____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero ____________________________________________________________________________________________ - OPENING SONG: CHA-LA HEAD CHA-LA - Hikaru kumo tsukinuke Fly Away (Fly Away) Karada-juu ni hirogaru panorama Kao wo kerareta chikyuu ga okotte (okotte) Kazan wo bakuhatsu saseru Toketa koori no naka ni Kyouryuu ga itara tamanori shikomitai ne CHA-LA HEAD CHA-LA Nani ga okite mo kibun wa heno-heno kappa CHA-LA HEAD CHA-LA Mune ga pachi-pachi suru hodo Sawagu Genki-Dama --Sparking! ---- Recap ---- [Chibi characters of the five appear in the foreground as scenes from the last episode play in the background. Though, you can't see 'cause this is text. =P] SSJ: LAST TIME! ON GINGA GIRI GIRI! Amiko: We arrive at a village of Braunin's heretics! Davis: We take care of team Voldemort with Tenpi and my chocobo's help! Cindy: Then comes Mauzel! We took care of the fraud easily! TM: And now, we run into Kensou yet again! All: So! On with the show! ---- Chapter 30: The Time for Action ---- [The soft sounds of the clop-clop of hooves echoed from behind a hill. The rumbling of the approaching wagon signalled the varieties of small animals to scamper away, or else the wagon's heavy wheels would crush them where they stood. It slowly rumbled through the stone road in the middle of the gigantic field of grass. This time, Cindy was steering the wagon as TM sat along side, slowly dozing off. Right beside it was the patter of the golden chocobo's footsteps as it walked alongside, Davis sitting on top. Amiko and SSJ sat inside the wagon, disinterestedly playing Chess. And beside their bulky wagon, Kensou was still hiking beside it. The sun shone brightly outside, with the temperature exceeding ninety degrees. Needless to say, Cindy and TM were glad that their wagon had a shade right over their seats. But they couldn't possibly understand how Kensou was still hiking, wearing his dark clothes and all. But they stopped wondering that an hour ago, possibly some ten or fifteen miles back. They couldn't think of anything else except keeping to the road and getting to Hayden's as fast as humanly possible. They followed the path that winded by short mountain ranges miles to their right, trees dotting the hills as they passed through the bright visage of spring. It was a welcome change, considering all the fights they have been through and all the destruction they have seen. They were exhausted. With their rapid traveling, they wanted to rest somewhere and have a small breather. Conveniently enough, just in the horizon, TM spotted a city, and pointed it out to Cindy.] TM: We're stopping there. Cindy: Okay! We can rest! (Suddenly, Davis interrupted.) Davis: Sorry, but we can't stop yet. (Cindy and TM both were taken aback by that comment. They both showed their displeasure when they groaned.) Cindy and TM: AW! Davis: We'll have to make up for lost time from the Heretic village. We'll stop in the town after this one. (Cindy and TM said nothing after that, but simply glared at Davis through narrow eyes. SSJ, inside the wagon, then banged his head on the chess board as Amiko claimed victory. He then glared at her.) SSJ: You had Ron relay what to do. Amiko: Well, of course! (SSJ said no more, shoving his wrapped up blade out of the way as he lay down on the cushioned seat inside the wagon.) SSJ: You'll be driving next. (Amiko sighed as she cleaned up and put away the chess pieces.) Amiko: Hai, hai... *** :: Meanwhile! Kino's Serious! Again! :: [Once again, Kino sat in his new office, once belonging to President Mishima. He sat, relaxed in his chair, resting his feet on the polished oak desk that was before him. He stared up at the glass ceiling, staring up at the blue planet in the sky as sunlight streamed through the glass walls. He then turned his attention to the city before him as he sat at the very top of the hundred-story capital building.] Kino: Not much news has come from the other planet, or of the rest of the world... (Then, there was a knock at black doors opposite his desk. Kino took his feet off the desk before he admitted the guest. Onto the highly decorated rug stepped Harrison Craig again, with a small box held under his arm. Kino smiled at the sight of it.) Kino: Mission complete? (Harrison nodded, his serious face not changing, as he stepped to the desk.) Harrison: The chip was thoroughly destroyed. Its pieces are in here. (With that, Harrison placed the box on Kino's desk. Kino opened the metallic box and saw the many pieces of the chip, each cut into a hundred different