____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero ____________________________________________________________________________________________ - OPENING SONG: CHANGE THE WORLD - I want to change the world jounetsu tayasazu ni takanaru mirai e te wo nobaseba kagayakeru hazu sa It's wonderland kimi no kokoro furuete'ta asu no mienai yo nanimo shinjirarezu mimi wo fusagu kimi ni deaeta toki hontou no ibasho mitsuketa nanigenai yasashisa ga koko ni atte bokura mezameru I want to change the world nido to mayowanai kimi to iru mirai katachi doreba doko made mo toberu sa Change my mind jounetsu tayasazu ni shiranai ashita e tsubasa hiroge hanabatakeru hazu sa It's wonderland ---- Recap ---- [Chibi characters of TM, Cindy, and Davis appear in the foreground as scenes from the last episode play in the background. Though, you can't see 'cause this is text. =P] TM: LAST TIME! ON GINGA GIRI GIRI! Davis: Team Voldemort and the Enders plot some scheme of some sort. Cindy: And hey, we end up in Sengoku Jidai, and leave less than three hours later. TM: A crazy plot point takes place and we're captured by Naraku. Davis: And here we are, trying to get the books Naraku wants. (A chibi orc, which seems strange in itself, then appears on the screen. It looks about in confusion at its new surroundings. It then looks at the flashing scenes behind him.) Orc: What the bloody hell is this?! Cindy: It's hard to explain, but ANYWAY! On with the show! ---- Chapter 33: Black Amiko's Ambition ---- :: SSJ Heero :: [SSJ was thrown onto the floor of his prison. He was violently heaved upon the floor by the swarm of orcs, who proceeded to shut out the light and bar the door. They really didn't need to. He was so tired and full of pain, he didn't feel much like getting up. He coughed, wheezing in sore gasps. With all the effort he could muster, he pushed himself off the ground, and crawled to the wall to lean upon. He could barely keep his eyes open. He stared off dreamily at his surroundings, his eyes not adjusted yet to the profound darkness. Yet, he saw the walls, very smooth and without any openings. No escape was possible. Not that he could escape anyway, even if there was an escape route right ahead of him. A night of torture wasn't something easily recovered from. He was still reeling in pain from when they decided to send an electric current through him. His mouth was dry. His breathing was even more painful. There was a slight breeze. He was taken aback by the introduction of a cool wind. There had to be an opening! He glanced to his right, towards the wall opposite the door. He could see more now that his eyes adjusted. He shoved the pile of hay out of the way, and saw a small grate in the corner. Much to small for him to fit through. He sighed, propping himself to lean on the wall again. He sighed, breathing in the cold breeze. He blanketed himself in his cloak, providing only little warmth. Finally, he banged the back of his head on the wall and went to sleep. It was going to be a long night...] *** :: Morning :: [TM and company awoke to the black carriage coming to a sudden halt. They looked about the carriage, unsure about their surroundings. Then the memories flooded in of last night. They all sighed, because they knew a long day was ahead of them. The orc who drove the carriage goaded them out, and they again saw the stilvas in bright light. It was morning again, and they hadn't slept well at all. TM stepped onto the grass and helped Cindy down, as Davis leapt off the side of the carriage onto the grass. They were back in South City, and a massive reconstruction was taking place. Towering cranes filled the sky, rubble still covered parts of the city, and many, many workers were trying to figure out how to clean up the place. TM frowned. It would seem trivial, at this point in time, to ask for the whereabouts for artifacts. He then decided to seek help.] TM: Bulma! (And in a flash of red light, the blue-haired bishoujo appeared before TM, clearly worried as her attention was turned to the city. TM frowned at her as Cindy and Davis looked about the cleaning taking place.) Bulma: This is terrible... The city is destroyed... TM: Never mind that. Do you know where the Books can be found? (Bulma turned to TM, and nodded.) Bulma: They should have been on display at the Museum of Otaria... (TM sighed.) TM: Let's hope it still stands... *** :: Meanwhile... Kagome and Company... :: [Kagome wept. All the hard work gone to recieve the completed Shikkon Jewel... The dangerous