____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero ____________________________________________________________________________________________ - OPENING SONG: OWARINAI YUME - kokoro no naka no JIORAMA no machi wa kibou no hikari de kirameite iru kagerou no hane de habataita yume wa kimi to boku to no sagashimono shinjitsu wa itsumo hitomi ni hisonde iru aoku bokura wa doko made yukou futari no mirai ima sasuratte bokura wa tabi o tsuzukeru eien no arika owari nai yume kono te o hanasazu oikakete ikitai zutto ---- Recap ---- [Chibi characters of the six appear in the foreground as scenes from the last episode play in the background. Though, you can't see 'cause this is text. =P] SSJ: LAST TIME! ON GINGA GIRI GIRI! Amiko: SSJ and TM go to face off with Rantmon's copy in the forest. Cindy: Leaving us to deal with Sauron, Phage, Knives, and Cell. TM: And because the copy felt like it, it called the Cloudscraper. Kensou: Which tears into South City and basically shreds it to pieces. Davis: But hey, luckily to slivers decided to do something. Kensou: So! On with the show! ---- Chapter 32: A Shard of Memories ---- :: The Scene: Voldemort and Company :: [It was night. Barely a few hours before dawn. Some twelve hours past, Team Voldemort felt the shockwaves from where they were. Now, it was quiet and peaceful where they sat, depressed and dejected. It took them much less time than Team Rocket, or even Rantmon, to figure that their plans were not working. Voldemort sat, legs crossed, leaning on the back of a tree in the middle of the Krosan Forest. Malik, Bakura, and the Maze brothers sat in a circle, discussing whatever plan they could come up with. And in the meantime, Peter was setting up the campfire, carefully trying not to lure any beasts to their position. The forest was peaceful, for the moment. The wildlife had finished picking off whatever remained of the Cloudscraper, leaving South City desolate and destroyed, but free from blood or bones. The fire illuminated the wood around them. A pale hue of red and yellow glowed off of everything. The trees threw down their leaves, fluttering through the team like their last ounce of hope. They needed to reform. They needed success. The looming forest about them seemed to trap them in, and their victories out. The maze of twisting trees, more solid and tangible than whatever they could come up with. And Voldemort sighed. He didn't even know what was the point of trying. Why was he trying to defeat the Outlaws, anyway?! It was originally Black Amiko's plan, who he knew he loathed the minute he heard her introduction. He wanted her to suffer. He wanted to exact his revenge. It would be too much work to kill her. He needed to accomplish far worse. Then he thought of it. It hit him like the Cloudscraper hit the streets of South City. Black Amiko wanted the Five gone. He didn't care the reason, that was her problem. The only reasonable thing to do in retaliation is, of course, to take away her victory. That was one of the key points of villianry. Victory is paradigm. To have it taken away would be disaster. He found his answer. Now, he needed a plan. He looked at the Yu-Gi-Oh! villains, who nodded to each other. They had a plan ready. All neatly wrapped and ready to launch whenever they needed it. Voldemort spoke.] Voldemort: This is it. We will strike them quickly and decisively. (Peter rose up from tending the flames, siding with Voldemort.) Peter: We won't be numbered with losses. This must be it, and then, we'll aim for Rantmon. (The Yu-Gi-Oh! villains nodded. Now was the time. If they can't succeed now, they came to one conclusion.) Malik: Should we fail, there's no escape. We'll be arrested, in the best case scenario. (Voldemort nodded. There was no turning back.) Voldemort: Agreed. Now, the plan. What shall it be? (Bakura nodded, and grinned. It was the most elaborate plan imaginable. They have taken intense scrutiny, theorizing every single outcome and possibility, even if the Gods themselves should interfere. Needless to say, they were absolutely sure there was a high chance of success. Thus was the plan formulated to finally send to Five into the depths of destruction. It would be implemented soon enough. It would be greater than anything the Five had felt before.) *** :: Meanwhile! The Enders! :: [It would be greater than anything the Five had felt before... Except for, perhaps, the Enders. They certainly were taking their tasks seriously as well. They knew they would succeed where the other failed. They won't just allow themselves to be