-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [The screeching of tires and the thunder of a thousand footsteps filled the sky. Lines upon lines of soldiers emerged from hundreds of vans, and quickly surrounded a warehouse in the middle of the city. Silence returned again as the rows of blue soldiers stood. Their black helmets gleamed in the sunlight. Then a man in a black leather trench coat stepped forward, facing the door. A massive sword, a Zweinhander, was strapped onto his back. The weight of the blade chaffed his shoulders as he stood. That did not matter, though. He was there for no other reason than to kill. He yelled as loud as he could, with two ear plugs in his ear.] Man: (yelling) Surrender! We shall show no mercy to you slime! Pathetic dogs! Especially I, Akiyoshi Kentaro! First Class! [The large, rusty doors opened with an unsettling scrape. Dark emerged from the blackness, and stood, unarmed in front of the lines. His right arm was draped in black leather, with his hands covered in dull gray gloves. His body was covered with a large dark turquoise shirt. His dark gray shorts waved as he stepped forward, with large, tall boots protecting his feet. He stepped forward and spoke with his eyes closed.] Dark: You don't need to show any of us mercy. Especially me. ---- Chapter 19: Kino Tsumuji: Man with Two Faces ---- [Not much farther, SSJ and company lean over the window to their apartment, staring at Dark and his opponent. They all stare, wide-eyed, unable to move or speak as they stood. After a moment of silence, DDT speaks in a weary voice.] DDT: This could get ugly... TM: (gulps) What a shitty day. (Silence returned again, only interrupted by the thundering sound of footsteps, and the shouts of armored soldiers as they pass through the corridors.) Soldiers: A state of emergency has been declared for this region! Retreat to the shelters immediately! (TM and DDT look at each other, then at Amiko and Cindy, who nods and runs toward the corridor. TM nears the door before he looks back, and sees SSJ, still leaning over the window.) TM: Come on, SSJ! We gotta go! (SSJ stays silent and continues to stare.) TM: SSJ! Hey! Come on! (SSJ stays silent.) Guard: (pokes head through doorway) Move it, kids! We're locking down in one minute! TM: (yells at guard) Okay! (turns to SSJ) Come on! (SSJ sighs, and turns around. He walks past TM before he finally speaks.) SSJ: Then let's go. *** [Meanwhile, Dark and Kentaro stood, reading each other's aura. They stood and reflected on tactics.] Kentaro: (thinking) This one is a strange one... He suppresses his soul, making it difficult to read... I'll finish it early with my succession technique. Dark: (thinking as well) This stupid bitch is making me waste my time... (sigh) (Kentaro yelled, and heaved his massive sword from his back and slammed it on the ground in front of him.) Kentaro: I must warn you, I eat scum like you for breakfast. (Dark opened his eyes a bit and muttered, grinning.) Dark: You eat scum for breakfast? Kentaro: No! I- Uh. SHUT UP! (Kentaro held up his blade, supporting it with both hands, flat side facing up. He stood, feet wide apart, his right foot back, prepared to dash at Dark.) Kentaro: JINCHUU! (Kentaro leapt forward, his right foot pounded into the ground as he went forward. He shoved the point of the blade into the ground, and caused the earth to shatter at an impossible speed towards Dark. From the broken earth coming towards him, Dark called for his lance. He caught it as it arose, and quickly leapt out of the way. Kentaro's blade stopped where Dark previously stood, and, as if the Zweinhander was nothing, he started to spin in a circle, dragging his sword up from the ground. Dark was awestruck when he realized he stopped in midair, and started moving towards Kentaro.) Dark: (thinking) He made a vortex...! (Dark could only wait as he came within range of the sword, ready to be cleaved in half as Kentaro neared finishing a full circle. Dark quickly