Disclaimer: I do not own any anime at all... OR DO I?! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= Recap =- DDT: I still can't believe you made another chapter about me! SSJ: For the last time, THIS CHAPTER AIN'T ABOUT YOU, DAMN IT! DDT: Of course, I should be modest, for I am quickly stealing SSJ's fans! (SSJ grabs DDT and puts him into a hard headlock.) DDT: Gack... A... Ne...ed... Ai...r... (SSJ tightens hold.) SSJ: TAKE THAT! HAH! (DDT stops struggling... He slowly becomes limp.) SSJ: Maybe I should stop... (Headlock loosens a bit.) SSJ: ...Nah. (SSJ resumes headlock.) Amiko: (sweatdrop) Those two'll always be like this... (sigh) Anyway, I'm sure you readers are SO GLAD we have another ep of this great series! TM: (mutters) Doubt it. Amiko: (didn't hear) In case you're wondering, the last few chapters were NOTHING BUT PLOT. We get to relieve this "plot" after this chapter and "return to our roots". TM: Like Final Fantasy 9. Amiko: (nod) And today, I have heard that TM'll *ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING*! TM: YES! Amiko: Anyway, tell our fans what has happened so far. TM: For the very long and detailed summary, read the damn chapters. For a brief summary, here's what happened: We met a chick named Cindy and her trusty friend, Mokona. And over there... (TM points to the guy in the headlock.) TM: That's DDT. He has these trippy Ifrit Gloves that can burn us all. Oh yeah, his Devimon went somewhere, but we dunno. Cindy: Anyway, we better progress. (looks at SSJ and DDT) ...I think we better stop this before DDT dies or something. (Amiko and TM struggle to pull SSJ off. Cindy then shakes DDT violently to resuscitate him.) Cindy: He's alive! SSJ: @#$%$#@#$%*&@#$%*@#&$@*$&@*#&$*@&@#*&@$*@&$*&@*&@#*@&#*@&$*&@#@#$*&$@&$#*!!!! Amiko: Calm down, SSJ. He's just an annoying freak that joined us for no reason at all. SSJ: WHICH IS EXACTLY WHY I NEED TO KILL HIM NOW! (TM whacks SSJ over the head with a lead pipe he retrieved from nowhere. SSJ becomes incapacitated...) TM: You better sleep. (...but SSJ quickly regains his senses and tries to choke TM.) SSJ: DIE YOU @#$%ING @#$%#@ DAMN BASTARD! :: Several Long and Painful Hours Later :: SSJ: MWAHAHAHAHA! YOU HAVE ALL PAID! (TM and DDT are covered under a pile of rocks.) Amiko: (sips from Japanese tea cup) They're finally done. Cindy: (sips from another Japanese tea cup) Yeah. Finally. Let's get on with the actual story. ---- Chapter 16: Darkness Rising ---- [The scene is a modern town. The shopping center (or what you Americans call a "mall") is jammed with last-second shoppers. The group is currently trying to fight the crowds to get to a decent restaurant.] SSJ: (sigh) This is what I hate about Christmas nowadays. Amiko: What? The idiotic last-minute holiday shoppers? SSJ: That, and the fact that Christmas has become nothing but a shopfest. All anyone cares about are the gifts. Cindy: YOU'RE NO DIFFERENT! SSJ: Of course not. Except I don't shop. (Everyone sighs.) TM: Hey, there's a restaurant. :: Later :: Waiter: May I take your order? SSJ: Fried chow mein with chicken. TM: A hamburger with fries or something. Amiko: Sushi for me. Cindy: Candy. Lots and lots of it. (Everyone stares at Cindy.) Cindy: (sweatdrop) What?! DDT: I'd like ground horse flesh, dried insect mucus, moldy and decaying flesh, and ten year expired bread. Waiter: You mean Taco Bell? DDT: Yeah, sure. (Everyone tries not to vomit.) Waiter: Okay then, your orders'll arrive shortly. (Waiter walks away for five seconds and return with our orders.) DDT: That was fast. (We all start eating our meals.) :: Somewhere EVIL :: Computer: Artificial life forms complete. Targets acquired. [A whole bunch of screens come up around a computer (with a brain, I might add).] Computer: Foreign objects locked. Launching missiles. (Missiles are