Disclaimer: Sue me, and I'll seek my evil zombie lawyer by the name of "Rantmon" at you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (The scene is Las Vegas. The lights and sounds of the casinos and hotels shine on the streets. Rantmon and Jallopsimon enter via highway 15. Jallopsimon is driving, of course.) Jallopsimon: Not to say this is stupid, but why are we here, Rantmon? Rantmon: This is a filler episode, we won't be in the rest of it. Jallopsimon: Oh. Rantmon: 'Cause the author thinks we're not important enough. Damn him. Jallopsimon: Well, where do you wanna go? Rantmon: Take me to MGM Grand. I hear they have the best buffet ever. Jallopsimon: Acknowledged. Rantmon: Stop being so formal. This is a freaking vacation for us. Jallopsimon: Fine, R-mon. Rantmon: Good. You're learning. (A truck passes by, filling Jallopsimon's open-top Mustang with smog. Rantmon and Jallopsimon cough until they pass the smog.) Rantmon: Now I know why SSJ hates Las Vegas. Jallopsimon: (nods) Uh huh. (The car continues towards MGM Grand.) ---- Chapter 17: Mafia Mayhem ---- SSJ: I can't believe what is happening...! Amiko: (face twists in horror) THIS SIMPLY CAN'T BE! DDT: The horror... THE HORROR! Cindy: Oh my god... This is.... THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! TM: (nod) Sorry, but it's true. (Camera closes up to TM's small book. $0 is surrounded in a large red circle.) All (except TM) at once: WE ARE OUT OF MONEY?!?!?! TM: (nod) Sou desu. (Subtitles: That's right.) SSJ: HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?! Amiko: Last chapter, we had several quadrillion dollars! Cindy: What did you do?! (grabs TM by the shirt and starts shaking) WHAT DID YOU DO?! DDT: (also shakes TM) FIX IT! FIX IT NOW! TM: Stop it! (Cindy and DDT stop.) TM: Now, I'm sure you all are perplexed on how we got into this, but there is a very simple explanation... SSJ: (blinks) What? TM: (yelling as loud as humanly possible) ...YOU ALL USED UP ALL OF MY FREAKING MONEY!! All: (blankly) Oh. TM: See that pile of junk you bought?! (TM points to a large mountain of random items.) Amiko: ...It's not junk... TM: Well, it was bought with my money! All of it! Not to mention the super gun polishing kit Cindy insisted to buy. Cindy: (polishing a gun) Hey, it's not useless! TM: Well, anyway, like all those popular anime like Tenchi Muyo, we all must get horribly ridiculous part-time jobs and screw up in wacky ways! (There is a long silence. A wind blows and a tumbleweed rolls past the screen.) TM: ...Or we could just try not spending money and starving to death. SSJ: I choose the latter. Amiko: Agreed. DDT: Sure. Cindy: Yep. TM: (sighs) Okay, then. Let's go. (We all start walking down the dirt path, saying nothing. Our stomachs start growling.) Amiko: I'm- TM: We don't have any money to buy food. (Everyone sighs.) *** :: Las Vegas :: Rantmon: (playing craps) OH, YEAH! I WON THE JACKPOT! Jallopsimon: (waving Japanese flags beside Rantmon) Rah. *** :: DDT and Co. :: (We are all wandering through a random desert.) DDT: I'll probably be a skeleton before I see a decent meal. SSJ: Or even worse... You'll be eating Arbies. (We all nearly vomit.) Cindy: (looks ahead) ...I think I see a town... Amiko: Oh... Yay. (A group of black-suited men are waiting in front of the town. As we approach, the men block our paths.) Man #1: You all have plenty of debts. Unless you can pay off the debt... We shall either repossess that pile of crap- Amiko: HEY! Man #1: -or you'll be forced to work as our slaves. DDT: Can we get five minutes? Man #1: No. DDT: Can we get five minutes? Man #1: No. DDT: Can we get five minutes? Man #1: No. DDT: Can we get five minutes? Man #1: No. DDT: Can we get five minutes? Man #1: Fine. Go ahead, damn kids. (We all huddle.) SSJ: What do you guys- Amiko: (coughs) SSJ: -and girls wanna do? TM: I say we let them repossess the crap. I don't wanna pay off the debts, damn it! Amiko: That includes your Tifa Lockheart wallscroll, y'know. TM: ...Damn it all. Cindy: Why do you even have it?! There's no wall to hang it from! TM: So...? Point being...? All: ... DDT: Well... I say we- (All except DDT start running away from the city.) DDT: (sigh) Why didn't I see this coming...? (DDT follows rest. A wind blows over where we just stood. A tumbleweed tumbles past.) Man #1: Okay... It has been five minutes exactly... ...now. (Man #1 looks at where we just stood, and sees we are gone.) Man #1: (sigh) Why didn't I see this coming? :: Inn :: SSJ: It seems we managed to escape... DDT: Those fools will never find out we managed to SNEAK INTO THE TOWN THEY THOUGHT WE ESCAPED FROM! (Random men in black suits line up on the street.) Random Guy #2: Found 'em, sir! (Silence...) SSJ: DAMN YOU, DDT! (SSJ starts jumps on and starts beating the crap out of DDT.) Everyone but SSJ and DDT: (sigh) How predictable. (The random men in black suits burst through the door and pulls SSJ off of DDT. They then arrest everyone else.) Amiko: This sucks. Why are we treated so badly just because this is a self-insertion fic?! Cindy: It's because if this fic had us being perfect, we'd have zero readers. Amiko: WE ALREADY HAVE ZERO READERS! Man #3: Move along, you crazy freaks! (Amiko is restrained as she tries to give Man #3 a beating. We are all dragged away.) Man #3: (sweatdrop) These people scare me. (We all leave the inn and are thrown into the back of a van. Then we are driven somewhere...) *** :: You Probably Don't Care :: Amiko: Ugh... Where are we? (Amiko pulls her face off of the cold, metallic floor of the van. She looks around. TM is playing poker with DDT. Cindy is sitting in the corner, still asleep. SSJ rests on the side of the van, also sleeping. Amiko yawns and stretches. TM and DDT look for once second at Amiko, then return to their game.) Amiko: Gee. You two are happy to see me. TM: Yeah, we sure are. DDT: I got a four of a kind, JACK ASS! (DDT takes all the bets.) TM: ...BITCH. Amiko: (sigh) Well, where are we? TM: Better not ask. We've been in this van for hours now. Amiko: Damn it. (The van stops. SSJ and Cindy awaken.) SSJ: (yawn) We finally stopped? Cindy: (stretches) Yay. Man #1: (opens hatch on door) Okay now, you kids. (SSJ and co. are all handcuffed again and pulled from the van. They all get to see where they were taken to. The building's windows are all shine in the sunlight. Typical office where- cringe -lawyers exist. The random men enter first, then one follows from behind. A rock falls in front of DDT.) DDT: Huh? (DDT looks up and sees Devimon and Mokona on the roof of the six floor building.) DDT: Ah! Man #1: Did you say something?! DDT: Of course not. Man #1: Then move along! DDT: Can I have one minute outside?! You're tracking me anyway, aren't you? Man #1: Fine. (sighs and mutters) Damn kids these days... (DDT makes hand motions to Devimon.) DDT: (subtitles: Go get money... Get help... Help my friends...) Devimon: You want me to smack a donkey with a fish while crushing Mokona's head in a tin can?! DDT: (slaps forehead) No! I WANT YOU TO GET US MONEY AND HELP SO WE CAN HELP MY FRIENDS! Devimon: Oh. Man #1: Time's up, kid! I don't know what in the Hell you were yelling, but stop that. This is a law office, you know. *** :: Devimon and Mokona :: Mokona: Puupu PUU puuUUpu