Author's Note: The English version of Yu-Gi-Oh! annoys me, this and future Yu-Gi-Oh! references will refer to their Japanese counterparts. For instance, the Paradox Brothers are now the Maze brothers, Ma and Ze, and "United We Stand" is "Power of Teamwork". ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero ____________________________________________________________________________________________ - OPENING SONG: WILD DRIVE - manTAN na ENERUGII wa ikiba o nakushite komatteru ze dare ka ga chotto yurasu dake de taikutsu na haretsu suru ze I Ride, White Line no ue o- OH, OH, OH, Sit down- shinrai shiteru basho de- OH, OH, OH, mayotteru ma ni yukeru ze! hitori ni hitotsu zutsu moraeru jiyuu to jounetsu o te ni kagayaku tame ni umarete kita bokura no tabi wa tsuzuku futashika na nichijou o sasaeru kirifuda, omae no Soul Best na seichou wa umidasu yo tomaranai WILD DRIVE bokura wa mada shizuka ni tobira o tataiteru ---- Recap ---- [Chibi characters of the five appear in the foreground as scenes from the last episode play in the background. Though, you can't see 'cause this is text. =P] SSJ: Last time! ON GINGA GIRI GIRI! Amiko: We end up in Hogwart's in search for Dark! Cindy: Amiko gets picked from the Goblet of Fire, completely illogically enough. TM: During the last task, the villains of Yu-Gi-Oh kidnap Cindy. DDT: And the Maze brothers block the path to save her. Amiko: Now, here we go! ---- Chapter 25: The Power of Teamwork ---- :: The Center of the Maze :: Amiko and SSJ stood, facing the two Maze brothers, and preparing for a duel. A cold chill blew, making SSJ thankful for his cloak, and Amiko thankful for her jacket. The Maze brothers stood, unaffected, and simply waited. Everyone was suddenly focused on the duel in the center of the maze of darkness. Finally, the Maze brothers spoke. Ma announced, "It shall be like this: I shall be first." "And the girl second," Ze continued. "Ze shall be third, for it's victory that we thirst." "The boy will be last. ...What rhymes with "second"?!" Amiko and SSJ sighed and sweatdropped. Ma then drew a card, and prepared to place it down. "Anyway, I shall first play-" "Wait!" SSJ interrupted. Ma stopped in mid-play, and turned to SSJ. "Are we going by official rules, or anime rules?" Ma paused, trying to comphrehend what was just said. Finally, he yelled, "Anime?!" SSJ sighed and muttered aloud, "I guess it's anime rules then." AND SO BEGAN THE HORRIBLY BORING YU-GI-OH! DUEL! With that, Ma threw down his card on the blade of the Duel Disk. It was set face down, and Ma ended his turn. The Duel then went like this, since the author does not want to make it like the show. Amiko then summoned the Lord of Dragons, and played the Flute of Summoning Dragons. With a flash of light, two dragons were summoned, the Blue Eyes White Dragon and the Red Eyes Black Dragon. She attacked the set monster with the Lord of Dragons, hoping it would die and the Blue and Red Eyes would attack directly, killing the player in one shot. But alas, the Set card was the Cyber Pod. All her monster were destroyed, and everyone drew five cards. Ma placed down three monsters in face down defense; Amiko none; Ze placed down one card in attack; SSJ placed all his cards in attack mode. Amiko then set down three cards in the Magic zone and ended her turn. Ze drew a card, and revealed it to be the Demon's Axe. He equipped it onto his face up monster, Landmine Spider, and increased its attack power to 3200. He flipped a coin, which landed on heads. Without losing a life point, he attacked SSJ's Giant Rat. The Rat was destroyed, and SSJ's life points fell to 2200. He sighed in pain, and used the Rat's effect to put Magnet Warrior: Gamma onto the field. Ze then ended his turn. SSJ drew a card, sighed, and simply placed two cards down in the Magic zone. He turned all his monsters to defense mode, and ended his turn. Ma mocked him, "Is that all boy?!" SSJ nodded, and Ma drew a card. He set down a trap card, and played Angel's Gift. He drew three cards, and discarded two from his hand. He then played Raise Dead and got back his Shadow Ghoul to attack one of SSJ's