devised a counterattack. He quickly shoved his lance through the vortex, and as quickly as it began, the winds stopped. Kentaro still attempted to slash at Dark, who merely blocked with the shaft of his lance.) Dark: Nice technique, but with a sword like that, it is much too slow. (Dark simply kicked Kentaro in the stomach, and finally, Dark raised his blade to Kentaro's neck. Dark was quickly bathed in blood. Kentaro's army raised their weapons at Dark, ready to fire. Dark stepped back towards the warehouse, and mutters.) Dark: (smirking) Do your jobs. (As Dark walks towards the warehouse, hordes of samurai leap out from nearby buildings, sewers, and tall rooftops, onto the giant army. Metal clashes and gunshots are heard as a giant battle begins.) *** :: One Hour Later :: [The scene is a small room, lit by only a single light above a table. Fourteen men sat with their hands propped on the table, their faces resonating in the darkness. An old man with a wrinkled face, by the name of Kale West, sat on one end of the long table. He began to speak in a low, booming voice.] Kale: It seems your army has failed us, President Mishima. Five thousand soldiers died at the hands of less than a hundred damn ninjas. (Another old man sat across, on the opposite end of the table. He had a more toned face then Kale. He wore small reading glasses, which had to be pushed back every now and then. He wore a frustrated, and angry face, and slammed his fist into the table.) Mishima: Blast! (Another man, this one in his late thirties sat on Kale's right. His blue eyes shown brightly in the darkness. This one was known as Harrison Craig.) Harrison: The clock is ticking, Mishima. "Akuno"'s demands on Osseke hadn't been lifted. Mishima: (sigh) What are our options? (A young man of twenty-five, known only as "Daedalus", spoke as his glasses shone bright in the little light.) Daedalus: There are several entrances into the warehouse. We could infiltrate through the sewers, but that choice is protected with explosives. Using that, a single, well placed missile could destroy their entire base. (A voice called from behind Mishima.) Voice: Or we could send in my B-type units. (Mishima's eyes narrow as he turns his chair around and peers towards the shadows. A man steps out into the light. The man was young, not quite in his twenties. He had a powerful face, which bright green eyes that sat in his triangle eyes. His blond hair naturally fell down into his face, and it was long enough to reach past his eyes. He wore a dark blue, long sleeved shirt, rolled up past his elbows, with collar still standing up. The shirt was buttoned up to his chest, and a baggy black shirt was visible where the jacket opened. The shirt was loosely tucked into pants of the same shade of blue. Black shoes rounded out his attire. Mishima sighed and spoke.) Mishima: How the Hell did you get in here, Kino?! Kino: (smiling with eyes closed) That's not something to discuss. I'm just giving a suggestion. The B-type units are complete. Both of them. Deadalus: (grinning) "Gemini Project"? Kino: (smiling wide, with eyes narrow) Yes. Androids #4 and #5 are ready for combat. *** :: Shelter :: [In a shelter nineteen stories underground, the entire city of Osseke wait, as the battle above has just ended. On the north wall of the shelter, lies giant rusty gates. Apparently unused. To the east and west, locked down elevators. On the south wall, rows of stairs. The entire shelter is bare and wide, with a dull gray coloring. The blue mats covering the floor add little color to the giant room. SSJ and co. sit on the south west area of the shelter. SSJ leans on a wall, staring up at the ceiling of the shelter. Amiko sits down next to him, legs crossed and his staring at the floor. Cindy sits in the same position, staring at TM and DDT's game. Mokona sleeps quietly next to Cindy. TM and DDT simply sit across from each other, playing twenty-one.] DDT: Okay, I'll deal. (DDT passes TM a card.) TM: (puts hand on