PuUU? (Subtitles: Where are we going to get help?!) Devimon: PuuPu puuUpu. (I dunno.) Mokona: PuUUuuu pUUu? (You can speak Mokona?) Devimon: Of course I can. Mokona: PuuUpu puuuu uuuuuUUUU? (So, where should we get help?) Devimon: We're going to visit... (camera zooms into Devimon's face) ...the mafia! Mokona: PUuupu?! PuPuu PUUUp?! (Mario? That fat plumber?) Devimon: PU! PUUU PUUPUPuuUUU! (NO! THE MAFIA!) Mokona: Pp. (Oh.) Devimon: So now... MAFUIA NI IKIMASHOU! (Let's go to the mafia!) Mokona: PuuuUUUU! (Hai!) :: Later :: Leader of Mafia: Why if it isn't my old pal, Devimon... Never thought I'd see you again since the time you left... Ehr... (turns to underling) Why did he leave again, Vicente? Vicente: WHAT'RE YOU, LORD ROBERTO?! STUPID?! DEVIMON NEARLY DESTROYED OUR ENTIRE BUSINESS BY "ACCIDENTALLY" DESTROYING A PILLAR THAT SENT OUR ENTIRE HIDEOUT TO COLLAPSE!! (Several underlings drag Vicente away while he's kicking and screaming.) Roberto: I'm sorry for that outburst Devimon... Vicente hasn't been making much sense lately. What is it you need? Devimon: Ten trillion dollars. Roberto: Now that's a little high... Devimon: I'll give you my platinum watch now and pay back ten trillion soon. Roberto: (smiles) Excellent. :: Meanwhile... :: (Back at the law offices...) Man #1: Hey! Where's my platinum watch?! :: Back at Devimon :: Devimon: So, will you lend us the money? Roberto: Anything for an old pal... (Devimon and Mokona leaves with the money. After they leave, thirty minutes pass without anyone moving.) Roberto: HEY WAIT! THAT THING VICENTE SAID ABOUT DEVIMON NEARLY DESTROYING OUR BUSINESS MEANT SOMETHING! *** :: Meanwhile yet Again... :: -- Case 1: The Case of Amiko -- (SSJ and co. are tied to chairs that are chained to the ground. We can't move as the men interrogate us in different rooms.) Amiko: Isn't this child abuse?! Man #1: Not as long as I have reason. Amiko: (sweatdrop) ... Man #1: Where is the money? Amiko: How should I know?! It was all spent on a pile of random stuff! Man #1: ...Oh, REALLY?! Amiko: YES! Man #1: So, where did this pile go?! Amiko: Into another dimension. Man #1: Hah. That's gotta be one of the stupidest lies I've ever heard. Amiko: IT REALLY IS IN ANOTHER DIMENSION! Man #1: (tries not to laugh) So, can you lead me to this "other dimension". Amiko: No. Man #1: Why?! (points accusingly at Amiko) It's because there is no other dimension! You're just cra- (The pile of random junk falls from the hammerspace and knocks out Man #1.) Amiko: Told ya. The reason you can't enter is because only chicks can use it. (Camera closes up on Amiko, who widely smiles.) -- Case 2: The Case of SSJ -- Man #2: (yelling in SSJ's face) WHERE'S THE MONEY?! HUH?! TELL US, KID! WHERE'S THE MONEY! (SSJ sends Man #2 through plot hole and scraping down a cliff.) SSJ: That guy will just NEVER SHUT UP. Man #3: (suddenly appearing in #2's place) WHERE'S THE MONEY?! HUH?! TELL US, KID! WHERE'S THE MONEY?! SSJ: (sigh) Damn it. Man #3: WHERE IS IT, HUH?! TELL! YOU WON'T BE GOING ANYWHERE SOON! SSJ: Come here then. Man #3: Huh? SSJ: (whispers) You want the money for yourself, right? Man #3: WHAT?! Why, I'd NEVER try and play your games! (Silence.) Man #3: (whispers) How much money is there? SSJ: Several trillion. (Man #3 suddenly goes money hungry.) Man #3: (starts shaking SSJ by the shirt) WHERE'S THE MONEY?! HUH?! TELL ME KID! WHERE'S THE MONEY?! SSJ: I can't say it out loud, or you'll have competition. Man #3: (whispers) Okay... Where... is... the.. money...? (Man #3 puts ear close to my mouth.) SSJ: Well... (SSJ suddenly yells loud enough to break all of the windows in the building.) SSJ: HOW THE HELL SHOULD I KNOW WHERE THE MONEY IS?! YOU THINK I CONTROL THE FINANCES?! YOU"VE GOT TO BE OUT OF YOUR MIND IF YOU THINK THEY'D TRUST ME WITH THAT MUCH MONEY! Man #3: Argh!! (holds ears in pain) I'm deaf! I'm deaf! (Man #3 runs around in panic.) SSJ: Hah. -- Case 3: The Case of TM -- Man #4: So... You manage the finances? TM: Yes. Man #4: You have received a lot of money? TM: Yes. Man #4: And all this money was spent?! TM: Yes. Man #4: Are you serious?! TM: Yes. Man #4: That much money?! TM: Yes. Man #4: About how much money was spent? TM: Yes. Man #4: That wasn't a yes/no question... TM: Yes. Man #4: Who are your other friends? TM: Yes. Man #4: ARE YOU LISTENING?! TM: Yes. Man #4: DAMN IT! TM: Yes. Man #4: Shut up! TM: Yes. Man #4: So, you are an idiot. TM: Ye- Ehr... No. -- Case 4: The Case of Cindy -- Man #5: Tell me your name. Cindy: Cindy. Man #5: Any last name? Cindy: The author doesn't bother mentioning my last name because of stalkers. Man #5: State your age. Cindy: Fourteen years. Man #5: And why are you here? Cindy: How the Heck should I know?! I was at school one time... then POOF! I'm in this world! Man #5: ...right... Anyway, what is your affiliation with the rest? Cindy: Friends. Man #5: So... Nothing more with any of the males? Cindy: ... Man #5: ...Hey? Cindy: (head magically grows bigger) DAMN IT! THIS IS NO ROMANCE FIC! THIS IS A LAME HUMOR FIC! SO STOP TRYING TO IMPLY ANY COUPLES, DAMN IT ALL! (head returns to normal size) Man #5: (cowers in fear) Yes, ma'am. Cindy: (in bad mood) Gwar. -- Case 5: The Case of DDT -- Man #6: So... You call yourself, what was it again? DDT: Dark Digimon Tamer. Man #6: So it was... DDT: ... Man #6: So, where do you think the money might be? DDT: Uh... WHERE ELSE DO YOU THINK?! IT'S SOMEWHERE! WE BOUGHT PLENTY WITH IT AND AREN'T GIVING OUR STUFF UP! Man #6: So you spent it all?! On what?! Those crappy gloves?! DDT: They are not crappy. Man #6: OH, THEY AREN'T? What other purpose can gloves serve other than looking cool or protecting your hands?! DDT: Exactly for both. Man #6: ...Liar. You're just a crazy boy! You can't distinguish fantasy from reality. DDT: (grinds teeth) Gr... Man #6: Why, we should lock you away and throw away the key! You're nothing but a sad, sad kid! DDT: (eye twitches) Grrrrr.............. Man #6: I seem to have angered you! DDT: (annoyed) Damn straight. Man #6: What are you gonna do about it?! HUH?! Just tell us where the money is and we'll free you! DDT: I ALREADY DID! Man #6: YOU LIE! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A CRAZY LITTLE- GAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! (Man #6 is burnt to a crisp via DDT's Ifrit Gloves.) DDT: Serves ya right. *** :: Mokona and Devimon :: Mokona: PuPUUuPPuu PuPpUUUU!! (HOW COULD YOU GET US LOST?!) Devimon: YOU WERE LEADING! Mokona: PuPPUUUpUuu! (Impossible!) Devimon: Stupid white piece of flab! Shut up or I'll eat your intestines! (Mokona grows a mile taller.) Mokona: PUU! Devimon: ...Or I'll just leave you alone... ^^;; Mokona: Ppu PuuU! (Damn straight!) Devimon: (sigh) :: Later... :: (Mokona and Devimon reach a fork in the road. The left path leads to a happy city. The right leads to hordes of burning villages and dead bodies. The city has a huge sign reading "THIS IS THE RIGHT PATH!". The village to the left has screams of terror and sounds of blood splattering everywhere.) Devimon: WE SHALL GO LEFT. Mokona: Puu PuUU ppUUpuUU! (We gotta help them!) Devimon: WE CAN HAVE DDT AND CO. HELP THEM ONCE WE'RE DONE! Mokona: PuuPp UPUPPU PPUU!! (WE HELP NOW!) Devimon: DISAGREE WITH ME ONCE MORE AND YOU SHALL FEEL MY WRATH! (Mokona