defense monsters. It killed the Gemini Elf, then Ma ended his turn after setting the rest of his hand in the Magic zone. Amiko drew a card, and then played Harpy’s Feather Sweep on Ma's magic zone, but Ze countered with Magic Jammer, discarding the Water Guardian: Suga to the Graveyard. Amiko then summoned Dol Dora to end her turn. Ze then drew a card, setting it in the Magic zone, and then sacrificed Landmine Spider for the Android Psycho Shocker. SSJ looked with incredulity and swore, "WHAT THE?! DAMN IT ALL!" Ze merely evilly grinned as he took out SSJ's second Giant Rat. SSJ used its effect and got out Magnet Warrior: Alpha. Ze ended his turn, and SSJ drew a card. He sighed. Amiko spoke, "What's with you, SSJ?! You did not do a thing!" Ze proudly announced, "It doesn't matter what you do! You will lose!" SSJ's sigh then changed to glee. "Say goodbye to your hope," he said. Ma and Ze muttered, "What?!" SSJ then threw away his Alpha and Gamma to the Grave. Ma uttered, "No..." SSJ then placed down on the field Buster Blader and attacked the Shadow Ghoul. The Shadow Ghoul died, and Ma received 800 points of damage. His life points settled at 3200. "Heh," SSJ muttered. SSJ then set down one card in the Magic zone. He ended his turn then. *** TM landed face first in the soft dirt of Riddles's graveyard. With a cough, he spat out the dirt and looked about. Malik and Bakura stood ahead of him, with Cindy captive still. All around, darkness pressed, with only the little fires surrounding a cauldron providing light. Then, a voice called from the blackness, "Oh? So, who is this?" TM looked towards the direction of the voice, at a withered tree in front of the Riddle House. There, in the branches, still sat the Black Mistress, enjoying her seat. TM was in shock at the stunning resemblance to a friend. He exclaimed in surprise, "Amiko?!" Cindy broke free from Bakura's grasp, and yelled, "TM!" She was suppressed again as the Black Mistress spoke, "Black Amiko to you, moron. However, I prefer the Black Mistress." TM then readied to draw his sword, if not for the Death Eaters blocking the way. They all had their wands raised, ready to deliver the death spell. TM gritted his teeth. "What are you going to do to Cindy?" he demanded. "Oh nothing, just a simple ritual to summon Voldemort." (She gave a shrill chuckle, and TM grinded his teeth.) *** The Duel continued boringly enough, with some counters and some good moves, but overall, the Duel was slowly turning into the Maze brother's advantage. Once Psycho Shocker was destroyed from a luckily played Black Hole, everyone was free to use trap cards again. Many attacks were countered by SSJ, using Mirror Force, Shadow Spell, and the like. It eventually ended up like this: SSJ, at 1650 life points, was left with only his Magnet Warrior: Beta on the field, with the Gaia Power field card powering it up to 2200. He had three cards face down in the Magic zone. Amiko, at 4000 still, had her second Blue Eyes on the field, as well as two Black Magicians as comfort. Two cards were down in the Magic zone. Ma, at 2500, had three monster cards up, Thunder Warrior: Sanga, Electric Guardian: Hyuga, and Labyrinth Wall. Ze, at 3200, had the Water Guardian: Hyuga, with Early Burial equipped to it. "This is dragging on!" SSJ complained. "We need to finish fast!" "Yeah! Cindy's waiting for us!" Amiko added, but then glared at SSJ. She added with quiet ferocity, "I don't think we need another 8000 word monstrosity, either." SSJ sighed and meekly laughed, "Eheheh.... Well, it's my turn now." SSJ drew a card and placed it into attack mode. He then paused. He suddenly burst out, "WAIT! NO!" SSJ picked up the card to put it in a different mode. Amiko sighed. Ma then interrupted him, "Too bad! First choice is the final one!" SSJ sighed and put the card back in attack mode: Kuribou. A black wave of terror seemed to fall on Amiko. "We're gonna lose." Ma and Ze laughed. Ma drew a card and grinned at Ze, "Taking out that Kuribou shall be an easy task." "And victory is where we shall bask!" Ze added. Ma then threw down his card: The Gate Guardian. Amiko choked