Disclaimer: Mostly everything in here is actually original! Nothing to disclaim besides the anime! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Recap ---- ["Ultra Relax" plays in the background. All characters, in chibi form, appear in front of clips of the last ep.] Amiko: Hello, GGG reader! SSJ: Who most likely arrived by accident... TM: Welcome back to our wonderful self-insertion fiction. DDT: That's apparantly different from others. Cindy: 'Cause we're not GODS... ...oh wait... ...SSJ is. Amiko: Anyway, last time, we were met with a horrible tragedy- we ran out of money. TM: The government was on our asses quickly, but it was settled soon enough. Cindy: (starry-eyed) Mokona-chan went to the mafia and got us money. DDT: (glares at Cindy) Devimon was there, too, y'know... Cindy: (glares back) Since when?! SSJ: Since I wrote the chapter. Cindy: ... (mutters) Bastard. SSJ: Exactly. DDT: This is dragging on, so basically, we saved ourselves from the mafia and now... SSJ: WELCOME BACK THE PLOT! Amiko: You said you'd delay it for 20/30 episodes... SSJ: Got too bored with fillers. All: Yay. ---- Chapter 18: A Prelude ---- [The scene is the rather large city by the name of Osseke. The scene is frentic, as usual for a city. SSJ and co. rest in a small apartment. SSJ lays on a bed, staring at the ceiling. TM and DDT murder each other at Marvel VS Capcom 2 on their newly purchased PS2. Amiko, as expected, is wandering with her bishounen. Cindy followed. The clock ticks as SSJ just rests, listening to the not-so-soft "KOUKEN!" in the background. Looks like TM kicked DDT's ass AGAIN with Yuri...] DDT: Now that's a long description paragraph. SSJ: This story needs more description. TM: Not to mention better humor. SSJ: I'm working on it. DDT: (quickly turns to TV) HAH! I'VE GOT YOU! FEEL MY SUPER DEADLY UPPER- TV: SAIWA! TM: Always have a hidden weapon. (SSJ says nothing as TM laughs at DDT... then TM is burnt to a crisp. SSJ sighs.) SSJ: I wonder how it is with Amiko and Cindy... :: The Streets of Osseke :: Amiko: I'm glad I can finally get some new clothes! Damn it! My clothes are filled with blood from the guys' violence! Cindy: Yeah... I was introduced only a few chapters ago, and my clothes are bloodier than yours! Heero: Of course, we should get a shirt with my face plastered on. Trowa: (glares at Heero) More like mine. Kamui: (laughs) My face, of course, deserves to be on a shirt more than you pansies! Squall: Gentlemen... and you too, Heero and Trowa, just calm down. Besides, I am more deserving for Amiko-sama to advertise. Gene: Shut up, you stupid kid with absolutely no fashion sense. Squall: What did you say?! Kamui: I can KILL YOU ALL! SO BACK OFF! Heero: ARE YOU ALL CHALLENGING THE PERFECT SOLDIER?! Trowa: Just walk away Heero. You are obviously too weak to do anything. (While the 5 stopped walking to argue, Amiko, Cindy, and the rest of her bishies continue forward.) Cloud: (yawn) Well, how about some breakfast, Amiko-sama? I'll pay. Amiko: Of course, Cloudie! Cloud: (blushes) Ye- Zidane: (pushes Cloud out of the way) How about I pay?! (glares at Cloud) I have much more experience with women than YOU, you blonde ape! Cloud: ...You're blonde too, you stupid ditz. Vivi: Uhm... Guys? You can all stop now. Besides, I'll pay for the meal. Cloud and Zidane: NO YOU WON'T! YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO WALLOW IN AMIKO-SAMA'S GREATNESS! (There is a silence as Vivi glares at the two... ...then Vivi casts Firaga and burns the two to a crisp.) Cindy: (sweatdrops) This is getting out of hand. Amiko: (nod) I agree. Ryoga: (suddenly appearing from nowhere) How about we go to a nice restaurant in China? Ranma: (shoves Ryoga out of the way) YOU'D PROBABLY LEAD US HALFWAY THROUGH ANTARCTICA BEFORE WE GET TO ONE! Ryoga: Are you saying I have no sense of direction? Ranma: (slaps forehead) YOU DON'T! Ryoga: OH YEAH?! (Ryoga jumps on Ranma and starts clawing him.) Amiko: Stop it all! (Everyone stops killing each other and looks at Amiko.) Amiko: This is pointless enough! Let's go just eat at sushi bar! (Silence...) Ryoga: I can find us a sushi bar! Ranma: YOU'LL JUST LEAD US INTO CANADA! Squall: IF YOU TWO DON'T SHUT UP, I'LL CHOP YOU ALL INTO SUSHI MYSELF! Kamui: Your sword isn't big enough to do anything, you wuss! (whispers: Yes, that is a double meaning.) Squall: (fumes) Why, you- Amiko: (sigh) Damn. Cindy: (sigh) This is lame. (Amiko and Cindy walk away with the arguing bishies, and many random people stare at the annoying group. They go around a street corner, and notice do not notice a man, dressed fully in black with a flat black cone hat, standing in an alleyway.) *** :: Later that Night... :: [The streets of Osseke are dark, lit only by a few dim street lamps. A woman wanders down the sidewalk. Nothing is heard by the soft hum of a few cars passing by. The smell of decaying trash fills the streets. Hot steam rushes from vents in the street. The air is stale and stagnant.] Woman: (sigh) Why does Yasushi-kun always- (Quick footsteps are heard.) Woman: (turns around and starts yelling) Who's there?! (Silence...) Woman: ...It's nothing... (Woman begins walking again.) Woman: I hate walking alone at night. It's too uncomfo- (Quick footsteps are heard again.) Woman: (turns around and yells again) Who's there?! (Silence... The woman slowly turns around as she speaks again.) Woman: I must be cra- (The woman starts screaming. Two shadows move across the streets, the larger one eventually grabbing the woman. A loud sound of a blade piercing skin echo through the streets. Her screaming suddenly stops. Blood rushes down the drain and trickles through the holes...) *** :: The Next Day... :: (SSJ yawns as he sits up in bed. SSJ opens his eyes and looks around the room. TM is sprawled on the floor, blankets thrown about. DDT is sleeping in a chair, resting his head on his right shoulder. Amiko sleeps calmy on a bed, lying on her side and blanket up to her neck. Cindy sleeps as well, Mokona resting on a bedpost above Cindy's head.) SSJ: (rubs eyes) How many times will scenes begin when one person awakens? (SSJ sits up on his bed, throwing his blanket down. He scratches his back as he stands up and walks towards the restroom, a pile of his clothes under his right arm. Later, he emerges, clean as a whistle with neat hair and unwrinkled clothes.) SSJ: I guess I'll go somewhere... [SSJ walks over and picks up his sword and walks towards the doorway.] Someone: Going somewhere? (SSJ turns his head a bit to see TM out of the corner of his eye. TM is leaning against the wall just left of the doorway.) SSJ: No need for you to be concerned. TM: Feh. Sure. (Silence as SSJ takes another step forward.) TM: Just remember not to get into trouble this time. (TM gets back on the floor, drapes the blankets over his body and sleeps again.) SSJ: (narrows eyes) Tch... Whatever. (SSJ walks out of the room and heads out of the apartment complex.) *** :: The Streets :: (The streets were not very crowded, as it was still early. The random booths, begging people to buy their products, yelled at passerbys. The sidewalk was clean as SSJ walks down the path, sword on his left. SSJ was silent as he passed a man, standing at a newspaper stand at six feet tall, face hidden within the shadows of a black semi-flat cone-shaped hat. Their eyes connected for one split second. A wind blew at that moment, and the man picked up a newspaper and walked the opposite direction.) Black Hat: Serial Killer Stalks Women. Six Left Dead. (skims through front page read) Heh. The only thing they left out was my calling card. (The man walks down the street, paper with a pentagram printed on it in his pocket. SSJ continues in the opposite direction.) SSJ: Come out, Yuzu-chan. (Yuzuriha appears from out of nowhere and walks alongside SSJ.) Yuzuriha: What shall we do, SSJ-sama?! SSJ: A walk. I'm too bored. Yuzuriha: Yay! (clings to SSJ's left arm) Let's go get some ice cream or something! SSJ: (^_^) Okay, then. (SSJ and Yuzuriha walk away, Inuki following close behind, glaring at the Black Hat guy.) *** :: Somewhere Else :: [The scene is a single large room, with a hall on the north side, leading to many bedrooms. The large room is filled with much bishoujo, lounging around, sipping tea, or doing anything else. There is a kitchen in the southeast corner of the room, where Kasumi is currently cooking breakfast. There is a large table in the east side of the room, where Suzuka and Arashi now sit. The other bishoujo are watching TV, glaring as Yuzuriha walks away with SSJ.] Arashi: (sips from tea cup) Just because Yuzuriha