____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero ____________________________________________________________________________________________ - OPENING SONG: GRIP! - Aiiro ni chirabaru nanatsu no hoshi yo Sorezore ni ima omoi wa tsunori uchikudakarete ai wo sakenda Nigedasu koto mo dekizu ni yume ni sugaritsuku Ikasama na hibi nado ni wa mou makenai Mezameyou kono shunkan wo Yagate bokura wo torimaku dearou Musekaeru you na riaru na nichijou Taisetsu na mono wa ... nanda?! Zeitaku na sekai no naka ni miekakure suru eien no kakera Sawatte tsukande bokura no ima wo kicchiri aruitekou Saigo ni, warau tame bokura no ima wo kicchiri aruitekou ---- Recap ---- [Chibi characters of SSJ, Amiko, and Kensou appear in the foreground as scenes from the last episode play in the background. Though, you can't see 'cause this is text. =P] SSJ: Last time! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! Amiko: Possibly the most scene changes ever! Kensou: In one ring, TM, Cindy, and Davis try to find the Books of Mana. They arrive at the Museum of Otaria only to find Black Amiko took the Books and Sesshoumaru wants the Shikkon Jewel. They catch Black Amiko, and for the low price of several quadrillion dollars get the books. Amiko: And in the other corner, Kensou and I race to get to Naraku's castle. But guess what shows up to chase us? Ringwraiths chase us off a cliff, but hey, the chocobo can FLY! So now, we're heading off to SSJ's aide! SSJ: And I am currently in a dramatic situation where Sango is about to be eaten by Rith, the Awakener. How the Hell will this end? Amiko: So on with the show! ---- Chapter 34: A Man's Back ---- [SSJ yelled at the top of his lungs for them to stop. His eyes were wide, his pupils shot, and his teeth bared and clenched. His muscles were tense, as he balled his hands into fists. He breathed heavily the cold air. He yelled once more, this time giving Naraku, in his kimono, a hateful glare. His voice was tense and angry, even with the throng of orcs pushing him back.] SSJ: Naraku. Stop this now. (But Naraku only laughed at the proposal.) Naraku: You must be pretty prideful now, ordering me like that! (SSJ's eyes narrowed even more, his face with many wrinkles.) SSJ: Stop it. (Naraku noticed the eyes. He smirked even more. He glanced from Rith, ready to tear through Sango, then back at SSJ.) Naraku: Think your scary leer can help? It won't help that girl from dying... Rith! Do it! (The dragon turned its head to Naraku, nodded, and lunged its head at the screaming Sango. Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippou, and Miroku were frozen in fear. SSJ could no longer feel any more sympathy for Sango as dust, sawdust, and wood pieces flew everywhere. His entire mind was filled only with hatred. Just as he was about to drop to his feet and pounce on Naraku, the dust cleared, and he saw Sango was still alive. He also saw the Lord of the Rings grasping Rith's snout, standing before the girl. Sauron turned to Naraku, and violently chastised him.) Sauron: You must be truly moronic, Naraku, if you would soil Rith like this. (Naraku stepped back from his throne, his back to SSJ. Sauron glared at Naraku through his helm.) Naraku: But- This has nothing to do with you! (Sauron didn't answer that. He glanced at the wall across the room.) Sauron: Cell, you're an Ender. You spoil our rank by this petty insult to Rith. (The wall broke open, and there was Cell, sitting cross-legged on the smooth wood floor. SSJ was blank of mind, not knowing exactly what to do anymore. But Sauron continued still.) Sauron: Rith can not be used in such a degrading way. It is a legendary Hybrid Dragon, and you insult it's power with simple execution! (Cell stood, and as if like a marionette, walked unbalanced towards Sauron. It was as if he moved against his will.) Cell: Stop puppeteering me! (There was a loud boom. Cell punched himself in the face. SSJ was puzzled over the situation, but finally came to the only conclusion possible. He looked at Sauron.) SSJ: You're a psychic. (Sauron then noticed SSJ for the first time. He replied in his serious tone.) Sauron: Yes. I can dig into people's minds and take control. I am a telepath and a telekenetic, one of the few in the world. But never mind that. Naraku, Cell... (Naraku stepped back again. Sauron patted the dragon, and then shooed it away. Rith obliged, tearing the roof with its wings, and speeding into the sky. It was gone and sawdust flew everywhere. Giant shards of wood and stone fell to the floor before Sauron.) Sauron: The games are over. We will capture the Five and return to Rantmon. (Cell was forced to oblige. Naraku got to his knees and bowed