____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero ____________________________________________________________________________________________ :: Time: 4:19 PM / Place: Forests of Krosa :: [SSJ and TM leapt off of their hovering bicycles. They stood at the very edge of the looming Forest of Krosa; the trees clawing at the sky, the vines hanging overhead, the various chilling calls of the demons lurking in the forest, and the whispers of the calm wind. SSJ looked towards the darkness laid before him, and gulped with anxiety. TM, too, sweated, knowing what would await the two. SSJ and TM then turned to Chichi and Bulma, nodded, and captured one of them. SSJ patted Chichi's bishieball before placing it on his pocket, then glanced at TM, pocketing his own with Bulma.] SSJ: Well, here goes nothing. (TM grinned at SSJ, slightly shaking. SSJ saw the sweat gleaming off of the back of his neck.) TM: Yeah... Here we go. (They then stepped inside. From then on, they weren't in their own world. They were in a completely different world, where the old rules and old laws no longer applied. They weren't safe, nor were they sound, and the bright light just outside the threshold made the the forest seem all that much more sinister. Their fears were amplified, their anxiety tapped, their terrors imprinted. The forest already dealt the damage. It had the first strike.) ---- Chapter 31: The Legions ---- :: Time: 4:26 PM / Place: South City :: [Amiko dashed away from Sauron's blade. The pitch black steel crashed onto the asphalt, causing a giant crack and a rift to form. Cement and smoke flew into the air as Sauron, the One Ring shining brightly on his finger. Amiko docked an arrow, briefly turned around, and sent it at the gleaming jewelry. Sauron hastily blocked with the blade as Amiko dashed further away. Sauron continued to chase her, with the Ring augmenting his normal strength.] Amiko: What's this all about, anyway?! What's with Rantmon?! (Sauron spoke without enthusiasm or pride. He merely hissed back at her.) Sauron: His plots are none of your concern. Your only concern would be mine blade. (At that, Sauron leapt at Amiko, catching her, slashing where she stood. But Amiko ducked and rolled back, away from Sauron's course, and sprinted in the opposite direction. Again, she docked an arrow, and launched another at Sauron's right hand. This time, it hit. Sauron's smallest finger flew off as Amiko swore. It was definitely not going to be easy. Sauron turned about and struck the ground with his sword. A chain of cracks rushed towards Amiko, with pure energy rushing upwards from the ground. Amiko had to dodge it quickly, rolling to the side. The rolled and slid on her shoes, looking back and not seeing Sauron where he was. Then she felt the Witchking dangerously close to her neck. Sauron was behind her. His right hand bled from the loss of his finger, yet he retained his apathetic glare. Amiko stared with wide eyes, fearful for her life. But then the blade flew through the air, spinning, and landing a distance aways. It saw Shannon directly behind him, giving the most terrific, hateful glare ever. He was glowing in a red aura. He slashed his glowing sword at where Sauron stood, sending him flying and hitting the ground at breakneck speeds. Sauron then warily rose to his feet, looking back at Shannon. Shannon threatened Sauron.) Shannon: Don't you dare hurt her. (Sauron's blade then flew to his hand. Sauron raised his Witchking as Shannon raised his own sword.) Shannon: How did you do that?! (Sauron's black mouth formed a slight grin.) Sauron: I can do anything. (They then dashed at each other, slashing at each other in Rurouni Kenshin style.) *** [Meanwhile, Davis was having particular fun trying to fend of Phage. He dashed through the most populated areas of the town, where citizens were rushing to evacuate the onslaught of the battles that raged within the limits. He looked back, and saw the line of corpses left in Phage's wake as she merely dug her bloody nails into their skin and drew the red liquid. He saw more other instantly fall to the ground, lifeless, even just being barely grazed by the dagger, glistening with blood. They never had a chance. Phage was impossible. Merely being touched would kill them. That's why, he guessed, they called her untouchable.] Davis: Shit! Nothing can stop her! (He created a meteor while running along and flung it at the woman. With her white skin gleaming in the sun, and orange suit shining, she tossed the blade at the flaming rock. The rock split