What gives you the idea this town is important? (SSJ points to a Cybernetic Weapon of Death guarding a giant pyramid that shoots lasers at any criminal and is constantly firing nukes at targets over the horizon.) TM: Oh. (Amiko and Cindy facefault.) TM: Anyway, let's wait for a side quest to appear or something. (They all wait five seconds. A random lady wearing a long cloak. Her face is covered with a veil.) Random Lady: Hey, would you kids like to participate in my random uninteresting side quest that'd feature you in a nuclear reactor? It's guaranteed to be wacky and hijynx WILL ensue. (Everyone else is silent.) Random Lady: I'll pay you all- TM: We'll take it. :: Later :: Random Lady (who was revealed to be named "Elena"): Here's the place. (The scene is a giant nuclear base. The air gives the noisome odor of sewage. Green steam blows from giant pipes in the ceiling. We all stand at the beginning of a long hallway. Several corridors branch from the sides of the hallway and twist into a circle. At the other end of the hallway, there is a giant reactor with a weird logo on it... Unfortunately, the group didn't see the reactor due to several giant doors blocking the way.) SSJ: So, this is where we put our lives (and species) on the line...for what again, TM? TM: The lady dropped her purse near the reactor. SSJ: (sigh) ...How did she get there in the first place? TM: Apparently, the reactor just started up for some reason. (SSJ looks to his left and sees a giant box marked "POWER".) SSJ: (points to box) Will that work? Amiko: (annoyed) Just shut up. (Amiko walks over to the box, rips the cover off, and looks inside. Inside, there are several small switches that control the different generators...and a giant one conveniently marked "THIS ONE SWITCH WILL TURN ALL THE OTHERS OFF.") SSJ: (To Amiko) Don't you think this is a little TOO convenient? Amiko: (nods) I think it's a trap. TM: (looks up at ceiling) Uh... Does it have something to do with that? (TM points to the ceiling. Everyone looks up and sees a giant spiked mace ready to drop and kill anyone.) Cindy: (sarcastic) My gosh, I think it does. SSJ: We need to have someone no one cares about open the switch and test. (Everyone thinks about Relena.) Amiko: Relena. SSJ: Relena. Cindy: Relena. TM: Relena. SSJ: Okay then... Relena! (Relena appears.) Relena: Yes? SSJ: Turn that switch off over there. Relena: Huh? (turns head to see switch) Why not you, SSJ-san? (Relena turns her head back and sees that everyone already stepped back several hundred feet.) SSJ: (yelling) I'm sure we can count on you, Relena! Relena: (sigh) Okay... (Relena walks up to the box. (Un)Luckily, she slipped on green slime and flipped into the air. She kicks the box on accident as she flips, and then she falls flat on her back just BARELY before the mace hits.) Relena: (stands up) Whew... (yells at SSJ) I'm okay! Everyone: (mouths wide open) ... Amiko: DAMN IT! (We all reenter the base. Relena is returned.) Amiko: WHY CAN'T I FOR ONCE SEE MY ENEMIES BE BEATEN INTO A BLOODY PULP?! SSJ: [annoyed (¬¬)] Relena was virtually a pulp, or even lower, when I first caught her, remember? Amiko: Oh yeah! TM: (already at first door) Hey guys! It's open! (TM pushes apart the door and stares straight into the mouth of Kerberos 2.) TM: (eyes dilate) Hehehe... Hi... Ker...ber...os... Kerberos: (bellows a menacing howl) (TM quickly pulls door shut just as Kerberos leaves two sharp dents beside TM.) TM: (quickly panting) Oh jeez, not it again... Everyone else: ... (TM turns and walks to the first intersection. He looks down each side. First to the left... then the right. The left appears empty. The right is also empty, except for a single boss dragon filing its claws.) TM: (points down left path) I think we should go that way. Cindy: I don't have a good feeling about this. (We all walk down the empty path, which is- what do you know -empty.) Cindy: Great job, TM. (We all turn around and walk to the boss dragon.) Boss Dragon: (monotone) You'll have to fight me in order to pass. You can't defeat me. I have a million billion gazillion HP and can kill you all w- (Boss Dragon disappears via plot hole. SSJ sighs.) Cindy: Good work! You saved us so much time. SSJ: Whatever. I'm bored already. (One drop of cold water drips right on SSJ's head.) SSJ: Shit. (There is a puff of smoke and SSJ changes into the Kero midget.) SSJ: (high pitched) I hate this. (Everyone else laughs uncontrollably.) SSJ: (sweatdrop) Come on! We need to g- (No one is listening. They all continue laughing. SSJ sighs and looks at the giant door. It's apparently locked due to the many, many manual key locks.) SSJ: ...I guess I need to find a way around. (SSJ flies off and goes down the main path. He opens the door and feels Kerberos's hot breath.) Kerberos: How delicious, I think I'll- (SSJ grabs Kerberos's tongue and tugs on it...hard.) Kerberos: (@.@) ACK! SSJ: I have no time for this. Just get out of my way or all you're getting is the lack of speech in your middle mouth. (Kerberos politely side steps.) SSJ: Good. (lets go of tongue and passes) :: Amiko and Co. :: Amiko: (tries to stop laughing and looks around) HAHA!! HAHA. Haha. Ha... Hah... Hey! Where's SSJ?! (Everyone stops laughing.) Cindy: Aw, damn it. He's going to advance the plot! (Everyone quickly gets up and tries to catch up with SSJ. They reach Kerberos's door and quickly stop.) Kerberos: You all again. (licks lips) You all shall be- SSJ: Ahem. (Kerberos slowly turns around and sees the Large Kerberos Form of SSJ. SSJ gives a super threatening glare.) Kerberos: (meekly) Okay. You can all pass. (runs off) SSJ: (walks toward second door) ... Cindy: (eyes narrow) He's just trying to look cool. (Another drop of water drops on SSJ and he returns.) SSJ: (starts jumping into the air) FINALLY! I'M OUT OF THAT WRETCHED BODY! Amiko: (sigh) Or not. SSJ: Okay, we got past that first door without a hitch, let's see what's behind the second. (SSJ pulls the door apart and sees a large room. There is nothing in the room except for a door on the other side. The entire group enters the room. The door closes behind them.) Amiko: Okay, now this is definitely a trap. (Amiko picks up a small pebble and tosses it around the room. Nothing happens.) SSJ: We still don't know. Maybe the pebble was lucky. (Everyone looks at SSJ.) SSJ: Relena again, right? (Everyone nods.) SSJ: Okay... Relena! (Relena appears.) SSJ: Walk through the room. Relena: ...okay... (Relena walks around the room... ...and... ...and... ...and... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING happens.) (Everyone blinks.) Amiko: I guess it isn't a trap. (Relena returns.) TM: (walks towards other end of room) There's no t- (There is a giant explosion at the door; TM is thrown at the others through the force. Everyone dodges and TM crashes into the door, denting it. TM falls to the floor in extreme pain. TM manages to regain his posture and sighs with relief. Everyone looks at where the explosion was and sees a large silhouette.) Silhouette: You have finally come. Amiko: (glances at TM, then at the silhouette) Who are you...? Silhouette: I... am... Jallopsimon. Everyone: (sweatdrops) EH?! Random Lady: (enters next to Jallopsimon) I am... A RANDOM LADY! (Everyone facefaults.) TM: (getting up) We already guessed that. Random Lady: You need not insult me with that stupid trick. I am Jallopsimon's only follower. SSJ: Shut up, you damn annoying piece of #$%@! Amiko: I'm tired of this damn small talk. Let's show them who's boss! Cindy: (looks around) Huh? Rantmon? What's happening? Eh- Random Lady: Oh my! You seem to think you can defeat us- Jallopsimon: (eye twitches) Lady, just shut the Hell up. Random Lady: (eyes start growing and filling with tears) WHAT?! JALLOPSIMON-SAN?! Jallopsimon: You've been annoying the crap out of my since you started following me, you damn stalker. Random Lady: BUT- (Jallopsimon completely makes lady rip into shreds like Jiisu's death in DBZ.) Jallopsimon: Okay, now I can finally kill you all. Rantmon won't be disappointed. SSJ: RANTMON?! HIM?! Amiko: (smirks) You can't possibly be that hard. Jallopsimon: (takes out a piece of paper) Look. TM: Huh? Jallopsimon: (writes "PLOT HOLES" and "HUMOR" on paper) Look again. Cindy: Eh? Jallopsimon: (Completely obliterates piece of paper) That. Everyone: ... SSJ: Oh damn. It