to Sauron.) Naraku: I'm sorry! I will do as ordered! (Sauron glared once more at the two miscreants. His glare, for an instant, flickered on SSJ, and then spoke to his orcs surrounding SSJ.) Sauron: Throw him into the pit until his friends arrive. (Sauron turned and disappeared in a swirl of leaves. SSJ looked at where the Dark Lord once was, and muttered to himself.) SSJ: A ninja, too? What has Rantmon done?! (With that, the group of orcs pushed him back. One went by the door, but pressed its hands on the ground. A trap door opened, and a flight of stairs into darkness lay before him. He was shoved, and he tumbled down the flight of stone steps. He hit the ground, reeling with pain. He could barely move is eyes to see the trap door shut above him, and he was plunged into darkness. He was alone, in darkness, and no one was nearby. Or was there? He heard rustlings a distance away. He was frozen with fear. He mustered whatever strength he had and turn his head frantically around the room. He then saw a faint black figure standing above him. He then heard a voice.) Voice: What's this...? Can it be you...?! *** :: Cindy and Company :: [Cindy, Davis, and TM sat with Sesshoumaru inside their black carriage. The red stilvas raced onward, their manes of spikes glistening in the sun. It was now one o' clock, and Naraku's palace was seen in the distance. They each clutched at the books they held, hoping they weren't too late for anything. The orc driving the decaying carriage didn't mind much of anything, ignoring all the mud the stilvas threw in their wake. Then there was a crash. Cindy and company, along with Sesshoumaru, stuck their heads out of the carriage, and saw dragon wings tearing from the castle. The magnificent blue and brown shone as the head also tore from the castle roof. Its horns menaced at them as it bellowed into the sky, flapped its wings, and leapt away into the sky. It glided away and disappeared from view, stunning everyone.] TM: What the Hell is going on?! Cindy: The dragon! Is SSJ alright?! Davis: Get us there faster! (The orc obliged, whipping the stilvas. Davis and TM were thrown back to their seats, and Cindy landed between the two. Sesshoumaru still stood at the opening of the carriage, staring at Rith's flight path. He thought to himself, quite aware of Black Amiko's demand.) Sesshoumaru: (Damn... Naraku might not be in the mood to bargain after that...) (And the carriage went ahead, through the grass and towards the castle. Before long, they arrived and came to a grinding halt upon Naraku's stone courtyard. TM was the first to leap off, followed by Cindy and Davis, all clutching books. Sesshoumaru also was about to step off, if the orc did not stop him.) Orc: You are not permitted to enter. (Sesshoumaru smirked at the comment.) Sesshoumaru: I'd like to see you enforce that. (Blood flew into the air and fell about the place. Blood rained on the stilvas, whose thick hides prevented them from feeling the wet, thick liquid. Sesshoumaru stood, hands bloody. His arm tore straight through the orc's chest. The orc was taken aback. Its veins were still pumping blood, even though his heart was in Sesshoumaru's hands, behind the thing's back. Before he could scream in pain, the demon painfully tore out the thing's vocal cords with his free hand, while crushing the bloody heart within his hands. He pulled his hands out, blood drenching his arms. The body lay before him, on the coach of the carriage, just behind the steeds. Not caring much, he left it there to decay all the more faster. He leapt off the carriage with his demonic strength, stepped inside the palace, and followed the three. He muttered to himself.) Sesshoumaru: I won't fail you. No matter what. *** (TM, Cindy, and Davis found a group of orcs sooner. Before they could reply, they quickly were swarmed with the brooding creatures. They held their scimitars tight, ready to kill them. TM, Cindy, and Davis glanced about, not quite understanding their situation. TM was angry, to say the least. His hard earned (though illegally earned) money was gone, he was carrying books like an old, haggish librarian, and Naraku's pride was pissing him off. He finally spoke in a low, serious voice, much different from his normal one.) TM: Get out of our way. We're here to see Naraku. (The orcs' scimitars suddenly moved, and their blades were just a few inches from TM's flesh all around. TM's eyes did not change. He didn't care. He didn't want to be bothered.) TM: If you kill me, I will destroy the books. Naraku won't be happy then, will he? (The orc's hesitated. Certainly, they knew of Naraku's power. Sauron was were their allegiance lay, but Naraku still