battle Inuyasha raged against Naraku... It was all for nothing! Naraku was still alive, and hard the Shikkon Jewel broken again! Just thinking about it again made her sob even more. Her tears ran through between her fingers, down the back of her hands and crashing onto the floor. Each solitary drip sounded like crystal cracking. She was so caught up in her emotions, she didn't hear anything come through the grate to her left. It wasn't until she heard the thing yell before realizing it was Myouga. She wiped her tears away and looked about for Myouga. How the heck did he get in the room?! She turned her head to her left, and saw the jumping, tiny flea. She moved towards him, and he leapt onto her hand.] Kagome: Myouga! (Myouga panted from having leapt so high, but finally he spoke.) Myouga: This isn't a great place to be, isn't it? (Kagome then raised him to her ear as he spoke.) Myouga: Naraku plans to sacrifice you all, shortly! In front of the Outlaw leader, at that, in order to have fun! (Kagome was taken aback. Now it went from horrible to completely dismal. She couldn't escape, their weapons were taken, a dragon was inside the castle, and worse of all, Naraku had the shards of the jewel. Her spirits sank even further. Nothing Myouga could say could cheer her up now. She propped Myouga onto the floor, ignoring his speech, and leaned back on the wall to rest. Her death would come soon... She wept again.) *** :: Back to TM and Company! :: [TM, Cindy, and Davis stood outside the polished oaken doors of the Museum of Otaria. Cindy stared up at the towering building, partially collapsed from the Cloudscraper's rampage. The various turrets and buttresses of the gothic building seemed to insult the domes and futuristic style of the rest of the city. Davis looked on, hoping they could find what they needed. TM stepped forward, toward the doors. With a hand, he pressed the door to open it. With a creak, its hinges shattered, and the door fell onto the tile floor with an extremely dull thud that echoed through the building. Smoke and dust flew from the impact, as TM stared ahead with narrow eyes. Finally, he stepped inside, followed by Cindy and Davis. They looked about the abandoned museum, searching through the wide halls filled with many weapons used long ago. TM passed an orb, glowing in the darkness- the Mirari. Cindy passed a rather large weapon of war, gray and still pretty much useless- the Doom Canon. Davis came to an enclosed spulcture, broken glass spread across the area. The title of the exhibit read: "The Books of Mana - Faith, Insight, Decay, Fire, and Life". It was empty. The books were gone. He swore, calling TM and Cindy over.] Davis: The books are gone. TM: It couldn't have been... (Cindy then replied, as if reading his mind.) Cindy: Black Amiko took them? (They sighed. It would be all the more difficult to search for Black Amiko, let alone getting the books. They turned and stepped to the entrance of the museum, looking at the bright sky. Then they saw someone step into the path of the sunlight streaming into the museum. He had a sword, with a furry piece wrapped around his shoulder. White hair streamed from his head, and two demonic eyes glared at them.) TM: Sesshoumaru?! (The demon dog shrugged off the fact that they knew his name. He asked his pressing question.) Sesshoumaru: Where is the Shikkon Jewel? *** :: Amiko and Kensou :: [Davis' chocobo sprinted along the marks left by the black carriage. It was a long way; the sun had been up for a while. The chocobo continued on, Kensou driving the bird onward. Amiko pressed herself back into Kensou, fighting the air pressing into her face. It has been like that for the past hours. There was a silence except for the light step of the chocobo and the rushing winds. Then they heard Mokona in the sky.] Mokona: PUU! (Amiko and Kensou looked about, and heard the loud clops of other horses. They heard the rattling of metal. Then they saw, from behind came a dashing fleet of nine riders. Their black cloaks were clearly visible in the colorful grass and blue sky.) Amiko: Nazgul! (Kensou swore, and spurred the chocobo onward. It paced faster, trying to distance itself from the rushing horsemen. They raised their black blades into the sky, slowly catching the chocobo. Kensou kicked the chocobo; it sprinted ever harder. But that didn't help. The Ringwraiths' demonic steeds were going all the more faster. Quickly, Amiko called her bow and arrows from the gem on her left hand. She caught it, docked an