loaded into a giant canon, and are launched. Some smoke comes from three cryogenic chambers. The cylinders' hatches open up to reveal three life forms.) Computer: Resuscitating artificial humans. Mission... Kill Outlaws. :: Some Time Later... :: Random Guy: What the-?! Get out of my way! (A gray guy wearing a large trench coat walks past, not even listening. He bumps into many more people as he passes.) People: Huh?! DAMN BASTARD! (A shorter guy wearing a large hooded red cloak follows the gray guy...only he's walking on air.) Random Lady: What the Hell?! (Both of them make it to an open air area of the mall. The mall rises plenty of floors above the ground. Both start flying to the second to top floor.) SSJ: (hears something) Huh? (The two weird guys appear right outside our nearby window.) Everyone at once: What in the Hell?! (We all rise from our chairs as a wind is thrown at the window, shattering it.) DDT: What the Hell is this? TM: I don't know. Cindy: Are we all gonna die... again? Amiko: Damn it. SSJ: ... (looks up at ceiling) Cindy: Aren't you going to say anything, author person? SSJ: Shit. Missiles are coming this way. Cindy: Huh?! (listens intently through the silence) Oh, damn it! TM: You're kidding... SSJ: (shakes head) The missiles will kill plenty of people if it were to explode here. Amiko: Are the plot hole things working again? SSJ: (opens plot hole in front of self) It seems so. I'll take care of the missiles. You all take these guys. (SSJ disappears through plot hole.) DDT: (coughs) Wuss. (A plot hole appears in front of DDT. SSJ punches DDT's jaw through the plot hole then returns.) DDT: (rubbing left cheek) I hate him. Guy #1: It's about time we found you Outlaws. Cindy: ...Outlaws...? (looks at Amiko and TM) What are you two?! Criminals?! Amiko: (points to TM) He may be, but I'm not. TM: Yep. Guy #2: Shut up. (everyone shuts up) We were sent here to kill you. And we shall. TM: (draws his own sword) [thinks: I finally get to use this!] I don't think you shall be able to kill us. Guy #2: Oh, really... (right hand converts into five different rocket launchers) How about now? (Everyone's mouth drops to the floor and their eye twitches.) :: SSJ Heero :: (Flies up from plot hole and stands on rooftop. SSJ looks up to see two missiles heading towards the mall. SSJ takes out his sword.) SSJ: (sigh) First Rantmon, then androids and missiles. What's next? (Something falls onto the roof behind SSJ. SSJ jumps forward while spinning 180 degrees.) SSJ: Great. ANOTHER android. Android #3: Heh. SSJ, you shall die. SSJ: (eyes widen) How do you know my name?! #3: The supercomputer knows all. SSJ: (one eyebrow goes down) Supercomputer? #3: That won't matter. It all will be over in a few seconds. SSJ: Is that so... Well, the missiles won't kill me, or anyone else. (SSJ opens plot holes to send missiles to another dimension.) #3: Perfect. SSJ: Huh? (#3 punches to his right.) SSJ: What the-? (A fist crashes into SSJ's face from the left. The plot holes close on the missiles, cutting them and causing them to explode in the sky. SSJ grabs his left cheek.) SSJ: SHIT! WHAT IN THE HELL?! (#3 punches in front of him. A fist comes from a hole and hits SSJ square between the eyes.) SSJ: DAMN! Plot holes?! (#3 elbows to his left. SSJ's right side is elbowed. SSJ falls to his knees in pain.) #3: Not plot holes. I can shift between dimensions. SSJ: S...hit... #3: (smirks) Death comes to those who oppose us. :: Amiko and Co. :: Amiko: Those missiles exploded... TM: Doesn't matter. No one was killed. #2: Heh. No one will die...except you. TM: So full of himself. (TM runs at #2, sword drawn.) TM: Take this! (TM leaps into the air and attempts cleaves #2 down the middle. #2, unluckily, dodges the attack and knees TM in the gut. TM flies back from a punch to the face, landing in front of everyone.) Amiko: Ouch. DDT: Well, I guess they are serious. (raises a palm towards both) Fireball! (A fireball surrounds the two and engulf them in flames. The flames disappear and show them intact and with full HP.) DDT: ...