is younger than us and acts kawaii doesn't mean SSJ can just abandon us. He can't just ABANDON us in this waiting room! Suzuka: (nods) I agree, swordswoman. Catherine: (throws knives at a cardboard cut out of Yuzuriha) Damn her. Relena: (practices Judo... with Yuzuriha in mind as her opponent) CURSE HER! Catherine: Aren't you a pacifist? Relena: Can YOU stay peaceful with *SSJ*? Catherine: You've got a point there... Shampoo: Damn SSJ! Shampoo better than dog girl! Kasumi: Dinner's ready! All others: Yay. Kasumi: Yuzu's dinner shall have an extra ingredient... (Kasumi points to bucket of poison.) All others: (nod and grins evilly) Excellent... (SSJ's voice rings through the walls.) SSJ: No, you shall not kill Yuzu-chan. (Bucket of poison disappears.) Bishoujo: (sigh and snap their fingers) Curses. *** :: The Next Day :: [The black hat guy walks down the street and towards a tall metal door into a warehouse. Pungent smelling liquid drips from the pipes nearby, and the unpleasantly warm air chaffed the back of his neck. The very green alley was nothing to behold, as dull motionless trash littered it. The steady echoes of footsteps run down the alley. He pushes open the door into darkness and nearly steps in before a voice interrupts him.] Voice: And what are you doing in this neck of the woods? And so early, too? (The black hat turns and peers in the direction of the voice. A gang of thugs, five of them, dressed in baggy street clothing stand in the narrow alley.) Black Hat: Nothing. Thug: Well, if that is all it is... (pulls out knife from his pocket) ...Maybe you'd like to hand over any money you've got! Black Hat: (grins) I have no money, sir... Thug: Tch! How stupid do you think I am, S**tface?! Black Hat: (grin grows wider) Very stupid. Thug: (angrier) Why, I'll wipe that grin off your f***ing face! Black Hat: It'll be difficult when you are dead. Thug: (sarcastic) Oh, sure... (A lance comes from the ground, breaking through the concrete and the Black Hat catches it.) Black Hat: (gets into battle stance) Who's first? Thug: (eyes wide) What the HELL?! Black Hat: ...Heh. I guess that means you, then. (The Black Hat sprints, jumping onto a concrete wall of the alley, and jumping off towards the first thug. The thug tries to turn and run away in fear, but a diagonal slash from the neck to his side prevents him. His pieces fall to the ground with a thud.) Another Thug: The F**K?! Yet Another Thug: Kill him! Even Another Thug: (pulls out pocket knife) YOU'LL BE DELIVERED IN LITTLE BLOODY PI- (The Black Hat slashes the guy vertically in half.) Black Hat: (smirks) Not before you. (Black Hat makes quick and painful work of the thugs, and when he finished, scarlet as smeared all over the walls. The steady dripping of the pungent liquid was combined with the dripping of blood from the balconies above.) Black Hat: (sighs) What a weak group. (Black hat throws a piece of paper by the first thug's two pieces: a small rectangular piece of paper, with a large black pentagram printed on it. He walks up toward the tall metal door, and enters with care. Loud obscene sounds come from his boots as blood smears on the tile.) *** :: Amiko and Co. :: [Amiko and co. wander throughout Osseke. The streets are not as crowded as before as the sun hangs high in the sky.] Amiko: Damn... It's pretty quiet and desolate... TM: That damn SSJ... DDT: (looks at TM) Did he have something to do with it? TM: Doubt it, but he ditched us AGAIN. Cindy: Well, what did you expect, it's not like some random black hatted killer is roaming the streets or anything... (There is a breeze that throws a newspaper in TM's face. TM claws the paper from his face and reads the front page headline.) TM: "Devilish Serial Killer Roams Streets..." (reads on to biline) "Author Eats a Chicken Sandwhich..." (Silence... followed by TM and co. facefaulting at once.) Amiko: Okay, I can understand the thing about this serial killer, but... WHY IN THE HELL IS THERE A FRONT COVER STORY ABOUT SSJ EATING A SANDWHICH?! (Silence... Everyone on the street stares at Amiko with beady eyes. [·_·]) Amiko: ...Oh yeah... He's the author. Everyone else: (nod) That's right. Cindy: SSJ *did* create this story and all... Amiko: Pfft... Like he's anything special. SSJ: Actually, I am. Amiko: Yeah, yeah... Whatever. (Silence