pieces. He shut the box, and gave the thing back to Harrison.) Kino: Mail it to the bottom of the Seaswift Ocean. (Harrison nodded, bowed, and turned to leave with the box. Just as he opened the door, it burst open and Daedalus sprinted into the room. Kino sighed before addressing the genius.) Kino: Daedalus... You know I hate informalities. (Daedalus, however, with his hair wild and his eyes covered with goggles, ignored the address. He wore a buttoned lab coat, slightly blackened from work, as he yelled.) Daedalus: Kino! What are we to do about the Outlaws?! (Kino glanced at Daedalus' eyes before turning his chair around to face the windows.) Kino: What about them? Daedalus: Are you ignoring the wanton destruction they have caused to the cities in their path? All of their crimes? (Before Daedalus could say anymore, Kino interrupted, his voice showing annoyance.) Kino: What destruction? We all know that was Rantmon's doing. (Daedalus was taken aback, not quiet expecting Kino to be so lenient.) Daedalus: But- Kino: So what if they have no data? What will a bunch of kids do? Tch. (Kino then turned his chair around, giving Daedalus a short glare.) Kino: You really don't expect some fourteen-year-olds to cause that much trouble? Daedalus: But- What about her... (But then, Daedalus stopped himself from saying anymore. Kino's leer narrowed even more, before he continued again.) Kino: Yuki's none of your concern. Just concentrate on completing another supercomputer. Dismissed. (Daedalus was stunned at Kino's reaction. Surely, Kino should've been glad at the proposal to have vengeance! But Daedalus did not say anymore. He simply turned around, and slowly stepped out of the room, shutting the door behind him. Immediately, another wearing a lab coat ran to him.) Daedalus: What is it?! (The assistant spoke clearly and surely, clearly not intimidated by Daedalus' anger.) Assistant: Kale has sent the bodies of the Nishiten to you for disposal. (Daedalus then sighed, stepping down the many carpeted steps that lead down to the rest of the building.) Daedalus: Just because there is a morgue in the labs doesn't mean it should just be sent to me! (He then turned back to the assistant, suddenly with a new idea.) Daedalus: We'll dispose of them my way, then. (The assistant nodded, not sure of what that may have meant. Still, he followed the disgruntled scientist down the many steps, into the bustling heart of the Terran capital, Solarice.) *** :: Meanwhile! Rantmon has a plan! :: [Rantmon, once again, found himself in the basement of his castle. Once again, he was in the room where Mauzel once was imprisoned, sighing. The craggy rocks that surrounded him was more solid than relying on any of the other villains of his council! Why couldn't they defeat the Five? He muttered to himself as he glanced at the Rood Inverse still embedded into the stone ground.] Rantmon: Two hairs weren't enough last time... Perhaps ten will be enough. (Rantmon then lowered his hood, revealing shabby long brown hair. And it was seen that around his head and eyes was a metal headband, which no one has ever seen. And in the very center of the headband, right between the eyes, was a rood inverse, carved into the steel. He proceeded to pluck ten hairs, placed them on a small dish, which was then placed in the very center of the circular pattern. Rantmon then chanted a short, incomprehensible spell; it was in an ancient language that practically no one else knew. When he was finished, the Rood gave off a bright light, and the hairs melted into a sphere of light energy. Before long, the sphere had multiplied itself, forming the shape of a very familiar character. Soon, the light dissipated, and in its place was Rantmon, dressed in his familiar garment that covered his eyes. The first Rantmon spoke.) Rantmon: You know what to do. (The second Rantmon nodded, and headed out the room and into the room on the left, where a glowing white sphere lay in the center of the room. He stepped into the sphere, and was gone. Rantmon was left alone in the room, somehow looking at the sphere as though he saw through the headband.) Rantmon: Hm. Even if that's not enough... (Rantmon then stepped out of the room, shutting the secret entrance tight, determined not to go there again. He was soon out of the catacombs and back in his hall, where the council was still playing billiards. His return prompted their games to pause.) Rantmon: Enders! Come forth! (The other villains gasped at the thought. Why should one of the Enders be used on the Five?! Immediately, however, four