@#$%. #1: Element attacks don't harm us in anyway. Try this! (#1 flies toward DDT and punches him across the right cheek, then uppercuts him, then kicks him toward the ground. #1 then steps on DDT's face. DDT barely stays conscious.) Cindy: We're all gonna die. Amiko: Uh... uh... I dunno what to do! (All Amiko's bishounen appear.) All at once: You two ain't harming Amiko-sama! (Amiko's eyes turn to hearts.) #2: Feh. (#2 launches twelve missiles at the bishounen. All of them dodge the explosions, and start attacking #2.) :: Meanwhile :: (#1 lands in front of Cindy.) Cindy: Mokona! (Mokona appears) Can you hurt them?! Mokona: Puu! (Yes!) (Mokona runs at #1, crashing into him headfirst... Only it would've been useful if #1 was actually hurt or fell over. #1 still stands on his feet.) #1: How insulting. (#1 grabs Mokona by the ears and tosses it to Cindy. Its hand converts to a blade and it speeds towards Cindy.) Cindy: ACK! (falls to her knees and crouches) I'M GONNA DIE! (The ceiling rips apart and a weaker SSJ falls headfirst at #1. He crashes in front of #1, stopping #1 in his tracks.) #1: Heh. Weakling. (#3 drops down through the ceiling.) #3: Over confident fool. Cindy: Yes, we're all gonna die. :: Meanwhile Again... :: #2: Heh. Is this the best you all can do?! Bishounen: What the Hell do you mean?! #2: I mean this. (#2 launches a giant energy blast from a jewel in its right palm. All the bishounen are knocked out, leaving Amiko.) Amiko: DAMN IT! (#2 fires a blast at Amiko, launching her backwards and flying out a window.) SSJ/TM/DDT/Cindy: (anime split screen action) Amiko! (Devimon comes up, holding an unconscious Amiko. Everyone sighs with relief.) Devimon: Master, I have arrived. DDT: Yes... Thanks. (points to the androids) Will you... (goes unconscious) Devimon: (nod) Okay, Master. (looks at the three androids) Now, prepare to fight a real opponent. #2: Heh. Is that all? Devimon: Well, it's more than you will be able to handle. (#2 grins and all the androids get into battle positions. There is a long silence.) *** :: Later :: Amiko: (wakes up in a bed with a blanket to her neck) Huh...? I'm... alive...? (Amiko sits up in her bed and looks around the room. SSJ sits in a chair beside the bed, watching television. DDT and TM are playing poker in the opposite corner. Cindy is playing with Mokona. Devimon leans in the corner near DDT.) SSJ: So, you're finally awake. Amiko: How did I get here? DDT: Well, Devimon didn't try fighting the three cyborgs we fought. He clouded us in smoke and allowed escaped with us. It's a genius, just like me! (SSJ punches downward, and punches down on DDT via plot hole.) DDT: I hate you, you know. SSJ: Well, same to you. TM: (sigh) You know, I'd rather not stay in this room all day. Let's explore around this city or something. (Mokona jumps on Cindy's head and Cindy stands up.) Cindy: Yeah, I'm tired of this crummy place. SSJ: (turns off TV and stands up) I'll be waiting outside then... (SSJ leaves through the door.) Cindy: Hasty, isn't he? Amiko: (nod) :: SSJ :: (SSJ exits the hotel and leans on a wall by the entrance.) Girl: Hey! That's my bag! Someone help me! SSJ: (sigh) Thieves... So common. I wonder why I accept TM... (SSJ sticks out his foot and the thief trips over it. He falls forward and scrapes on the ground.) Thief: SHIT! (gets up off ground and looks at SSJ) DAMN BASTARD! SSJ: Correct. (takes out sword) I'd hate to kill you, but I must if you don't return the bag. Girl: (catches up to SSJ) Thanks... (pants) Whoever you... are...? Thief: @#$%! Okay then! (throws bag at SSJ) Have it! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! (Thief runs away.) SSJ: (sheathes sword) Idiot. Girl: Whew. (picks up bag and turns toward SSJ) Thank you... uh...? SSJ: My name is SSJ, though you don't need it. (The street is unusually empty when TM and co. arrive.) TM: The androids must've scared everyone. Girl: Well, thanks for everything! Bye! (Girl runs away.) Cindy: Hey, who was the girl? SSJ: (shrug) Thief stole her bag. You can guess the rest. TM: You're a player, aren't ya? SSJ: (sigh) Whatever. *** :: Later :: (The sun is setting and the city people have finally come out. We are walking through the town square.) SSJ: So, what've we done in the past few hours? TM: We've spent about a million dollars on the arcades, another million on buying new equipment for our journey- SSJ: But we didn't get any new weapons! TM: That's because we didn't think we needed weapons! Cindy: Well, I bought about twelve .45 caliber revolvers! TM: ...Using MY money?! Cindy: Hey! Amiko and SSJ and DDT do it all the time! TM: ...huh? [TM turns towards Amiko, SSJ, and DDT. Amiko is reading a manga of X, SSJ is carrying a bag full of guns, and DDT is currently playing FFX on a new portable PS2 (with online capabilities!). TM facefaults.] TM: DAMN IT! WHY DO YOU ALL STEAL MY MONEY?! DDT: You have about several quadrillion left, don't you? TM: Yeah, and that comes from months of nothing but thieving! SSJ: It only took you 15 chapters. TM: Whatever! It's still my money! Amiko: (coughs) Well, I guess I shouldn't give you this Tifa Lockheart wallscroll I found just for you. TM: (silent) Okay! YOU CAN USE MY MONEY WHENEVER YOU WANT! SSJ: (whispers) Isn't that against your morals? Amiko: (whispers) It's better than not being able to exploit several quadrillion dollars. SSJ: (whispers) You have a point, there... (A shadow streaks across the sky. A paper note is dropped from the shadow. It flutters towards the ground and SSJ catches it and reads.) SSJ: In three days, we shall kill you. If you do not show up to our lair, we shall not only hunt you down and kill you, we shall destroy the entire city. All: @#$%. SSJ: Lair is located in the center of the town. DDT: ...So, they can destroy it whenever they want? Cindy: Should we do something? Amiko: (shakes head) We should train or something before we fight. DDT: (nods) Agreed. SSJ: (silent) [thinking: Those bastards!] TM: Let's go get some rest back at our room. *** :: Twilight :: (SSJ gets up from his bed and walks towards the window.) SSJ: ... (looks at everyone else) They're so casual. (SSJ walks towards the door while picking up his sword and some guns. He hides the guns via plot holes. SSJ goes down the elevator and leaves the hotel. He heads towards the town center in silence.) :: Later :: (A girl passes by an alley.) SSJ: (coughs) Hey. (The girl curiously pokes her head back and peers down the alley.) SSJ: Can... you... assist me... tonight...? Girl: GOD DAMN IT! I'M NOT A PROSTITUTE, YOU PERVERT! (SSJ emerges from the alley, holding his side. Blood rushes from between his fingers. Blood covers his entire body as he falls to his knees, falls facefirst, and faints.) Girl: Ack! It's you! Sorry! (runs off to ask someone for help) *** :: Daybreak :: Amiko: (stretches) What a nice sleep. (Amiko gets up and goes to the bathroom. She brushes her teeth and washes her face.) :: Later :: (Amiko emerges from the bathroom and looks around the room. TM and DDT are playing poker. Cindy is playing with Mokona.) Amiko: Hey, where's SSJ? Cindy: (shrug) He's probably somewhere in the hotel or something. Amiko: (sigh) He's always running around like an idiot. :: SSJ :: (SSJ wakes up in a bed. He looks around the room. The rooms is that of a large house in the country. He looks to his right and sees the girl, sleeping in a chair beside the bed. The girl wakes up.) Girl: Ua~~~h. (stretches and looks down at SSJ) How was your sleep? SSJ: ... (sits up in bed) Painful. Girl: I'm a little trained in medicine. I was able to patch up your wound. SSJ: (smiles) Thanks... but where am I? Girl: You're in my home, of course. SSJ: And you are... Girl: The name is Momo! SSJ: (sigh) Okay then, Momo. (SSJ stands to find his clothes are completely stained with blood. They are torn at many parts.) SSJ: I don't have any other clothes... Momo: That's okay, SSJ! My father is a tailor. Describe any clothing you want and he'll make it! SSJ: Okay then... :: Amiko and Co. :: (The scene is in the center of the mall. The four meet after searching through the hotel.) Amiko: Has anyone been able to find SSJ?! TM: Nope. Cindy: No! DDT: Not a bit. Amiko: DAMN IT! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU, BASTARD?! (Another paper note drops from above. Amiko catches it.) Amiko: (reading) We have killed your friend. If you wish to try at us again, we'll be happy to kill the rest of you, as well. The deadline is shortened to midnight. Cindy: *KILLED* SSJ?! TM: Impossible! DDT: He's the author! Amiko: (crushes note) It's a lie... Anyway, we have to train for this. If they really did kill SSJ, this story would've been over. TM: BEFORE I WAS ABLE TO DO ANYTHING! Amiko: (nod) Now, let's go! We'll kill them in a few hours. :: SSJ :: (SSJ sits on a chair pulled up to a table. He eats the usual "American" breakfast of eggs, sausage, and bacon.) Momo: (brewing coffee) What kind of coffee do you want? SSJ: Bleh. I don't like coffee. Momo: Okay then... (fills one glass of coffee and sits opposite SSJ) How did you get so bloody, anyway? SSJ: You don't wanna know. Momo: Come on! Tell! If not, I'll start charging you for the food. SSJ: Fine then, Momo-chan... Well, I was wandering through the city... Momo: (nods) And then...? SSJ: Some time later, a bunch of freaking murderers came out of the blue and slashed at me with knives. Momo: That doesn't seem to be able to cause much blood loss. SSJ: Repeatedly. Momo: ...I guess that sorta explains it... Momo's Father: Momo-chan! Momo: Yes, Papa! Momo's Father: Call your friend! I need to measure him! SSJ: Okay. Momo: Good thing you saved me yesterday, or else Papa would've charged some thousand for the clothes you drew. SSJ: (shrug) Whatever. :: Amiko and Co. :: Amiko: Okay, we've trained for how long? Cindy: Ten hours. My aim is perfect! TM: My sword can cut through the strongest metals. DDT: I made some toast. Anyone want any? (Everyone facefaults.) Amiko: WE'RE GONNA FIGHT ANDROIDS THAT NEARLY KILLED US, AND YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT TOAST?! DDT: We can't fight on an empty stomach. TM: We ate at a seven star buffet a before we trained. If we ate anymore, we'd be too slow to fight! DDT: Whatever. (Amiko and co. look at the giant double doors.) Amiko: Iku zo! DDT: What? Amiko: "Let's go!" in Japanese. DDT: Oh. (The group pushes open the door and enters the room. The door closes and latches shut. In front, the three androids stand on a raised platform.) #2: So, you all finally arrived. TM: What have you all done with SSJ?! #3: You mean your friend?! (#1 tosses down a sword and it slides to the edge of the door. Everyone realizes its SSJ's sword.) Amiko: Damn it! DDT: Then... LET'S GO! Cindy: Yes! (pulls out two .45 caliber revolvers) Okay! (#1 converts a hand into a sword. #2 converts both hands into rocket launchers. #3 simply punches forward and strikes DDT between the eyes.) DDT: AGH! (DDT grabs the fist before it is able to escape. He then pulls hard at the arm, sending #3 through the hole. Then he gives #3 a hard punch to the gut.) #3: OOOUUUUUUU!!! Amiko: Everyone again! (all bishounen appear) Go! (Her bishounen starts fighting the androids as well. All while Amiko sits at the sidelines, cheering