-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SSJ arrives at the end of a pipe, and views a giant room, where a sickening odor fills his nose. He quickly covers his nose, but the sheer overwhelming smell causes him to fall to his knees and vomit over the end of the pipe. He coughs as he opens his eyes, and sees four figures, and six giant... ...alligators? He was high up from the pool and the platform where the six monsters stood, but he quickly recognizes the figures, and exclaims in thought.] SSJ: (thinking) Everyone! (He continues viewing, and sees TM and DDT run towards the alligators. A sound similar to metal scraping metal fills the room as TM's sword slices past the scales of an alligator. DDT gave another one a swift punch to the face, sending it doubling back a whopping inch. The two alligators simply turn in a circle and knock them back with their tails.) SSJ: (yelling) Damn! (The alligators then roared, their fearsome teeth ready to sink into the pink flesh of TM and DDT.) ---- Chapter 20: To Be the Strongest ---- (SSJ's yells echo softly in the room.) Cindy: Huh?! (Cindy looks around the room, trying to find the source of the sound.) Amiko: What is it, Cindy? Cindy: I thought I heard SSJ- (Cindy is interrupted as TM's sword scratches along the platform. TM scrapes on the concrete as he rolls, and DDT crashes into a rail. TM, in a burning pain, manages to stand, rubbing his right arm in pain.) TM: Lucky I didn't fall on my sword... That would've definitely sucked. (TM turns and sees DDT, lying on the platform, grabbing his back. DDT tries to stand up, but the immense pain causes him to fall on his feet.) TM: Shit! (TM turns to the alligators, which are already in mid air, ready to clamp their jaws on DDT and him. With instinct, he aims his sword in front of him, pointing upwards, in defense. Still, the alligator clamps on his hand, and TM was ready to accept the pain, with closed eyes. But the pain never came. TM opened his eyes and looked ahead of him. The alligator had bitten on the sword, with the blade going through between its eyes, and to the brain. Its razor sharp teeth were inches away from ripping TM's arms off. TM mutters in disbelief.) TM: Heheh... Looks like luck was on my side. (TM then looked at DDT, who was suspended in midair by a tail. TM, tugged on his blade, and it ripped through his gator's head. Without thinking, he ripped off a scale from the dead beast, and threw it at the base of the other one's tail. Luckily, it cut straight through the tail, and DDT fell to the platform. The gator doubled back in pain, and the others dropped to the ground, ready to jump. TM raised his sword above his head and glowed red.) TM: ZERO- Amiko: (thinking) Oh no- (yelling) STOP! (TM twitches, and loses his red tint. He turns and glares angrily at Amiko.) TM: WHAT'S THAT FOR?! Amiko: Don't you get it?! We're in a sewer! Electricity is in the walls! TM: (eyes widen) ...Oh crap... That's right... (Then, the four alligators leapt into the air, aiming at TM and DDT. TM sheathes his sword, and jumps at one of the monsters. And then drew his sword as he flew right past the beast. His left arm received a slash from its claws, but he managed to land on its feet. The monster, too, landed on its feet, and fixed its eyes upon Amiko and Cindy.) Cindy: (steps back) Damn! (The alligator charges at the two. Its powerful legs pound into the ground, and as it nears the two, it suddenly roars in pain. A large cut appeared through its stomach and scales, blood gushing from the giant wound. It finally split in half, and the halves fell to the ground with a sickening splat. Blood gushed from each half, and formed a pool. Its entrails splattered all over the concrete, disgusting Amiko and Cindy.) TM: Heh... Midair Crimson Blade. Never thought possible... (Suddenly, the screams of another one filled the air. TM and the others looked, and saw DDT struggling to keep a gator's mouth open. The gator's jaws were powerful, but DDT managed to keep it open for him to launch flames through the alligator. It literally combusted as DDT jumped back, and soon, it turned into a black body of thick ash as it hit the ground.) TM: Amazing... (DDT then views another gator, this one bouncing off the walls and up high, ready to strike down and destroy the platform. TM