as all the Guardians were sacrificed for the gigantic monster. Ma commanded the beast, "Attack the puny weakling." Amiko fell to her knees, nearly crying. *** Hermione, Ron, and the Dark Digimon Tamer faced off against the Malfoys, high in the stands of the Quidditch stadium. Everyone around had evacuated, leaving the three with their enemies. Lucius gave the most malevolent glare Hermione ever saw, while Draco readied his wand for the Death spell. Lucius encouraged his son, "If you like, go ahead, son!" Draco replied with excitemeny, "Gladly! Avada..." Hermione and Ron ducked, but the Tamer seemed to slow to dodge. Draco finished, "KEDAVRA!" The spell raced quickly towards DDT, who merely raised the back his right Ifrit Glove at the blast. The spell bounced off the glove, and hit a Poochyena that was strangely in orbit. Lucius and Draco gave a large, incredulous look. "ORO?!" yelled the father. "IMPOSSIBLE!" yelled the son. DDT explained with little emotion, "It is not. The Ifrit Gloves are forged of magical metal, and any spell will be deflected." Lucius gritted his teeth and launched an explosion spell at Hermione and Ron. DDT picked the two up and leapt away before the blast struck. An explosion ripped through the stands, launching DDT and the two even higher into the sky. In midair, DDT yelled at the two, "Can't you two do some spell while we're up here?!" Ron then saw a large chunk of rock near the Malfoys. He spoke with an idea, "I know!" Ron pulled out his wand, then swished and flicked it at the piece of rubble. "Wingardium LevioSAA!" Silence passed. Nothing happened after a while in the air. Hermione spoke, "It's Levi-OH-sa. Not Levio-SAA!" "If you're so clever-" "Now's not the time to argue!" DDT interrupted. DDT landed on another place of the stands and leapt up again before another Death spell could hit. "DAMN IT!" Lucius yelled as he began aiding his son's barrage of spells. "Hold still, curse you!" Draco muttered. DDT didn't wait for them to prepare another spell. He aimed his right palm at the two, while Ron held onto the arm. "Firebolt!" Quickly, a bolt of fire raced from DDT's palm and towards the Malfoys. Lucius dodged left, Draco right. They were separated, and that allowed Hermione to use the Levitation spell on a brick. It crashed down on Lucius' head, sending him into unconsciousness. DDT landed with Hermione and Ron, facing an angry Draco. "Take this! Accio Ifrit Gloves!" said Draco, aiming at DDT. Suddenly, DDT was launched forward, towards Draco. Before he could react, he was stunned by an elbow to the back from the evil wizard. As a reaction, DDT launched one small blast before he fell to the ground. It hit Draco's wand, which quickly turned to a pile of ash. Draco cursed, then stood to face his other two enemies. "My wand is lost... But the Black Mistress even taught me kung fu." Draco leapt forward towards Ron, who was suddenly reminded of the knowledge of the martial arts. He stood in a rather unentertaining Matrix parody, "I know Kung Fu." Ron jumped forward as well, countering punch and kick from Malfoy. They were even, blow after blow, and neither was going to let up. Hermione could only look on in surprise. "Since when did Ron know Kung Fu?!" In a completely random move, Ron took the upper hand by putting Draco in a headlock. Draco countered by grabbing Ron's leg and throwing him on his shoulder. Draco then leapt into the air, preparing for a pile driver. "Ron!" Hermione yelled. Just then, the back of her robe was grabbed by an unexpected figure. She turned back to see DDT, slightly bruised. She heard him mutter, "Why don't you make yourself useful?" "EH?!" was all she said as DDT, ignoring Hermione's sudden surprised yells, tossed her at Draco. Hermione hit Draco right in the stomach. Draco fell to the stands in complete pain while Ron caught Hermione and landed calmly on his feet. He set her down as she cheered. "Good work Ron! Just as graceful as Samus taking out fleets of Metroids!" "Metroids?" Ron repeated with confusion. DDT sighed, "You really should get some video games..." Meanwhile, Draco was in utter pain, with swirls