____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero ____________________________________________________________________________________________ - OPENING SONG: FIRE! - Kusubutteta mune ni nage irero fire!! Chiheisen e kokoro tobasu nda Kara mawari no kimochi o keri agetara Saki ni iku ze Tsugi no furontia Kanau sa Kanau Hakkaten wa mou sugu da ze Dekiru Dekiru sa Bakuhatsu shite miseru nda Burn up'n go!! Gomibako o tobi koeta saki ni aru mirai Hikari o matotte get a fire power!! Giragira to moe agare Hitomi no chikara Kesenai yuuki de get a fire power!! Michi ga michiteru furontia e Hashiri tsuzukeru nda "Kimi o tsurete" ---- Recap ---- [Chibi characters of the five appear in the foreground as scenes from the last episode play in the background. Though, you can't see 'cause this is text. =P] TM: LAST TIME! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! Amiko: Storm on the high seas! We land on a random island! Cindy: We sorta not fight Ice Devimon (thanks to SSJ), and Davis realizes we are at File Island. Davis: And then, by random coincidence, a radio washes ashore, so we go to a random radio tower for power. (Silence...) TM: Hey! Where's SSJ?! Amiko: Oh yeah, we never did retrieve him from when that robot landed on him... Cindy: Anyway! On with the show! ---- Chapter 28: The Emperor's Game ---- [It was a quiet day at sea, to say the least. The wind blew across the deck of the S.S. Belkin, and the fresh air passed by with a high-pitched screech. The waves split at the mercy of the ship, sailing as quickly as it could East to File Island. And on this very ship, with a rather large black cloak thrown over his shoulder, staring from his porthole, was a older teen. He wore baggy, tattered black pants along with leather hiking boots. The steady clink of chains sung from under his red shirt as he paced about the room. He had light blonde strands of hair; the back was tied in a short ponytail, and the bangs brushed away from the front. He muttered to himself as the island came ever closer, and mainland ever distant.] Guy: Damn it all! I can't be stranded like this! Why are we helping a bunch of worthless kids?! (He continued to pace, the singing of chains ever present. More hours passed. Still pacing. It has been like this the past six days. Pacing. Waiting. Never wanting to leave the room. Finally, he took one vengeful glare out the porthole, then threw himself onto the bed.) Guy: Damn it all! Why'd it have to take this long? (And still, the boat continued on its rescue mission. It sped onward, throwing smoke behind in its wake.) *** :: MEANWHILE! :: (The hoots and hollers of the various birds helped well. Yes, the soft pitter patter of footsteps in the grass were unheard, as all other winged beasts were calling out in loud screeches. And this helped Amiko very much, as she sneaked about with the silence, balance, and most of all, speed of an elf. She came close to her target: the water buffalo sipping carefully from the stream. She pulled out her arsenal: the bow and arrow set she used way back during a time when she was kidnapped by her fiancee.) Amiko: Do sit there, it'll make it much easier for me. (She then pulled an arrow from her quiver, and then pulled it back along the string. A tense second. Careful aim! And then a small explosion was heard a distance behind her, and the buffalo slumped down dead, with a bullethole in its skull. Amiko accidentally let go of the arrow, sending it straight into the tree behind where the beast's head was. She turned back and glared at TM, who had a hunting rifle in hand. He sheepishly grinned as she stormed towards him.) Amiko: WHAT was THAT for?! TM: Well, you were taking too long, so I did it for you. (WHACK! Amiko knocked TM over the head with her bow.) Amiko: THAT'S NOT THE POINT! I almost had it! (She then stormed off towards camp, leaving TM sighing.) TM: Hey, the easy way is the best! (Amiko didn't turn around, but simply yelled over her shoulder.) Amiko: Easy! Fine! Carry it back yourself! (Then, he sighed again.) TM: Damn it! I need some help here! (And then, it finally occured to TM.) TM: Hey, wait a second! Why the Hell is water buffalo on this island?! *** :: Meanwhile! SSJ and Company! :: [At the current moment, neither SSJ, Cindy, or Davis were having the best of luck. Oh no, they sat in their still boat in the middle of a lake, fishing rods in hand. And sat. And sat. And they sat some more