looked elsewhere, and another gator jumped lower, ready to cleave through DDT.) TM: SHIT! (TM jumped towards the gator, and aimed the point of his blade at the monstrosity. DDT turned and saw the gator, and ducked low to the platform. He ducked just in time for the gator to merely cut off some hair. Meanwhile, TM jumped towards the gator.) TM: (thinking) Gotta aim for a weak spot... (TM flew towards the gator, and as he neared, he had no time to think as he dodged the gator's tail. The sword dug deep into the mutant, and it writhed in pain as TM saw where he hit. He had gouged through the monster's eye and out the other, with clear liquid, mixed with blood, dripped from his blade. TM kicked the beast into the water below, where it floated to the top as a corpse.) TM: (runs hand through hair) Yes, I do rock. DDT: But we won't for long after that one hits the platform. (TM looks up and sees the gator as it jumps past a pipe far above, and became level near the ceiling. He noticed a figure moving in the pipe behind the gator. Then a gunshot was heard, and the gator lost its grip on the wall. It tumbled towards the platform, which gave DDT the opportunity to give it an attack. His right fist began to glow a tint of orange, and he jumped towards the gator. He raised his fist, prepared to punch through the gator. The falling gator saw, and aimed its teeth at DDT.) DDT: Heh. Fool. (Quickly, the gator neared DDT. DDT's fist glow a greater orange, then his hand became shrouded in a blue flame. The monster neared, and literally, he punched through the beast. Or he would've, if it didn't vaporize before hand, but hey, let's not get into the details. That left only one gator left, and DDT, still in midair, took the time to fire three great fireballs at the last one. It also combusted, and fell towards the pool without trouble. DDT landed on his feet, still in pain, and TM looked up at that pipe. The figure was gone.) TM: Was that... Amiko: ...SSJ? (TM and Amiko look at each other, then at Cindy.) Cindy: Well, quite obviously, it was. Amiko: How do you know? Cindy: The specific crack of the gunshot was that of a .45 caliber revolver, the same kind I use, and the kind SSJ "borrowed" from me. (The two just stare at Cindy.) TM: You can tell specific gunshots? Cindy: Hey, I didn't obsess over Trigun for nothing. (There is a silence, then the four look to the last remaining bridge.) Amiko: Well, we have no choice. [The four walk (or limp) past the bridge and through the tunnel.] *** :: Warehouse :: [Dark is sitting in a chair, watching a TV. The room dark room is lit blue, as a middle-aged reporter babbled on about the terrorists. The room was bare, except for the beat up chair and the small TV that sat on the floor. The room was only lit by the TV and a small lamp above. A door sat to the left of the television. The door opened, and Tsubasa stepped in, face was flushed with fear.] Tsubasa: Yami... He's coming... Tsumuji is coming... (Dark rolled his eyes to see Yami. His shirt was ruffled, and his hair stood on its ends. Dark closed his eyes and spoke.) Dark: And? Is that a problem? Tsubasa: (yelling) OF COURSE IT'S A PROBLEM! HIS CREATIONS ARE COMING HERE! Dark: (eyes open) Creations? Tsubasa: (calming down) Yami, Tsumuji Kino is the creator of experimental "artificial humans", or androids! His genius allowed him to make them as deadly as possible... Powerful enough to even kill YOU in ONE SHOT! Dark: (eyes widen) That powerful?! Tsubasa: (nods) And he's coming here. He landed twenty or so miles north of here, and was last spotted going down a service elevator. Dark: ...Into the shelters... Tsubasa: I don't know why he'd do that, but he's coming. Dark: (stands, and turns off the TV) Well, I guess that means I should get to work. Tsubasa: Damn straight, Yami. We're preparing for him. (Tsubasa runs out of the room, leaving Dark alone.) Dark: (smirks) Well, Light, I'll meet you sometime. (Dark walks through the door, and heads for the ammunition storeroom.) *** :: SSJ :: [SSJ wanders down the winding tunnels, and sees a large labyrinth of crossroads and ladders. There was no longer water running through the tunnels. His eyes narrow in frustration.] SSJ: (sigh) Damn. This'll be tough to find them. (SSJ steps through the tunnels, looking up ladders which stood