as eyes and a large bump on his head. He could only groan in pain, "This can't be... Oro... Not me..." Not long after, Draco and Lucius were taken away by the Ministry of Magic. Hermione, Ron, and DDT looked at each other. "SSJ!" she yelled. "We've got to help him!" "Knowing him, he'll need it," DDT simply agreed. "He's got the worst luck." "Then let's go!" yelled Ron. Quickly, the three sprinted towards the maze. *** Quickly, the Gate Guardian launched an omni-elemental attack at the puny Kuribou. Amiko was on the ground, near crying. SSJ simply stood, glaring at the giant beast as the blast came close to hitting the monster. Ma and Ze were laughing. Suddenly, SSJ's expression changed. He yelled, throwing away his act, "Not yet!" Amiko looked up at SSJ, and the Maze brothers were taken aback when he countered. Specifically, he countered with Multiply, quick-played from his hand. "No!" Ze yelled as the spell took effect. Amiko threw a rock at SSJ's head. It hit dead on, forcing him to rub his head. "You bastard!" she cursed. "Quit trying to make me sad because of you!" SSJ retaliated, "Quiet! We can win this!" The Gate Guardian's attack went through at the infinitely multiplying Kuribou. Ma was seething in anger. SSJ wiped a sweat bead from his face, "Thank God it's by anime rules." Ma ended his turn, and Amiko drew. She laughed at her great fortune, "This is it!" Amiko then played Raise Dead to retrieve her Blue Eyes White Dragon. Before anyone could put out a witty remark, Amiko uses the Fusion magic card. With a flash of light, and a poof, her two dragons were gone, as well as one discarded from her hand, and all that was left was the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. She commanded before the Maze brothers had a chance to react, "Attack the Gate Guardian!" Amiko would have hit the Guardian and turned the tides, but Ze countered once more, this time with Negate Attack. The attack stopped, and Amiko was left ending her turn. Ze grinned, and drew the right card needed. He fused two monsters in the Labyrinth Tank, and threw down Thunder Bolt. "YOU LOSE!" he yelled. "NOT SO FAST!" Amiko interrupted. Amiko countered with one of her traps: Lightning Rod. "LIGHTNING ROD?!" Ze screamed indignantly. "Instead of our monsters being destroyed, YOURS ARE!" "And I'll add to that chain!" said SSJ. Everyone looked at SSJ, who turns up one of his traps, Reserves. He explained, "It allows me to get up to three non-effect monsters from my Graveyard with attackpowers of under 1500." Ma scoffed, "What a useless card!" "It won't be so useless soon..." SSJ then retrieved two cards, Alpha and Beta of the Magnet Warrior set. A bolt of lightning from the Thunder Bolt's effect hit a lightning rod, cleverly placed in front of the Black Magician. He picked up the powered rod, and threw the energy back at Gate Guardian, Labyrinth Wall, and Labyrinth Tank. In a massive explosion, all tore apart and disappeared to the Grave. Ma and Ze's side was clear for a direct attack. Amiko ended her turn, and Ze drew. He played Raise Dead to retrieve the Gate Guardian again, and attacked one of the Black Magicians. The Black Magician split into pieces, and Amiko lost 1250 life points. She felt the pain for the first time. Ze mockingly spoke, "Is that all you can take, girl?!" "No," she managed as she got back to her feet. "I can take a lot more than that!" "Tch." Ze ended his turn, and SSJ drew his card. He then paused, not saying a word, staring at the card. "What is it?!" Amiko yelled. SSJ was still silent, before finally, Amiko knocked some sense into him with brick. SSJ received a large bump on his head, but he finally grinned, "This time, you really lose." SSJ then began his combo of DOOM. SSJ sacrificed Alpha, Beta, and Gamma from his hand and field for his most powerful monster. "Not even the Gate Guardian can stop this!" With smoke, and an explosion, the field tore apart as the tall figure of the Magnet Valkyrion descended upon the field, showing an attack power of 4000, including Gaia Power's power up. To make matters worse, SSJ used Early Burial on Buster Blader, and fused it