could kill them easily. Still, they obliged, putting their blades away and pushing them towards Naraku. The three were surprised to see the state of the carpeted room. The chandeliers lay in pieces on the ground, its brilliant metal works dented, and its crystals spread over the ground in sharp shards. There was a gigantic hole in the ceiling, which they guessed was caused by the dragon. Dust was still falling from the ceiling, and stone and wood dirtied the floor. They noticed on the opposite wall that it was deeper from before. There was another room behind the throne, though it was empty, save for indents from large footprints, and various chains on the wall. In the middle of the mess, they saw Naraku, clearly disturbed. He heard them coming. He turned around, eyes still shadowed. He then spoke, trying to level his voice.) Naraku: You have the books? (They all nodded, raising the five books in the air. Naraku glanced at each once. It was impossible to copy the Books, he knew. He's seen his comrades try... He shook the memory from his mind. He stepped to them all, the shards of the jewel clinking in his hand. He put the shards on the floor, and stepped back. There was a pause. Cindy was the first to step forward and place her book on the ground. TM and Davis followed suit, piling their books on top of hers. As TM stepped back, he took the shards in his hand. Their deal was done. There was nothing more to do... It was then the realization dawned on him.) TM: Damn. (Cindy and Davis glanced at him, as their path outside was barred by the army of orcs, scimitars in hand again. Naraku smiled, as the boy was fast in figuring out the flaw. Davis and Cindy were puzzled. Why couldn't they go? They had done as he asked. Why didn't he live up to his end... Then Davis, too, realized their folly.) Davis: Our leave was never part of the deal. (Naraku grinned.) Naraku: Precisely. That's because you won't be escaping. (They all swore.) Cindy: Damn...! All that was for nothing. (Naraku turned away from the minions.) Naraku: Imprisonment sounds fine for now. *** :: Amiko and Kensou :: [Naraku's Palace loomed before them, in the middle of a clearing in a small forest. Amiko sat at the base of a tall tree, squinting at the castle. Kensou stood a distance above her in the tree, also inspecting the castle. Amiko gulped at what they were risking. They were risking their lives in order to help SSJ and company. She didn't even know where they were, and they were planning to break in and take her friends back. Come to think of it, she didn't even know if they still had their needed weapons. This was not going to be an easy or safe task. She looked up at Kensou. He stopped turning his head and leapt down onto the ground, his chain mail armor ringing loudly in the quiet forest. He then pulled off his gloves, off the sleeves of his cloak, and off the ragged cloak itself. He was only in his sleeveless red shirt, black pants, and boots now, as he turned to her.] Kensou: We can't be stealthy with my cloak. (Kensou then thought about it, and against his better thoughts, took off his armor as well. Amiko was disturbed by this.) Amiko: Are you going to be okay, Kensou? (Kensou nodded, then turned to Amiko, as if to say 'You should be concerned about yourself.' She pulled out a ribbon from her shoes and tied her hair back into a pony tail before materializing her eskudo armor and bow and arrows, along with her shield, which she attached to the back of her left forearm. She glanced at Kensou again, and sighed.) Amiko: Okay. I'm ready. (But just as the two were ready to leap and dash through the tall grass towards the palace, Kensou felt a sharp, jabbing pain in the back of his neck. It felt like a flea, which he smacked with his hand. He then pulled what he just crushed off his neck, and put it in the center of his palm. Amiko took a look, but was surprised to find a small, miniature person with extra limbs.) Amiko: Myouga the Flea! (Kensou looked at her.) Kensou: You know him? Amiko: I know OF him. (The two waited for Myouga to recover. As he slowly got his act together, he looked up at Kensou and Amiko.) Myouga: Ah...! So you *are* the last Outlaw! (Amiko looked at the thing with inquisitive eyes.) Amiko: ...Last? (Myouga caught his breath as Kensou rubbed the back of his neck, muttering various obscenities in Japanese. The tiny man bowed in apology, speaking in his most polite tone possible.) Myouga: I apologize, young man, but I tried to get your attention! (He then turned to Amiko, completely serious.) Myouga: You see, your friends are imprisoned at the very moment, with your leader sent to the pit! (Amiko didn't reply. This was terrible! Her