in each crossroad. He curses when he realizes he is lost.) SSJ: Fuck. This place is a maze! (SSJ clambers up a ladder, and pushes through the manhole cover. He sees the warehouse several manhole covers ahead. He climbs down, and closes the cover.) SSJ: So... I'll have to go this way... (SSJ turns right, and runs down the path. The echo of his footsteps reach through the tunnels, alerting a shadowed figure ahead several turns. As SSJ passes a few more ladders, the shadow rushes through the tunnels, until it finally stands in a tunnel directly connected to SSJ's path. SSJ rushes past, and the shadow slams out. SSJ turns to look back at the figure, and trips. He falls and rolls along the tunnel floor, turning around to peer behind him. He saw another alligator, a completely new one. Its mutated muscles bulges as it slammed its foot. SSJ grips his sheathe with his left hand, and his right hand was prepared to draw the sword. He crouches, and prepares for battle.) SSJ: Shit... This'll get in my way... (The gator slams its tail on the ground as SSJ slams his left foot into the tunnel, launching himself towards the alligator. SSJ draws his sword has he flies forward, and prepares to slice through the foul beast.) *** :: Kino :: [Kino Tsumuji climbs through a manhole, inside the basement of the warehouse. He does so as silently as possible, followed by the hulking humanoid mechs. Kino searches around the room, and finds ammunition. Lots of ammunition. Grenades, rocket launchers, gatling guns, rifles, and the like line most of the walls. Only a small corner has traditional Japanese weapons. Kino looks behind him, and found a nearly empty rack. A device lay on a shelf. Kino picked it up and examined it. It could easily fit on his wrist, and it is tight enough to not slip. He turns it around and checks how it works. Bullets line the band, and a small barrel came out the bottom side. He realizes it is a small gun on the wrist. A string came out the side of the contraption, and it was long enough to be strung through his shirt and pulled with his other arm. Kino's face twists into anger.] Kino: Shameful fucking snots... They dare insult the samurai rank with these weapons?! (Kino drops it to the ground, and steps on it with his foot, utterly destroying it. Just then, the door opened, and Dark stepped through. Kino quickly and silently wheeled around Dark, slamming the door shut, and slightly drawing his sword. The blade was several centimeters from Dark's neck, but Dark didn't flinch. Kino didn't bother looking at Dark's face.) Kino: Boy... If you resist, I shall kill you. Now, tell me where Tsubasa is. (Dark merely turned his head and glared at Kino. Kino was taken aback by his strong resemblance to SSJ.) Kino: (in thought) What the fuck- (Hardly had the words left his mind before Dark's lance came tearing from the ground. It swung up, knocking Kino's nose and making him step back. Dark grabbed his lance, and elbowed a surprised Kino in the gut. Dark ran out of the ammunition room, and into the concrete hallway. Kino turned his head to glare at Dark.) Kino: What in the fuck is that?! (Dark held his lance firm, and merely ran past a corner. Kino turned to follow, but when he turned round the corner, Dark was gone. But that was impossible. There was no door at all in the hall. He looked up, and saw an air vent. Kino had vast, seething anger, and his eyes were wide open. Veins were visible throughout his body. He cursed, and commanded at the two towering mechs, who had finally stepped into the hallway.) Kino: Let's go. We'll annihilate this forsaken building if we have to. (But before they left, Kino had the two destroy the ammunition room. They obliged, and room collapsed. Kino stomped forward, wearing the most hateful glare that could possibly be seen.) *** :: Amiko and Co. :: [The four continue through the sewers, looking through every manhole to see where they were. Amiko climbed down a ladder, and spoke to the rest.) Amiko: Well, we're just in front of the warehouse. (The four looked ahead. TM was clutching his bleeding shoulder, which was poorly wrapped in bandages. DDT clutched his aching gut. And Amiko and Cindy looked up ahead, and saw that the tunnel sloped downwards. Stairs headed into the darkness beyond. There was little light down there, but