into pieces, and the dagger raced still towards Davis. He ducked. The blade flew just overhead and was stuck in a wall. Melee attacks won't work. She'll kill him easily. He had no plan. The only thing he could think of was leaping into the air and sending down a basic firebolt at the Cabal leader. Immediately, she was engulfed in flames powerful enough to make the surrounding buildings raging infernos. Davis landed as the fire around Phage cleared, and she was unharmed. It was much too weak to dispose of Phage. All it merely did was slightly singe the edges of her hair. She raced at Davis, her black fingernails shining menacingly as it came closer to him. Davis glared with terror as she was about to kill him.) Phage: Surrender your soul to me! (But as she neared, Davis, she was hit directly to the gut by Rikku, who materialized and screw kicked her away. Phage flew into a brick wall as Rikku used the lapse to mix together her concoction. Phage saw it. Rikku popped in a Shadow Gem. And a Master Sphere. Before Phage could react, she was hit with the Black Hole. The Abyss. It engulfed her with blackness, pulling the nearby rubble into its wake. Davis and Rikku held their ground, holding onto each other. The Abyss then cleared, and the area seemed all the more lighter. And then they saw Phage, injured, yet very much alive.) *** [Cindy, too, was handling Knives with difficulty. She was barely dodging his bullets, but merely because she threw various objects in his line of sight. And of course, Knives couldn't afford to use the Angel Arms. Not only will it kill the Five, but even if he survives, Rantmon would be royally pissed. A volley of bullets was shot at Cindy. She tripped over the curb and fell on her face, and the bullets raced harmlessly past. She retaliated, sending some of her own at Knives. He was the most mortal of the Enders, and dashed and hid behind a corner. Cindy, too, ran and hid behind the opposite corner of the same building. She panted. Knives was impossibly difficult.) Cindy: Knives! Give up! I really don't feel like exercising! (Knives laughed and yelled back.) Knives: Well, neither do I! But I shall as long as you don't give up! (Cindy was tired. Immediately, she called Sanosuke. He appeared beside her as she rested the back of her head on the wall, waiting for any sound from Knives. She heard nothing and thus whispered to her husband.) Cindy: Do you have any more pineapple bombs? Sano: Yeah... (He then pulled from his nonexistent pockets a handful of pineapple bombs, cylindrical in shape and black in color. Cindy smiled.) Cindy: Give them to me. (Sano did so, and they were dropped into Cindy's hands. Sano then disappeared, and Cindy pocketed the explosives. She then sighed, reloaded her revolver, and shimmied to the edge of the corner, around it, and to the edge of the opposite corner, ready to pounce on Knives. She threw the pineapple bombs over the corner, right at where Knives was waiting. Then she turned, firing one bullet at the dropping bombs. She was thrown back from the explosion that tore through a city block. She rolled and skidded off the pavement, and stared at the smoking crater. She then saw Knives, injured from the blast, even though he barely dodged. He glared at her with immense distaste. He aimed his gun, and pulled the trigger. Cindy ducked and covered her ears in fear. But Knives' gun was empty. Fresh out of bullets. Cindy realized this when she didn't hear the crack. Then Saitoh, Aoshi, and Sano came out. Knives cursed.) *** :: The Forest of Krosa :: [They paced forward. Ahead of SSJ and TM sat Rantmon, shadowed under the foliage, grinning to himself. He laughed, shoved the plants out of his sight, and stood before the two. They glared at him, while he simply returned it with a smile. SSJ stood, feet wide in a challenging pose. He had his left hand gripping the hilt of his sword. TM stood, left hand on his sheathe, right ready to draw at any time.] SSJ: We're taking you down, copy. (Rantmon chuckled to himself, shaking as he did so. The two's glares only narrowed even more. The only difference was that Rantmon's glare could not be seen.) Rantmon: Hah! Go ahead and try! I am five times more powerful than before! (SSJ threw off the cloth around his blade, at the same time, TM drew his own. Rantmon was fast. He already was behind the two slashing down on where SSJ stood with his hooked blade. SSJ was prepared this time around. He ducked and roundhouse kicked at Rantmon's feet. Rantmon leapt away, and at the same time, TM rushed with his