as the group continues.) SSJ: (eyes narrow) Hey, you didn't jump away and scream at my sudden arrival. TM: It wasn't that surprising. Trust us. SSJ: (shrug) Whatever. *** :: Meanwhile... :: [The scene is a dark abandoned warehouse in the middle of Osseke. Crates fill the warehouse and hide others behind them. There is a catwalk that runs along the wall above the Black Hat's head. On the other end, stands a rather important looking man in an Armani suit.] Black Hat: (looks around place) A rich guy like you proposing to meet somewhere here? Important Dude: Shut up, Yam. Black Hat: That's "Yami", Tsubasa-san. Tsubasa: Shut up, Yami. You're the one who wanted to join our organization. (fixes his tie) So, how many have you killed? Yami: Six women, five men. Tsubasa: One more man, then you can join, Yami-kun... (smirks) Yami: Oh, it'll be no problem. I've found a nice young man to murder. Tsubasa: (smirk grows) You have sixty-nine hours. Quite an impressive murderer, Yami-kun. Yami: (smiles) You flatter me. Has anyone else killed so much people in three hours? Tsubasa: The only one I know of is me. I beat the three-day deadline with seventy hours to spare. Yami: Well... (pulls the brim of his hat down in respect, then pushes it back up) I guess I might as well complete my mission. (Yami walks away, opens the wide doors of the warehouse, and steps outside. He closes the door with a loud echo, leaving Tsubasa and his group waiting in the dim lights of the warehouse.) Tsubasa: (looks up at ceiling) Finally, the organization shall finally become a reality... Especially with this boy. *** :: Streets of Osseke :: [People scream and run away from an intersection.] TM: Now, what could this be about? Amiko: Something dangerous, obviously. DDT: Well, that was pretty obvious, genius. (Amiko glares at DDT.) Cindy: Should we see what's going on? SSJ: Can't. (points to a group of police that is blocking the path) They're here. [Lines upon lines of police black the streets of Osseke, surrounding a single boy in the center.] Police #1: Stop, Black Hat! We have you! (Yami sighs.) Yami: Such pitiful fools. Police #2: Say what you wish, but you have been defeated! (A wind blows through the street as silence spreads over the crowd. Yami sighs once more.) Yami: Hardly. (And in five seconds flat, the streets are lined with blood, and much of it trickles into the drain. The entire group stares at the guy, who is turned away.) DDT: (eyes wide open in fear) W-Well... Th-That was d-different than I e-expected... Amiko: (wears the same look of terror) W-Well... Hehe... That was pretty o-obvious, g-g-genius. (SSJ, TM, and Cindy are silent. The group looks ahead and sees the lone boy, standing in the pool of red. Yami turns around and smiles at the group. SSJ's eyes widen in surprise.) SSJ: It's... It's... Yami: Me? SSJ: Eh?! So... You finally speak. TM: (voice quivering) Who... IS... this guy?! SSJ: I've seen him a few times when we arrived on this world... Didn't what the Hell he was, though. Cindy: Wait a second... (Cindy looks at Yami... then at SSJ... then at Yami... then SSJ again. So does Amiko.) Cindy & Amiko: ACK! Th-They're almost t-twins! Yami: Indeed. It is to be expected when I am his darker half. SSJ: What...? Yami: I'd explain...but that won't matter since you'll be dead in a few minutes. (Yami stretches his hand forward, and aims his palm at the group. The group quickly gets into a fighting stance as the ground cracks in front of his hand. In a straight line, the ground shatters in front of him, and a lance emerges from the ground. The end of the lance facin away from Yami has a sharp edged blade, while the other end of the polished stick was flat. The lance swings upright, and Yami catches it. The group are all taken aback by the sudden summoning.) TM: What the HELL?! DDT: Did he... just summon that lance from the ground?! (SSJ stays silent with his eyes wide open in fear. There is a rumbling sound as the concrete crumbles under Yami's crushing steps. Yami breaks into a full sprint, lance aimed at SSJ. SSJ quickly draws his sword just in time to block the impalement. A loud "CHING!" is heard as the two blades scrape off each other, SSJ jumping to the left to avoid the blade. SSJ curses as he stretches his arm to the right, then swings the flat end of his