members of the council separated themselves and stood before Rantmon. One was an ancient, malevolent being dressed in black armor, the malevolent Sauron; another was a man with gray, spiked hair, dressed in a red and white garment, Millions Knives; a third a woman dressed in orange clothes and red hair, the legendary Phage the Untouchable; and finally, a mutation that was both naked and green, though no one minded much, with a tail and a tip at the end, Perfect Cell.) Rantmon: I can't allow another failure again. All of you, go now, and capture the five without trouble. (The Enders then looked at each other, before Cell stepped forward to claim the spotlight.) Cell: I will be the first to greet them, Master Rantmon. (Rantmon nodded, and Cell turned to the window, floating up to it and out at the speed of a Cactuar. The other three turned and stepped to the wide, gothic doors, pushing them open and leaving the room They sauntered through the castle, towards the exit.) Rantmon: Don't fail. *** :: Back to the Five! :: (Amiko steered the wagon into the city. Well, actually, Shannon was steering, as Amiko sat excitedly by his side. What once were the grassy fields were replaced with giant dome buildings. She looked about the amazing futuristic city, where floating cars hovered past their primitive wagon. She saw the endless sky of blue that towered over the earthly buildings, with the largest and most prominent dome with a familiar symbol: two Cs, the symbol of Capsule Corporation. Amiko was stunned. Even Dragon Ball was incorporated into the Other World. She then saw Kensou turn the street, separating himself from the Crew. Amiko frowned; it almost seemed like he was part of the group, what since he has been with them the past few days. She stared at Kensou as he got further, and eventually as they passed the street and a building came in the way. Shannon noticed.) Shannon: Stop thinking about him. He's someone we shouldn't associate with. (Amiko turned her attention back to the road in front of the wagon, with throngs of people shoving through each sidewalk.) Amiko: I know... But he did help us a lot... Shannon: Only with that CarseNSync thing you mentioned. Other than that, he has just been an outsider. (Amiko sighed.) Amiko: Yeah, I guess you're right. (With that, the wagon continued on. SSJ sat within the wagon, sleeping on the cushioned seat, under the shade of the tough tarp that covered the top of their wagon. Cindy and TM were once again practicing their Mario Kart skills, with Davis annoyingly riding his chocobo outside still. They passed through the town, not caring about anything but getting through. The buildings and domes passed by slowly, and their wagon went directly straight to what should have been the exit. But there was an unusually large crowd there. Amiko and Shannon were puzzled over what could have happened. Amiko called Tenpi, who stuck his head through the cloth that covered the entrance to the wagon. Tenpi then leapt into her arms as the horses refused to stop moving forward. Amiko stepped off the wagon, as did Shannon.) Amiko: What's going on? Shannon: I don't know. (Davis then directed his chocobo to leap onto a short building, over the crowds and with a clear view of what was happening. What he saw didn't please him that much. He glanced at Amiko and Shannon, who had reached the edge of the crowd and began questioning the people. He kicked the chocobo with his heel and had it leap off the building, right next to Amiko and Shannon.) Davis: It looks like the bridge is closed. (Amiko sighed.) Amiko: Yeah... This sucks. Shannon: There is no other way, I guess? (Davis shook his head.) Davis: Only one path the way we're going, especially with a wagon. (Amiko and Shannon sighed, and sauntered back to the wagon, silent. By now, Cindy and TM had stepped out of the wagon, approaching the somber two.) Cindy: Can't get through, huh? (Davis shook his head.) Davis: No. Looks like another road block. (Cindy and TM cheered, as they both were fatigued and sweaty. Davis sighed as they danced in glee, subsequently waking up SSJ. SSJ turned onto his back and sat up on the chair, looking at TM and Cindy's victory dance. He got up and walked to the two.) SSJ: What's going on? (Cindy turned to SSJ, and answered with a happy tone.) Cindy: We get to rest! At least until the bridge is open! (SSJ was a bit dismayed. He walked past Cindy, pushed the cloth out of his way, and stared at the crowd ahead of him. Without saying anything he yanked a water bottle from Davis' bag and poured some on TM. Quickly, in