sword, attempting to impale through Rantmon's head. Rantmon ducked, and TM's sword was embedded in a tree. Then Rantmon slashed upwards at TM's torso. He dodged, pulling his blade from the wood and leaping away. Then there was a clang. SSJ had slashed down on Rantmon, who blocked with his blade. Rantmon raised a foot and kicked SSJ directly to the torso. He was thrown back, and into a tree, sending a myriad of splinters everywhere. But the clinking of armor told Rantmon he was not finished so easily this time. He figured SSJ was wearing armor now. Chain mail armor. SSJ pushed away from the tree and got to his feet again, raising his sword.) Rantmon: Hm. Looks like you were lucky this time- (But then his mutterings were cut short as a red beam raced directly at him, tearing through wood and vines. He saw TM, panting from having accomplished his Zero Slash. Rantmon raised his blade and defended himself from the oncoming void. Then with a terrible yell, SSJ was in the sky, screaming the name of his attack.) SSJ: RYUU TSUI SEN! (The dirt was thrown everywhere as SSJ struck the ground where Rantmon stood. Everything was clouded like an episode of Dragon Ball Z. But SSJ heard footsteps behind him.) SSJ: RYUU KAN SEN! (He spun in a circle, swinging his blade around to strike what was behind him, despite the lack of vision. It struck. Rantmon's left leg was slashed. No blood flew. He heard the ringing of more chains and realized Rantmon wore armor. Rantmon, hidden in the fog, raised his blade to strike SSJ in two. And then TM's foot connected with Rantmon's neck. It was not much on its own. He landed and followed up with another move.) TM: RYUU SHO SEN! (TM aimed the blade of his sword at Rantmon, holding it horizontally and aiming for the base of his skull. Rantmon leapt back, narrowly missing TM's blade. And then TM came down, curled in a ball and rolling in midair with the sword extended in front of him.) TM: RYUU KAN SEN ARASHI! (Success! This one hit him squarely on the shoulder. It was then seen, he also was wearing chain mail armor. The blade cut through the shirt, and Rantmon's armor gleamed in the light. TM and SSJ leapt back and stood beside each other, ready to deal the final blow.) Rantmon: Gah...! Fighting against two is much different... (But then TM was flying backwards. Rantmon, with great speed, gave him a left hook to the face that had sent him flying. SSJ glanced back and saw TM strike a tree with such force that it split in two. He then felt Rantmon's uppercut to his gut. SSJ felt the immense pain. He was sent flying into the foliage, and stuck in the brambles. Rantmon took the opportunity to then put his fingers to his mouth and give a shrill whistle. TM shakily stood from the wreckage of the tree, splinters everywhere. SSJ pulled himself free from the wild branches, and looked up to see something rumbling through the deep forest up ahead. He saw two powerful, muscular arms tear through the trees. They were riddled with horns. So was the hunched back that was visible soon after. And then the head, with the fearsome red eyes, horns dotting the sides, and the gigantic teeth, especially the two front ones. Then more horns and another set of shoulders. SSJ's mouth gaped open at the sight of the next set of arms, with even larger muscles than the previous. It stood upon its hind legs, bulging with power. It stepped. SSJ felt it from where he was, immensely powerful, despite estimating it was over thirty miles away. Again it stepped. It was stepping towards them. This was the forest's most fearsome beast. The ground shook fiercely as it knocked about trees in its wake, its upper arms stretching high enough to reach the clouds. It was near immortal.) *** :: Back to the City! :: [Kensou was having a busy time with his own fight. Left and right more Cell Juniors raced about him. Some were cleaved in two, the others that were fast enough to dodge were later impaled. He was fast. Fast enough to keep up with the many Juniors constantly appearing and disappearing. He even was able to kill two of them at once with one stroke. Having two blades on one sword made him all the more efficient in killing off the little demons. Cell was mighty impressed. The only humans he expected to take on the things were the Five. He stopped producing the buggers, and soon, all that was left in the streets was Kensou's bloody blades and the writhing, moaning bodies of the Juniors. He floated down to Kensou, who was panting from exhaustion.] Cell: Impressive, boy. (Kensou spat on the cement just ahead of Cell. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as he spoke.) Kensou: So I am. You won't be alive long to praise me much more. (Cell grinned. And immediately, Kensou slashed through Cell. A second passed. He immediately dodged right, escaping an explosion from Cell, who was now in the sky, launching ki blast after ki blast. Kensou dodged this way and that. Explosions ripped through the city again. Kensou then leapt onto the roof of a nearby building, and leapt again at Cell. He then slashed down on where Cell floated. He flew through empty space, kicked off a stop sign, and slashed again at where Cell was standing on the ground. Again, he slashed through air. Cell was much too fast. Kensou didn't try anymore. He sighed, and stood in place, glaring up at Cell.) Kensou: You're much better than your kids. (Cell laughed, then glared pridefully at Kensou.) Cell: Of course! (Cell then raised a palm at Kensou. He charged a ki blast in his hands. It glowed with a bright light, and soon the glow engulfed his whole body. The glow then engulfed the entire scene, flooding every shadowed alley with light. But then he didn't fire. Kensou noticed he stopped charging. Cell stopped glowing. He then felt it. The faint rumble of the ground. A distance away, Amiko, Cindy, and Davis felt it, too. Sauron, Phage, and Knives abandoned their battles and came to Cell's side. He was gaping at something from the Forest to the Southeast. They saw it, too. The Cloudscraper.) Sauron: We must flee! Phage: That abomination is coming! (Knives shot a glance at the two, and then in a hasty decision, changed his two arms into the Angel Arms. Phage yelled in fear.) Phage: Pointless! The Mirari is too powerful in its veins! (Knives scoffed the notion that it could survive the Angel Arms. Two gigantic cracks sounded through the city, rivalling the powerful rumbles of the oncoming Cloudscraper. Then a large distance away, two separate explosions hit the Cloudscraper. The trees about it burned. The smoke that rose from the ashes shadowed the forest. The rumblings stopped.) Knives: It can't survive pure power like that! (But oh how Knives was wrong. A huge call came from the Cloudscraper. The explosions cleared, and it was seen, silhouetted in the light, and ever the more fearsome. It stood upright. Its heads reached the clouds. It then began racing faster towards the city. Knives could not imagine the force of the thing. The quakes were a hundred times more intense.) Sauron: Escape! That's an order! (The Enders did not need to be told again. The oncoming death creature came ever closer as Amiko, Davis, and Cindy tried to hold their ground. They rushed to Kensou's side, Amiko yelling over the booms of the ground.) Amiko: We should get out of here! (Kensou glanced at Amiko, and nodded.) Kensou: Okay. Amiko: Come with us! (Amiko then dashed off with Cindy and Davis, Kensou following along. They rushed back to the Capsule Corporation building further from the beast. They all leapt into the wagon and were off quickly.) *** :: The Cloudscraper :: [Yet, atop the Cloudscraper, stood Rantmon, mite pissed from having Knives fire the Angel Arms at his beast. Still, he had the thing step forward, towards the city. His hood flew back in the wind, with his shaggy hair revealed again. And yet, SSJ and TM were sprinting full speed, struggling to keep up with the Cloudscraper. Rantmon was amused by their spirit, trying to stop the beast before it reached the town. Yet, still, he knew it was hopeless. There was absolutely no way, even if they kept up, that they could stop the Cloudscraper. But their hopes weren't quite relinquished yet. They dashed and dashed, and made it up to the thing's toes, which alone towered over them. They were surprised they could have even dashed with all the gigantic shockwaves. They then leapt onto the foot, barely grabbing hold of the edge, and leaping onto it as it was raised up hundreds of feet into the air. The two looked out among the forests, with all the life forms; slivers, beasts, wurms... They all dashed about in fear. The forest was crying in pain. SSJ then slapped himself in the forehead for not thinking of it sooner.] SSJ: Yuna! (Yuna appeared in a red flash, and soon, they all were flying higher than they've ever been before, riding Bahamut up to the top of the towering Cloudscraper. Their view of the world certainly was enhanced. They saw the other edge of the forest. They saw the trees grasping for light. They saw the damage the monstrosity was dealing as it walked. But then they