grows a mile taller.) Mokona: Puu! Devimon: .............................Okay. You win. ^^;; Mokona: PPUUUU! (GOOD!) :: One Minute Later :: Random Villager: Thank you Mokona! And you too... uh... Devimon: IT'S DEVIMON, DAMN IT! IT ISN'T HARD TO REMEMBER MY NAME! Random Villager: Sorry about that. So, thank you, both of you! Mokona: (waves) PUUUUUUUUU! (Goodbye!) Devimon: ... (walks away) (Mokona follows Devimon.) Random Villager: They were nice people... (Silence...) Random Villager: Okay! Let's return to reenacting Samurai X (Rurouni Kenshin OVA) with real swords! (The villagers cheer.) Mokona: Pu upUUup pUUU! (They were nice!) Devimon: (sigh) Baka. (Idiots.) :: Meanwhile... :: (We are all lined up in our chairs, facing Man #1.) Man #1: Now... You all shall face the most terrifying torture ever witnessed by man... (We all gulp while tied to our chairs.) Man #1: Other guy #3! Bring in... (camera dramatically closes in on face) THE TORTUREMATIC 3000!! (We all facefault with our chairs... and somehow return to our previous positions.) Man #3: Okay, sir! (Man #3 pushes a large thingie in front of all of us.) Man #1: Prepare to suffer an evil far worse than death... (Man #1 turns on the thingie... We watch in horror as it reacts.) SSJ: OH, GREAT FREAKING GOD! Cindy: NO! THIS IS TORTURE! Amiko/TM/DDT: Huh? (First episode of dubbed BGC starts up.) Linna: WOW! (All of us reel back in pain like hearing nails on a chalkboard.) :: Mokona and Devimon Again... :: Mokona: Pu PUU puUppUU!! (We're almost to the town!) Devimon: Yes... (Camera pulls out to reveal they have to climb a very, very, VERY tall mountain in order to reach the town.) Devimon: (still far away) DA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MN I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T! Mokona: PuPPuu PUuPPUUU?! (Why not fly?) Devimon: I would IF I WASN'T CARRYING ALL THE MONEY! YOU CHANGE INTO SOMETHING AND HELP ME OVER! Mokona: PU?! Puppu PUuuU?! PUPUPUPUPUPUPU!!! (Me?! Help you?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!) (Devimon tosses bag fill of money at Mokona.) Mokona: PUPUPUPU- (gets knocked out by bag) Devimon: ACK! This can't be good! CINDY'LL KILL ME! Roberto: COME ON, MEN! HE STOLE OUR MONEY! (Devimon stuffs Mokona in the bag and hastily runs up mountain.) :: The Mafia :: (The Mafia is walking through a dense forest in the mountains.) Roberto: THOSE FREAKING THEIVES STOLE OUR MONEY! CARLOS! Carlos: Yes?! Roberto: Find them and bring 'em back here! Carlos: YES! (Carlos runs off... and is burnt to a crisp by Devimon a minute later.) Roberto: (slaps forehead) FINE THEN! RICARDO! Ricardo: Here. Roberto: KILL THEM NOW! Ricardo: Sure. (Ricardo walks ahead... and falls down a cliff that just appeared through the foliage. He screams in pain as he scrapes down the mountain.) Roberto: (eye twitches) DAMN IT ALL! JASON! Jason: What?! Roberto: GO NOW! :: Devimon and the body of Mokona :: (Devimon sits by a campfire near the very top of the mountain. Mokona lay blanketed by campfire. A big bump rises from his skull.) Devimon: (sigh) If I go back like this, Cindy'll surely kill me and send my carcass to a Devimon meat processing center. (Jason appears after climbing the mountain full of sharp rocks.) Jason: Finally... Found... you all... (Devimon throws a large rock between Jason's eyes. Jason is knocked out and falls down the very, very, VERY tall mountain.) Jason: AA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HHH- (SPLAT!) Devimon: Good riddance to idiots. :: Mafia Again :: Vicente: Seems like Jason failed as well. Roberto: @#$%! DAMN IT ALL! I guess we must use people who don't