arrow, and aimed at the nearest Ringwraith. With a twang, the arrow flew from Amiko's bow, directly at the head of the Ringwraith. The arrow flew past, hitting the grass as the thing came ever closer. It had dodged the arrow, and raised its blade higher to strike down Amiko and Kensou. Then the Ringwraith lost its balance on the horse. The horse threw the undead being off as blood flew all over the area. Amiko saw an arrow in the thing's head- Kensou had taken one of her arrows and jabbed it into the horse's skull.) Kensou: Keep shooting! (Amiko did just that. She took another arrow, and aimed for the next one, a distance to their left. She aimed directly at the horse's body, and let the arrow fly. It hit with precision, and the wraith was sent sprawling on the ground. She sighed, and saw the other ones pull back. That was good. The bow and arrows disappeared in a flash of light, and she turned ahead. She saw exactly what they were running from. Directly up ahead was a gigantic chasm. Much to wide for any horse to leap across. Kensou pulled on the reigns of the bird. It didn't obey. It went closer to the edge as Kensou tried to stop it, speaking in his native language.) Kensou: Tomare! (Subtitles: Stop!) (The chocobo still didn't listen. The Black Riders came to a full stop just a fifty feet away from the edge, and the chocobo leapt off the edge despite a resisting Amiko and Kensou. Then, feathers flew about the place. The chocobo spread its wings, shimmering in the light. Amiko and Kensou were taken aback as the chocobo glided over the chasm. Slowly, it was pulled down by gravity. The edge of the cliff came up dangerously fast. Amiko wasn't sure it would make it. Sand flew into the air as the bird barely caught onto the edge with its claws. Flapping its wings, it fought gravity and pulled itself onto the ledge. They made it! The chocobo continued again, and Mokona followed in the sky. Amiko hugged the chocobo in delight, as Kensou smiled. It raced onwards, towards Naraku's castle.) *** :: TM and Company! :: [The sun hung high in the sky. Davis guessed it was ten o' clock. They have been awake for four or so hours. They sat in their black carriage again, following rather deep tracks of hard tires in the grass. The tire marks were deep, so only a truly heavy object could have made them. The stilvas raced on, following the tracks as the orc looked about with two watchful, though decaying, eyes. Shadows fell upon the carriage as clouds moved across the sun. With the three Outlaws was Sesshoumaru, sitting passively in the carriage. Strangely, no one felt threatened by the presence of the demon, let alone a demon with a sword. TM sat across from him, speaking.] TM: So, we need to fetch the Books of Mana in order to get the Shikkon shards. (Sesshoumaru nodded, contemplating. Cindy, sitting beside him, then asked.) Cindy: Why are you looking for the jewel now? (Sesshoumaru glanced at Cindy, and then looked at the empty space before him.) Sesshoumaru: It doesn't matter now. Naraku is alive, and if he gets the Books, the jewel will be worthless against him. (Davis then looked at Sesshoumaru with concern.) Davis: You were planning on fighting him? (Sesshoumaru glared at Davis, yet showed no true animosity.) Sesshoumaru: Fight? No. More like slaughtering him and taking his tatoo. (The three exchanged glances.) TM: Tatoo? Sesshoumaru: On his back, he has a tatoo which grants him amazing powers. It is the symbol of the ancients, a predecessor to the Rood Inverse which now presides over magic. (They nodded to each other, not quite understanding what that meant. They had a feeling that SSJ would have known such a thing, given his lack of a life and more games played. The driving orc poked its head into the wagon.) Orc: Take a look, humans! (Their conversation ceased. TM glanced at the others, then stood up and walked between the two rows of seats to the door of the carriage. He stepped out and looked ahead. The tire tracks led straight into the Forests of Krosa, and smoke climbed from the brambles. It had to be Black Amiko.) TM: That's it. (The carriage came to a stop just at the edge of the surprisingly dark and gloomy forest. TM, Cindy, Davis, and Sesshoumaru stepped off the carriage, staring at the forest. Black Amiko was in there, with the Books of Mana. They nodded at each other- well, Sesshoumaru didn't. They then stepped inside the forest, into the darkness, and into Black Amiko's web once more.) *** :: The Second to Last Scene Change - Black Amiko :: [Black