seems my ability to use plot holes have been blocked. Everyone: Shit. Jallopsimon: This won't be hard, eh? (Super Dragon Ball Z fight scene: Jallopsimon teleports behind SSJ and gives him a hard chop to the back. SSJ yells in pain from the blow and roundhouse kicks Jallopsimon in the face. Jallopsimon reels back slightly from the kick.) SSJ: (grins) HAH... (Jallopsimon rolls his eyes at SSJ and smiles.) SSJ: (stops grinning) ...Shit. (Jallopsimon gives SSJ a hard punch to the gut, sending him flying into the opposite wall.) SSJ: Ou... Itai... Oro... (faints) Amiko: OH CRAP! (Jallopsimon teleports to Amiko and spins reversly roundhouse kicks her, kicking her with his heel. Amiko flies bounces and skids off the ground as she is thrown by the kick. Jallopsimon then notices TM, who is running around the room to try and avoid him. Unfortunately, Jallopsimon teleports in front of TM and knees him in the gut. TM nearly coughs blood, but before he could, Jallopsimon quickly backhands TM with his right. He then grabs TM's head and runs him into a wall.) TM: Ugh... That hurt... (faints) Cindy: WHA-?! (Cindy looks around at the unconscious bodies of SSJ, Amiko, and TM. Jallopimon teleports in front of Cindy. Cindy's pupils shrink and she breathes fearfully.) *** :: The Next Day :: (SSJ wakes up with his shoulders and legs sore. He looks around and sees his hands and legs shackled tightly to the steel wall. He looks around and realizes he is standing on a small ledge really high above the ground. The room has a circular shape. To his right and left and ahead of him, SSJ sees Amiko, TM, and Cindy. Above, he sees a large domed window, with bars protecting it. Below, there is a single catwalk suspended over a really tall and shaft. On each side of the catwalk lie doors.) SSJ: (groans) Where are we...? (The door opposite SSJ opens, and Rantmon emerges.) Rantmon: So, you've awakened. (smiles evilly) SSJ: (yelling loud enough to wake up Amiko and co.) Where are we?! Amiko: (sleepily) Eh...? Huh? (Amiko tries to rub her eyes, but fail. She opens them and sees herself shackled.) Amiko: (looks around) Oh, damn. (sees Rantmon) Oh. It's you again... Rantmon: Correct. Cindy: (waking up) Huh...? Wha-? Rantmon: Nice to meet you, Cindy. Cindy: (blinks) Eh? Do I know you. Rantmon: Of course not. (bows) I am Rantmon. Cindy: (sarcastic) Such a nice guy, aren't you? Rantmon: (laughs) Of course. SSJ: If you are... (starts to violently shake the shackles) THEN GET US OUT OF THIS HELL HOLE! TM: (finally waking up) You shouldn't yell when people... (yawns) ...try to sleep... (sees Rantmon) Ah, shit. It's you. Rantmon: Precisely. I hope you all had a wonderful night. (Everyone is silent.) SSJ: Of course not. Amiko: Nope. Cindy: Damn, sleeping while standing hurts. TM: Agreed. We're lucky Jallopsimon didn't kill us, though... (Everyone looks at Rantmon while thinking the same thing.) Rantmon: In case you're wondering, I let you live because I'm such a nice guy. I'd NEVER allow Jallopsimon to kill you. (Everyone is silent.) Rantmon: Now, if you excuse me, I shall go attend to my tasks. (walks towards door he entered through) Don't even try to escape. I have ordered Jallopsimon to actually kill you this time if he sees you... (There is a silence.) Rantmon: Have a nice day. (leaves) SSJ: (spits down tall cylinder) I hate him. Some Guy Below: Ack! What was that?! Spit?! (Everyone sweatdrops.) TM: Anyway, we need to escape. Cindy: Duh. But we're shackled. Apparently, SSJ can't use plot holes, or we'd have already escaped. Amiko: I think some NEW CHARACTER comes to save us. :: Behind a Door :: DDT: Oh, shit! They've already found out! (sigh) :: SSJ :: SSJ: Let's just wait. We obviously can't do anything for now. Quiet Voice: Are you just giving up?! SSJ: Huh? (looks around) Eh? Quiet Voice: Are you just going to sit here and let Rantmon defeat you?! SSJ: Of course not. But I can't do anything for now. Quiet Voice: Well, apparently you haven't been trying enough! Break free from those shackles! SSJ: What the Hell do you think I've been trying to do?! Quiet Voice: ...Try harder. SSJ: Shut up. Quiet Voice: Go ahead! You know you are powerful enough to break