card) WAIT! (DDT stops, and TM looks at the card he just received.) TM: Hey, can I stand on just one card? DDT: One card? Hah! SURE! Hehe. TM: Then I'll do that. DDT: Well... (draws a card) Ten... (draws another card) ...plus ten, equals twenty! I w- TM: Not so fast! (DDT stops, and TM reveals his card. Twenty-one hearts are printed on the card.) TM: Twenty-one! I win! (TM drops his card in front of DDT. DDT just stares in disbelief at the card, and curses.) SSJ: (sigh) They seem to be easily amused. Amiko: Well, they're not like you. They're more light-hearted than you. (SSJ glances at Amiko with narrow eyes, and stays silent.) Cindy: (sigh) After arriving here, I've gone through nothing but crap. Amiko: Yeah. Cindy: I mean, first day, we fight a three headed dog. Then, we fight that one guy- DDT: (while dealing to TM) Jallopsimon. Cindy: Yeah. Then we fight three different androids, and then now we have to deal with your Dark self, SSJ, and terrorists. WHAT ELSE COULD GO WRONG?! (Everything is silent, and the five just sit in silence.) Amiko: Well... (gets up) I guess I'll walk around this shelter. (Cindy gets up as well.) Cindy: (sigh) I need something to get my mind off of this crap. (Cindy picks up Mokona and walks in step with Amiko.) (SSJ just leans, staring at the ceiling again.) SSJ: Damn. This will be a long day... (A group sitting near SSJ and co. are heard talking in low voices.) Guy: Yeah. I heard some new guy is now in power. Another guy: He's planning on sending over nothing but two robots over there. Guy: What good would that do?! Another guy: I don't know, but that was his plan. Yet another guy: Someone says there is some way into that warehouse from here. Another guy: Just a rumor, I bet. Yet another guy: If so, I'd want to get in there and kick some ass. Guy: Hah, you can't even take on a schoolgirl! Yet another guy: Shut up! (TM and DDT roll their eyes towards SSJ.) TM: You heard that, SSJ? SSJ: (still staring at ceiling) Yeah. DDT: (at TM) You don't possibly plan on trying... TM: ...Maybe. DDT: (eyes wide, and yelling) Those guys are impossible! They're gonna rip us to shreds! TM: Shut up! I know! But... Think of everyone who has died! Think of all the lives ruined just by this one organization! Think of the children, who no longer have fathers, and wives, who no longer have husbands! All of them should be avenged! No one else should suffer! We should- SSJ: Shut the Hell up. You just want some kind of monetary reward. TM: That, as well. DDT: Well, it's better to try something than sit around, am I right? TM: Yes! So, we better find Amiko and Cindy! (TM and DDT get up and walk away, and turn around, realizing SSJ is not following them.) TM: SSJ! Come on! SSJ: (sigh) No. DDT: Huh? Why?! You do like fighting, don't you? SSJ: (eyes narrow) Shut up. I don't care to die like an idiot. TM: Come on! Whiny bastard! SSJ: (stares at ceiling) I don't care anymore. I don't care about carelessly walking into a fight. If you want to die, fine by me, but I won't care. (TM and DDT are silent, but finally just walk away, muttering to themselves. SSJ just continues leaning on the wall, glaring at the ceiling.) SSJ: (sighs) Everyone... I'm sorry... (eyes narrow) Dark... Someday... I'll kill you... *** :: Twenty Miles North of Osseke :: [A giant transport plane lands in the middle of a giant intersection of a city. Cars abruptly stop and swerve to avoid crashing as Kino Tsumuji steps out from his plane, holding a large sheathed sword.] Kino: (looking South) Daedalus really outdone himself this time. Several hundred miles in an hour. (A voice calls from behind Kino. Kino turns around and sees the pilot inside the cockpit.) Pilot: Should I open the package? Kino: Please. (The pilot presses a button, and a door opens on the back of the plane. Two wooden packages lie inside the back, one slightly larger than the other. The pilot jumps from the cockpit, and walks towards the back. Crowbar in hand, he pries open the boxes to reveal two