afterwards. They waited and waited and waited for their still, still lines to even shake. Even just a tiny bit. Or maybe even less. But the point was, that it was pointless of them to sit in their boat all day, doing nothing but sitting around and fish.] SSJ: And I don't even LIKE fish! Why the Hell are we fishing?! Davis: Do you really want to rely only on the food that they bring? Cindy: Who cares! Let's just eat a dog for all I care! SSJ: Gah! I give up! (SSJ immediately threw down his rod into the water, making it splash and hit him directly in the face. Not much longer, he was gone, and replaced by the small, furry almost-but-not-quite Cerberus.) SSJ: ARGH! I HATE THIS! (He then flapped the wings on his back and fluttered away, leaving Cindy and Davis alone in the boat.) Davis: Well, crap. (Cindy then looked down into the waters.) Cindy: He scared away any chance of the fish coming... (At that point, a gigantic finned fish emerged from the depths and threw itself into their bucket. Cindy nearly fell out of the boat in shock.) Davis: Yeah, when he was around... *** :: Later! :: [Their camp wasn't farther away. After their miraculous bout of fish leaping straight into their bucket, Cindy and Davis both were hauling back the heavy load, cursing at SSJ, who was nowhere in sight. So, they trudged along their path, muttering obscenities at wherever SSJ was. They hauled it through the forests, through the falling leaves, and through the many trunks. Soon, they emerged at a clearing where their camp was made. Several crudely made tents [thanks to SSJ], a crudely fashioned hammock [thanks to TM], a crudely made fireplace [thanks to Davis], crudely skinned buffalo [thanks to Amiko], and a crudely fashioned clothesline with clothes crudely hung on it [thanks to Cindy]. Amiko was busy preparing everything to cook the buffalo as TM was off elsewhere, gathering firewood. Amiko looked up from her task and saw the two approaching. Her eyes narrowed, knowing exactly what to expect.) Amiko: SSJ ditched? Davis: Yeah. (Amiko sighed.) Amiko: As he would... Cindy: Well, him leaving allowed us to catch all this fish! (Amiko glanced down at their bucket of catch.) Amiko: Sweet Jesus! All of these?! (Cindy nodded vigurously, and then turned her head to various other teens emerging from the forest.) Cindy: Hey, everyone! (Amiko and Davis turned to see the arrivals of Taichi Yagami, Takeru Takaishi, Sora Takenouchi, and Hikari Yagami.) Amiko: Oh! Heya! Davis: Nice to see you all again. (The others greeted them as well.) Taichi: I see we have a lot of food today. Amiko: Yup! Sora: Oro? How'd you get all that fish? (Cindy sheepishly grinned.) Cindy: SSJ stopped scaring the fish away when he ditched us... *** :: Meanwhile! At SSJ! :: [SSJ hovered down and landed in front of the hotsprings in the middle of the island. He peered across the steaming waters, and saw Daisuke Motomiya and Koushirou Izumi inside differing hotsprings across from him. He touched the water with his furry yellow hand, and then reverted to his human self, cape and all. He then raised a hand to greet them.] SSJ: Yo. (Koushirou and Daisuke then looked up at him.) Koushirou: Oh, hey, SSJ! Daisuke: How's Amiko, eh?! SSJ: I expect that she's fine. Daisuke: That's it, then? You have nothing better to say about Amiko-chan than just fine? SSJ: ...Aren't you supposed to be into Hikari? Daisuke: Well, I might need someone I can actually get. SSJ: ...You know she's engaged, right? (Daisuke then fell silent, and thus sank deeper into the hot springs.) Koushirou: Curse brought you here again? SSJ: Yeah. Koushirou: Ever thought of a way to get rid of it? SSJ: Well, the only way I thought of is always being in hot water. Koushirou: That explains you constantly being in danger? SSJ: Not that kind of hot water. (And then, they heard a sort of feminine sound of someone clearing her throat. SSJ turned his head to see Mimi Tachikawa, complete with pink hair from the second series, dressed in nothing but a towel for the hotsprings.) Mimi: Even if you are a fan of mine, I would appreciate it if you GOT OUT OF THE WOMEN'S BATH! (The three guys then diverted their attention to a knocked over sign that read "Women".) SSJ: Well, shit. Daisuke and Koushirou: Oro. (He then dashed from the bath, followed by Daisuke and Koushirou, who were both dashing out dressed in swim trunks.) *** :: MEANWHILE! :: [Ken Ichijouji wasn't in the best of