the laughing TM's place was a disgruntled, black Spinel, the likes of which has rarely been seen.) TM: WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! (SSJ said nothing and proceeded to pour some on himself. As expected, Kero took SSJ's place. He flapped his wings and floated into the air.) SSJ: We're seeing what's going on. (TM glared up at SSJ, yelling with a clenched furry fist.) TM: AND WHY DO YOU NEED ME?! (SSJ didn't look back as he continued.) SSJ: Because you haven't changed much. (TM was angry, but still floated into the air and followed SSJ. Amiko, Shannon, Davis, and Cindy were silent, sighing at the two. Soon enough, SSJ and TM floated above the crowds and over the bridge, suspended over the river below by cables and wires, trying to spot the source of the activity. They did not have trouble finding it, as they saw immediately the problem: a rather large floating truck was stopped in the middle of the bridge, with police cars on each side, blocking any route of escape. SSJ and TM glanced at each other before descending and landing on the railing above the truck, wondering what was happening. They immediately heard what was going as they recognized the high-pitched voice of Amiko. They knew it couldn't have been Amiko, and came to the same conclusion. They glanced down to see how it would turn out. Soon enough, they saw someone with horns and a tail get kicked out of the truck by the leg of Black Amiko.) Black: Idiot! Get out of my sight! (They then saw Black get back into the truck, shut the door, and slammed the gas. The truck immediately sped off along the bridge, slamming through the surprised police on the other end, and disappearing along the highway in a massive pursuit. But in its wake was left a disgruntled, frustrated Freeza. He turned to the group of police around him, ready to strike them down. But before he could, lightning cracked. In broad daylight. Needless to say, everyone noticed, and TM and SSJ saw that just behind them, clouds were forming into a sphere.) SSJ: That?! TM: Looks familiar?! (The lightning grew stronger, and the clouds flashed with lights as a shape formed in the clouds. First the arms, then the legs, body, and head. With a final flash of light, the clouds dissipated and landing to the bridge was Rantmon himself. All the people were in panic. Even the police ran away in fear from Rantmon. All the screams were drowned in each other as the people got as far away as they could from Rantmon, leaving the wagon, Shannon, and the Five. Rantmon glanced at Amiko, Cindy, and Davis before turning to Freeza.) Rantmon: I see we are still at our old ways. (Freeza stepped back, full of fear from Rantmon.) Freeza: So what?! (At that point, Freeza threw beam of energy at Rantmon. Rantmon sighed, quickly producing from energy his merciless blade to deflect the blast. Freeza was stunned, trying in vain to claw away. Rantmon then approached Freeza, the hooked sword in hand.) Rantmon: Freeza, Freeza, Freeza... Where did you get off trying to defy me? (With that, Rantmon slashed Freeza in two. The Five were taken aback at the quick slaughter. Amiko, Cindy, and Davis got into their stances as Rantmon turned to them. Quickly, SSJ and TM rushed down and landed onto the bridge before Rantmon.) SSJ: Rantmon! TM: Back here! (Rantmon was caught off guard by the high-pitched squeals behind him. Quickly, he spun around, and saw absolutely nothing behind him but a passing shadow. And in a quick twist of fate, the river below just below the bridge splashed as something crashed into it. A giant wave of warm water splashed over SSJ and TM. When Rantmon blinked, he saw suddenly that SSJ and TM had appeared just ahead of him. SSJ glared. TM grinned.) SSJ: Is it a second copy? (Rantmon nodded, laughing with pity at them.) TM: It doesn't matter, real or not, we can take him! (Rantmon's mouth then curved into a grin.) Rantmon: Oh you fools... You don't know what you have gotten yourselves into. (Before SSJ could get into his Battoujutsu stance, Rantmon was seen, arm outstretched where SSJ once stood. There was a tremendous crash and the breaking of glass, and Amiko and company saw SSJ floating through the air. It seemed as if he flew straight through the battered police cars as he crashed past the bridge, bounced, and skidded to a painful stop. Already, he was unconscious. TM leapt away from Rantmon, not knowing what to say.) TM: GAH... HOLY SHIT. (Davis looked on in fear.) Davis: Holy crap... How much energy did he put into this one? (Rantmon then turned back to TM, dispelling his blades