padded cryogenic chambers. A keypad lies on the bottom of each box's front side. The front side has an ice cold window of glass separating the contents from the outside.) Kino: I'll handle it from here. (The pilot steps back, and Kino walks up to the boxes. With a code inputted in the keypads, the glass from each chamber opens. Kino waited a bit, and finally, the two androids stood tall in front of him.) Kino: Welcome, Gemini. Come with me. (Kino and the two step out of the plane, and together, they walk towards Osseke. Kino jumps on top of #5, the taller one, and commanded.) Kino: Go faster. (#4 and #5 start walking as fast as they can. Kino grins as he reflects on the past two hours.) *** :: Two Hours Before :: [Mishima stood up from his chair.] Mishima: Goddamn it! How the Hell did you get in here?! Kino: I don't think that's a matter you should dwell on. (Kino pulled a handgun from his shirt and holds it in his left hand, aimed at Mishima. Mishima's eyes widened in terror.) Mishima: Tsumuji Kino...! Kino: (smiling) You've been a mediocre president at best. (Mishima turned back to the table.) Mishima: WEST! CRAIG! (Suddenly, an explosion of a gunshot filled the dark room. Mishima fell lifeless on the table, eyes wide with terror. A small hole lay on the back of his head. Kino stopped smiling and put his weapon away.) Kino: Now gentlemen, let's talk business... Daedalus: Hm... There's nothing to discuss... Kale: (grinning) President Kino Tsumuji. Harrison: Heh. Nice ta meetcha. (Everyone else greeted Kino as their new leader.) Kino: (smirks) Thank you, gentlemen. *** :: Present Time :: [At the shelter, Amiko and Cindy wander about, looking for something to do. Cindy stops and sighs.] Cindy: I'm tired... Amiko: (stopping and looking at Cindy) Of what? Cindy: Everything... Amiko: ...Cindy... It's not that bad, really! Except for the fact that the boys have to rely on me for cooking, but, hey! We're in this together, right? (TM and DDT push through a crowd ahead, and spots Amiko and Cindy.) TM: Hey! (Amiko, Cindy, TM, and DDT walk up to each other.) Amiko: What's up? TM: Well, we heard of some kind of entrance to the warehouse from here. Cindy: To... The Warehouse...?! DDT: TM's crazy like that. (TM punches down on DDT's head. Amiko is seen with lots of aggravation veins.) Amiko: (grabs TM by the shirt collar and shakes him) WHAT ARE YOU?! STUPID?! TM: (hands raised up) Hey, Hey! Calm down! (Amiko lets go and listens to TM.) TM: Well, if we can get in there and defeat the leader, we can wipe out the organization! (A silence passes. Amiko sighs and speaks.) Amiko: (narrow eyes) Do you have proof that this passage exists? TM: Well... (silence) No. Amiko: (sigh) Idiot. DDT: Well, on the way here, I did notice something. (Everyone looks at DDT.) Cindy: What? DDT: On the way here, I saw a sewer cover in the corner of the shelter. It's almost hidden by barrels. (Cindy grabs DDT by the shoulders.) Cindy: YOU EXPECT US TO GO THROUGH THE SEWERS?! DDT: Well, it may or may not lead us there. It should get us near there, though. Amiko: ...Well, fine. But this'll be the only time I'll ever follow through your plans, TM. TM: Heh. Fine. (A while later, DDT brings them to the sewer cover. TM draws his sword, and pries up the cover. He sheathes his sword and jumps in, landing with a soft splash.) TM: (echoing) SHIT! MY PANTS! (Amiko and Cindy sigh.) Amiko: It is a sewer, after all. (Amiko leans over the opening, and sees down into the sewer. The sewer stretches in a straight line, and dry concrete lines the walls. TM stands on the left side, trying to dry off his pants. Amiko sighs, and grabs the edges as she drops down. She swings herself on the opposite side of the sewer. Cindy does the same, and DDT evaporates the water as he drops down.) DDT: I'm a genius. (DDT quickly jumps to TM's side, and the water flow returns to normal.) TM: Showing off, huh? DDT: Well, I can't get my bare feet THAT disgustingly dirty. TM: Weren't you eating Taco Bell last