with fans.) TM: (runs at #1) This shall be easy! (TM pulls out his sword and leaps into the air. #1 dodges TM's sword as its comes down. TM then quickly jumps at #1, commencing those anime sword fights.) *** Cindy: I can fight! (Cindy starts shooting at #2. #2 dodges the bullets and launches many missiles at Cindy.) Cindy: Mokona! [Mokona drops from the ceiling and slams #2's head. #2 quickly grabs Mokona by the neck (?) and raises his hand in an attempt to beat the snot out of it. Cindy shoots #2's hand before he is able to attack, though.] #2: @#$%! Damn it! *** #3: You shall die, DDT! (gives DDT a punch to the face) DDT: Not quite! (DDT engulfs #3 in intense flames and jumps back.) DDT: Hah! (#3 escapes from the flames and dashes towards DDT. #3 gives DDT a combination of punches and kicks, sending him into a wall.) DDT: Crap! (sprints towards #3 in an attempt to retaliate) (#3 dodges all attacks.) #3: You can not win! We can anticipate all your attacks! The supercomputer knows all! *** TM: Damn it! Why won't you lose?! #1: I am programmed to win! I shall never lose! TM: Damn it! (TM jumps back in order to dodge a slash.) TM: CRIMSON BLADE! (TM runs at #1 and does his Crimson Blade technique.) #1: Is that all?! (#1 flies at TM, launching a fury of slashes.) TM: Damn it! *** DDT: Hah! (DDT gives #3 a hell of a lot of punches, and finally finishes by chopping #3's neck. Sparks come from the blow.) #3: Heh. You have managed to hurt me... (#3 yells into the air, making everyone stop. From the wall behind him, two wires connect to the back of his neck, and the wall moves apart. Behind the wall, a giant supercomputer is revealed. It is cylindrical shaped, and a dome at the top houses a giant brain.) Cindy: I think I'm gonna be sick... Amiko: What the Hell?! TM: That is... DDT: ...The supercomputer they run on?! (All three jump back into the supercomputer, wires connecting into them. Hatches open from the sides of the supercomputer and a hundred battle droids fly out.) Amiko: SHIT! :: SSJ :: [SSJ exits the house and looks up at the sky. He wears his new clothes, a large red cloak, over a baggy sleeveless blue shit and large black pants that bag above the ankles (a la Cloud from FF7). He also wears a large white bandana. SSJ looks towards the city.] Momo: Hey! Where are you going?! SSJ: My friends are in trouble... Momo: What do you mean?! SSJ: ... (starts walking towards city) Momo: ...You lied to me, didn't you?! SSJ: Yes. Momo: You fought and actually lived against those androids?! SSJ: Yes. Momo: Then go! As long as you are here, Papa can't be safe, can he?! SSJ: I'm already ahead of you. Momo: ... SSJ: Doumo arigatou gozaimasu, Momo-san. (starts running towards city) Momo: (looks at sky) Baka. :: The Battle :: Amiko: Damn it! (returns all her defeated bishounen) We have to win! TM: DAMN! (quickly slashes several droids, but a lot more retaliate) There's too many! DDT: Ifrit! (Ifrit comes and starts tearing up some, but the shear numbers gang Ifrit and defeat him as well.) DDT: @#$%!! (DDT tries to fight barehanded.) Cindy: Ack! (shoots from afar and dodges the onslaught of the droids) GET AWAY! (The droids start winning the battles. TM is knocked senseless. DDT is launched into a wall. Amiko is cornered. Cindy runs out of ammo in her ten .45 caliber revolvers. They all huddle together.) Amiko: Anyone gotta plan?! DDT: (starts praying to God) Amiko: (sigh) Damn. Cindy: My ten guns have no bullets! (Suddenly, an explosion rips through the supercomputer. The three androids are launched out of their hatches after flames rip through the top. Something cuts down the center of the computer. The three roll in their flight and see what made the computer explode. The droids fall from the sky and hit the ground.) Amiko: SSJ?! (A silhouette appears from the flames.) TM: No... It's... him... DDT: Rantmon. (Rantmon appears from the flames.) Cindy: Rantmon?! Why?! Rantmon: While you all are my enemies... I can't let the law go unpunished. Amiko: What? Rantmon: The law isn't always fair in these parts of the planet. Hell, in some places the law is nothing but a lie. I'm here to fix that. TM: Go away! We don't need you! Rantmon: Suit yourself. (disappears) DDT: Okay now... Now that we don't have to worry about them being able to anticipate out attacks... (Round 2 of the battle begins. The androids, though slower, are still too powerful. DDT is knocked into a wall with #3's rocket punch. Then his head is pushed into the wall by #3's other hand.) Cindy: They're still too strong! (Cindy runs by a wall, rockets tearing it behind her.) TM: Damn! (#1 manages to kick TM into the wall next to DDT. #1 then jumps on the wall and attempts to impale TM. TM, however, kicks #1 away.) TM: (lands on the ground) That's it! No more of this fun! #1: #2! No more fun, he says! Let's kill him! #2: (appears next to #1) Indeed! (TM raises his sword into the air. He begins to glow.) TM: ZERO SLASH! (TM slashes the sword in the general direction of #1 and #2. A thin wave comes from the sword and slices through #1 and #2.) #1: Shit... (splits in half and explodes) #2: We... lost... (splits in half and explodes) TM: (faces #3) Now for you! (#3 leaps into the air and lands behind Amiko. He quickly grabs Amiko by the neck as a hostage.) Amiko: Why is it always me?! #3: Do that technique again, and you'll have to kill your friend here. TM: Damn it... (#3 heads towards the door, back facing it.) #3: Nice knowing you all. (The door suddenly slams open and SSJ emerges with his fist pulled back.) #3: What the-?! Amiko: SSJ?! (SSJ gives #3 a hard punch the back of its head. #3 goes flying forward and scrapes off the ground. SSJ grabs his sword and dashes towards #3. #3 tries to jump and dodge any oncoming blow. SSJ leaps into the air, and drop kicks the android. #3 falls to the ground in pain.) Cindy: Insane... #3: Wait! Please... Forgive me! My comrades may have been evil, but I'm not! I'm- (SSJ impales #3 between the eyes. He pulls the sword up to cut through its wires and "brain".) SSJ: You're dead is what you are. (smirks) (SSJ walks away from the nonfunctional android.) DDT: So... You're not dead. SSJ: Of course not. I can never die. TM: What's with the clothes? SSJ: My clothes were a little stained after last night. Amiko: (one eyebrow drops) A little? SSJ: Hehe... (There are loud sounds of footsteps. #3 appears behind SSJ prepared to give a final punch.) SSJ: DAMN! (SSJ tries to block with his sword. #3 punches the sword, causing it to shatter into a million pieces. He then gives SSJ a strong blow to the right cheek, sending him flying out of the building. #3 flies after SSJ.) DDT: NOT AGAIN! [SSJ blocks #3's attacks and looks up at #3's bloody (?) face.] SSJ: Well, I won. #3: (in robotic cracking voice) What. SSJ: (pulls two .45 caliber revolvers from his cloak) Yatta. (Bullets rip from #3's back. #3 is thrown back from the batter of bullets. He lands on his back, showing the many holes in his front.) #3: This can't be... How could I... Lose...? Everyone: ... (SSJ walks up and stands on #3. He raises the gun to #3's head.) SSJ: Merry Christmas... (A sound of thunder echoed through the building.) ---- To Be Continued ---- --- Preview --- SSJ: Wasn't that just plain EXCITING?! TM: I DID SOMETHING! YES! DDT: Wow. I never thought GGG ever could get serious. Amiko: Why was I the pawn?! Cindy: What happened to Mokona? DDT: What happened to Devimon?! SSJ: Well, you can all answer the questions yourself! Because next time is nothing but a WACKY filler! TM: This bodes. SSJ: The impossible happens... Cindy: You've gotta read it to believe it! DDT: Next chapter: "Mafia Mayhem"