Amiko and Cindy stepped towards it. TM and DDT limped close behind.) Cindy: (back at TM and DDT) You sure you two don't want to stay down here? (TM and DDT roll their eyes toward each other, then return their attention to Cindy.) TM: I don't care about the pain. I'm gonna finish what I started. DDT: Same here. (The four walked down the steps, and found a door at the bottom. Amiko shoved open the door, and found a labyrinth of winding tunnels.) Amiko: (sigh) So, how do we know which path leads to the warehouse? (Cindy climbed the nearest ladder, and shoved open the cover. She barely could, but when she did, and pushed it to the side, a piece of concrete narrowly missed her head. It crashed into the floor, and Cindy leapt down. The four looked up, and saw the cover completely blocked.) Cindy: (sighs) Ah... Damn it. What crappy luck. (The four stepped further, and made several random turns. Eventually, they stopped at a ladder, and heard footsteps running across the cover above. They kept silent, but distinctly heard a familiar deep voice from above.) Voice: Come on, weaklings! Block off Kino's path! (The four looked at each other.) DDT: Was that... the terrorist leader? Amiko: Damn... You were right, TM... TM: Damn straight. (The pounding footsteps die down, but Tsubasa's voice is still heard above.) Tsubasa: Damn it... It's too early. It can't end like this... It just can't! (Another familiar voice calls from above.) Voice: Well, Tsubasa? Shall you fight? Tsubasa: SHUT UP, YAMI! (Amiko's eyes widen, once she remembers the voice.) Amiko: It's Dark... (The others look at Amiko.) Cindy: He's up there?! TM: Why'd Tsubasa call him "yami"? Amiko: It means "darkness" in Japanese. TM: Oh... (The two speak again.) Dark: Well then, shall I prepare the main room? Tsubasa: (calms down and breathes calmly) Yes. We shall. We shall meet him there. (The sound of the two stepping away is heard above the four. Amiko climbs up and shoves off the sewer cover. She looks around and sees an empty hallway. She motions the rest up the ladder. Soon, DDT closed the manhole cover, ignoring the throbbing pain in his gut.) TM: Okay, we're here. Now what? (Footsteps are suddenly heard nearby, and the four quickly run into a room directly across from the sewer cover. They close the door, and keep silent. Dark walks past, and mutters to himself.) Dark: (muttering) What does that weakling thing he is, commanding me like that. (The door opens, and the four stick their heads out. Dark stands at the corner of the tunnel, and steps on one of the tiles. The corner wall opens ahead of him, and he steps through. The wall closes as the four step out of the room.) Cindy: So there are secret rooms, as well...? Amiko: What the hell is this building...? (Before they could ponder, a voice calls from behind.) Voice: (yelling) Hey! Who the hell are you four?! (The four quickly turn around, and see a soldier. TM quickly runs over and knocks the man's head with the sheathe of his blade. DDT punches him in the gut, and Amiko and Cindy kick him until he's unconscious. However, others heard, and ran at the four, who ran as fast as they could in the opposite direction.) *** :: SSJ :: [All the while, SSJ has his hands full with his own giant alligator. His first slash did absolutely nothing, except the monster just nearly slashed off his head.] SSJ: Shit! This thing is fucking impossible! (SSJ parried to the side, and blocked the gator's left claws. The gator countered by shoving the tip of his tail into SSJ's gut, sending up flying back. SSJ stood up, clutching his gut in pain.) SSJ: Damn. Looks like... I'll have to try it... (SSJ planted his feet firmly , and glared at the mutant. His sword was ready, and he called towards the beast.) SSJ: Hey! Get ready! For... THE SAOTOME SPECIAL! (The gator was taken aback by the prideful call. It saw SSJ, in a challenging stance. It got into its own stance, and watched SSJ crouch down.) SSJ: Ready... (The gator was more than prepared, its tail slammed into the tunnel wall, causing a meager earthquake. SSJ crouched down lower.) SSJ: Set... (Time seemed to freeze. SSJ stood in place, ready to charge. The beast also stood firmly, its tongue cleaning off its teeth.) SSJ: Well, nice knowing you... (With that, he charged...in the opposite direction. He was fleet