friends were now in cold, hard cells, and SSJ was in the pit...) Amiko: What's the pit? Myouga: It's terrible down there! I've seen it! They imprison the worst of their enemies in there, along with the very worst demons possible! (Amiko's skin paled. Her mouth went dry. She could only imagine what SSJ might have been going through right now. Her eyes fell to the grass under her feet for a moment, but then she lifted her head and asked.) Amiko: Myouga, where're they keeping the weapons? Inform Inuyasha of our plan when I tell you. (Myouga nodded, amazed by her determination.) Myouga: You do know that the Enders are in there, ready to kill you if they need to. (Amiko weakly grinned. Looks like everything was relying on her and Kensou at that very moment.) *** :: SSJ Heero :: [SSJ sat, leaning against a wall. He sighed, examining the person before him in the very dim room. The old man, with his white beard full of dirt, his spectacles broken, and his pointy hat laid aside, sat before SSJ, weakly kindling a fire with a broken wand. Albus Dumbledore was having a terrificly terrible time trying to add heat to the cold room. SSJ glanced about the room, finding the dead bodies of the demons the aged wizard killed before SSJ arrived. SSJ could only wonder what had happened during the time after they left Hogwarts. Hermione sat by his side, worried over the elder. SSJ was surprised when he found her bishie ball just tied around his boots, along with some others. He recalled he had attached them there to reduce any pain induced from hitting the ground, but that was no matter. She pulled out her wand and called out a spell to light the firewood again, illuminating the room thus further. Her face was sunken in sadness over the man's condition. SSJ threw her an empathetic glance, but very bluntly asked his question.] SSJ: What happened at Hogwarts? (Hermione turned to SSJ.) Hermione: Maybe you shouldn't- (Dumbledore stopped her, smiling weakly and explaining.) Dumbledore: Quite a lot of things happened. The school was destroyed. (SSJ and Hermione couldn't contain their surprise at all. Hermione cupped her hands over her mouth, tears welling in her eyes. SSJ's wide eyes eventually narrowed into a glare aimed at the fire.) SSJ: Why? (Dumbledore sighed, taking off his spectacles and wiping them with a cloth. The glass fell and hit the floor with a loud ching. He explained, putting his spectacles into his pocket.) Dumbledore: Just a few days after you left, we had a visit from... Rantmon himself. (SSJ had to struggle to contain his anger at that point. Not even he was gifted with the "priveledge" of meeting Rantmon yet, and that bastard shows up at a school?! Hermione noticed SSJ's anger quite clearly.) Hermione: Terrible... Dumbledore: Yes, it was. He demanded we do his bidding, and told us all to search for the God of Earth's domain. (SSJ pulled himself from his little world, looking up from the dying fire, and at the man.) SSJ: The God of Earth?! He's using wizards to locate the God? (Dumbledore nodded.) Dumbledore: It was wizards who served the God of Earth in ancient times. The gateway to the mana pool was opened the God of Earth, who led the first wizards to use magic. That is why Rantmon wanted to use us. But... The second the we conceded and left in search of the God, the place degenerated into chaos. (Hermione couldn't believe it. This was too terrible to believe. She then spoke with a shaky voice.) Hermione: What happened? How can the school fall so quickly? (Dumbledore then looked up at the ceiling of the pit they were in, and spoke with a weak voice.) Dumbledore: Hogwarts was the seal to Rith. Underneath everything, Rith was sealed. It tore out of its seal, crashing through the foundation of the school, and simply tore the school into pieces. (SSJ's eyes averted to the ground.) SSJ: And once you learned about this, you tried to stop Rantmon. Then, you were put here? (Dumbledore meekly nodded. SSJ gritted his teeth. Terrible. This was truly terrible.) *** :: Amiko and Kensou :: [Amiko silently slipped through the halls of Naraku's castle, carefully aware of everything around her. She didn't want to get caught now. She was anxious to find out whether her friends were okay. But she didn't let either get to her. She was calm and collected as she sneaked through the enemy territory. Now, she pressed her back to the wall of a corner. Myouga jumped off her shoulder and took a glance down the hall. He whispered for her to dash past. She did, and was on the opposite side of the intersection in less than a second. Her shoes dangled off her backpack as she went through the palace in only her socks. She hardly made an audible