from the shackles. SSJ: No, I'm not. My bishoujo were taken and I have no one to draw strength from. Quiet Voice: ...Eh? SSJ: If it's too complicated for you, LET US OUT! :: TM and Co. :: TM: (looks across to SSJ) Uh... Don't you think it's weird SSJ's just talking to himself? (Amiko and Cindy nod.) :: Rantmon :: Rantmon: (looks up from bottom floor) What was with that yelling? Jallopsimon: Probably just that idiot yelling to himself. :: SSJ and Co. :: (SSJ's shackles unlock and open up, then SSJ falls onto the catwalk. He gets up and looks at the door behind him. TM falls to the catwalk as well. Amiko and Cindy's shackles open, and they jump onto the catwalk from the sides.) SSJ: This is the control room, I guess. (The door slides open.) Voice: That is correct. I am the one who has saved your hides. All: ... (sigh) Voice: For it is I who am superior to you, SSJ! I am... (Not-so dramatic silence.) SSJ: Uh- Voice: THE DARK DIGIMON TAMER! (Everyone sighs.) SSJ: Great, a NEW character. TM: We already have enough in our group. Cindy: And I thought he was actually someone important... Amiko: What do you want? DDT: The question is, what do YOU want?! Amiko: To escape. DDT: Exactly. I can help you! :: Rantmon :: Jallopsimon: (leaning over PC monitor) Rantmon! The shackles on our prisoners were released! They are now gone! Rantmon: WHAT?! No one could've gotten through unless they are either completely on my side... or... (eyes narrow) It's him. J-mon: Who?! Rantmon: The... DARK DIGIMON TAMER! THE TRAITOR! Has he broken into our storage for the prisoners?! J-Mon: (taps on the keyboard several times) Aw damn. Yes, he did. Their items are gone! Even those useless red and white spheres. Rantmon: Crap! Send out every guard! Find them and kill them! :: Escape :: (Most of group quickly runs through the series of mazes and catwalks.) SSJ: (hacks through a guard) So, as you said, you once worked for Rantmon? (DDT punches a guard in the gut with some trippy, deadly gloves.) DDT: Not for, but with. TM: (impales a guy) And why are you doing this? DDT: (laughs) Well, it'd be more fun against Rantmon. Amiko: Trowa! (Trowa appears inside the Heavyarms, which lands behind on the wide catwalk.) Amiko: Fire all your missiles at our enemies! Trowa: Yes, Amiko-sama. (Trowa fires all of his missiles in the proximity, destroying parts of the catwalk and the walls.) SSJ: That's a little extreme, ain't it?! Amiko: (sarcastic) I can't help it if Trowa uses explosives. SSJ: ... Cindy: Mokona! Grow! (Mokona grows as big as Heavyarms.) Cindy: Uh... Step on the enemies! (Mokona walks happily along the path, chanting "PUU!" while crushing the guards.) Everyone: (sweatdrop) ... Cindy: Go, Mokona! :: Later :: SSJ: Okay! I see the exit! (We all rush for the exit with all the speed possible. Unfortunately, Jallopsimon drops from the ceiling and lands between the door and us.) SSJ: (gets into a battle stance) Shit... TM: (same) Him again. Amiko: Damn it! Cindy: We were so close... Jallopsimon: DDT! You have betrayed Rantmon! I have no choice but to exterminate you! (looks at the rest) ...and you too! SSJ: Are you saying I'm not important enough to attack?! Jallopsimon: No, no... I'm saying you're too WEAK to attack. SSJ: (fumes) THAT'S ALL I'M TAKING FROM YOU! (sheathes sword) Jallopsimon: (smirks) Hm. Planning to fight me without a weapon?! SSJ: I summon of all the darkest evils, beyond Celine Dion and Britney Spears... Jallopsimon: (O_o) Huh? SSJ: Come forth, Ultimate Being! Owner of all! (A light appears from above. A shadow descends from the light. As the silhouette comes down and the light disappears, the being is shown...) Everyone: (gasps) IT CAN'T BE! Silhouette: My my, you must've provoked SSJ if he wants to summon ME... Jallopsimon: (not scared at all) ...Eh? Who the Hell?! All: BILL GATES?! Gates: Correct. Now, I shall commence my only attack: (camera zooms up to Gate's face) DISCONNECTION! Jallopsimon: (eyes return to normal) Huh...? Disconnection? That's it? Well, I exist with this plane. If you want to disconnect me, you'll have to destroy the entire world. Gates: Eh? Jallopsimon: TAKE THIS! (Jallopsimon kills Gates in a very, very, VERY gory