arrested like the others. They would die for their task. Mostly because their individual prides were tainted. Sauron looked at his right hand, one finger less. He glared with complete disdain at the wound that a human girl inflicted. On their introduction, as well! It was a complete insult to him and his skill! Phage filed her nails, keeping them as sharp as possible. Someone survived after fighting her. An impossibility within itself. She could not make this stay. She would have to kill Davis. And quickly. Now, Knives wasn't in a good mood, either. His two angel arms seemed useless compared to the Cloudscraper. He couldn't kill one fourteen-year-old girl. It embarrassed him to think about it! He just shook his head in shame. Cell. Cell was in a better mood than the rest. Other than finding an opponent worthy enough to kill a horde of Cell Juniors, there was the prospect of finally being active that made him feel better than the rest. And they were all determined to take care of this problem. It was no longer just Rantmon's problem. They were now in a personal struggle against this nuisance. They, too, came up with their own plan to defeat the Five. With their immense powers, they didn't need much thought in it. They came up with a plan quickly. It didn't need to be scrutinized. It was, after all, the Enders doing this. It was guaranteed to work.] Sauron: Yes, we will be quick and efficient in this. Phage: Unless Rantmon wants to jump in as well like last time. (Cell and Knives nodded. They so discussed their plan's implementation. They grinned after an hour of such, proud of themselves. Cell then stood up and turned away, explaining over his shoulder.) Cell: I will go first and rile up underlings. (Sauron then muttered.) Sauron: Having fun, then? (Cell smiled and looked back.) Cell: Of course. *** :: Meanwhile! The Crew! :: (The sun rose again. Dawn. The first dawn since they met the Enders. They were already awake and well on their way onward. SSJ sat, disinterestedly steering the horses as the rest slept. He glanced inside, seeing Amiko leaning on Kensou, as Cindy occupied the seat and TM the floor. He glanced to his left, seeing Davis sleeping on his drowsily wandering chocobo. SSJ frowned. He sat alone on the seat, driving the horses onward as the grass about him became a brighter shade of green. The Forest were on both of his sides, but he saw he was finally nearing the far end of them. He was glad. He didn't want the forest looming over him any more. The sun rose higher, and the sky was brighter shade of blue. SSJ sighed. The clopping of the hooves filled the area as it continued onward. He then saw something in the distance. A town. Great. He shook the reigns, goading the horses faster. Davis' chocobo followed close behind. They raced faster, until they reached the town. SSJ was recognized it instantly. He wasn't surprised at the familiarity of his surroundings- that deja vu became commonplace. All around, he was surrounded with ancient, feudal Japan-esque buildings. He muttered under his breath.) SSJ: Looks like Sengoku Jidai... Inu Yasha... (He drove the wagon through the town, looking about the ancient city. It clearly was still being inhabited, since the torches around the buildings were still burning brightly, illuminating every dark crevice with leaping fingers. Not a single thing seemed to make the place run down in the least bit. Not a spot of dust or dirt anywhere. He then heard rustling. He turned and saw Cindy appear through the cloth and step out into the dirt. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, sitting next to SSJ.) Cindy: Where are we now? SSJ: Sengoku Jidai. I don't think there's much reason to stay. (There was a crack. The horses pulled to a stop and the wagon nearly flipped onto its side, but managed to keep balance. One of its back wheels twirled humorously in the air as the entire wagon was tilted on a broken front wheel. TM, Amiko, and Kensou were on the dirt, jolted out of sleep. Davis, too, sat up in surprise, and the first thing he saw was the wagon. He sighed as SSJ and Cindy went to inspect the broken wheel. It was completely shattered, with splinters all over the place. Fate really did enjoy mocking them. Davis then looked about the town, and realized where they were.) Davis: We were going to abandon the wagon here, anyway. (Cindy and SSJ looked at Davis as Amiko, Kensou, and TM struggled to stretch out the soreness throughout them.) Davis: A river is nearby. We'll get to the river and boat to Hayden. (Cindy and SSJ nodded. They turned to the rest