blade at Yami's face.) :: STOP! :: (The screen freezes before the sword connects with Yami's face, and chibi characters appear on the screen.) SSJ: By now, I'm sure those of you with no lives are wondering where the Hell did I get another blade, since it was destroyed in chapter 16. TM: Well, it's quite simple... you see... SSJ: I bought another katana exactly like it right after the chapter. You wouldn't have needed a scene like that, right? ... ...Right? TM: ...Anyway... Back to the show. (Chibi characters disappear, and SSJ's blade smacks Yami's left cheek HARD, sending him stepping backwards while holding his throbbing cheek.) Amiko & Cindy: (¬¬) Well... Didn't that figure... Yami: (smiles with his left eye shut) So... You're better then I thought... (A loud yelling is heard as TM leaps into the air, and comes with his sword held high. He falls down and cleaves Yami in two... or he would have if Yami didn't dodge to the left.) Yami: (suddenly leering) Fool. (Yami jabs TM in the gut with the flat end of his lance, knocking the wind out of him. TM coughs in pain, his eyes and mouth wide open. At the same time, SSJ barely dodges the blade of the lance, then trips and falls on his side.) DDT: Firebolt! (A line of fire heads towards Yami. Yami jabs his blade, and it diverts the line in all directions around him.) Yami: (sighs) Your attempts are useless. (Yami dashes towards DDT, leaving large, cracked footprints where he trampled. Before DDT could dodge, blood flies into the air as Yami slashes him diagonally across the chest. DDT screams in pain as he falls on his side, clutching the wound in pain. There is a silence as Amiko and Cindy stand, frozen with shock.) Yami: (turning his head so his narrow triangle eyes are visible) So, which of you would want to be next? (There is a rustling sound as SSJ slowly gets up.) SSJ: Might as well be me. (There is the sound of pounding, thundering footsteps as SSJ runs at Yami from behind. SSJ sprints, his sword back, ready to strike. SSJ swings his right arm forward, and sends the blade slashing towards Yami's side. Yami quickly blocks with the five foot long handle of his lance, and then swings the lance upward. SSJ is hit hard in the chin and flies upward, flipping in midair and hitting the ground with a dull thud.) Yami: Feh... What weaklings... (Yami walks up to SSJ, lying nearly unconcious on the ground. SSJ's eyes wide open.) Yami: I will tell you one thing: My name is Yami, or you Americans can call me Dark. (smirks) You're too weak right now. When you get stronger, come find me. Then I'll kill you. (Yami turns and walks away, feeling accomplished. Amiko and Cindy stand there, dazed and confused as Yami quickly disappears. Through all the pain, SSJ, TM, and DDT manage to at least kneel. TM clutches his stomach as he speaks in a raspy voice.) TM: SSJ... Who in the flying Hell was he? DDT: Yeah... Who... was 'e? SSJ: I- (cough) I'll tell- (cough) -you all... ...Later. Cindy: What? (SSJ closes his eyes and falls on his left side, as Amiko and Cindy rush over.) Amiko: (taps SSJ lightly with her foot, then sighs) Well... This always happens. :: Later :: (SSJ opens his eyes to find himself laying on his bed in the in. He scratches his head with his left hand as he struggles with a headache.) SSJ: Crap... This hurts... TM: Obviously. (SSJ looks up at TM, who is currently holding his blade up, staring intently at it.) SSJ: ...Uh... TM: I was defeated before the battle began. How sad... SSJ: (eyes narrow and looking out window) It's worse for me. He didn't mock you when you were defeated. TM: Feh. He looked exactly like you. He would do that. (looks away from his sword and at SSJ) By the way, who was he? SSJ: (sighs) Fine, I'll tell. When everyone is awake. Amiko: We are. (SSJ looks over at other side of room, where DDT, Amiko, and Cindy are sitting in chairs. Amiko looks annoyed for some reason. Cindy has a bag of chips on her lap.) SSJ: Oh... Didn't notice you there. Amiko: (eye twitches) Didn't notice? I'm the one here that has the most sense here! DDT: (whose wound is closed and covered with bandages, of course) It could've been me, but then again... I was introduced very randomly. (Cindy stuffs some chips in her mouth as she speaks.) Cindy: Same here. How we were introduced into the fic don't make