and Amiko's second Black Magician to create another powerful creature: The Black Paladin, which showed a massive power of 5900. SSJ muttered, "This is a powerful combo already, but..." To make matters, worse, SSJ played the Power of Teamwork on the Magnet Valkyrion. All of his infinitely multiplying Kuribou joined in the Magnet Valkyrion's offense, as did the Black Paladin and the Ultimate Dragon. "What is this?!" Ma spoke with incredulity. "The Power of Teamwork! Every monster on our side will aide in this attack! Every monster on the field powers up my Valkyrion by 800 points!" "YES! WE'VE WON!" Amiko proclaimed. "Oh no," Ze coughed out as he realized the implications. "The damn Kuribou are multiplying ENDLESSLY!" "AND SO IS THE VALKYRION'S ATTACK POWER!" SSJ screamed. "ATTACK THE GATE GUARDIAN!" Obeying SSJ's command, the Magnet Valkyrion, with its infinitely increasing attack power, flew into the air. Its machine wings made it fly high into the sky before it felt it was a good enough height. It then descended at a massive speed towards the Guardian, with its saber in hand. Ma interrupted, though, speaking with surprise, "I NEARLY FORGOT THIS!" SSJ and Amiko facefaulted as Ma used a second Negate Attack trap card. The attack was negated, and the Valkyrion returned to its original place, with its attack power still rising. Ma then drew his card, AND LUCKILY, LIKE IN THE SHOW, it was the card he needed. He then placed it down: Change of Heart. "Come! Magnet Valkyrion!" Ma yelled. As quickly as it came, the Valkyrion turned around, and gave a menacing glare at SSJ and Amiko. "No..." Amiko felt the strength zap from her knees. "Attack the Black Paladin!" "We've lost?!" The Valkyrion then aimed a slash at the Paladin, but with one stroke, the Paladin cut through the Valkyrion instead. Everyone except SSJ was taken aback by the reversal. "Eh?!" was all Amiko could speak. "That is not right!" Ma began. Ze finished, "What happened to our fight?!" "Morons!" SSJ yelled. Everyone turned to SSJ as he continued, " The Power of Teamwork is just that. The power of TEAMwork. What once was its team is now its enemy! The Kuribou, Ultimate Dragon, and the Paladin no longer aide in its power. It's the only one of your side, making it alone in its battle against our army. It no longer had the strength and support of its comrades, and that is why it lost to the Paladin, which has the power of every dragon ever played on his side!" Ma gritted his teeth, and Amiko cheered. Ma ended his turn, eyes twitching in anger. Amiko began by simply yelling, "Everyone! Attack!" Ma's life points were reduced to 1400, allowing a single attack from every monster on the field to destroy Ma and Ze's life points. The Duel was over. SSJ and Amiko won. Amiko proudly said, "We've won for real!" "NO! THIS CAN'T BE!" Ma yelled, grabbing his hair. Ze scolded, no longer in rhyme. "It's your fault! You should have paid attention to the card's effect!" "No! Yours!" Ma childishly countered. "If you haven't played Thunder Bolt, I wouldn't have lost my monsters!" The two brothers began bickering. A vein grew in SSJ's forehead, until finally he snapped and yelled, "Shut up! Because of both your idiocy, you two have cost yourselves the Duel." Amiko took off her Duel Disk, as did SSJ, and they returned their decks to their pockets. The Maze brothers looked at the two as the Disks were thrown back. The brothers caught it, showing the largest glare they could. "The power of teamwork was on our side. We share a closer bond than you two ever will!" she proclaimed. "Now! Lead us to Cindy!" SSJ commanded. Just then, from the hedges, Ron and Hermione appeared, wands in hand. Amiko and SSJ looked back. Hermione saw the event and said with relief, "I see we weren't needed after all." SSJ sighed, "Not true. We've won one step, but we have another." Ron groaned, "Bloody Hell! There can't be more!" "There is," Amiko explained. "We've got to save Cindy... I know we're going to run into Voldemort." Most of the wizarding world shuddered at the name. Harry, partially forgotten, spoke, "Well! We should save your friend! After all, the