reached the top, and saw Rantmon above it all.) Rantmon: Welcome again... To the Cloudscraper! (SSJ was no longer patient. He didn't want to fight Rantmon. He didn't want to waste any more time! He then turned to TM, who called Kiyone. She appeared in a gigantic Galaxy Police fighter craft, onto which TM leapt onto. Rantmon merely laughed at the thing as TM also called Rinoa, who had angel wings glowing from her back. They raced away as SSJ also called Rydia, who in turn summons another Bahamut. SSJ was then armed with two speeding dragons, while TM had a giant police cruiser to command, as well as a spellcaster. Rantmon laughed.) Rantmon: GO AHEAD AND TRY! EVEN IF I DIE, THIS THING WON'T! (Blast after blast struck the Cloudscraper's head. The two Bahamuts were breathing flares at where Rantmon stood, but as the Cloudscraper head alone was wide and huge, Rantmon dashed all along the top of the beast, dodging each blast. The Cloudscraper didn't even feel a thing, let alone notice that there was a fight taking place above its head. And then the wings of Kiyone's cruiser opened, revealing rows upon rows upon rows of missiles. One by one in rapid fashion, explosion after explosion tore along the back of the Cloudscraper, as Rinoa casted Flares one after another. So fierce was the onslaught, the two and their bishoujo had scourged Rantmon off the head of the beast. But then when the smoke cleared, they saw Rantmon standing in the middle of it all, grinning. They continued again, both Bahamuts sailing through the air and launching a chain of blasts at the dodging Rantmon. At the same time, coming from ahead of Rantmon, a line of swerving and speeding missiles raced towards him. He was hit. He stopped for a moment as he was struck by the missiles.) TM: NOW! EVERYTHING WE'VE GOT! (Kiyone did so, and soon, the entire artillery of hundreds of explosive missiles raced towards the centralized location of Rantmon. Rinoa, too, cast Ultima one after another on the area as both Bahamuts showered the place in flares. Rydia and Yuna also cast whatever they could; Rydia cast Meteo as Yuna cast Holy. Smoke again and again escaped from the gigantic attack of judgment. It was like the Apocalypse compressed into this small space. Then Kiyone's cruiser ran out of missiles; Yuna, Rinoa, and Rydia were exhausted from casting spells; and Bahamuts was in need of rest. They were all sent back, and TM and SSJ landed onto the Cloudscraper, waiting for the smoke to clear. The Cloudscraper didn't seem to notice what had just taken place on it. The smoke cleared. Shards from the missiles littered the area. Slight scorches from the Bahamuts darkened the skin. But in the center of it all, Rantmon stood, clothes fraying from the immense heat. He was smoldering and smoking. But he was definitely alive.) TM: HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?! SSJ: WHY WON'T YOU DIE?! (But Rantmon glared at them, yelling profanities, but never moving. There was something different, that they didn't notice at first. They then saw it, soon after, when all of the smoke had cleared. His armor was different. It was welded together, and welded to his skin. And it was one of the strongest metals ever. The immense heat clearly melted it just enough to form a hard barrier that restricted his movements. SSJ glanced at TM, and then walked to Rantmon.) Rantmon: I'LL KILL YOU! BETTER KEEP FAR AWAY. (SSJ amusingly flicked the guy's forehead, still shadowed in the hood. Rantmon couldn't do anything but stay in place and move his head slightly, trying to bite the finger.) SSJ: Yeah, and do what, bite us to death? You a cannibal? (TM then knocked the struggling Rantmon over onto his side and picked up his legs, SSJ picking up the upper body.) Rantmon: What are you doing now?! (TM then smiled at Rantmon.) TM: Taking care of the trash. (They then came dangerously near the edge of the Cloudscraper. They were a mile or two into the sky, far above the trees. Not even Rantmon could survive that. But just to be safe, they climbed onto a horn mounted to the head of the Cloudscraper, and stepped near the highest point.) SSJ: Bye, Rantmon. TM: Nice knowing ya. Rantmon: NO! [The two then heaved the pitiful figure over the edge. Rantmon screamed in terror as he plummeted straight to the ground. For twenty three seconds, he plummeted. (Yes, the author was bored enough to calculate the time.) Straight down from the Cloudscraper. Screaming along the way. By the time he was near the trees, he was at falling at about terminal velocity. He couldn't