much sense. Amiko: (calms down) Anyway, who the hell was "Dark"? (SSJ breathes deeply and speaks with closed eyes as he recalls their adventure.) SSJ: Remember when we first came here, TM? Amiko? (TM and Amiko nod.) SSJ: Well, we used to wander around and stay at random inns a lot. Well, during those times, I encountered a person who looked exactly like me, except without color. He never spoke, but always stared at me with these freaky wide eyes. (SSJ imitates the eyes, causing everyone to shudder.) SSJ: I guess that's him... Though he looks a bit different, and his hair is a bit messier... And he talks... And his eyes... They're...hateful... DDT: Well, that's an obvious difference. Cindy: Okay, so we know who that guy is... But why did he suddenly come all of a sudden? (SSJ narrowly opens his eyes and stares into space.) SSJ: I don't really know... (There is a silence, followed by TM turning on the TV. A special report is being shown, and just before he changes the channel, he notices something.) TM: (points at screen in surprise) ACK! IT'S DARK! HE'S OVER THERE IN THE CORNER! All: WHAT?! (Everyone crowds around screen, Cindy dropping her bag of chips.) SSJ: You're right! DDT: What the Hell is this? (Silence as a man in the focus speaks.) Amiko: Oh, God... Cindy: What... The... Hell...? *** :: Aku no Tsubasa Headquarters :: (A whole crowd of people stand crowded in a large room, while Tsubasa stands high on a catwalk, proclaiming his speech.) Tsubasa: Finally, our day has finally come! All of you, samurais who have survived the advances of technology and the onset of machina, your day has arrived! Gone, are the new days of a peaceful civilization, with no need for the swordsman. Now, the natural belief of natural selection will return once more. No more shall we be persecuted for loving what we love most, the blades which are sharpened by crimson. And once and for all, I declare that this city known formerly as "Osseke" shall now be a country of its own! We samurai will return to the days without laws, government, or peace! We samurai are the new justice in "Akuno"! *** :: Osseke Inn :: Cindy: ...Is this idiot serious?! Who the Heck IS he? TM: He can't even write a coherent speech, and he plans to start his own country? DDT: ...What the Hell is he up to...? Amiko: ...Something's wrong here... What's Dark doing there? (There is a silence as everyone ponders. SSJ sighs and gets up from the crowd.) SSJ: Well, it does not matter. Amiko: (looks up at SSJ) ...Eh? SSJ: The government should do something... Right? DDT: That would be logical... SSJ: What's going on in other people's minds right now...? *** :: Rantmon's Palace :: (Jallopsimon are looking into a circle on the ground. The image of the warehouse is seen; Tsubasa can be seen making his speech in the opposite end of the room.) Jallopsimon: Quite an interesting move, won't you agree, Rantmon? Rantmon: Yes... Not that his strategy will succeed. Trying to scare the public into believing he's powerful just because of one speech. Jallopsimon: Should we do something about this...nuisance? Rantmon: Nah. Let those five deal with it... The government won't be far behind. He'll put himself in a checkmate. Jallopsimon: And what shall we do? Rantmon: The world will be watching with open eyes. Some will go and fight. Others will join. But most will stay and watch helplessly as they kill each other. Jallopsimon: What does this have anything to do with what I asked? Rantmon: We're going to stay put like everyone else. When the time comes, I shall return once more. So for now, we shall focus on the task at hand. Jallopsimon: Finding the two Atmas? Rantmon: Yes. Those two will lead us to perfection. (Rantmon gives an evil smirk in the darkness, and waits patiently as he watches the situation unfold...) ---- To Be Continued ---- (INSERT ENDING THEME, LIKE "TACTICS".) --- Preview --- SSJ: Next time, on Ginga Giri Giri... Amiko: The organization known as "Aku no Tsubasa" has finally begun their move, but will the government stand for it? TM: High-ranking officials of the government are put on pressure to stop the movement, but sorely fail. DDT: A new leader is summoned... However... Is it for the best, or for the worst? Cindy: Next, on GGG: "Kino Tsumuji: Man with Two Faces". SSJ: What the Hell is going on?