to foot, and quickly took random turns throughout the tunnel. The gator simply and stupidly charged after him.) *** :: Warehouse :: (Kino ran through the halls of the warehouse. The rusting metal shook off as he stomped through, drawing his long tachi and slashing through the defenses. He moved quickly, and always managed to disarm them of their concealed weapons. Even more threatening, were the two androids, which were crushing those who attacked Kino from behind. Several more samurai came at Kino, who simply spun in a full circle, slashing them all at once. Soon, the enemies gave up and ran away, but Kino gave no mercy. Those he caught up with, he decapitated. Those who were two far away, the two androids killed with a grenade.) Kino: LEAVE NO SURVIVORS! THESE DISGRACES DESERVE NO WORSE THAN DEATH! (Soon, Kino reached a flight of stairs, which he climbed. At the top, two armed enemies turned around the corner, and fired volleys of bullets at the new president. Kino jumped behind #4, who countered with many bullets which shot from its entire body. The two fell. The robot's body was covered with many openings, from which many barrels protruded. The barrels returned to inside the android, and the openings closed. Kino continued forward, protected on both sides by giant hunks of metal. A lone warrior stepped past the corner of the stairs, and shot rockets at the android. The android was spurred onward, not stopping at all. #4 simply punched at the weakling, whose skull cracked on impact, and blood flew from the crushed skull. #5 stopped at the top of the stairs, and blocked others from following. #4 stepped aside as Kino looked around the narrow hall, perpendicular to the flight. The only doors were in front of him, and at both ends of the hallway. All the doors led in the same direction. Kino pushed the door in front of him, and stepped inside. A voice called as he stepped inside. Kino froze, and the two androids stopped right next to him. They prepared to shoot, but Kino held out his arm in front of them to stop them. He saw Tsubasa standing clearly in the middle of a large room. A katana in its sheathe was tucked by his side. Catwalks line the walls, and high up on the walls. It was the room shown in their official declaration.) Tsubasa: Welcome, Tsumuji Kino. President of the world. (Kino glared at Tsubasa, and Tsubasa at Kino.) Kino: So you must be Tsubasa... Tsubasa: Indeed. Kino: Then I shall stop this now. (Tsubasa drew his sword. Kino commanded the two androids not to retaliate.) Tsubasa: I'll fight you here! The age of samurai will rule once more! Kino: Shut up. You care nothing about this "golden age of samurai"! You have no shame, no honor, and no pride! (Tsubasa only smiled.) Tsubasa: It doesn't matter what you believe. I will win, and my great skill will strike down even you! (Tsubasa rushed at Kino, who parried with the sheathe of his tachi. Tsubasa jumped back, and Kino dashed forward. He jumped into the air with his tachi, slashing down on empty air. Tsubasa leapt to his side, and Kino quickly jumped in that direction once he hit the ground. Kino jabs forward with his tachi, but Tsubasa knocks it out of the way. Tsubasa quickly kicks off in the completely opposite direction, directly at Kino.) Kino: (in thought) Fuck... He *is* skilled... (Kino is elbowed in the nose, and is launched backwards. Tsubasa jumps into the air, and aims a slash at Kino.) Tsubasa: This is what the soul of the samurai can do! (Tsubasa slashes down on Kino, who easily blocks it with his blade. With his left middle and index fingers, Tsubasa pulled a thin wire that ran up his shirt. A gunshot is heard, and Kino's left shoulder is suddenly bleeding. Kino clutches it in pain, and Tsubasa jumps back. His right sleeve has smoke coming from it.) Kino: Th...Those tactics... You call that honorable?! You call that fair?! Tsubasa: Hm. Anything's fair in battle. The strong live and the weak die. It's survival of the fittest. Kino: What a fucking stupid mentality... (Kino groans as he pulls the small bullet from his shoulder.) Kino: Tell me, what do you want?! Tsubasa: (smiles) This'll be my first and only demand. Kino: I'm listening... Tsubasa: (eyes narrow in hatred) I want you to DIE. Kino: (eyes widen) What?! Tsubasa: You are weak. Only the strong should rule