suck! Vicente: ...You don't mean... Roberto: YES! SEND IN "THEM"! Vicente: Oh God... :: Devimon :: Devimon: (listens to the air) ...Oh God no... (There is a rumbling sound.) Devimon: I didn't think they'd use them so early. (The rumbling grows louder, and so do voices that echo through the mountains.) Devimon: OH GREAT GOD, NO! (A group appears in front of Devimon. They tumble, flip, and jump in various positions that appeal to any male.) Devimon: IT CAN'T BE! NOT THE ZOMBIE CHEERLEADERS! Zombie Cheerleaders: WOO! Devimon: (gets into fighting stance) This'll be hard... (One cheerleader trips, then tumbles into the rest, causing chain reaction as they all fall in one painful mess.) Devimon: (sweatdrop) ...or not. (Devimon kicks all the cheerleaders down the mountain, then throws various large-sized boulders at the group. They all yelp in pain as each one crushes them.) Devimon: (cleans hands) Good riddance. Mokona: (finally waking up) ...pupuuu... (Ouch...) Devimon: (sits beside Mokona) You're finally awake?! Mokona: Puu. (Yes.) Devimon: GOOD! Mokona: PuPUU puuPUU ppUUuppUU pUUp U? (You were worried about me?!) Devimon: Aw Hell no. I was worried about what Cindy'd do to me if she found you like that. Mokona: (sigh) Pupuuu... (Figured...) Devimon: Well, let's go and give them the money before the rest of the mafia come to kill us all. Mokona: Puu. (Yes.) :: Back at the Crew :: SSJ: Can't... take... anymore... Man #1: WHAT WAS THAT?! YOU WANT MORE?! Cindy: OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, NO MORE! Man #1: So, you DO want more! [Man #1 reaches to press the rewind button on the thingie (which was just a basic VCR with a spiffy case). Just then, Mokona and Devimon burst in.] Mokona: PuPUUU PUPUUppUU!! (STOP! HERE'S THE MONEY!) Man #1: ...Huh? (Devimon tosses bag at Man #1, knocking him out, then unties SSJ and co. We run outside to escape the horrors.) SSJ: FINALLY FREE! Amiko: YES! Cindy: YAY! (hugs Mokona) TM: I NEVER THOUGHT I'D SURVIVE! DDT: THANK YOU, DEVIMON. :: Later... :: (SSJ and co. finally are allowed to leave the city. We head for the gate, only...) Roberto: FINALLY FOUND YOU ALL! SSJ: Eh... Devimon: They just never give up! Roberto: (sees the rest of us) And since you all are friends of this freak, I SHALL KILL YOU ALL! (looks at Amiko and Cindy) Feh. Forget about being saved, girls. You're not even hot. (Amiko and Cindy's eye twitches.) Amiko: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING?! Cindy: ARE YOU SAYING I'M UGLY?! Roberto: Feh. I'm not just saying you two're ugly, but you two're trolls. (Cindy and Amiko both jump on Roberto and start ripping him to shreds.) Rest of the Mafia: Is this a challenge?! (SSJ and TM draw their swords while DDT raises a palm at them.) Rest of Mafia: PREPARE TO DIE, THEN! SSJ: TM, you get the center. DDT, you get the left. I'll take the right. (TM and DDT nod.) SSJ: Go! (We all immediately run at the gang of fifty. Blood is drawn as TM and SSJ slash. Lots of blackened bodies fall to the ground as DDT burns them all.) SSJ: Feh. That was E-A-S-Y! TM: Too easy... DDT: ...Oh SHIT. (DDT points to a gang of several thousand that're running at us.) SSJ: OH HOLY CRAP! TM: DAMN IT! Amiko: (looks up from Roberto's nearly dead body) ... (sigh) Cindy: Aw crap. (We all are quickly surrounded by the entire mafia.) SSJ: ...Why didn't I see this coming? TM: Damn it! (Vicente steps from the crowd.) Vicente: You shall not be defeating us! Rantmon specifically hired us, the Resident Idiots of America (RIA) to kill you all! (Silence...) Amiko: NOT HIM! DAMN IT ALL! SSJ: WHY'S IT ALWAYS HIM?! TM: @#$%!!! DDT: (sigh) Cindy: Nani? Vicente: Anyway... We'll give you five minutes to decide whether to pay us back or work as our slaves. SSJ: Amiko... Amiko: Yes? SSJ: I think you had some move for this... Uh... What was it called?! Amiko: (head magically grows bigger) HOW IN THE HELL COULD YOU FORGET ME?! NOT ONLY AM I THE SANEST HERE, BUT I AM THE MOST IMPORTANT! (head returns to normal size) SSJ: (shrug) Whatever. I think the move involved you crying... Amiko: You mean "Amnesia"? SSJ: (nod) Amiko: (sigh) Cover your ears. (We all cover our ears.) Vicente: (oO) ...Eh? (Amiko changes to Mihoshi-Amiko and starts crying.) Vicente: (falls to ground in pain) AAAAGGGHHH!! (All glass in a fifty mile radius immediately shatter. Cars are thrown away from the Amiko. The ground around Amiko sinks a la Dragon Ball Z.) SSJ: (yelling as loud as humanly possible) OKAY AMIKO! (Amiko stops.) SSJ: Now let's escape! (They all run away. Once they're a good distance away from the mafia, SSJ and TM stop.) SSJ: TM! Use your Zero Slash! TM: Okay! (TM charges up his sword and starts glowing.) TM: Zero... (The mafia immediately recover and starts chasing after us.) SSJ: NOT FAST ENOUGH! (SSJ gets into a super cool pose, tucking his right arm under his shoulder and pointing his blade behind. SSJ's left elbow points forward, while his forearm bends back. An open hand, palm facing the ground, sort of blocks the mouth.) Amiko and co.: (sigh) We expected he'd try to look cool. SSJ: Wind... (SSJ starts to glow white.) SSJ/TM: Slash! (SSJ underhand slashes in the direction of the entire mafia. TM does the same, but overhand. Think of one of Kenshin's moves, where a "blade" thing sticks to the ground and cuts everything in its path. Similar to TM's move.) Mafia: ...Crap. (The entire mafia is killed by both attacks, and all disappear to save the RAM of the PS2. We both do our victory poses.) SSJ: YES! TM: YOU THEIF! SSJ: Look who's talking. TM: YOU STOLE MY MOVE! SSJ: Shut up. (Silence...) TM: Whatever. Let's go. SSJ: Agreed. :: Later :: Me: So... This was pointless. Amiko: (sigh) Yes. TM: Never- and I mean NEVER -do anything like this AGAIN. Cindy: Mokona actually was important! Weren't you, Mokona? Mokona: (sitting on Cindy's head) Puu! DDT: Did you do anything, Devimon? Devimon: Let's see... I killed about forty people, most being zombie cheerleaders. DDT: Excellent... :: Meanwhile... :: Rantmon: OH YEAH, BABY! I GOT ANOTHER JACKPOT! CASH ME OUT! Craps leader: Finally. (Craps leader hands Rantmon his fifty mile high stacks of chips.) Craps leader: Get out of here. We don't wanna see you again. Rantmon: Oh, I'm sure I'll never return! (Rantmon gives cashier chips, who in return hands over twenty trillion dollars.) Rantmon: Today was a good day, don't you say, Jallopsimon? Jallopsimon: I'm sure it was... I'm sure it was... (They both walk away... Rantmon drops something from his sleeves.) Craps leader: ...huh? (The craps leader walks over and picks up the thing and sees it is dice... with all the sides the same.) Craps leader: DAMN IT! GET BACK HERE YOU F***ING CHEATER! Rantmon: OH SHIT! RUN JALLOPSIMON, RUN! Jallopsimon: I'm already ahead of you! ---- To Be Continued ---- --- Preview --- SSJ: You know what, I don't really know what the Hell the next chapter shall be about. Amiko: You shall see for yourselves! TM: So go actually do something instead of waiting for us. Cindy: Yeah. Get some of this "life" we heard so much about. DDT: Not to mention "sleep". (Silence...then we all start laughing.) SSJ: HAHAH- WHO IN THE HELL HAS A LIFE?! Amiko: WHAT A CRAZY IDEA! TM: BWAHAHAHAHA! Cindy: AND "SLEEP" TOO?! DDT: THAT'S A RIOT! (We all walk away laughing.)