week? DDT: That is different. Besides, God-knows-what is in that water. (TM is silent, but eventually dries off his pants. Amiko and Cindy are already a distance away when Amiko calls.) Amiko: HEY! Where's SSJ?! (TM sighs, and walks until he's directly across from Amiko, and finally answers.) TM: SSJ is wussing out this time. Cindy: EH?! He's not coming?! Amiko: HE'S ABANDONING US?! DDT: Looks like it. Amiko: WHY?! TM: Hey, we aren't mind readers. Besides, he'll probably sneeze up in the battle if he comes with us. :: Shelter :: (SSJ suddenly sneezes. He rubs his nose and mutters.) SSJ: I wonder if what Amiko said was true... (looks around) Is someone talking behind my back? :: Sewers :: Amiko: "Sneezing up"? When did you make that up? TM: Shut up. I'm obviously not witty like you. (rolls eyes) Amiko: Oh, of course not. TM: Anyway... We don't know what's at the end of this sewer unless we go. Amiko: (sigh) Then, let's go. (The four continue through the sewers, jumping over small streams of water, avoiding dripping water, getting lost, running away from rats, getting lost again, running away from bigger rats, and cursing constantly.) *** :: Shelters :: (The giant, rusty north gates open with a loud screech, forcing everyone nearby to flee, covering their ears in pain. The doors reveal a giant elevator shaft, made of metal. From above, a large elevator comes down, grinding metal to metal is it scrapes on the shaft. Finally, the elevator reaches the floor, and Kino along with his androids step off. A group of nearby officers backed away in terror.) Kino: (looks around) Ah... They seem to be afraid of me. (An officer walks up to Kino. Kino turns his head and looks at him out of the corners of his eyes. The officer stutters as he speaks.) Officer: It's true then... huh? Mishima-sama has been overthrown? Kino: (smiles and speaks with his eyes closed) "Sama"? Still going to follow that old bastard's orders? Officer: (steps back) ...Urg... Kino: Heh, if you still follow that corpse, might as well back down. Officer: It is true... He's dead... (The officer takes a few steps back. He takes a look at Kino, and then turn around and disappear into the crowd. The other officers follow suit.) Kino: Hm. Those fools aren't brave enough to work for me. (Kino walks towards the south west corner. The crowd backs away as he comes close, clearing the way for him and his two androids, who tear the mat wherever they step.) Kino: Hm. Since those terrorist hide in the sewers, might as well root them out. (Kino walks on, and he gets closer to SSJ, who is staring at the floor, depressed. The crowd moves away as SSJ continues to lean on the wall. Soon, SSJ was alone as Kino passed by. Kino looked out of the corner of his eye, and recognized SSJ.) Kino: (stop and turns towards SSJ) Hm. Boy. (SSJ doesn't respond, and doesn't move. Nearby residents stood and stared at SSJ and Kino.) Kino: (louder) Boy! Respond, you little dipshit! (SSJ looks up, and sees Kino. He quickly notices a large sheathe Kino carried.) Kino: Tell your name. (SSJ pushes off from the wall, and stands on his own two feet. He looks up at Kino, then the androids, then Kino again.) SSJ: SSJ. Kino: (leer unchanging) What a stupid name. SSJ: I know. Made it up myself. Kino: Tch. Don't talk to your president like that, you fucking little snot. (SSJ's eyes widen as Kino pulls out his gun, and aims it between his eyes. Times seemed to stop as SSJ stared down the barrel of the gun.) Kino: I'm not your friend, you fucking outlaw. I know what you are. Fucking little leech. Stealing from those who have rightfully earned their money. You know how much shit I had to go through, when my fucking androids were dismantled?! SSJ: (surprised) Your- Kino: Shut the fuck up. (cocks his gun) I didn't say for you to speak, shit face. Because of you and your gang, I couldn't pay for Yuki's operation! (SSJ is breathing heavily, staring down the barrel of the gun.) Kino: You sent her six fucking feet under. Do you feel