as Davis continued.) Davis: We can rest for now. We will be there quickly enough. (They all sighed. It has been a while since they actually rested. What, with a battle being held in South City almost immediately after they arrived, trying to rest in the Heretic village, having to fight for survival back on File Island... Hell, not even their vacation was much of a vacation once Dullahan decided to show up. They haven't rested since Hogwart's, which was a long way off. They definitely deserved this. As people started out of their houses, surprised at finding the wagon, the Crew and their bishounen and bishoujo disposed of the wagon. They gathered their belongings inside the wagon, and stored them away neatly in a plot hole. They returned to the town, whose inhabitants were busy tending the rice crops, and made their way to the inn.) *** :: Sometime Later - Cell :: [Cell landed near the village of Sengoku Jidai. He smiled down at the village as his feet touched down on grass. Up ahead, he saw a large mansion, built with ancient Japanese traditional architecture. He shoved upon the wide doors, stepped into the courtyard, and was greeted by a comrade. He saw a man, covered with the white fur of an animal. In the center of the wide courtyard as a glowing hole in the middle of the ground. Rantmon's hooded face was seen through the hole. Naraku spoke to the green, tailed being.] Naraku: You have come. Cell: Yes, I have. I want your help. (Naraku looked, disbelieving at what Cell just said. Rantmon then spoke through the hole.) Rantmon: Cell, has the task been completed? (Cell shook his head.) Cell: Your Cloudscraper interrupted us last time. We will exterminate them later today. Until then, I'm having fun. (Rantmon grunted in approval, nodding his head. In a flash of light, the hole disappeared from the ground, rising away like smoke rising from ashes. The projection was gone, and the stone courtyard was solid under where the hole was.) Cell: Why are you here? What about the Council? (Naraku answered without a hint of emotion.) Naraku: The purpose of the Council was completed. A few of us have left, since you Enders are on the case. (Cell nodded.) Naraku: He has full confidence in your success. (Cell stepped up to and past Naraku. Without looking over his shoulder, he responded.) Cell: As if failure is possible?! Come on! We are going to toy with these kids, as you know. (Naraku nodded, and Cell relayed his plan.) *** :: Later! Inuyasha and Company! :: [At that moment, a white-haired demon, with dog ears, mind you, walked along the path towards Sengoku Jidai. Beside him lightly stepped a young girl wearing a school uniform, clutching her bow and arrow. Traveling with the two was a young kid with a fox tail, a priest with beads covering his right arm for some reason, and a young girl with a giant boomerang. They happily entered the village, just about done with their journey. It was of note to the town, that around the schoolgirl's neck was a full pearl-esque jewel. Not a scratch could be seen on the beautiful gem. They were glad, yet sad at once. All of them would have to leave each other. They held back their tears, drifting into the town. Finally, Kagome stopped walking. The others turned back to her, not quite knowing what to say.) Kagome: I guess... This is it. (The others simply stared at the ground as tears welled in the girl's eyes.) Kagome: We're done... We'll have to go our separate ways... (Shippou then approached Kagome, trying not to make her cry.) Shippou: Don't cry! We'll be together... Right?! (They all sighed, and stepped further into town. Just a few days before, all of this was a distant thought. Now, after Naraku died and they got the last shard of the Shikkon Jewel... There was a sudden crash elsewhere in the town, gigantic pieces of wood and stone flew into the sky. All of them were taken aback, and they dashed as fast as they could towards the source of the commotion.) *** (SSJ leapt into the air, dodging the attack of a gigantic demon. It crashed into the room the six were just in, destroying everything in its wake. SSJ landed, and the other five landed beside him. This certainly was not strange or unexpected in the least bit. SSJ unwrapped his blade. TM got into his Battoujutsu stance.) SSJ: Damn this! TM: Sneaking up on us like that! (SSJ and TM dashed ahead of the others, ready to test the demon's strength. As the hulking demon reoriented itself on its six crawling, stick-like legs, SSJ and TM both slashed at the thing's hide. Their blades slid off its skin, hardly doing more than