into thin air.) Rantmon: I'll be waiting in the Forests of Krosa. (The familiar name struck TM like a guitar note.) TM: ...Krosa?! (Rantmon smiled once more, and disappeared in a wisp of smoke. TM stood, aghast by the looming terror in his heart.) TM: Krosa... The home of... The Cloudscraper... (But his attention was then diverted to SSJ when Yuna appeared out of nowhere in a flash of red light. He then looked dashed to the side of the wet bridge to see what caused the giant splash, seeing nothing but a strange, popped balloon in the shape of a basilisk, compressed into a ball.) TM: That shadow... (TM looked Eastward, seeing the bleak shape of a dragon, speeding swiftly through the air. He could only look on for a bit before the police came back, pointing their guns at him and his friends. He saw Shannon, Amiko, Davis, and Cindy, surrounded by cops. SSJ, too, was a hub for the police's attention. He quickly figured what was happening. The chief didn't have to pull out the handcuffs to make him figure out he was being arrested.) *** :: Ten Minutes Later :: [Ten minutes later, all the cops lay unconscious and in a deep slumber. Around TM stood Tifa, Kiyone, Lulu, Kaoru, and Claire. The girls were surrounded by their bishounen, namely Sano, Kenshin, Kamui, Shannon, Saitou, and Aoshi. The unconscious SSJ was being supported by Hermione, Yuna, Rydia, and Yuzuriha. They all panted as they realized more cops would come soon. Quickly, SSJ's bishoujo rushed him to the wagon as Davis leapt onto his chocobo. Cindy and TM dashed inside as Amiko and Shannon got to the driver's seat. Quickly, they spurred the horses back and away from the disaster, going into the setting sun and deeper into the town. TM muttered under his breath.] TM: Forests of Krosa... Don't tell me he's going to spur on the Collosus... Or even the Cloudscraper... (Cindy turned to TM, speaking over the loud claps of the hooves.) Cindy: What are they? (TM explained, not even turning to Cindy. He was in his own world of fear.) TM: They are incredibly powerful monsters. The Collosus regularly changes the geography of the land with every step. The Cloudscraper... Dear lord... It's name tells a lot. (Everyone grew silent as they continued on, and eventually came to a stop. TM and Cindy looked at the front. They stepped forward and pushed the cloth out of the way, and saw Amiko and Shannon, looking about as if they were searching for another way through. A familiar voice spoke.) Voice: Wait. We won't turn you all in. (Cindy and TM looked ahead, immediately recognizing who was ahead of them. Cindy quicker than the rest, as she was immediately hugging the purple haired, denim wearing boy from the future.) Trunks: Hey! Stop that! (Immediately, Cindy obliged, sighing and blushing as she stood within mere feet from him. Trunks pointed at her, speaking to Amiko.) Trunks: Is she always like this? Amiko: She already said you were her betrothed before meeting you. (Trunks stared blankly at Amiko.) Trunks: Eh?! *** [Not much longer, they were all gathered within the Capsule Corporation Headquarters, with the Briefs. They all sat on the soft cushioned chairs, well, except for SSJ, who lay on a sofa, still unconscious. Amiko took a glance at SSJ before she muttered to Cindy and TM, who sat on either side of her.] Amiko: Whoa. It's not like SSJ to miss a couple of plot points. (Cindy and TM noticed it too, nodding.) TM: This one must be a lot more powerful than the last. (Cindy then shot a look at Amiko and TM.) Cindy: What do you mean by that? Wasn't that Rantmon? (Davis spoke from across them, sitting on his own couch. He looked up to the ceiling, stretching his legs as he spoke.) Davis: It's a copy of Rantmon, made from magic, cloned from hairs. The more data he gets, the more power the clone has. (Cindy nodded as their company was added to. From behind, Trunks stepped in and introduced the three heroes he brought with him. The four didn't need the explanation, for they already recognized Son Goku, Vegeta, and a Son Gohan with shorter, spiked hair.) TM: Yeah, yeah, we know who they are. Let's skip the introductions. (Trunks then stopped. Cindy smacked TM upside the head as Trunks continued.) Trunks: I see. Okay, then we'll get down to business. (Trunks was then silent. Curiously, he sniffed the air, and quickly covered his nose. He then looked about the room.) Trunks: What has defiled my house?! (Everyone then immediately looked at Davis, who was still wearing his dirty, torn cloak and his ragged shirt and shorts. Trunks then immediately changed his tone.) Trunks: For the love of God, PLEASE take a bath! (Before Davis could argue, Amiko and Cindy were already shoving him away to the baths. Despite his yelling, he eventually gave up fighting them and allowed them to drag him away. Soon after the two came back with Davis' clothes. They prepared a fire in the fire place, tossing the clothes in and sighing with relief. Vegeta, Goku, and Gohan did not know what to say.) *** [Some half hour later, Davis reappeared, his ragged shirt replaced with a green tanktop. Two straps surrounded his shoulder like a backpack's straps, securing a piece of armor to his upper back. He also was wearing brown pants for a more natural look, and he wore new boots that tightened around the top. He also wore a new cape, for he absolutely insisted on having a cloak. It was a dark gray, with the top of the collar a lighter shade of gray. Two straps held the cloak together. Amiko and Cindy sighed, because finally, his smell had disappeared. Davis was grumbling however, because he particularly liked that cloak. Trunks directed the three in. Amiko looked about the room at the guests. Vegeta didn't seem to want to be there. He simply stood a distance away, leaning onto the wall with crossed arms. Otherwise, Goku and Gohan seemed to be enjoying their visit to the corporation building. They all sat down, and the meeting finally began.] Amiko: What is this meeting for? (Goku sighed, not as cheerful as he should be.) Goku: You see, we have gotten weaker within the past few days. (TM didn't know what to think of this. He coughed, and everyone turned to him.) TM: Weaker? Trunks: Our powers have, for the most part, left us. (Cindy was also puzzled by this.) Cindy: How the heck did that happen?! (Trunks sighed.) Trunks: Rantmon. We went to investigate it a while ago, close to File Island. (Davis also was then drawn from his grumbling thoughts and into the conversation.) Davis: File Island? What was there? (Gohan answered, looking about the room at the visitors.) Gohan: Dromar. Dromar was there. (Davis was taken aback. Not even he knew what Dromar was.) Trunks: Dromar the Banisher. Dragon of the Water Hybrid. It was sealed under the seas between the Destiny Islands, File Island, and the mainland, with the triangle used as the seal. It has drained the mana and ki with its very awakening. The fact that it's free means only one thing... (Vegeta snorted over in his corner, interrupting Trunks, speaking with an arrogant tone.) Vegeta: Someone went off to capture to God of Ice. (Davis was stunned. He knew there were six elements. He knew each was governed by a god. And by logical deduction, he knew sealing them would be no easy task. He could only think of one person with enough power to seal a god. So did everyone else.) The Crew: Rantmon... Goku: That's right. (Davis muttered to himself, not caring if anyone else heard, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.) Davis: Rantmon... Capturing only one god produces no benefits... He is undertaking an incredible task... (The Z Warriors said it for him at that point.) Z Warriors: He's sealing all six gods. (Davis cursed.) Davis: Shit. Not only will he gain all of their powers, but more dragons will appear? (Trunks nodded.) Trunks: Two of six hybrids are already released. I expect Rith, the Awakener to begin attempting to call the others. (TM, Cindy, and Amiko barely kept up with what was being said. But they knew, Rantmon was getting drastic. Certainly, he must be crazy if he wants to seal a god. But no one in the room knew his purpose. Finally, Gohan spoke.) Gohan: We will be on your side. Capture us, if need be. (Amiko was a bit surprised on how they knew of the bishie balls and such. Rumors spread quickly, she thought. Finally, she smiled, and answered.) Amiko: Okay. (Amiko then took Vegeta and Gohan while Cindy took Trunks and Goku, gleeful after capturing purple-haired wonder. They then got up, turning to face Bulma and Chichi, stepping in with tea. The two looked at them, then at each other, before muttering.) Bulma: You're going, already? Chichi: Have some tea, first! (The Crew looked at each other, not wanting to incur any of the two's wrath, so they sat back down and had tea. During their tea, TM remembered who he and SSJ just ran into today.) TM: What was Black Amiko doing with a the truck...? (Amiko looked at TM and shrugged, but Bulma answered for her.) Bulma: She had a load of gold and artifacts from the Museum of Otaria. (Davis turned to Amiko and the rest of the crew.) Davis: We're currently in the Otaria province of Terra. There are very