moods. Well, he was in one of the best moods he's ever been. But he was definitely not in one of his sanest. He sat in his large chair in his large hideout somewhere on File Island, checking himself in a mirror.] Ken: These goggles are really tight, y'know. (Meanwhile, his digimon, Wormmon, was quite busy with other things.) Wormmon: Rantmon is going to be pissed, Ken, if we don't get rid of those Five soon. Ken: Damn, why am I even wearing goggles indoors? Wormmon: Uh, Ken?! One of your digimon captives is tearing down a spire. Ken: And I don't even LIKE wearing goggles! I'm not Naruto! Wormmon: Ken! What are we going to do about Rantmon? (As Ken was too busy talking to himself to listen to Wormmon, insert Kuroneko here, prancing behind the two's back.) Wormmon: Ken! Maybe we should do something! (Ken, oblivious to everything, put his hands to the sides of his goggles, looking at the mirror, trying to adjust them.) Ken: But then again, I do look pretty cool with these... Ow, they are really tight... (Wormmon could only sigh at that point.) Wormmon: Oro... Ken: Oh! Yeah! We've got to dispose of those kids now! Wormmon: Aren't they older than you? Ken: Silence! Don't contradict the Digimon Kaiser™! Wormmon: Is the trademark necessary, Ken? Ken: Of course! Now! Let's get these guys! (Ken then rose from his chair fast enough to have it spinning around, knocking Kuroneko, who was beside it, into the air, through a skylight, and disappearing into the sky with a bling.) *** :: Meanwhile! SSJ and Company! :: [At the current moment, SSJ, Mimi, Koushirou, and Daisuke were walking along the forest path towards their camp. It was an overall peaceful day. As peaceful as it could be. They stepped out of the shadowy forest and into the clearing where they made camp, chattering about what to do. They stepped a bit further into the camp as the others came into view. They were all gathered around a campfire in the clearing, eating their meal.] SSJ: Hey- (SMACK. SSJ took a giant buffalo leg to the face. Mimi, Koushirou, and Daisuke saw SSJ fall to the ground with the giant buffalo leg on his face and then turned to Cindy, who was red with anger.) Cindy: Ditch us, huh?! Well, thanks for the help of dragging the fish in! (SSJ pulled the leg off of his face, and then sat up, glaring at Cindy.) SSJ: I don't think Kero would have helped much anyway. Cindy: Oh... Good point... (SSJ then turned to Amiko.) SSJ: Wha- (It was then he realized she wasn't where she sat earlier. He quickly turned his head to Koushirou and Daisuke, whom Amiko were flirting with. SSJ then took a seat next to TM.) SSJ: She's getting fast. TM: Yeah. It sucks she doesn't use that speed to much else. (SSJ then looked into the fire, clasping his hands together and pulling off a Gendou-esque pose.) SSJ: Soon, we'll be off of here. Davis: We've been delayed long enough. We'll have to hurry if we plan to get to Hayden's place. (Everyone [well, except Amiko] then turned to Davis.) TM: Hayden...? Davis: Oh, I never said my friend's name, haven't I? (Moments passed, as they all engaged in deep conversation. Amiko at the moment didn't seem to have a care in the world, as she was surrounded by Taichi, Daisuke, Koushirou, and Takeru.) Amiko: Eh? Serious? Takeru: Yes. Serious. A few people's dreams have come true after they returned from the lake. Amiko: So, uhm, why is there no one here trying that, then, if it's true? Takeru: Well, one of them went by the name of Seymour Guado, who wanted beautiful hair. (TM then jumped into the conversation.) TM: Well, can't say anyone would take him seriously. Takeru: And another one was Albert Wesker. I do remember him asking for a Mustang. Cindy: He was a loner. Amiko was able to punch him out. Davis: Pathetic, if you ask me. No one would take him seriously, either. (Amiko then shot a glare at Davis.) Takeru: Oh! Someone else wished something, too... Hmm... (Everyone looked at Takeru, waiting for a name. SSJ slumped in his seat next to Mimi.) SSJ: So, the lake we were fishing at just earlier today answers wishes? Mimi: Yes, that's right! (SSJ then rubbed his chin and stared into the fire.) SSJ: Hmm... Takeru: Oh yeah! His name was... Kino Tsumuji. (SSJ was then pulled out of his thoughts.) SSJ: He was here? Takeru: Yep. Wished for someone named Yuki to return. (SSJ then remembered Kino's words. After all, one doesn't tend to forget someone who points a gun to one's own forehead. He