a scratch. The demon shook for a bit, and peered at the two with tiny head, red eyes ablaze. It flung its spike tail at the two. SSJ dodged, TM blocked. And then Davis jumped in, launching a meteor at it.) Davis: Try this! (The spiked meteor crashed into the beast. With an explosion, the beast was thrown back, through the wall of the inn. It crashed out the other side, crashing into another building. Cindy and Amiko aimed for its head after they leapt onto the roof, filling it with bullets and arrows. Blood flew everywhere. The creature thrashed in pain. The two were knocked off the roof. More dirt was thrown everywhere. Stone destroyed the surrounding houses. In the chaos, Kensou unsheathed one end of his katana and jabbed it into the already riddled head. One one last effort, it knocked Kensou into the air with its tail. Kensou flew forty feet into the sky as the others watched on. Then he was caught by a speeding red thing, and was next to Amiko, caught by Inuyasha. Kagome, Shippou, Sango, and Miroku arrived, staring at the bloody demon. A shadow fell over them all. They all looked up, and saw something circling in the sky. It was a dragon. They saw, even in its sillouhette, its glorious blue skin between the bones of the wings. Its face was blue, as was its underbody. The rest was brown, muscular and riddled with horns. The powerful tail shredded through the clouds as it descended upon them all, and they saw a man covered in fur standing on the head of the thing.) Amiko: Naraku! (The Inuyasha gang were taken aback. They were sure Inuyasha killed him! It happened just yesterday! But that wasn't what worried them the most.) Kensou: A dragon?! It... Can't be! They're supposed to be extinct! (Miroku, off balance, barely was able to mutter some words...) Miroku: Rith... The Awakener... (Naraku grinned under his shadow. The light from the sun was clearer than ever, and his disguise shimmered in the light. He then addressed them all, a sweat bead rolling down his chin.) Naraku: I say, we're having fun now, aren't we. (Suddenly, SSJ's yells filled the area.) SSJ: Shut up! (SSJ quickly raised his blade and dropped to the ground, about to leap forward and strike Naraku down. Before he could yell, the dragon's tail hit him directly to the gut. It swung around, and in an intelligent maneuver, hit him again directly into the ground. Everyone was taken aback as dirt flew into the air, and Naraku spoke again.) Naraku: Now, now, no need to be hasty. (As the Dragon turned its eyes to TM, he sheathed his sword, and stood passively, staring at Naraku.) TM: What is this all about?! (Naraku turned an eye to TM, chuckling to himself. Finally, he answered as a cold wind blew.) Naraku: Cell wants you all at my palace. (Inuyasha cut in, careful to restrain himself in front of the dragon.) Inuyasha: Shut the Hell up! I killed you! What is this about?! (Naraku answered without even turning an eye to Inuyasha.) Naraku: You will come, too. (Inuyasha yelled, eyes glaring with anger.) Inuyasha: Damn it! What makes you think I'd agree?! (Promptly, Inuyasha was slammed into the ground by Rith's tail. Everyone backed away as Naraku continued.) Naraku: It isn't a request. It's a command. (Rith then opened its mouth, filled with smoke. Kensou dashed at Amiko, catching her in his arms and leapt away. His cloak fluttered in the wind as flames flew from Rith's mouth. He barely dodged the blast as Cindy rolled away. They crashed down on Davis, who blocked with his arms. He was engulfed in a tremendous torrent of fire, pushed back and into a the inn that the previous legged beast tore apart. The building was caught in the flames, and soon enough, Davis could no longer take the immense heat. He was thrown back by the flames, out the other side, unconscious. Then, as everyone else was caught off guard, the dragon swung its tail about, knocking the rest off their feet. The ground rushed up and greeted them all with a painful thump. Naraku laughed, and the town was engulfed in the flames that swept from the inn. The dragon bore its teeth and bellowed into the sky, its rage seeping from every scale.) *** :: Later! Naraku's Palace! :: [It was cold. SSJ's head throbbed with pain as he peeled himself from the freezing wood floor. He looked about his room, finding himself alone. It also was dark. The only dim light that penetrated the room was wedged between the many cracks in the roof. He looked about where he was. An empty room. There was only a stack of hay that could be used as a bed, with a bowl of water nearby. He questioned the cleanliness