few cities, while there are plenty of forests, mountains, swamps, and a wide array of other land forms. It is known for it's distinct wildlife. (TM then interrupted the description.) TM: And by that, you mean grotesque creations such as the Collosus. Davis: Pretty much, yeah. (But at that point, there was a gigantic crash. An explosion ripped through the buildings outside. The Crew minus SSJ immediately dashed to the window to see what was happening. And they saw the green figure in the air, launching ki blast after ki blast upon South City. They all immediately recognized it.) Crew: Cell! (Suddenly, there was a loud crash. Through the window flew a smaller, bluer Cell: A Cell Junior. Quickly, it darted about the room, glad that it found the Five. Bulma and Chichi shrieked and dashed out of the room as it came to a stop. It stood, in the center of the room, preparing a ki blast before they could prepare. And through the window leapt another figure. The Four recognized the black cloak and pony tail for Kensou as he slashed through the Cell Junior with his long-hilted sword. Amiko yelled in surprise.) Amiko: Kensou! *** (Cell, in the meanwhile, saw the wanton destruction being raged through the city. How joyful it was to terrorize again! He floated in the air, launching blast after blast at the burning city. Explosions tore through the many buildings, and people's screams filled the air. Now he knew how Kefka felt! He laughed and laughed into the pitiful screams of torment. But then he felt it. On the largest building a distance away, one of his Cell Juniors died.) Cell: How?! (No matter. Cell made much more, sending them at the giant Capsule Corporation building. The sounds of the Juniors speeding off towards the building filled the sky as the explosions continued.) *** [Before Amiko and company could recuperate, plenty more Cell Juniors burst through the ceiling. TM drew his sword and dashed towards them as Davis prepared a burning fist. Quickly, two were killed as the rest dispersed about the room, laughing hysterically. Then another fell to the ground with a bullet to its head, and another was impaled to a wall, arrow through its heart. But one came to the unconscious SSJ, raising its clasped hands to smash SSJ's head in. Everyone noticed, and Amiko quickly docked an arrow as the Junior was about to attack. Suddenly, the sounds of the crashing and explosions woke SSJ from his sleep. The chaos had him quickly rise to a sitting position as the Cell Junior attacked the cushion were his head was a few seconds ago. The resulting impact knocked SSJ some distance away as the arrow tore through the Junior's head, sending blood over the furniture.] SSJ: What the Hell?! (Just as he finished that, he was pushed aside by Kensou. SSJ fell to his side as a swarm of Cell Juniors flew towards Kensou.) Kensou: Morons. (As he said that, he grabbed the end of the seemingly long hilt, pulling hard on it. The Five were taken aback as they heard the sound of a blade being unsheathed, and they saw the shine of the silver blade that came from the other side of his sword.) TM: A double-bladed sword! (Kensou saw the demons approach with high speed, and quickly he spun his weapon in his hand. Kensou leapt up, giving a powerful yell as the two blades took out the Cell Juniors quickly, landing gracefully on the table between the sofas and couches. Then SSJ saw another Junior approaching Kensou from behind. Quickly, SSJ spotted an X-Box connected to the wall, and tore it from its wires. He then tossed the hulking machine at the Cell Junior, who could only look on in fear as it was directly hit by the game system. It was crushed under the immense weight, giving a yelp in pain. SSJ panted. He just woke up, bruised and scraped, and had to kill a Cell Junior with an X-Box. This was definitely not one of his best days. He then turned to the rest, for he figured where the Cell Juniors came from.) *** [Cell, in the meantime, could tell something was up when he sent ten or so of his Juniors, and none came back. Actually, he was quite pleased with the effects. He grinned to himself as he realized Rantmon was really serious. No wonder the Enders had to be deployed. He then saw below him the five dashing from the building and into the flaming, collapsing city. He grinned, happy to see his catches arrive.] Cell: It's about time you all showed yourselves! (Cell then landed on the roof of the building nearest the Five and Kensou. Amiko looked up at Cell, then at SSJ was he yelled.) SSJ: Cell! Why did you do this?! (Cell was silent, staring at