Amiko sat, her back against the thick trunk of a tree, her legs crossed with a book on her lap. It was an old and musty hard-bound book, its edges shining red. She sifted through its pages, taking in the ancient knowledge in the books. It was the book she held right at that moment that allowed her to light the fire illuminating the area, for the trees blocked most of the sun's light. All around, gold glittered as the various artifacts and treasures surrounded the area. She muttered to herself, testing her spells on the stack of burning wood before her.) Black: Firebolt! (With a crack, a lightning-shaped bolt of fire raced towards the wood. There was a crack and an explosion of fire, and the wood was blackened with fire. Black Amiko grinned. She accomplished one of the Dark Digimon Tamer's favorite spells. She tried another spell, a quite useful one at that. She raised her hand, palm up, at an ancient hammer a distance away. With a closing of her fingers, she called the hammer towards her. It flew from its resting place, and landed in her hands. But that wasn't the spell.) Black: Volcanic Hammer! (The hammer burst in an aura of flames, not burning her hand at all. She hit a nearby tree with it, causing black splinters to go flying from a mess quickly made. She smiled even wider. She then turned to the last page of the book, for she had already read the entire book- except for one spell. The words sprang out at her as she read them aloud.) Black: "Beware, do not allow your mind to be imprisoned. Passions can't be shackled by laws or mastered with logic. The choice is freedom or death." (She smirked at the words.) Black: Quite fitting words of war. (She then looked at the spell. It actually needed an incantation! She saw a block of black in the middle of the page. Was that the incantation? A simple box? She pressed her face closer to it, and was surprised to find that it wasn't just a box. The incantation was written incredibly small. She wouldn't have seen the many tiny strokes if not for barely noticing gaps in the middle of the block. She pulled forth a magnifying glass and looked at the letters. Lines flew across each symbol. Certainly, it wasn't English, Japanese, German, Elvish, the Black Language of Mordor, or Mokona, of which she fluently spoke all but the latter. [She absolutely refused to speak the language of a white, furry ball.] It was written in the language of ancients, with an insanely long incantation. She knew only a bit of the ancient language, and only could decipher just a few blocks of it. She swore.) Black: How the Hell will I master this now... Huh?! (She saw a small sentence at the bottom of the page. Using her magnifying glass, she read it aloud.) Black: "Only the passionate will know the secret of the words. War is not a tool of the rational or the orderly. Red must be paid." Red...? ...Blood? (She turned to behind the last page, as if expecting more text to be there. It was completely blank, save for a circle in the middle of the page. She had a tiny notion. She bit her finger, and saw blood flow out. Not knowing quite what to do, she pressed her bloody finger on to the page, directly in the middle of the circle. She was surprised to find she couldn't move her finger from the page. Blood flowed from her finger and spread across the page. Her finger felt weaker as more blood flowed through. She saw that the blood didn't spread normally, but it flowed through the page in set streams and lines. She was surprised to see that the Rood Inverse formed with her blood in the middle of the circle. Red letters then appeared on the top of the page, and her finger was released from the page. She shook and kissed her finger in pain, her hand weak from the loss of blood. She read aloud the words.] Black: "Truly, you soul is passionate." (She muttered to herself.) Black: Well, at least passionate enough to test a random idea. (She read again.) Black: "The words of war shall thus be given." (The pages turned back, and the black box was clear again. However, red was inside the box. Certain letters glowed red from her blood, and clearly, five words could be read in the black box, magnified enough to be readable. She was surprised to find that they were now in English.) Black: The rest is space filler to fool others?! (She then read the red text.) Black: "I call for true chaos"... Hmm... Lame, cliche words of war if you ask me. (She sighed. Perhaps she should have read the blue one first, being the Book of Insight and all. She then heard rustling