way.) Jallopsimon: Feh. Now to kill the... rest... (The lengthy, stupid, lame dialogue allowed us to escape. We are all long gone... ...so is Guard #324's Integra.) #324: SHIT! *** :: Car Chase Scene! :: (The scene is the highway. Heero is driving, for he actually CAN drive. There are very few nearby cars.) SSJ: So, where are we going now? DDT: We must go to a town not owned by Rantmon. Amiko: Which'd that be? DDT: It's not really a town at all. More like an amusement park. TM: This bodes. DDT: Shut up. It's the only place where the people know me. It's called "Gold Saucer". Cindy: (¬¬) I wonder where we got that from. Heero: Shit! Amiko: (quickly turns to Heero) What is it Hee-chan?! Heero: We have company. (We all, except Heero obviously, turn to see what Heero was talking about. Behind us, there is a car chasing after us. Three guys stretch out of the window with guns aimed at us. From the sunroof, Rantmon stands to command them.) Cindy: (aggravated) Why must he follow us around?! Rantmon: Fire all you want, boys. Underlings: Okay! (The underlings start firing at SSJ and co. Heero quickly uses his MADD DRIVING SKILLZ to dodge every shot.) Cindy: Can we fire back? (Bullet strikes one of the back lights.) TM: Crap. We seem to have no guns. (Another bullet barely grazes DDT and hits a mirror.) DDT: Oh, crap! Heero! Step on it! (Heero slams on the gas and speeds about 210 miles per hour.) Amiko: Damn it all! They're still chasing us! [The car reaches a tunnel, where a line of pillars separates the two opposite lanes. We go the right way, the other car goes the wrong (left) way. Bullets hit the side of the car.] SSJ: There's just no end to this. (More bullets hit the car door, and start moving up.) Heero: Damn it! (Heero's shoulder is hit by a bullet, and the car starts to lose control.) Heero: SHIT! (Heero pulls his hand away from wheel to grab the wound.) SSJ: Crap! (SSJ quickly catches the wheel and regains control.) Amiko: Hee-chan?!!! Return! (Heero disappears and SSJ jumps into the driver's seat. He slams the gas again to regain speed.) Cindy: (leaning over passenger seat) You CAN drive, can you, SSJ?! SSJ: Not a bit. Everyone else: ...We're all gonna die. (Bullets start hitting dangerously near the tires.) DDT: If the tires are shot, we're screwed. (The car exits the tunnel into the sunlight. The road is seen ahead to split into two. Rantmon's car slows down to get behind us on the opposite lane.) SSJ: It seems we'll have to pull off an insane stunt. Everyone else: Huh?! You can't be serious... SSJ: (nods) Seatbelts, everyone. (Everyone quickly seatbelts and holds on tight.) SSJ: Okay, I've only attempted this once in Gran Turismo, and I even failed in there. Amiko: Please God, I have been good to you and your will. Please allow me to enter your eternal happiness... TM: This is how I die... Crap... I haven't even got to waste my money, yet. Cindy & DDT: I JUST GOT INTRODUCED! (SSJ slams the brakes, and starts swerving. Everyone except SSJ ducks their heads down and close their eyes tight. The tail of our car slams into the front side of the other. The other car is tossed onto the left path as SSJ quickly regains control of the car and steers it down the right path.) SSJ: Hehehe... WE'RE ALIVE! (Everyone gets up and looks around. Then they cheer.) SSJ: Oh, crap! Everyone: Huh?! (Everyone looks ahead and stops cheering. Up ahead, Jallopsimon waits in the middle of another tunnel opening.) SSJ: There is no other path to take. Amiko: Can't you go offroad?! SSJ: Jallopsimon would probably expect that. TM: Maybe if we run him over... SSJ: You're a freaking genius, TM. TM: Huh? (SSJ slams the gas again, and aims the car right at Jallopsimon. Jallopsimon smiles.) Cindy: Oh, crap. DDT: He seems a little... confident for a guy about to be run over... (Jallopsimon quickly uses both of his arms to catch the car, and is pushed on his feet for several hundred feet. After that, the car refuses to move, even when the gas was pressed.) TM: Crap, this guy is insane! Amiko: Impossible... Cindy: WE'RE GONNA DIE! (Jallopsimon begins picking up the car by the hood. Everyone quickly jumps out before Jallopsimon tosses it to the