the world. The strong live, and the weak die. That is the only truth in the world. Kino: Is that all? You just think you can rule better than I? Tsubasa: I can, and I will. Kino: (spits on the ground) Stupid bastard. (With that, Kino charges at Tsubasa once more.) *** :: Amiko and Co. :: [Meanwhile yet again, Amiko and company struggle to stay ahead of the enemies. The four are just barely ahead of a horde of armed men. Amiko ducks and slides under swords of oncoming enemies, while Cindy jumps and parries their blades. All the while, TM and DDT hold off the samurai behind them. Quickly, DDT aimed a fireball at an overhead girder, which immediately fell on the samurai behind the four.] Amiko: Well, GREAT PLAN, TM! Cindy: (pants) YEAH! GREAT WAY TO GET US KILLED! TM: Shut up! It's better than sitting around and waiting! (Suddenly, the path ahead split into three directions.) DDT: So, which way?! Amiko: Left! TM: Right! Cindy: Forward! (The four look at each other, and unwittingly pass the crossroad. They shrug, and continue on. DDT quickly casts a firewall to block the path behind them, and a path beyond a corner. The four stop, having no more pursuers. They wait, and catch their breath. TM leaned on a wall, while Amiko and Cindy sat on the floor. DDT leaned on his knees, and looked forward.) DDT: ...We're here again... (The others look ahead, and see a wall. A plain wall. It was a dead end. Except they knew that Dark passed through that same wall. TM walks ahead, panting, and tries to figure which tile Dark stepped on. He accidentally trips, and falls on the ground, stopping his fall with his left hand. He touched a tile, and it pressed down, and the corner wall ahead opened. The four stepped inside, onto a small flight of stairs, and saw Dark. He had his lance in hand, and was struggling to get close to a floating orb. The four stepped forward, and found the glowing orb was that of pure energy. It was surrounded by a large aura, one that could be felt by their souls. On the floor surrounding the orb, was a circle in the ground. A large picture was encircled; it seemed to be several large lines crisscrossing to form some mystic sign. Energy swirled around the orb, causing a visible tornado of sorts. Dark stood at the edge, with his lance tearing through the wall. Or at least trying to. His lance shot back, rejected by the energy. Cindy sneezed, causing Dark to quickly turn around and glare at them. They stood at the foot of steps, leading up to the warehouse. He stepped back from the orb, and towards them.) Dark: Why are you here? (The four couldn't speak, but Dark slowly got closer. He tightly gripped his lance, and charged at the four. Before he reached them, an explosion ripped through the ceiling, and stretched up two floors. Tsubasa dropped down to the basement, followed by the two androids, as Kino stood atop. The androids smashed into the metal floor, and the four took a step back. Dark held his ground, while Tsubasa got to his feet. Tsubasa glanced at Dark.) Tsubasa: Yami! Kill the president! (Dark stepped towards Kino. He dispelled his lance, which split into many particles of light and disappeared. He took another step at the two androids, and held his place. Kino wasted no time.) Kino: Kill the boy. (The androids obeyed, launched a fury of missiles and bullets at Dark, who jumped in order to dodge. He held his open palm up, aimed at the ceiling. Particles of light seemed to flow towards his hand, and arranged themselves in the shape of a large lance. Dark thrusted it at the shorter android, #4, and it directly hit. However, the most it caused was a dent, but that was enough to throw Kino off guard.) Kino: H-HE DENTED THE ANDROID?! (But that was not all. Dark did the same, with both hands, and a larger energy lance was formed, and it was hurled at #5. It completely impaled its left arm, causing the arm to explode. Kino was mad. Completely angry. He gritted his teeth, and shouted words that sounded like "combine". Dark landed on the charred and dented floor, and saw the two android's shell open. Inside the two, were smaller cores, revealed briefly as the many hunks of metal rearranged themselves. Wires came from each, and bridged the two cores. The two were quickly shielded from Dark's energy shot, as the metal shells combined in