then muttered to himself.) SSJ: He claims we killed Yuki. Must've failed... (And then, their moment was utterly ruined when a booming voice called over their campfire. They all jumped to their feet, searching the dark sky and forest.) Voice: HOW ARE YOU, EVERYONE?! (Insert camera zooming up to Davis' face as he yelled into the night.) Davis: DEAR GOD, NO! Voice: That's RIGHT, Dark Digimon Tamer! I have returned! (Davis stepped back from where the voice called.) Davis: It's... Him... TM: That voice sounds familiar... SSJ: It actually sounded like... A couple of voices. Davis: Six voices, to be exact. (All of their eyes widened in horror.) The Five: CARSENSYNC?! CarseNSync: Pre-CISELY! (Out from the darkness and into the dim light of the campfire leapt the horribly grotesque creation of Satan. Well, plenty of girls would have found him good looking, as he was a complete fusion of N*Sync and Carson Daly. Still, the sickening smile he wore revolted everyone there, and he took a step forward.) CarseNSync: HELLO! How are you EVERYONE! (The mere echo of his voice split trees in two, and threw the Five off of their feet.) Davis: I thought you died back there! CarseNSync: Oh, me? I'm sorry, but I won't DIE ANYTIME SOON! (And as he spoke the last three words, the ground under Davis broke asunder, making him fall.) CarseNSync: Rantmon will be PLEASED! (This time a tree just behind TM split, and it came crashing down on where he stood.) TM: Damn it! (TM dodged just in time for the tree to fall onto the ground, and then got into his Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu stance.) TM: Okay guys! Fight time! SSJ: Yes! Amiko: Right behind you! Cindy: I agree! (Davis then got to his feet.) Davis: Okay! (The Five then leapt forward and dashed at the being of pure evil.) CarseNSync: Oh, you all are FUCKING STUPID! (The profanity leapt out as a long, demonic arm, stretching out towards the five. SSJ, with his Hellfire sword ready, leapt forward and slashed at the arm. He held his blade steady as he dashed forward, cutting the long elastic arm in two.) CarseNSync: Oh, aren't you a FAST LITTLE BOY. (This time, a spike launched itself at SSJ, who held the sword straight up and blocked the attack. It was then that the being realized that he was surrounded. He merely laughed as TM readied his sword, Amiko her bow, Cindy her guns, and Davis his magic.) CarseNSync: You all think you're so CLEVER, DON'T YOU?! (A shockwave emerged from him, which knocked them all into the air.) TM: CURSES! (Amiko twisted around in mid-air, aiming one shot at him. She took an arrow and let it fly. Cindy did the same, letting a few bullets speed toward the monstrosity. The thing merely yelled in reply.) CarseNSync: You ALL should GIVE IT UP! (A sonic boom launched towards the airborne arrow and bullets, stopping them in their tracks.) CarseNSync: You all will never beat- (CRASH! A slab of burning stone hit the thing directly to the back of the head. What surprised Davis right after was that the thing turned to him and glared as if it was a minor inconvenience.) CarseNSync: Trying to get me from BE- GACK! (A muffled explosion came from the yelling demon as Davis saw what happened. He saw SSJ and TM restraining the thing, and Amiko, missing a shoe and sock, stuffing something down its throat.) Davis: YES! (Within a few minutes, the singer who won't be named except during dialogue was tied up, and several rolls of duct tape covered his mouth and prevented his jaw from moving. SSJ sighed.) SSJ: Well, that was fun. Amiko: Ugh... Its saliva is on my sock... (SSJ then turned to Amiko, who was just barely holding the wet sock.) SSJ: I don't think it's ever going to be clean again. (Davis then put a foot on the creature and spoke to it.) Davis: How'd you get here?! Don't you try and be "Johnny Tightlips" about it. (The beast said nothing, though it sounded like it was trying. Davis then glared at it.) Davis: Not talking, huh? SSJ: Uh... Davis? Davis: Yes, I know its mouth was duct taped. I just wanted to mock it. (TM then looked down at the handsome devil, giving a sadistic grin.) TM: Guys, we should do put him somewhere where he won't bother us. (Cindy then followed TM's lead.) Cindy: How about on the satelite tower? TM: And we can hang him! Amiko: Upside-down! (They all then laughed together, and an hour later, everyone was back to their conversation, and the singer, covered with rolls of duct