side of the tunnel.) Everyone: (stares open mouthed and wide eyed) ... Jallopsimon: (gets into battle stance) You think you can defeat Rantmon?! Come! SSJ: (draws sword) If you say so... (SSJ runs at Jallopsimon, sword scraping on the ground. SSJ does Squall's Rough Divide. TM helps and does his Crimson Blade technique.) Jallopsimon: (completely unaffected) Was that it? SSJ & TM: WHAT?! (Jallopsimon fires a ki blast at SSJ and TM. SSJ and TM are thrown backwards and scrape on the ground.) Amiko: Not again... Cloud! (Cloud appears.) Amiko: Use Omnislash! Cloud: Yes. (Cloud runs up to Jallopsimon. But before he could attack, Jallopsimon punches him in the gut, knocking him out and sending him crashing into Amiko.) Cindy: NOT AGAIN! ...Uh... Mokona? Mokona: (nods) Puu! (Mokona grows and tries to step on Jallopsimon. Jallopsimon catches the leg and just tosses Mokona next to TM.) Cindy: Damn it... (Jallopsimon teleports in front of Cindy and pulls his right fist back.) DDT: FIREBALL! Jallopsimon: (stops) Huh?! (A ring of fire forms around Jallopsimon, luckily after Cindy escaped. The ring closes in on Jallopsimon and he starts to burn. Jallopsimon yells in pain, but manages to break free from the flames.) Jallopsimon: Damn it, DDT. You even stole the IFRIT GLOVES?! DDT: (seen raising a flat palm at Jallopsimon) Of course. Jallopsimon: (raises fists) While that attack startled me, you can never kill me with it. DDT: Of course not. That's why I will need help. (grins) Jallopsimon: ...help? DDT: (raises both palms at Jallopsimon) IFRIT! (The ground starts to rumble and crack. The ground shakes violently as flames rush up through the cracks like blood flowing from a wound. The flames die down to show Ifrit, hovering over the cracks.) Jallopsimon: Oh shit. (Ifrit bellows a mighty roar as he makes a giant sphere of fire in his hand. Jallopsimon tries to block as the sphere is hurled at him. The sphere explodes, engulfing Jallopsimon in flames and pushing him our of the tunnel. Ifrit then grabs Jallopsimon's arm and hurls him through the sky.) DDT: OH, YEAH! I KICK ASS! (Ifrit returns.) Cindy: YOU COULD'VE DONE THAT ALL THIS TIME?! DDT: I needed to induce "drama". Cindy: Whatever... (Both look at the unconscious bodies of SSJ, TM, and Amiko.) Cindy: (sigh) This again. DDT: We better get them to a town or something. Our car is destroyed and Gold Saucer is too far away. Cindy: I think there is a town over that way. (Cindy points down the tunnel to a mountain city.) DDT: Okay, let's go. *** :: Rantmon :: Rantmon: HOW COULD YOU HAVE FAILED, JALLOPSIMON?! Jallopsimon: My apologies sire, but- Rantmon: NONE OF THAT. YOU WERE COMPLETELY STRONGER THAN THE OTHERS! HOW COULD YOU LET THEM ESCAPE?! Jallopsimon: Look at the inventory for the Ifrit Gloves. That'll give you your answer. (Jallopsimon turns around and begins to walk away.) Rantmon: Where the Hell are you going?! Jallopsimon: (turns head to see Rantmon) My battle with DDT is now personal. (Jallopsimon exits through the large double doors.) *** :: SSJ and Co. :: SSJ: So explain to me again, WHY are you following us? DDT: You need to pay for my services! I saved you! Amiko: Yes, we know that, but how much? DDT: (Thinks: I'll make up an insane price so I can stick around!) The low price of twenty trillion. (TM hands DDT the money.) TM: There it is. DDT: Huh?! TM: (points to stack of bills) There it all is. Twenty tril. Good bye. (We all start walking away.) DDT: HEY WAIT! Cindy: (looks back) He's following us... SSJ: (sigh) Damn it. DDT: JUST BECAUSE YOU PAY ME DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE GETTING RID OF ME! ---- To Be Continued ---- DDT: I OWNZ JOO! THIS PREVIEW IS MINE! (Silence.) DDT: (clears throat) Anyway, next time, a secret force stalks us in Gold Saucer. Of course, because I kick so much ass, I defeat the stalker and we all live happily ever after! SSJ: HEY! GET OUT OF MY PREVIEW! THAT ISN'T WHAT'll HAPPEN! You got it all wrong except for the stalker part. DDT: Then what does happen?! SSJ: Next episode: "Darkness Rising" DDT: Another episode of me?! How kind of you! SSJ: (punches DDT in the jaw) It has nothing to do with you! Get out of my fic!