SSJ, then he laughed at the question, covering his eyes with his hands. Certainly, what a stupid question! When Cell calmed himself enough so that tears were forming in his eyes, he answered.) Cell: Why... Why? Rantmon, that's why! Defying him certainly earns you no benefit! (SSJ glared at Cell, ready to strike him down as he unwrapped the Hellfire sword. Amiko's attention was then diverted to Kensou, who was preparing to attack Cell. Kensou noticed her, and replied.) Kensou: Don't get the wrong idea. I'm only doing this because he pisses me off. (Amiko nodded, then turned back to Cell. Arrows wouldn't work on him. She needed the bigger guns. Quickly, she pulled the magic makeup compact from her pocket, opened it, and prepared to apply the blue makeup. But then it was knocked out of her hand. She looked and saw that a Cell Junior with an arrow through its head knocked it towards Cell as it fell to the ground, dead. Amiko yelped as it landed right by Cell's foot.) Amiko: No! (Cell looked down at the compact, thoroughly surprised.) Cell: How... How did she get this rare thing?! (Cell glanced at Amiko, but then came to one conclusion. He raised up his foot, and sent it down on the makeup kit. Everyone was stunned. One of Amiko's most prized items was destroyed like that! Cell grinned as he floated again. SSJ was pissed. He couldn't stand the sight of Cell. He was about to leap in a vain attempt to attack Cell, but then he felt a hand on his shoulder. He saw TM, who whispered to him.) TM: I'm sure you know about the Forests of Krosa. (SSJ looked at TM in mixed surprise and anger.) SSJ: What- TM: Rantmon is there. We have to take him out. Knowing him he may send any of the beasts. (SSJ was silent, but he nodded, wrapping up his sword again. Amiko, Davis, and Cindy noticed.) Amiko: HEY! (SSJ didn't answer as he dashed away from the site of the battle, Cell smirking with delight.) Cell: Scared, huh?! Then, I'll free you from your fear! (Cell charged up a blast, aiming his palm at TM and SSJ. Finally, he shot the energy at where they dashed. It sped towards the two, futily trying to escape. But he didn't expect TM and SSJ push off of each other, narrowly dodging the explosion. As TM and SSJ rolled along the ground, everyone saw Bulma and Chichi in a floating bike stop just at the two.) Bulma: Come on! (TM and SSJ didn't need to be told twice, each leaping onto their own vehicle and quickly speeding away. Cell, angry, was about to speed towards them as well, if it wasn't for a meteor hitting him from directly above. He crashed through the roof and was crushed under the flaming meteor of Davis. Amiko and Cindy looked at Davis, glad that he acted quickly.) Amiko: Great! Cindy: Good work! (They all then grinned, proud of their victory. They then turned to Kensou, who was beginning to walk away, his shuffling feet heard clearly. But then it stopped. Kensou looked up at the sky, and gulped. Amiko and company followed the lead of his eyes, seeing clearly the various shapes of the rest of the Enders: Sauron, Phage, and Knives. Aghast, with bulging eyes, they saw, too, Cell emerging from the roof of the building, mad as ever. Sauron brandished his sword, the Witchking. Phage glared brightly with a black dagger in her hand. Knives held out his two black revolvers. Cell, of course, was surrounded with his Cell Juniors. The Enders have arrived! The answer has come! Now is the time for action!) ---- To Be Continued ---- - ENDING SONG: ROMANTIC AGERU YO - Oide fantajii suki sa misuterii Kimi no wakasa kakusanaide Fushigi shitakute bouken shitakute Dare mo minna uzu-uzu shite 'ru Otona no furi shite akiramecha Kiseki no nazo nado tokenai yo Motto wairudo ni motto takumashiku Ikite goran Romantikku ageru yo Romantikku ageru yo Honto no yuuki wo misete kuretara Romantikku ageru yo Romantikku ageru yo Tokimeku mune ni kira-kira hikatta Yume wo ageru yo ---- Preview ---- [Japanese Yu Yu Hakusho Preview music plays in background. The five appear as chibi style, and random scenes from the next episode play, though you can't see because this is text. =P] SSJ: Holy crap, this looks like this is serious business. Amiko: The Enders engage in their first bout against the Outlaws! How will they survive against Rantmon's elite, all at once?! TM: And how will TM and SSJ defeat the copy when they're barely strong enough to stay conscious after one punch? Cindy: We won't be taken down that easily! Rantmon, here we come! Davis: And Kensou... Let's hope he survives. All: NEXT! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! "The Legions" ----