tape, was hung with thick rope upside-down from the grating of the tower.) Mimi: That was a close call. SSJ: Yeah... (SSJ then looked at his sword, embeded in the ground ahead of him.) SSJ: This thing is pretty strong... Davis: Of course. Dullahan isn't going to use a piece of crap. (TM, at this point, was hitting on Sora, while Hikari was chatting with Takeru, with a jealous Amiko some distance away. Davis turned to Cindy, who was sitting away from all the conversation.) Davis: Did you check the coast, yet? Cindy: Not yet. Davis: Maybe you should go. Cindy: Yeah. (Cindy then rose up and carefully stepped out of the clearing. The night seemed more peaceful then ever, after facing pure evil. Cindy sighed from fatigue as she stepped deeper into the forest.) *** :: Back to the Camp! :: [Meanwhile, everyone chilled in front of the fire, ironically enough. They all waited for Cindy to return, hoping to be back with a rescue party. They waited. And waited. And waited some more.] SSJ: Where's Cindy?! Amiko: I hope nothing happened to her... Davis: This does not bode well. (TM then sighed.) TM: Damn it... (And then, another villanious voice emerged from the trees.) Voice: Welcome, everyone! (Two spotlights immediately shot on, shining onto the Digimon Kaiser, standing on a pedestal. The Kaiser immediately covered his eyes in pain.) Ken: Gah! Not so bright, damn it! (Everyone on the ground sweatdropped, and Amiko stared up at him.) Amiko: Ken?! Daisuke: Ken! What's this all about?! (When Ken's eyes finally adjusted to the light, he glared down at the group.) Ken: Well! I have a proposition for you all! Takeru: Say it! Ken: Well... (Ow, these goggles really hurt.) Your friend! She's just at the top of the mountain. Maybe you all can get to her in about... Oh, two hours. If not... She pays. Hikari: What's this about, anyway?! Ken: Oh, you'll all see... (The spotlights shut off then. SSJ then turned to where he thought the spotlights came from, and saw who else but the one of the Maze brothers.) SSJ: Oh geez, Ze! I know you're there! (The Maze brother facefaulted, and leapt out of the trees. Ma followed Ze, jumping from the opposite side.) Ma: Defeat we shall not acknowledge! Ze: My ass hurts, so I am on edge! (Everyone sweatdropped.) Ma: We propose another game. Ze: But this will not be quite the same. Ma: A game that will challenge your mind, no less... Ze: An amazing game... OF CHESS. *** :: Five Minutes Later :: (Ma and Ze were tied together again, with each of their games lost. Ron Weasley sighed.) Ron: You know, you two really bloody stink at Chess. Ma: Two on one was surely unbeatable! Ze: QUIT GIVING ME WORDS THAT ARE UNRHYME-ABLE! (Everyone sweatdropped.) Amiko: Come on, Ron. Let's go! Ron: Okay! *** [The four dashed up to the mountain, with the Digimon gang chasing them from behind. They dashed past the branches and leaves that darted into their path. It was dark and quiet as they dashed through in hopes of reaching Cindy.] Sora: You knew them? Amiko: Yeah! SSJ and I beat them last time! (They all dashed ahead, and then came to the foot of the mountain. Amiko then glanced at the moon.) Amiko: Damn it, that took too long. We can't get up there fast enough. SSJ: Yuna! (Yuna appeared in a flash of red light, yawning from being awoken, and dreamily spoke to SSJ.) Yuna: Yes, SSJ? SSJ: Get Bahamut! (A moment later, Bahamut soared into the air with everyone standing atop its ring. Bahamut soared up past the mountain and landed onto a large space on the path of the mountain. Everyone leapt off and SSJ wished Yuna off. Not long after, she was gone, and so was Bahamut.) Ken: Ah! Just in time! (Spotlights once again came on at the Kaiser's face. This time, he didn't flinch. And this time, he was lacking his goggles.) Ken: Well then! Let us begin our game! (And just then, a familiar dark voice cut in.) Dark voice: We won't be able to begin that, I'm afraid. (Ken sighed, and everyone saw the two controlling the spotlights: Peter Pettigrew and Voldemort.) Voldemort: If it isn't the boy who used the cheap summoning trick. (SSJ grinned.) SSJ: Heh. That was ingenious, huh? Voldemort: Ingenious? Perhaps. Sickeningly stupid? I'd say so. Peter: Because nothing is stupider than angering Lord Voldemort! (Amiko then cut in, noticing something about Wormtail.) Amiko: Hey! You got yourself another hand! (Peter sighed, and then hid his new right hand. Voldemort leapt off the platform