different places. Dark saw as it formed a human shape again. But this time, it was different. It was a bit taller, but with thicker pieces of metal shelling the small spherical cores. It formed into a hunched humanoid shape, relying on its two large arms to support itself. Finally, a sphere appeared between the android's shoulder. It opened, revealing a head with four eyes. The new android was completely different from the two separate androids, and Kino made his declaration.) Kino: HEAR THIS! THIS IS WHAT THE TWO WERE BUILT FOR! IT'S THE GEMINI PROJECT! (Tsubasa stood in terror.) Tsubasa: I was right... Not even Yami can defeat him... (Dark stared in surprise, as he charged another energy blast. However, the android shot a wire at Dark, which caught his right arm, the bandaged one. Dark gasped as the android twisted the arm, and used the wire to crush the arm. However, no blood flowed from the crushed arm, nor did the sound of bone cracking fill the air. Dark merely glared in anger at the android.) Dark: You... You bastard! (Immediately, Dark's lance tore from the ground again, and he caught it in his hand. He tore through the wire, and aimed the tip of his lance at the android's "head". The lance hit the metal sphere, and slid off. Dark jumped back, and glanced at Tsubasa. From the corner of his eye, Dark saw Tsubasa run for the orb of energy. Dark jumped in his path, and glared at the leader. Tsubasa jumped back.) Tsubasa: What the Hell?! YAMI! (Dark impales Tsubasa's left leg, and knocks Tsubasa back with the butt of his lance.) Dark: Whatever you do, you are not getting the Atma weapon. (Tsubasa only could look at Yami in terror, then in hatred.) Tsubasa: You... You FUCKING TRAITOR! (Tsubasa lunges at Dark, who impales Tsubasa through the gut. Dark kicks Tsubasa off the lance, and into the ground. However, before Dark could finish off Tsubasa, the android fired a volley of ammunition at Dark, who returned to his battle. Tsubasa took the time to try and take the orb again. The four stood in his path this time.) Tsubasa: Who the hell are you four? TM: We're here to stop you! Amiko: And we'll stop this suffering and death that you have caused! (Tsubasa stood, and drew his sword. He clutched his bleeding gut in immense pain.) Tsubasa: Kids, get out of my way, lest I shall kill you... (Tsubasa steps on a sewer cover, and aims his sword at the closest one- Cindy.) *** :: SSJ :: (SSJ knew things were getting hectic. He continued to dodge the gator's attacks, and managed to gouge out one of its eyes. However, that couldn't stop it. He heard the noises from above. The noise of gunshots, clashing metal, and running footsteps. He heard collapsing ceilings, and couldn't stop to see what was going on. He had enough. Quickly, SSJ found the nearest sewer cover, and jumped on the ladder. He jumped again, and launched himself at the cover.) *** :: The Basement :: (The four stood in their places. Behind them, Dark struggled with the androids, but Kino diverted his attention at the four. Tsubasa begins to sprint towards Cindy, but before he could step forward, the sewer cover flips up, and sending him down into the sewer tunnels. SSJ flew up from the cover, which spun, and landed on the whole, covering it before the gator had the sense to follow. SSJ landed as a crunching noise was heard, but the five did not know what to make on it.) SSJ: (looking at the four) Well... It looks like I'm in the right place. Amiko: (surprised) Hey! SSJ! SSJ: (grins) Yeah. I'm here. Looks like you four are okay. (DDT is seen with a swollen cheek, and TM's arm was bleeding harder than ever.) DDT: Well, as okay as we can be. SSJ: Yeah... So, who was that guy? Cindy: That was the terrorist leader... Tsubasa was his name. TM: And what was that crunching noise? SSJ: Gator followed me. (The five looked at each other, but Dark's yelling interrupted their thoughts. They looked at Dark, and at Kino and his creation. The android stopped fighting, and Dark stood, in pain. Kino looked at the five.) Kino: So, Tsubasa is dead? (SSJ nodded.) Kino: (unemotional) Well, my mission is done. (Kino jumped on the android, which prepared for flight. Dark was kneeling on the ground in pain, but called out.) Dark: HEY! Get back here! (Kino didn't look down, but muttered.) Kino: I wasn't after you. You