Power of Teamwork is on our side!" Amiko and SSJ smiled at the comment. DDT looked at them all before speaking, "Did I miss something?" Everyone glanced at DDT. Amiko answered, "Nope. Not really." DDT was silent. He then spoke, "Well, to Cindy!" DDT picked up Ma and Ze, who led them to their portkey. *** Some ten minutes later, Amiko and company found themselves in the middle of the Riddle House. Darkness was staggering, and everyone was just barely able to make out each other's shape. Finally, Harry, Hermione, and Ron casted a spell, and the tips of their wands glowed a bright white light. Everyone could see each other again, including the Maze brothers, muttering in the corner, "How could we lose..." DDT looked back on the two. "Meh." "Let's go! Cindy's waiting," said SSJ. "We'll be ready for anything!" Hermione added. The group then stepped forward, only for the ground to collapse under them. They all yelped in surprise as they fell down each floor, until finally reaching the basement. They hit the floor in tremendous pain, but looked up at the ceiling. It quickly repaired itself, good as new. Hermione thought she recognized the action. "Is that a collapsible floor?!" Harry got up and jumped to push back on the floor. No good. The group then looked around the room. There was no window, door, or any exit at all. It was a secret room in the Riddle House. SSJ then grabbed his head in confusion. He yelled, "THIS IS LIKE A GAME OF METROID!" Hermione and Harry sighed as Amiko exclaimed, "Hey!" Everyone looked at Amiko, groping on the walls, and eventually making out a shape. She borrowed Harry's wand, and made out the shape of several blocks, piled one on top of the other. She held the light close enough for thin shadows to form. Harry recognized them immediately. "The mark of a super bomb!" SSJ was silent. He then started again, "This *is* a game of Metroid!" SSJ, mimicking Samus Aran, rolled up into a ball. Hermione, Harry, Ron, Amiko, and DDT sweatdropped as SSJ laid a super bomb on the ground. In a giant explosion that engulfed the room, but not the crew, strangely, the path was revealed, and SSJ got to his feet. "No more wasting!" Amiko yelled. "Let's go!" *** TM continued his standoff with Black Amiko and her crew of evil wizards. His hand was no longer on his sword, but he was standing calm and relaxed. The army of wizards prepared a spell. "Damn it!" he swore. At the same time, Malik and Bakura were busying themselves, wondering how they would draw Cindy's blood. "Shall you cut off her hand?" asked Malik. "Why would I?" Bakura angrily shot back. "You're evil, no?" "So are you!" "I don't want to cut off a girl's hand!" "Nor do I!" Cindy could only sigh as they bickered in front of her. She looked back at TM, and saw the wizards nearly finished with their spell. "TM!" she cheered. "Don't give up!" TM was silent, still gritting his teeth. 'Is this it...?' The wizards would have finished their spell then, if not for SSJ's voice calling out the most unwanted lines, "AIM RUNNINGMEN ATTACK!" TM looked at the source of the sound and saw SSJ standing at the door of the Riddle House, raising both his hands towards the wizards. Quickly, TM jumped onto the branches of the tree just as millions upon millions of paper flat running men crashed into the Death Eaters. They screamed in pain as thousands upon thousands of hit points were lost in a massive combo. They all were thrown into the air and fell to the ground in immense pain. They were too sore to even mutter "oro" after that damage. "Yes!" Cindy cheered with enthusiasm. TM began, "Great work, SSJ-" Just then, TM was struck hard in the gut. He gave a gasp in pain and fell to the ground, and everyone saw Black Amiko, standing in the tree. She had a staff in hand, made of stern metal. SSJ burst out with surprise, "Amiko?!" Black Amiko sighed, "It's the Black Mistress to you." Amiko was silent, staring with wide eyes at Black. "It can't be," she began. "I thought SSJ's was the only one..." Black's eyes flashed with confusion. Suddenly, there was a flash of light. Everyone turned to the cauldron and saw that Malik and