think for long as his screams were cut short. He struck the trees and hit straight into the rocky ground, sending giant pieces of stone flying into the sky. Smoke flew from the crack that thus formed. The copy was gone. SSJ and TM sighed, going back to the center of the thing's head to lay down and pant. But then they remembered they were on a creature in the first place. A really big one at that. Getting off would be easy, but that's not what they wanted. No. They needed to stop the thing. SSJ got up, panting. He then looked ahead of the beast, seeing where they were headed.] SSJ: Oh no... (And then, the creature shook. It pounded down onto South City. The asphalt couldn't support the giant that now was trodding on it. Cracks tore through the streets of the town. And in the midst of it all, SSJ and TM struggled to keep balance on the beast. It bellowed, thrashing its arms about at the buildings. SSJ shoved his blade into the skin of the Cloudscraper, holding on tight to the hilt. TM did the same, struggling not to meet the same fate as the copy.) SSJ: DAMN IT! I COULD USE SOME HELP RIGHT NOW! *** :: The Others :: [Amiko looked back at South City. The horses galloped as fast as they could away from the Cloudscraper, eastward away from the setting sun. Amiko saw the buildings being torn apart by the giant beast, tearing straight through the town and throwing wreckage thousands of feet into the air. Cindy struggled to keep the horses in line as the shockwaves continued to rumble through the area from the city. Amiko continued staring at the beast with anxiety. TM and SSJ were somewhere. And then the horses stopped. Amiko was nearly thrown ahead, but grabbed onto the roof of the wagon. She turned back, and saw a small girl, dressed in purple clothes with similar colored hair.] Amiko: Zephyris! (Zephyris nodded, and Shannon appeared in a flash of red light.) Shannon: What's happening?! (Zephyris replied without blinking or emotion.) Zephyris: The forest is calling. It's going to attack that thing. (Shannon was speechless. Something was actually going to attack it?!) Shannon: What is?! (She was silent at first, but eventually answered.) Zephyris: The slivers. (Shannon stared at her with wide eyes. The slivers?! They certainly never cared about the world! What was happening?!) Zephyris: There is something else. Two boys are on top of the Cloudscraper. (Amiko put her hands to her mouth. Cindy couldn't believe it. The two looked at each other, and then at Shannon.) Shannon: Come, Zephyris! (Zephyris nodded. She disappeared, and a red glow enveloped Shannon. A bright yellow bolt of lightning struck where he was, and soon, a dragon materialized in his place. Its scales were black and shimmered in the light. Its long tail stretched in the day as it raised its wings. Then, as quick as possible, it glided to the Cloudscraper. It came and reached the beast, who was busy tearing through the town and crushing anything that remained. The evacuated villagers just outside wept and screamed as it tore through their belongings. They then saw the dragon, who greeted the Cloudscraper with two energy beams. Two horns fell to the ground. Yet, the Cloudscrapper was unaware, as the horns were small and insignificant compared to its larger ones, which were unphazed.) Shannon: Damn! I can't hurt it. (Zephyris' voice then rang through Shannon, glowing red inside the dragon armor.) Zephyris: We should just save the two. (He nodded.) Shannon: Okay. (The dragon then ascended, up to the head of the beast. It saw TM, barely hanging onto his blade, driven into the side of the creature's head. The dragon approached the boy, and Shannon yelled.) Shannon: Get on! (TM, for a moment, glanced at Shannon, and then saw how high he was below the ground. He didn't need to be told twice. He stepped onto the dragon's head and pulled out his sword, sheathing it and grabbing hold of the wings. It was then, he saw something else tear out of the forest. It seemed like it was riddled with tentacles. It appeared to be several pointed heads atop a thick armed stem. He saw the claws, he saw the glistening scales. He knew what he was looking at. He was looking at the Sliver Overlord. The ruler of all slivers. The end of evolution. And immediately, he saw the barrage of small creatures racing out of the forest and directly at the Cloudscraper. TM then yelled.) TM: SSJ! Get SSJ! (Shannon said no more, circling the head in search of where SSJ was. They found him, his own sword dug into the thing's chin. But he was sliding down. The