just barred my path. Now there is no more path beyond you. Dark: ...DAMN YOU! Kino: We won't meet again. (And with that, the android, along with Kino, left the scene. Dark, and the five were left. Dark looked up, and glared at SSJ. His eyes were of complete hatred. Dark then looked at the glowing orb. The swirl of energy no longer surrounded it.) Dark: (at SSJ) The controller of Atma is dead... I shall be the successor. (SSJ could only imagine what he meant, but Dark walked up to the orb, and placed his hand on it. It whirled and reacted, until finally being absorbed by Dark. Dark sighed with relief, as his wounds healed, and he stood, proud and unharmed. He glared at SSJ.) Dark: Light, this'll be the last time you see me, without fighting. My power is greater than that of yours. And next time we meet, I shall kill you. (The room was silent as Dark continued.) Dark: That is it. (Dark turned around, and headed for the stairs. SSJ stepped forward and yelled.) SSJ: Dark! (Dark stopped, but didn't turn back.) SSJ: What is it you want? Dark: (walking away) It is an insult to me, to be based off of someone as weak as you. I shall prove, that the copy is greater than the original. You are lucky that I am exhausted. (Dark leaves, and the five stand, confused by everything. Soon, the police raided the complex, but the five already escaped via the sewers.) *** :: Rantmon's Palace :: [Rantmon sat on his throne, watching the situation end. His face was flushed with anger, and his eye twitched.] Rantmon: It can't be... Someone else got to the Atma weapon... (A silence passes over, and Rantmon slams his hand into the armrest of his chair. It crumbled under his strength.) Rantmon: Damn it... Jallopsimon! (No one replied.) Rantmon: (yelling) Jallopsimon?! (Still, no one replied.) Rantmon: DAMN IT! JALLOPSIMON, GET OVER HERE! (But still, he didn't come, for Jallopsimon was already several miles away, wearing a look of pure hatred on his face. His hands were covered with gloves, tekkou. He walked forward, not caring about anything else in the world.) Jallopsimon: DDT... I'll kill you. *** :: Apartment :: (Cindy woke up in her bed, exhausted and stiff. Mokona dropped on her head, puu-ing all the time. Cindy smiled, and sat up. Her back was aching as she looked around the room. TM was packing, with his left shoulder covered with gauze. Thick enough to block his immense wound. DDT was busy describing to Devimon how he single handedly take down an entire army, while Amiko was busy in the bathroom. SSJ sat in the corner, with his sheathed sword leaning on his shoulder. He looked at the ground, staring at nothing in particular.) TM: Awake, Cindy? (Cindy nodded.) Cindy: (smiling) Yeah. TM: (at SSJ) Well, you enjoyed the stay over here? SSJ: I really couldn't care less. (Amiko emerges from the bathroom, clean and refreshed. Her hair was wet, and neatly combed behind her.) Amiko: Where are we going now? TM: Nowhere in particular. We'll have to wander around. Amiko: Oh... SSJ: (speaking loudly) We're gonna follow Dark. (The rest look at SSJ, who glared at nothing.) DDT: Dark, huh? (SSJ stands, and looks at the other four.) SSJ: At least we have a purpose. We're gonna follow Dark, and I'm gonna settle the score. (Amiko sighs and places a hand on her forehead.) Amiko: Stubborn idiot... (And then, they left their room. They left Osseke, and they abandoned the city. They left, and never looked back. And their adventure had only just begun.) ---- END OF ARC 1 : TO BE CONTINUED ---- ---- Preview ---- [Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! Preview music plays in background. The five appear as chibi style, and random scenes from the next episode play, though you can't see because this is text. =P] SSJ: Finally! There is the conclusion to the first arc! Amiko: Yes! Back to the way it was before! Nonsensical plots! Random humor! Bananas! TM: Next! We run into the past of Japan, in a town called Kyoto. DDT: There, we meet the short, red haired man that they called the "Hitokiri Battousai". Cindy: And Sano's in it! I catch a bishounen! YES! All: Next! On Ginga GIRI GIRI! "Heart of Sword" Cindy: Who came up with THAT title? SSJ: Well, it was either that, or "Ice Blue Eyes". TM: You coulda tried "TM's Great Technique"... (SSJ look as TM in silence.) TM: Or not... ----