sound as she passed through in search of the team's weapons. Kensou was elsewhere, quietly, tensely walking about the building. He wanted to avoid confrontation. He didn't want to attract attention and foil Amiko's plan. Yet, he gripped his double-blades tightly, as if a fight was inevitable. He was searching for the cells, with Mokona as his guide. Mokona sat on the teen's head, carefully noticing anything and everything of importance, and steering Kensou's attention to each. Thanks to him, they avoided the myriad of traps that now lay behind their path. The two teams were advancing onward, ready for anything. Without confrontation, Amiko came to a heavily barred door. Opening it and stepping inside, she found the weapons room, stockpiled with every weapon imaginable: guns, shurikens, blades, lances, bombs... Kensou, meanwhile, heard the sounds of orcish grunts, and hid behind a large pillar that was in plain sight of an intersection leading to a stone wall and concrete paths. He could tell the cells were close. Amiko sifted through the weapons room, finding whatever weapons the Crew owned. She took the Hellfire sword from the rack of swords, the Meteor Gloves from a bare table, Hiko's Sword also from the sword rack, and the many revolvers of Cindy from holsters. She, too, found the many bishie balls hidden in a pot, but she simply had no way to carry all of them. She then had an idea. She called her bishounen. With a flash of red, all of them (it was a pretty big room) appeared around her.] Amiko: Everyone, take these into the waiting room. (The bishounen sighed, as they weren't being summoned, but they assented, and did so, and the weapons were gone without hassle. Meanwhile, Kensou's blade was drenched with blood. In less than half a minute, every orc around the cells was a bloody mess. He panted, for he was tired from the silent assassination. He then sliced through the locks of the doors, opening them to his surprised comrades one by one. Eventually, they all stood outside their cells, awaiting Amiko's rendezvous. Cindy was hugging Mokona fervently, as TM and Davis prepared themselves for an immense battle. TM was clutching his single bishie ball of Bulma, glad he kept it in his armlet. Amiko came quickly with Myouga.) Amiko: Here are the weapons. (In a flash of red, TM's sword materialized in his hands. Davis was quickly pulling on his metal gloves, sparking with energy. Cindy was reloading her revolvers, ready for anything. Their bishie balls were returned, and so were their old strength. Now they were prepared. TM raised a clenched fist.) TM: Now, we save SSJ and get out of here! (Everyone smiled with anticipation. Amiko turned to Myouga.) Amiko: Where's the pit? (Myouga answered, and they dashed forward to meet their opposition. The alarm was sounded. Bells rang throughout the building. Orcs rushed to meet them head-on. They were sliced to bits with a Zero Slash, burned and crushed with raining meteors, torn as bullets crashed into them, and their blood flew about when arrows met their faces. Kensou, too, helped, as his two blades took up the posterior defense. They raced onwards, dearly hoping that SSJ was okay.) *** :: Inuyasha :: [Inuyasha sat in his cell, quite relieved about Sango's survival. But still, he was angry. That Naraku could at least bother to give him some recognition for killing whatever he fought. He gave the wall his fist and swore. Naraku wouldn't even look at him now! What the Hell made that demon so full of himself?! Inuyasha then heard it. He heard the very faint sound of footsteps. It came slowly towards him... He didn't know what to expect. He turned to the door just in time to see a bloody blade tear through and slice the door off its hinges. The door fell into the cell, and the shadowed shape of Kensou stood in the hall. He then saw Kagome step forward.] Kagome: Come on, Inuyasha! Let's go stop Naraku! (Inuyasha was stunned. His surprise then slowly changed into a prideful grin. He nodded, leaping to his feet and dashing towards the group, already moving forward. He saw a peculiar girl with brown hair pointing back at him, and suddenly, the Tetsusaiga was suddenly in his hands. The girl yelled.) Amiko: Just ignore what doesn't make sense, and let loose! (Inuyasha glanced at her, and then back a group of demons suddenly chasing after them through the halls. He skidded to a stop, and raised his sword to the air. It gained a shade of red, and he slashed in the general direction of the demons.) Inuyasha: Scar of the Wind! (TM looked back and thought that looked strangely like his Zero Slash, but shrugged it off and continued slicing through the traps Mokona pointed out to