sword was cutting through the thick layer of skin. The mutant didn't know it had anything there.) TM: Oh, shit... (They then saw SSJ, hanging on for dear life. His sword had cut through most of the skin. It was nearing the edge of the chin. Shannon raced towards him. TM yelled. But that didn't help as the Hellfire Sword cut through the last hope and SSJ plummeted as Rantmon did.) *** (Back at the wagon, Amiko knew something was wrong. She felt it. Shannon was in the worst state of panic ever. She then turned to Davis.) Amiko: Water! (Davis fumbled around his chocobo for it, finally producing water and splashing it onto Amiko. Amiko immediately turned blue and teleported to the scene of panic.) *** (SSJ tumbled through the air, flailing his arms trying to grab hold of something. Anything. As long as he would live! Both Yuna and Rydia were exhausted. None of his bishoujo could help. He was alone, falling to his death. The asphalt below neared. He swore, but the air flowing past him drowned out his emotion. He stopped flailing. He was tired. He shut his eyes, trying to forget everything. He fell past the hand of the Cloudscraper. Almost to the knee. And then he felt a soft hand on his own. His eyes shot open, and he saw Amiko there, with blue hairs covering her body. Then they were gone.) *** :: The Wagon :: [Kensou sat in the corner in the far back of the wagon, disinterestedly staring up at the net above supporting all the luggage they carried. He waited for them to get on their way. He never believed he would travel with such company. His father was adamant about capturing them, yet he couldn't understand why. They're kids. What's the problem with them not having data? He turned to the entrance of the wagon, and saw SSJ sighing as he sat there, leaning on Amiko. She was in panting, some tears welling in her eyes.] Amiko: Thank God... You're alive. (He didn't see it, but SSJ smiled. SSJ turned to Cindy, who was relieved as well. And then to Davis, who gave him a thumb-up in approval. SSJ was glad he had his friends with him. He turned and saw the dragon come to the ground, and fade into Shannon. TM also landed on the ground, panting. They made eye contact before giving each other grins.) SSJ: Thanks. For everything... (Amiko smiled as well, wiping the small tears from her eyes. TM then spoke, his tone serious.) TM: We going to continue to Hayden? (Davis nodded.) Davis: Yeah. Now, more than ever, we have to get there quickly. (Cindy then spoke, for the first time in a while. She stood and looked towards the Cloudscraper, fallen and being picked off by the swarm of slivers. Blood ran throughout the streets of the town. The slivers were drenched in blood. A great number tore off large chunks of flesh and brought it back to the Overlord, towering above the trees.) Cindy: Let's get out of here quickly. (Everyone nodded. It was settled. Cindy and TM drove again as SSJ sat across from Amiko and Kensou. It was then SSJ noticed the older man as he clutched his wrapped sword to his shoulder.) SSJ: You're joining? (Kensou glanced at SSJ before leaning back and resting on the wall of the wagon.) Kensou: I see no point in not joining. We're both headed East. (SSJ nodded. The wagon continued on its way. It headed Eastward, away from the setting sun. The echoes of the horses' hooves filled the area. Everything was quiet. SSJ then looked up. SSJ then muttered.) SSJ: I think I missed a plot point or two. (Amiko and Kensou facefaulted.) ---- To Be Continued ---- - ENDING SONG: I DUNNO, MAYBE THERE'S SOME MAGIC: THE GATHERING MUSIC OUT THERE - If not, just imagine there is M:tG music and put it here. ---- Preview ---- [Japanese Yu Yu Hakusho Preview music plays in background. The six appear as chibi style, and random scenes from the next episode play, though you can't see because this is text. =P] SSJ: NEXT TIME! ON GINGA GIRI GIRI! (Kensou then looks at Amiko.) Kensou: Does he always say it like that? Amiko: Well, yeah. He does it all the time. (SSJ glared at the two.) SSJ: I like saying it like that. (Amiko and Kensou were silent.) TM: ANYWAY! It looks like Cell and Voldemort have to compete for screentime, now that they'll be pestering us for a while! Cindy: And what happens when we stumble upon a demon bent on stopping us? Davis: Doesn't that happen all the time? Cindy: Yeah, but this one is dressed in ALBINO FUR STUFF! Davis: Whoa. That is different. Five: Next! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! "A Shard of Memories" Kensou: So this is what you people do all the time? ----