Bakura were ready to cut off Cindy's hand. "Cindy!" SSJ yelled. "Stop this!" screamed Amiko. "Everyone!" Cindy screamed back. SSJ prepared to sprint to Cindy, but TM had already gotten to his feet and dashed ahead. Just as Bakura's dagger was about to come down, TM crashed into Bakura and fell on his side. The dagger flew from Bakura's hand and embedded itself in a tree. Malik stood in front of Bakura as TM stood in front of Cindy, who slowly came to her feet. TM growled at them, "Cindy will not be used as a pitiful sacrifice!" But then, it did not matter. TM and Cindy heard the cauldron bubbling again, and they saw Peter Pettigrew, handless, standing and screaming over Voldemort's cauldron. They heard him yell with insanity, "I won't fail Voldemort!" Harry, Hermione, and Ron could be heard yelling. "Peter! What have you done?!" Harry yelled. "You couldn't have!" was what Hermione yelled. "Stop this now!" commanded Ron. With smoke, bubbles, and carbon dioxide, the figure of a full-grown Voldemort stepped out of his cauldron. Everyone froze in fear at the menacing, malevolent warlock. The warlock smiled as it seemed to sniff the air, "Ah... How good it is to feel the air again." "Oh no," flooded from Cindy's lungs. Voldemort then looked at everyone around, at TM and Cindy, at Amiko and SSJ, at DDT and Ron, and especially at Harry and Hermione. "If it isn't Mister Potter. This is the first time we've truly met, but I feel as if I've hated you for thirteen years." Voldemort then raised a wand at Harry, preparing a spell. Black Amiko then coughed. Her voice then spread through the area, "I see we are doing well." Voldemort looked up at Black Amiko, standing in her tree with a staff in hand. "Who the Hell are you?" he indignantly demanded. "Nothing but your immense superior. I am the reason you stand today and will be the reason you stand tomorrow!" "Bah! Why should I listen to a weak woman such as you?!" Black Amiko then fumed in rage, and with great speed, her metal staff split apart into six pieces connected with a powerful chain. She used it like a whip and struck Voldemort's right hand. Voldemort held it in pain, clutching his hand. He retorted, and they traded hateful yells. While they argued, SSJ ran to Hermione. "Give me your wand!" he stiffly requested. "Eh?" Hermione uttered with surprise. Hermione slowly gave SSJ her wand, and SSJ dashed behind a brick wall. He flicked the wand and yelled as loudly as he could, "ACCIO VOLDEMORT!" Voldemort was pulled from his argument and looked towards the brick wall. "Huh?! What-" Voldemort's exclamation was cut short, as he was thrown forwards, flying towards SSJ, and straight into the brick wall. He crashed with a painful boom, every bone in his body hurting. Voldemort peeled himself off, and muttered in pain, "Or...o...." Bakura yelled for him, "Master!" Malik was a bit more polite, "Lord Voldemort!" Yelled the handless Peter, "This can't be!" Black Amiko sneered from her tree. "Pathetic." Black Amiko leapt off the branches and picked up Voldemort by his robe. She then tossed him at Peter, Bakura, and Malik. He hit dead on, and the group flew into the air. Voldemort and company's voice echoed as they disappeared, "Team Voldemort is blasting off agaiiiiinnnn..." With a bling and a sparkle, Voldemort was gone. A silence passed as Black Amiko turned to her other self. "Such a pitiful wizard, don't you agree?" Amiko didn't say a word as Black Amiko muttered to herself and disappeared into the darkness of the night. Finally, Amiko yelled into the shadows, "Wait!" There was no reply. Amiko waited for one, but none came. In classic fashion, a tumbleweed tumbled past. *** Moody, the fake one, stood in his room, looking down on the field. He knew he failed, and prepared to leave. He packed away his various items, and placed them in his magic box. Suddenly, without turning the key of any lock, the box opened and the real Moody stepped out. The real one spoke with sterness, "Nice to see that you are enjoying MY JOB." The fake Moody was taken aback, and flew into another figure. The fake Moody turned back in terror to see Severus