of the water as he looked about the rest of the room. There was nothing else. The door! He saw the door! He dashed to the door, surprised to find no knob, no handle, no nothing. He was in a prison. He flung himself at the door. Nothing. He didn't even budge, and only a faint thump came from it. It was solid. He swore. Not only did it not help, but now his shoulder was throbbing in pain as well. He threw off his cloak, his shirt, and his armor, and he looked down on himself. Injuries and bruises covered his gut. He felt his back. Another bruise. He sighed, falling onto the floor. The coldness stung his skin, but at least his focus was no longer on the bruises. He lay on the hard floor, waiting for something to happen. There was a knock to the room next door. He heard shuffling and the clink of coins. It had to be TM. He breathed a sigh of relief. At least he wasn't alone. He donned his armor and shirt. The door then opened, and light flooded into the room. He covered his eyes, and in the doorway stood an orc, shadowed against the bright light. Great. Sauron's force was here. SSJ sighed, stepping up towards the orc, who led him outside. He saw the flames racing from the torches lining the halls. Stone lined the floor and walls. A genuine prison. He saw TM, sighing. SSJ then felt his belt, wondering why he felt lighter. The bishie-balls were gone. Even better. He saw Davis too, being shoved out of his room, barehanded, for once. He wasn't wearing his cape, and the armor covering his upper back was clear in the light. The moon shone bright in the dark sky, illuminating everything in a dark purple glow. The numerous stars were clear in the cleat sky, with nothing passing through. Cindy then appeared in the hall, appearing from the room past Davis'. Her clothes were soiled, dirty and her hair was a mess. She sighed, and SSJ came to the conclusion that they all were unarmed. The orcs, with their scimitars, goaded the group onward, and they all noticed two of them were missing. Where was Amiko or Kensou?! The four then came into a large room, carpeted with red. Chandeliers of candles brightened the room to a ridiculous brightness. There was a moment of pain when their eyes adjusted to the light. They said nothing as they were lined up in front of a throne, surrounded by orcs. Naraku sat, comfortable in his palace, sipping sake. He glanced at them all, clearly disturbed. He sighed, putting down his drink on the little table by his seat and stood.) Naraku: Nice to meet you all. I see we've had fun. (They all glared at Naraku, keenly aware of the many blades surrounding them.) Davis: Damn orcs. SSJ: Why are we here?! Cindy: And where's Amiko?! (Naraku sighed.) Naraku: It's quite a funny story, really. I expect them to be found by the Ringwraiths soon enough. (All of their glares were magnified at that point. SSJ stepped forward in a menacing tone, and the point of a spear came dangerously close to his neck.) SSJ: What's this all about?! (Naraku then laughed at the boy's question. Oh how he will delight in the game that Cell came up with.) Naraku: Well, we can't have you all running amok and ruining Rantmon's plan. We've finally succeeded at capturing you all, and now, we'll have fun for a bit. (SSJ was then jabbed in the gut by the butt of the spear, bounding back as the armor fought off the metal. He coughed, falling down on one knee, glaring at Naraku. Naraku sat back down in his throne. From their left, the four saw the Kagome, hands tied together, being shoved into the room. The four froze as Kagome was dragged to her feet, and the shining Shikkon necklace torn from her neck. She cried in resistance.) Kagome: No! Stop it! (The orcs ignored her, bringing the gem to the demon man. Naraku chuckled, tossing the gem up and catching it in his hand, the gem shining ever more. He then shattered the gem, ignoring Kagome's pleas. The power of the gem was freed again, and a flash of light enveloped them all. It dissipated, Naraku was grinning, holding five pieces of the Shikkon Jewel in the palm of his hand.) Naraku: The ancient memory of artifacts. That was stored inside the Shikkon Jewel. (He then contemplated. Finally he spoke.) Naraku: Ah! I want a useful relic. You three- (He pointed to Cindy, TM, and Davis.) Naraku: -Must bring to me the Books of Faith, Insight, Decay, Fire, and Life. I say I'll trade a shard of the jewel for each volume. (TM was taken aback. The Books... The words of worship, wind, waste, war, and wilding! That was from Magic again. He kept silent, glancing at Davis and Cindy.) Naraku: Of course, I can't give you your weapons. You have to do it unarmed. (Everyone could only look at Naraku in disbelief. Before Cindy could protest, Naraku interrupted.) Naraku: Go, if you want your friend to live. (At that point, TM, Cindy, and Davis were shoved out of the palace, struggling. A head poked through a door behind Naraku. Rith, the Awakener's head pushed out and the long neck was seen clearly. The tip of its head came close to SSJ's. It breathed a harsh wind at SSJ, who crouched in fear. The orcs pressed among SSJ, preventing him from running. TM, Davis, and Cindy needed no more motivation. They left, cursing amongst themselves. They were put into a carriage, dragged by a strange steed- it was a group of demons they met just yesterday, as it was a little past midnight now.) TM: What the Hell are those, anyway?! (An orc driving the carriage of decay answered.) Orc: They be a twisted mutation of an already freakish race- Stilvas. (TM's eyes widened with surprise. So that's why they looked familiar! Cindy glanced at TM.) Cindy: Didn't we kill one in Nibelheim? TM: Yeah... (And so, the carriage moved onward, into the darkness of the night. The palace shrunk as they dashed onward, back again to South City, and the Museum of Otaria...) *** :: Meanwhile! Amiko and Kensou! :: [Amiko slept silently. Kensou, in his sleeveless red shirt, sat on a log before a campfire, waiting and contemplating. He watched the red flames dancing on the firewood before him. She slept peacefully unaware of the other's fate. She was blanketed under Kensou's cloak, warm in the cold night. Kensou then heard the patter of a steed, and the rumblings of a carriage. Quickly, he buried the fire to extinguish it, laying on the ground to wait for what should pass. It was dark, yet as his eyes adjusted, he clearly saw the outline of a carriage moving back North-East. Back to South City. He saw that the steed was rather strange, not being horses, having many legs, and a tail. He couldn't discern them in the darkness, and waited as they passed. All was silent again. Kensou stood, looking about. Then, unexpectedly, he heard a chirp. He jumped in surprise, turning back and finding the light shape of a bird- A chocobo. He saw the luggage it carried on its sides. It was Davis' chocobo! Brilliant! He patted the chocobo, and found Tenpi sitting on its back, as well as Mokona. He knew what he had to do. He stepped to Amiko and shook her in her sleep. Slowly, she awoke to the darkness surrounding her. She couldn't find where she was, or who awakened her. Kensou lit a match, revealing himself, before throwing it into what was left of the firewood. A weaker flame lit, and he spoke as Amiko drowsily regained consciousness.) Kensou: We must go now. (Amiko sat up, realizing she was clutching Kensou's cloak. She thrusted it back to Kensou, and he donned it again. He picked up his sheathed double-bladed katana, and strung it around his shoulder and back. The fire blew out as Amiko spoke.) Amiko: You know where they are? Kensou: I have an idea. (She looked Kensou in the eye, which was difficult as he was much taller than her.) Amiko: How? (Kensou then looked down on Amiko, smiling.) Kensou: Trust me. (The chocobo bowed to the ground, allowing Amiko and Kensou to jump on its back. Tenpi leapt into Amiko's arms. The two squealed with delight, as Mokona flew above them all. The chocobo stood on its feet, and Kensou shook the reigns. They were off, the chocobo's footsteps faintly sounding in the distance.) ---- To Be Continued ---- - ENDING SONG: MY WILL - tsuyogaru koto dake shiri-sugite-ita watashi dakedo ano toki kara mayoi wa kieta yo misetai to omou mono ga kitto atte kikasetai kotoba mo takusan aru egao nakigao mo zenbu mite hoshikute matte-iru watashi wa yamete "CHANSU" wo tsukamu yo anata no koto wo omou sore dake de kokoro ga tsuyoku nareru ki ga suru yo hakanai omoi zutto donna toki demo negau yo anata ni todoku you ni to... ---- Preview ---- [Japanese Yu Yu Hakusho Preview music plays in background. The six appear as chibi style, and random scenes from the next episode play, though you can't see because this is text. =P] SSJ: Next time! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! Amiko: TM, Cindy, and Davis search for the mysterious Book of Fire! TM: What is hidden in the book is anyone's guess, sorta like the location of it as well. Davis: What happens when they must confront Black Amiko in order to retrieve it? Cindy: I think this'll turn out to be a shitty day... Kensou: Next! On Ginga GIRI GIRI! "Black Amiko's Ambition" ----