guilt? SSJ: ...Maybe... Kino: (sigh) I'll spare you today, if you tell me where your friends are. SSJ: (breath shaking) No... Kino: Speak! SSJ: Don't... Know... I don't know... I don't know! Kino: Tell the fucking truth! (Kino tightens his grip on his trigger.) SSJ: (sighs) Going to fight the terrorists... They heard of a passage. Kino: (smirks) So they are, huh? (Kino puts away his gun and continues.) Kino: I'll let you live for now, but if I see you again, I'll fucking rip you apart. (Kino walks away, towards the corner. The androids turn and follow as SSJ falls to the mat.) SSJ: (pounds mat) Shit... TM... DDT... Cindy-chan... Amiko-chan... (SSJ watches Kino and the androids find the sewer opening, and jump in. SSJ curses, and runs after them, trying to avoid being seen. He looks down the opening, and sees the rushing water. He swings to the concrete lining the left wall, and lands on his feet with a thud. And quickly, he runs into a nearby pipe as Kino and the androids look back.) Kino: (smirks) Big rats, I suppose? (Kino turns and continues through the sewers, and SSJ looks down the pipe he's in, and sees another opening.) SSJ: Well, I'm stuck. (SSJ walks towards the other end of the pipe.) *** :: Amiko and co. :: [Amiko and company arrive at a giant underground room via a tunnel. Pipes stick out from the walls and a green, putrid liquid flows from the pipes, into the pool far below. The acrid odor fills the room, and the four quickly stop cover their noses.] TM: GAWD! WHAT A SMELL! Cindy: Now, why did I follow you? Amiko: Ugh... I'm sick... (DDT continues on ahead, leaving the others behind as he walks down a set of stairs. The set of stairs lead to a giant octagonal platform, held up by a thick concrete pillar, colored green from the toxic liquid. The other sides of the platform have bridges which lead to different tunnels. Amiko and company catch up to DDT.) Amiko: DDT? DDT: (turns to face the others) Let's go. Standing here won't make things smell better. Cindy: To which one?! (The four look at each tunnel. Suddenly, splashing is heard in the waters below. The four jump back when giant alligators jump from the water, and grab onto six of the bridges.) TM: So alligators DO live in the sewers?! Amiko: Impossible! (The alligators jump onto the bridges, and stand on their hind legs. Their green scales shine as the disgusting water drip from the edges. Their large snouts were open as their roared, showing their blood-stained teeth. Their large tails slammed on each of the bridges, utterly destroying them as they jumped onto the platform. TM drew his sword, and DDT raised his fists, as Amiko and Cindy stood back.) Amiko: I wish I was in the shelter, like SSJ... Cindy: (pats DDT and TM) You two can protect us! So go ahead! (TM and DDT are shoved ahead, and Amiko and Cindy move back. TM glares at the both, but turn towards the alligators.) TM: What a shitty day... DDT: This could get ugly. (TM and DDT wait as the beasts step closer, their caustic breath flowing from their noses. Their tongues dangled from their mouths, and their eyes were fixed on ripping the four to shreds.) TM: Well, here goes nothing. DDT: Yeah. (TM takes the first step, and rushes towards the mutants, DDT following close behind.) ---- To Be Continued ---- ---- Preview ---- [Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! Preview music plays in background. And random scenes from the next episode play, though you can't see because this is text. =P] SSJ: Next! On Ginga Giri Giri! TM: Stuff happens! Fights! Blood! Gore! Alligators! DDT: Crispy alligators at that, but anyway, Dark's plan is revealed! Amiko: That, and the androids' fighting abilities are shown, with slightly apocalyptic results. Cindy: And after that, we return to the way we were before any of this happened, just like every other anime! SSJ: But most important of all, the showdown between darkness and light! All: Next! On Ginga Giri Giri! "To Be the Strongest". SSJ: READ IT! WHEN IT EXISTS! ----