Snape. "Severus! Help!" the fake one pleaded. Snape coldly replied, "Feh. Silence, Crouch!" "ORO?!" How could they have found out?! Moody said, "We know who you are. And so does your father." "Pitiful, son... Azkaban wasn't good enough?"The fake Moody turned, and saw his father coming from the door. The fake Moody, Barty Crouch Jr., then pissed in his pants. *** There was a large commotion in Hogwart's afterwards. The first problem would be that the technical winner of the Triwizard tournament was TM. The second was that Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley were leaving the school to go on with the Crew. The third was that "professor Moody" strangely disappeared, and Barty Crouch Jr. was working as Fluffy's caretaker. Hagrid was smoking a pipe as his three friends came up. The half-giant began conversation, "So! I hear you'll all be leaving!" Hermione sighed, "Yeah. We'll 'take care' of You-Know-Who while we're gone." "It's a shame we have to leave you," Ron muttered. Hagrid replied, "Well, if you feel like coming back, just come and see me!" Everyone smiled. "Thanks for everything, Hagrid," Harry gratefully added. "It wasn't a problem, Harry! It's been good times, indeed." At that point, the three left and joined with the crew, who were heading to Cerulean City. Hermione walked in step with SSJ. "Well!" she spoke. "Where are we going?" "I don't really know," he answered. He consented, "We've got no more leads." Suddenly, a voice called behind them. Everyone turns around, and sees Devimon dragging Draco Malfoy to the crew. Tenpi ran forward and jumped into Amiko's arms, and Mokona flew up and landed on Cindy's shoulder. Amiko hugged her chocobo and rubbed its feathers as Cindy poked Mokona, smiling. Devimon came forward with Draco and DDT's chocobo. "This guy tried to take your chocobo, DDT." DDT glared at Draco as the Malfoy yelled, "DAMN IT! WHY WON'T THE KILLING SPELL WORK?!" Cindy then took Draco's wand and looked at it. A sweatdrop formed on her head as she answered, "Uh... This wand is a toy." "WHAT?!" Cindy showed a side of the wand Draco never noticed. Engraved in its side were the words "Made in Japan". "CURSES!" Everyone sweatdropped. Devimon asked, "What do we do?" DDT suggested, "Send him to Azkaban?!" "NO! ANYTHING BUT THAT!" Draco pleaded. Everyone sighed as they came up with a way to deal with the boy. Amiko finally said, "Well, as long as you get along with Harry, I'll let you hide into bishounen's waiting room." Cindy suddenly pulled Amiko aside. Hermione joined in the conversation. "Do you really want to help this guy?" Cindy began. "He even tried to kill Ron and I!" Hermione protested. Amiko turned to Draco. "If you try anything, I'll make sure my fiancee, Kamui, will deal with you." "Agreed!" Amiko then pulled out a bishie-ball and tossed it at Malfoy. He turned red and disappeared within the ball. Harry, Ron, and Hermione gasped. "Pokeballs capture humans, too?!" Hermione uttered with surprise. Amiko nodded. "It was strange when we found out ourselves." SSJ then looked at Hermione. "It'll be faster if you were to join my bishoujo." Hermione was silent. Finally, she answered, "Well, okay." SSJ then caught Hermione, with Amiko getting Ron and Harry. Finally, the Crew moved onward. They were back to square one, lost and without a trace of Dark. They headed back to Cerulean City for information. ---- To Be Continued ---- - ENDING SONG: HARRY POTTER MOVIE THEME - (Yes, include all the twinkling bells and stuff.) ---- Preview ---- [Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! Preview music plays in background. The five appear as chibi style, and random scenes from the next episode play, though you can't see because this is text. =P] SSJ: NEXT TIME! ON GINGA GIRI GIRI! Amiko: The INTENSE search for Dark continues! Cindy: Mokona does something! (Everyone gasps.) Cindy: ...Yeah! He does! TM: And I believe a rest is in order. DDT: So, we're all taking a trip to Destiny Islands. SSJ: Don't expect a chapter about *that*! All: Next! On Ginga GIRI GIRI... Bah! Who cares. (The group leaves with various beach party gear in hand.) ----