where the spotlights resided and onto their level.) Voldemort: Now. Show the Dark Lord what you pathetic Muggles have! (TM sighed and stepped up ahead of the rest.) TM: Don't worry guys, I've got this one. (TM then got into the Battoujutsu stance, ready to leap at Voldemort. His knee was bent, and he prepared to launch himself at the warlock.) Voldemort: A samurai. Pathetic. TM: Maybe you should call your wand that couldn't kill a fourteen year-old boy pathetic. (Voldemort then snapped, drawing his wand and beginning to chant the killing spell. But then, Just as he finished "Keda-", TM had already dashed forward and snatched the wand out of his hands. Voldemort snapped his head back to TM, who was tossing the wand up and down in his hand.) TM: Well, that was easy enough. (And with that, TM threw the wand off the mountain and into the forest below.) Voldemort: NO! Peter: Master's wand! (Davis sighed from the center of the group.) Davis: Morons. (Davis then flicked a finger at the two, sending an explosion racing towards Voldemort. With a tremendous boom, Voldemort and Peter were in the air, flying away from the island.) Voldemort and Peter: Team Voldemort is blasting off agaiiiiinnnn... (With a bling, they were gone again, and Ken was sitting on top of his pedestal.) Ken: Okay... Where was I... Oh yes! Our game! (SSJ, Amiko, and Davis got into their battle poses, ready to attack whatever he sent at them.) Ken: Oro? You surely didn't think I meant that? Everyone: Huh? *** :: A Moment Later :: [Ken lead them all into the very top of the mountain and into a cave there. Inside sat Cindy, watching gobs of anime. Everyone facefaulted and went to inquire.] SSJ: What is this about?! Ken: Oh nothing, really. Rantmon won't be able to find you all in here. (He then checked his watch.) Ken: Gah! A second under two hours. You're lucky, Cindy. (Cindy grinned, then returned to watching her anime. Everyone was pretty much confused at that point.) Everyone: Huh? (Ken sighed.) Ken: Rantmon's been really angry as of late, since none of his council was able to find you. If he were to have found out you all were here, oh man... TM: So you're not on his side and wanted no trouble, so, you wanted to hide us all. Amiko: WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG? Ken: Well, Voldemort kept delaying me, always wanting to do things AT THE VERY END. SSJ: So you delayed getting us here because you needed him to AIM THE SPOTLIGHT?! Ken: Of course! What kind of person would I be without the spotlight?! (Everyone was silent at that point.) Davis: So, we're going to hide here until the boat comes? Ken: It'd be good if you all do, yes. (Ken turned to step out of the opening in the mountain. He stopped just before he stepped out, remembering something.) Ken: Oh! I'd like to propose another game... *** SSJ: OH YEAH! WHO'S THE MAN?! (TM, Davis, Ken, Takeru, Taichi, Daisuke, and Koushirou were all gathered in a ring of computers with SSJ, sighing over their loss.) Ken: He certainly is skilled at Warcraft II... TM: Damn it, he's been playing that since forever! Koushirou: His dragons wiped us all out... Daisuke: CURSE YOU, SSJ! (Meanwhile, the girls were sighing over in the circle of couches.) Girls: Those boys... *** :: The Next Day :: [The waiting was soon to be over. Everyone was anxious to see the ship out of there, and indeed, such a ship was barely in sight from atop the mountain.] SSJ: We'll finally be leaving. Mimi: I'll come along, of course! SSJ: Hah, okay then. (TM turned to Sora.) TM: So! How about going with me! Sora: Okay then! (Amiko turned to her crew, who agreed to join.) Amiko: Okay, Taichi, Daisuke, Takeru, Koushirou! We'll go together! (They all then stepped out of the mountain and headed down the path. And off at the television, Davis was having trouble pulling Cindy away from the chair.) Davis: Come on! The boat is almost here! Cindy: NO! I'M GONNA STAY AND WATCH FUSHIGI YUUGI! AND TRIGUN! AND RAYEARTH! AND ANYTHING ELSE I WANT! (Davis then dragged Cindy away, who was in turn dragging the couch along. Davis then caught sight of Hikari, staring down towards the group.) Davis: Come on, you'll come, too. Hikari: Oh! Okay! (Davis then dragged Cindy to the opening in the mountain, where she finally gave up and let go of the couch. He turned to Ken, who was waiting outside.) Ken: Be careful out there. Davis: We shall. Wormmon: Hope you don't get sidetracked like Ken