of trees. She turned about, and saw the leaves brush aside and someone step into the light. She didn't hear them before! She was too drawn into the book! She leapt away, to the other side of the fire. She saw a familiar face appear from the shadows, young, blue eyed, and hair slicked back. TM stepped forward, spotting Black Amiko, and other rustlings were heard.) Black: You! (TM grinned.) TM: We finally found you. (Davis, Cindy, and Sesshoumaru stepped into the light as well. Black Amiko assessed her situation, cursing to herself.) Black: (You moron. How could you let them sneak up on you?! There are four of them, one of you; you are outmatched. Think of a plan!) Davis: I'm pretty sure you have the Books of Mana. Cindy: We need them now! (Black Amiko glared at them. The Books of Mana?! Why would she give them up?!) Black: I'm afraid that you won't be getting them. (She then saw that they haven't noticed the stack of books just beside them. She raised a palm, and quickly, they all flew towards her with the closing of her fingers. Everyone was taken aback.) Cindy: A telekenetic?! (Black Amiko grinned.) Black: Yeah, I am. (TM, Cindy, and Davis gritted their teeth. Black Amiko held the books in her hand, and spoke with an advantage.) Black: I'll be willing to trade these books, as long as I get something in return. (The three sighed. Not another trade! Cindy glared at Black Amiko, speaking for the rest.) Cindy: We're kinda tired of striking deals... Black: Hm. Then I guess I won't be giving these. (They all sighed. Davis then glared at Black Amiko.) Davis: Why did you take the artifacts, anyway? (Black Amiko grinned.) Black: I never thought you'd ask. You don't know my plans, and I doubt you all have the time to stop it... (Everyone was silent, Black Amiko held her breath, and then spoke with frightfully serious eyes.) Black: I plan on having complete knowledge on all magic. Every spell- every word- every single incantation. I will know it all. (They all were taken aback. What an impossible, insane plan! TM stepped forward, yelling.) TM: What kind of plan is that?! Are you completely insane? (Black Amiko's intense eyes shown clearly in the firelight. She held up the Book of Fire.) Black: Insane? Impossible? No. I already have mastered every spell in the Book of Fire. That's one fifth of every spell in existence. If I can easily master every red spell, the other spells are just a stepping stone away. (Everyone stared at Black Amiko with narrow eyes. Davis then spoke; everyone diverted their attention to him.) Davis: Why? Why do you want to control magic? (Once more, Black Amiko grinned.) Black: Power. Power for when I will destroy this world's Master. (Everyone was silent.) TM: ...Master?! Black: Above the Six Gods, there is a higher being. Higher than any of the awakened dragons, higher than everything- Except Rantmon. It is from her that this world was managed in Rantmon's absense. She is directly connected to the world, hidden within its nature. You could argue that she is Nature itself. It is her that created me. Created me, based on your friend, White Amiko. (TM then angrily yelled.) TM: What the Hell does that mean?! You and Dark SSJ both said you all were based off the other- What, does that mean you both are copies of SSJ and Amiko?! (Black was silent. She finally spoke, eyes serious.) Black: If you want to really know our origins... Why not speak to her, the Master? (They all were then silent. Black then spoke, their shadows dancing around the trees.) Black: These books- I'd be willing to trade them for another power... Give me all of your money. All of it. Money is power, a power stronger than all of magic. (They were all silent. TM couldn't believe the unbelievable offer. He had finally amassed several quadrillion dollars again! It took him another sixteen chapters to do so! He sighed. There was no escaping it. They needed the books, and SSJ needed to be saved. He pulled out his checkbook, scribbled everything about his bank account on a piece of paper. He then shoved it into Black Amiko's hand. She, in turn, handed the Books to him. Everyone glanced at Black Amiko.) Black: I'm not one to lie. Those are the real things. (TM then gave a book to Cindy, and handing two to Davis to carry. They then glanced back at Black Amiko, turning about and walking into the shadows again. Black Amiko then pocketted the checkbook, turned around, and saw Sesshoumaru.) Black: Get the books back, and you may keep the Shikkon Jewel. (Sesshoumaru nodded to her.) Sesshoumaru: Yes, Black Mistress. I shall do was demanded. (Sesshoumaru then dashed to follow the three out of the forest, Black Amiko smiling with delight. The light went out- the wood had depleted and only ash lay in the center of the dirt hole dug up. Her plan certainly was a good one, this time around.) *** :: The Final Scene Change (Thank God) - Naraku's Palace :: [SSJ slept peacefully on the wall of his cell. He hadn't moved since midnight, except for the contractions and expansions of his lungs. He didn't hear the knockings on the door that echoed throughout the cell. He didn't hear the door opened or the footsteps of someone walking in. He didn't even hear the clinking of metal scimtars. He was only jolted awake when he was tossed away from the wall and onto the cold floor. Quickly awake, he turned his head to see his awakener- an Uruk-Hai. It held its schimtar to his neck. SSJ edged back, getting to his feet and stepping away from the blade. He came into the hallway, and saw himself surrounded with orcs again. Once more, they spurred him through the stone hallway, the sun shining brightly overhead. He came to the carpetted room again. He was pushed onward, and stood in front of Naraku once more. Naraku grinned.] SSJ: What is this about? More torment? (Naraku shook his head, still grinning stupidly.) Naraku: No. Well, not the kind you would imagine. (Naraku snapped his fingers, and SSJ noticed, for the first time, that there was a flowing curtain behind the throne Naraku sat in. It raised up, light pouring under it and into the room behind. SSJ's eyes widened with surprise when he saw what was behind the curtain. He saw Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippou, Sango, and Miroku, chained to the wall opposite him. They were chained within a backroom of polished wood, everywhere shining. They were all clearly aware of their surroundings. Kagome was crying. Inuyasha stood, depressed. Shippou couldn't stand it. Sango, too, had a river of tears flowing from her eyes, and Miroku stared dejectedly at the ground. And within the room was Rith, the Awakener. SSJ didn't need much thinking to figure out what he would witness.) SSJ: Dear God... Naraku: Consider this your lucky day. You won't be the one to suffer the fate of these ones! (Rith bellowed into the sky. SSJ stood were he was, staring wide-eyed at the horror which would unfold. He couldn't stand it, either. The orcs surrounded him, weapons drawn. He was unarmed, and his fists would be absolutely useless. His intelligence, pointless, slow, and unrelieable in such a situation. He could not do anything. He saw Rith bare its teeth, and could only yell in protest.) SSJ: YAMERO! (Subtitles: STOP!) (Yet, the dragon did not stop. Elsewhere, Cell sat in his solitary room, watching the scene unfold with excited eyes. He chuckled, happy to see SSJ suffer. Back at Rith, saliva fell to the floor as its teeth remained bared. There was no hope. Rith pressed its face closer to its first target- Sango.) Sango: Iya! (Subtitles: No!) (Naraku could only smile. SSJ's face twisted and contorted, growing ever the more hateful. Rith raised its head in preparation to tear through Sango and eat her as she stood. SSJ yelled once more, his screams echoing throughout the entire castle.) SSJ: YAMERO! ---- To Be Continued ---- - ENDING SONG: FUKAI MORI - boku-tachi wa ikiru hodo ni nakushite'ku sukoshi zutsu itsuwari ya uso wo matoi tachisukumu koe mo naku aoi aoi sora no iro mo kidzukanai mama sugite yuku mainichi ga kawatte yuku tsukurareta wakugumi wo koe ima wo ikite sabitsuita kokoro mata ugokidasu yo toki no RIZUMU wo shireba mo ichido toberu darou boku-tachi wa samayoi nagara ikite yuku doko made mo shinjite'ru hikari motome arukidasu kimi to ima ---- Preview ---- [Japanese Yu Yu Hakusho Preview music plays in background. The six appear as chibi style, and random scenes from the next episode play, though you can't see because this is text. =P] SSJ: Holy crap, what's going to happen? Amiko: Damn you, and your cliffhangers! Kensou: Anyway, next time! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! (Kensou's chibi self then turned to SSJ.) Kensou: I did that correctly, right? (SSJ nodded, and then TM continued.) TM: Will we reach Naraku in time to take back the Jewel? Davis: What will happen with Sesshoumaru and his quest for the Shikkon Jewel? Cindy: And when will Amiko and Kensou return and will they help this situation?! All: Next! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! "A Man's Back" ----