him. TM glanced back, arrows were filling the orcish screams behind them. Kagome and Amiko pulled off a team attack against their pursuers before leaping back and dashing in step with them all. They came to Naraku's room soon enough, finding the demon sitting hunched in his throne, pissed as a dragon. His face was shadowed by the animal fur, still, yet they could see his anger seething. Inuyasha was the first to step forward, resting his sword on his shoulder.) Inuyasha: Naraku... How are you alive? (Naraku stood and spoke.) Naraku: And what's so strange about that? I never died. (Inuyasha clenched his teeth and fists. He aimed the tip of his sword at the powerful demon.) Inuyasha: What the Hell do you mean by that?! (Naraku's teeth formed into a grin.) Naraku: You've never seen a mana clone, I take it. (Inuyasha looked back on Kagome, Shippou, Sango, and Miroku, all of whom shrugged. Naraku then addressed TM, recognizing the face again.) TM: What do you want? Naraku: You have killed one of Rantmon's mana clones. (TM stared, confused at Naraku. He cast a glance on his comrades, then back to Naraku.) TM: I did...? Wait, so those clones that break into smoke, they're called mana clones, then. (Naraku nodded. Inuyasha spat on the carpet. Kagome then addressed Naraku.) Kagome: Please... Stop this now! *** :: SSJ and Hermione :: [Hermione sobbed and wailed. Dumbledore lay before the two, lifeless and still. Tears poured from her eyes as she cried out for him to come back. She clutched at the elder's robes, with her hair falling over her face. Repeated gasps and anguished moans came as SSJ helplessly stood, weak and afraid. He stared at Dumbledore, the once proud and joyous wizard, now a corpse ahead of him. He looked upon Hermione, not just his bishoujo, but one of his friends... All of his bishoujo were his friends. He didn't want anything to happen to them. He continued staring at Dumbledore and the sobbing Hermione with wide eyes and an open mouth. Tears began welling in his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away before they fell to the ground. He thought to himself.] SSJ: (I don't want to cry. I've stopped crying years ago...) (His eyes slowly, the more the sight of the dead Dumbledore filled his eyes, narrowed. They narrowed further, seeing his friend in such pain. His sadness changed into anger. He was seething. He was red. He was on the verge of madness. But he was also alive, and could do what Dumbledore couldn't now. It was because of Rantmon. It was all Rantmon's fault that the school was a pile of rubble. It was Rantmon's fault that Dumbledore was dead. It was Rantmon's fault that the world was living in fear. But most of all, it was Rantmon's fault for his pride being ruined once again. SSJ clenched his fists so hard blood came from his hands. Drip. Hermione heard it clearly, and with tears running down her cheeks, she turned back to the angry, glaring SSJ. He then spoke in a tone of voice he never used before.) SSJ: Can you apparate? (Hermione shook her head. SSJ simply commanded.) SSJ: Do it anyway. *** :: Naraku's Throne Room :: (Naraku simply raised his hands and placed fingers to his forehead. A burst of black light flashed from Naraku. Energy seemed to wrap around the demon, and a visual black aura was seen around him. Naraku then grinned, challenging Inuyasha.) Naraku: My Aura has gotten powerful enough to be seen with the naked eye. (Inuyasha's mouth dropped. TM shook in fear. Davis fell to one knee. Everyone was scared for their life at that point. Everyone except SSJ, who suddenly appeared just before them with a crack. They also saw Hermione, clutching on to him with her wand, sobbing. They heard her spoke.) Hermione: I said I couldn't apparate... SSJ: It's fine. This is where I want to be anyway. Hermione: ...Please, don't lose yourself. (SSJ didn't even turn to look Hermione in the eye.) SSJ: I promise. (With that and a flash of red light, Hermione was gone, and SSJ was on one knee on the floor. He glared up at Naraku, in the animal fur.) SSJ: Quit being a pompous ass and take off that stupid cloak before fighting me. (SSJ threw off his red cloak, with his muscles shaking in anger. TM didn't know where SSJ's sudden surge of hatred came from. Davis had never seen his friend in such a state. Cindy stared in surprise as she saw SSJ shaking all over. Amiko, most of all, noticed the intense change in moods. What once was a prideful, determined friend of hers was now an unfamiliar, hateful, completely different boy. He didn't emit the same vibes as before. But, Naraku still assented. He nodded, but turned around to show his back before throwing down his cloak. Everyone's eyes