always does. Ken: I do not get side tracked! (Davis smiled and left with Cindy and Hikari following him.) *** (The Five boarded the small wooden boats that came to the beach for them, and then the boats rowed off towards the main ship.) Davis: S.S. Belkin, huh? (One of the rowers turned to Davis.) Rower: It's amazing how you kids survived out there! For a week, too! Davis: Eh, it's no big deal. (The boat then reached the ship, and a rope ladder was thrown down to them. As they one by one climbed aboard, they were met with cheering from all sides. The ocean breeze lifted their spirits, and they were full of glee as they all finally were leaving. Finally. They would continue on their journey! Finally! They were going to go without being impeded by detours! Finally! They were off that God-forsaken island! They were free and safe! But then a voice cut through the cheering. It was the all-too-familiar voice of the beast.) CarseNSync: YOU WON'T GET AWAY THAT EASILY! (Waves shot up as the sonic blast raced past the ship. Everyone braced theirselves as the ship rocked in the sea, thrown by the waves.) SSJ: DAMN IT! TM: NOT AGAIN! Amiko: I THOUGHT WE GOT RID OF THAT! Cindy: I'm taking it out now! (Off in the distance, the singer stood atop the satelite tower, launching wave after sonic wave at them. With one carefully placed shot, Cindy hit it from afar, right in the lung. It fell from the tower and into the forest.) Cindy: That better be it! (But oh no, it just wouldn't give up.) CarseNSync: GRAH! GET BACK HERE! (They stared back in horror into the forest, as they saw the faint figure of the singer demon gain wings of some kind. They watched in horror as he flew quickly into the sky, and drop himself moments later on the deck of the ship. They saw how grotesque he really was, as the skin was melting and the skin seemed to barely hang onto the bones. His graying eyes were barely in their sockets, and the rancid stench emnated from it certainly wasn't helping.) CarseNSync: Don't run away just yet, you all... (It quickly was surrounded by the crew, all armed with various pistols. Davis then spoke to it directly.)) Davis: You're... A monster... CarseNSync: Monster... That's what I am, huh...? Davis: Quit bothering us. We'd prefer it if you stopped trying to kill us. CarseNSync: Haha... Is it really that easy... Is it really... THA- (Before the sonic boom could form, a blade came straight down the middle of the beast, catching the Five off guard. Water and clear liquid squirted from the corpse as it melted into a simple clear fluid. And in the middle of the mess was a teen, wearing black pants and a red shirt. His black ponytail clashed with his lighter bangs. In his hand was a sword with a rather long handle. He muttered to himself.) Guy: Feh... Why did I do that? (He then stood up and sheathed his blade, then was about to go back into the rooms, if not for one of the crewmembers calling his name.) Crewmember: Hold it, Kensou Mishima! (The teen froze, and then turned to the crewmember who spoke.) SSJ: Kensou... Mishima...? (TM glanced at SSJ.) TM: Who? SSJ: Kensou Mishima... Wasn't the old president also named Mishima? Amiko: Yeah. Crewmember: You are wanted, Mishima. And there's quite a hefty bounty on your head. (The five stood, frozen with surprise. The ship moved forward in the sea, back towards the mainland.) SSJ: Well, this won't amount to any good. TM: No kidding. (And still, the boat continued from its rescue mission. It sped onward, throwing smoke behind in its wake.) ---- To Be Continued ---- - ENDING SONG: INNOCENT - MUJAKI NO MAMA DE - Donna ni hanarete itemo... Hey! Miageta sora Kimi wa tooi basho de Onaji keshiki Mitsumete iru no ka na Todokanai omoi o Mune ni kizamitsuke hashitteta nda Bokutachi ga yumemita ashita ni Hibiku yo Kimi no warai goe Dakara bokutachi ga atarashii kaze o Okosou Mujaki na mama de ---- Preview ---- [Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! Preview music plays in background. The five appear as chibi style, and random scenes from the next episode play, though you can't see because this is text. =P] SSJ: What's this? The old president's son is on board? TM: What an amazing coincidence! Amiko: What awaits us as this story unfolds? Cindy: And what the heck happened to our mascots? Davis: Find out NEXT on GINGA GIRI GIRI! All: "The Requiem of Heretics". SSJ: Or better titled, "HOLY FUCKING SHIT, THEY WERE SERIOUS!" ----