widened at the sight. Well, save for SSJ, who seemed unmoved by the revelation. On the demon's back was a series of lines, all coming together to form an x-shape and a vertical shape pointed at the edges. The flowing lines, the elegant curves, and the careful attention to detail. SSJ recognized it.) TM: That's the tattoo Sesshoumaru mentioned...? Davis: Crazy... Cindy: Is that giving him this dark power?! (SSJ then spoke, glaring ever narrower as blood dripped onto the carpet.) SSJ: The Blood Sin... From Vagrant Story. Too bad all of the Dark Mana won't help you this time. (Naraku turned about, shirtless with his purple pants. A black sash kept them up, as they flowed down over his bare feet. Naraku gave the most insane grin ever, with his eyes wide open and his eyebrows curving into a glare.) Naraku: If you wish to die, come on! (SSJ then rose to his feet. He cast a glance on Amiko. The friend tossed him his wrapped Hellfire sword. He unwrapped it slowly, allowing his bloody fists to be wiped by the cloth. Finally, the boy stood with his sword by his side. TM leapt forward next to SSJ.) TM: I'm taking this one down as well! (SSJ nodded. Davis followed, as did Inuyasha, Kensou, and Miroku. SSJ then addressed the demon's last phrase.) SSJ: I will not die here. If I am to die, I'll have to slaughter Rantmon first. (Naraku smiled, stepping off of his pedestal towards the group. He speaks as he approaches.) Naraku: A man grows up watching the back of the man before him. Show me if you've seen the back of the strongest! *** :: Voldemort and Company :: [Team Voldemort got to their feet. They filed one by one out of their hot-air balloon, which landed just on a hill overlooking a castle with a rather large hole in it. They looked at each other, and nodded. As the grass waved and whispered inaudible melodies, the team stepped forward, uncaring about being clearly seen in the environment. Their black cloaks covered their bodies, contrasting very much with the bright world around them. Voldemort led the pack, his wand in hands. Wormtail followed, his right hand constantly twitching. Malik was third, gripping his shining golden Millennium Item, a rod with a sphere on the top adorned with an eye and two blades, tightly in his hands. Bakura was next, holding his own Millennium Item, a shiny ring with a triangle encircled, bladed items jangling from the ring. Twin brothers, the Maze brothers, followed the entire group, silent and tall. The team continued on through the grass, slowly descending upon the castle. The grass bowed to their feet. The birds flew from their presence. The wind roared among their path. No one in the castle expected their coming. The time had come. Their plan was beginning.] *** :: The Enders :: [Sauron's armor gave distinct metallic chimes as he stood on his feet. Phage stood as well, following the Ender leader towards a flight of metal stairs. Knives followed the Untouchable, his black revolvers holstered by his sides. And Cell was last, almost reluctant to stand and follow Sauron. Cell's day was spoiled, his fun ruined, and now he was not allowed to kill anyone. He grumbled in his mind, following the group out of the room where they sat, bare and dim. The stairs they ascended led to the castle, with a door far off in the distance. They felt the distinct aura of Naraku a way off. They felt his black aura seeping through the walls. They knew what they had to do. Rantmon's orders were explicit. Capture the Five. Make sure they no longer interfere with his plans. They would do just that. Sauron's Witchking was slung over his shoulder. Phage held her knife along the wall, causing a long scar to form in the metal. Knives loaded his revolvers with bullets. Cell cracked his knuckles and other joints. The time had come. Their plan was beginning.] ---- To Be Continued ---- - ENDING SONG: DEAREST - hontou ni taisetsu na mono igai subete sutete shimaetara ii no ni ne genjitsu wa tada zankoku de sonna toki itsu datte me o tojireba waratteru kimi ga iru Ah! itsuka eien no nemuri ni tsuku hi made dou ka sono egao ga taema naku aru you ni ---- Preview ---- [Japanese Yu Yu Hakusho Preview music plays in background. The six appear as chibi style, and random scenes from the next episode play, though you can't see because this is text. =P] SSJ: Next time! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! Kensou: An intense battle with Naraku commences. TM: Will the Blood Sin on Naraku's back make him able to take on our entire team? Amiko: And what the Heck is Team Voldemort's plan? Davis: Or the Ender's, at that? Cindy: Next! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! "The Everlasting Wanderers" ----