____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ---- Chapter 35: The Everlasting Wanderers ---- [SSJ, TM, Davis, Kensou, Inuyasha, and Miroku all faced off against Naraku. Inuyasha, his white hair and yellow eyes contrasting much with his red kimono, sarcastically muttered something under his breath about "the stupidity of humans". No one paid heed, as they were preparing for the first strike. Miroku shook in his place. His black hair shone as light poured into the castle. He gripped his staff, and loosened the prayer beads about his right hand. He was trembling with excitement. Davis cracked his knuckles, heating up and preparing his Meteor Gloves, the armor protecting his upper back giving him some sense of comfort in the battle to come. TM, too, anticipated a decisive battle, ducking into the battoujutsu stance. His brown hair was starting to fall in front of his face, escaping being combed back. They all saw a book fly in front of Naraku and open. It was black.] SSJ: Dodge the spell, everyone. Naraku: GHASTLY DEMISE! (There was a crack. Demonic, decaying fingers tore from the carpet under Inuyasha. The demon quickly dodged, drawing his Tetsusaiga and slicing through the fingers. The others split and dashed towards Naraku, who turned the page and looked up at them with a grin. He inhaled a load of air. TM recognized the spell from his Magic playing days at school.) TM: Don't inhale the gas he's going to release! It'll kill you instantly. (With that, Naraku let out a load of black, noxious gas from his mouth, blowing it towards the attackers. Davis raised his hands, and prepared a spell of his own.) Davis: Firebolt! (A crack filled the room, causing the onlookers- Kagome, Sango, Shippou, Cindy, and Amiko- to quiver. A bolt of flames raced from Davis's gloves and through the gas. Naraku couldn't see it, for the gas was quite opaque and clouded his vision. Yet, that did not stop Naraku from switching the black book to the blue one and quickly uttering a spell. There was a light as the bolt of flames bounced off a circle of magic. Just as it was fading Kensou, just behind Naraku, dashed at Naraku with his unsheathed blades. He slashed. Naraku blocked. Next Kensou saw, Naraku held the blade in his grip, yet no blood flew. Kensou's thoughts raced.) Kensou: (He can catch it with one hand?!) (Naraku wrested the weapon from Kensou's grasp, and spun the blade in preparation of slicing the man in two. But Kensou was fast. In a flash of lightning, Kensou was at Naraku, gripping the hilt of his double-bladed katana.) Naraku: Go ahead and try to take it from my grasp. (Kensou smirked.) Kensou: As you wish. (There was another sound of a blade unsheathing. Quickly, all eyes turned to TM, including Naraku's, but they saw that he hadn't moved. Then Naraku looked up at the double-bladed katana. It was split in two. Before Naraku could ponder, his arms were sliced off, and Kensou was a distance away, with a double-edged katana in each hand. Amiko and Cindy, a distance away, were taken aback.) Amiko: It split in two...?! Cindy: Hidden blades! (Kensou grinned, putting the blades of his sword together, and sheathing them within each other's hilts. He had one weapon from two again. Naraku swore.) Naraku: He's not as useless as I thought! (The demon's arms floated before him. Then, surprising everyone, save for SSJ, they reattached, and he moved his fingers quite freely. Then he blocked a blow. SSJ had tried to slash him through the shoulders, and Naraku was gripping the blade with two fingers. The red book floated before Naraku's eyes.) Naraku: Shock. (Lightning raced from Naraku's palm, through the Hellfire Sword, and throughout SSJ's body. He yelped in pain and was launched back with his sword. A flaming meteor came at Naraku, who easily, shattered the thing with his fists. Suddenly, the ground around him tore apart and many hundred more meteors formed, launching themselves at Naraku. With nightmarish power, he shattered everyone with merely his aura, but didn't see that Davis was behind him, preparing his attack. He crossed his hands at his wrists, aiming his palms at the ground. A circle of black flames surrounded the mage, who then yelled.) Davis: This will be the first time I summon you! Diablos! (The room became darkened. Naraku continued to block blow after blow given by Inuyasha, SSJ, and Kensou, even as the room steadily became bathed in a blood red light. They all then heard a peculiar sound. Bats. They all saw a giant sphere in the sky, bats fluttering about it. A figure descended from it, red eyes glowing in the dark. Horns came from its head. Diablos.) Davis: Go! Dark Messenger! (Diablos raised a hand, grabbing hold of the sphere of energy. Quickly, SSJ, Kensou, and Inuyasha leapt away as the devil threw the gravity ball straight at Naraku. The demon took the full blow of the attack. He was quickly engulfed in the blackness, as the ground he was standing on suddenly caved into a crater under the ball's weight. Then the top of the sphere tore open. Naraku leapt through the gravity ball, directly aiming a blow at Diablos. With a slash, Diablos was in two pieces, and Naraku landed just behind TM. TM blocked the demon's claws with his sheathe, just as Diablos' two pieces split into the form of many bats, all speeding towards the occupied Naraku. The demon leapt away from TM, as the bats, with their bloody fangs raced in one massive shape towards him. Naraku raised his palms towards the body of bats, muttering a spell.) Naraku: Firaga! (Flames raced from Naraku's palm, engulfing the line of bats. The room suddenly became lighter and brighter than ever because of the flames, and when they died down, the room was still bathed in a red light. Which made it clearer that TM was glowing red, gripping Hiko's sword tightly. Amiko and Cindy guessed what he was planning.) Cindy: Zero Slash? (But TM said on the contrary.) TM: New techniques are made by combining different arts, so Aoshi said. So let's test that! (He thrusted his sword into the air, and all of his red aura escaped him and surrounded the sword. Winds swirled around the blade, and a small, stretched hurricane seemed to be compressed around the blade. He then struck the ground with his blade.) TM: ZERO-POWERED DO RYUU SEN! (In the direction of Naraku, the ground tore to pieces, throwing up its jagged, rocky bits. It came in the speed of a dragon.) Naraku: Fast! (Soon, Naraku was engulfed in the debris, slashed everywhere by the rocks. But it didn't end there. Having found it's target, a small hurricane burst out of the ground, pulling Naraku back towards it. Ravaged by winds and debris alike, Naraku felt immense pain shooting through his body. He was then thrust away as the hurricane disappeared, straight through the wooden wall and into a stone one. Amiko and Cindy cheered for TM. That attack was amazing! TM surely has improved his technique! But their cheers were cut short when a voice spoke. Spoke from directly behind TM.) Naraku: I'm not down yet. (TM quickly looked behind to see Naraku, hands glowing with a black energy, ready to tear through him. His eyes were wide in surprise as Naraku quickly attacked. And later flew away from TM, for SSJ had kicked him in the general direction of TM's left. SSJ raced at the demon, throwing his sword to his left hand and overtaking the flying demon. SSJ skidded to a stop, pulling his right elbow forward and then throwing it back at Naraku with immense force. It hit square in the back of the demon, whose eyes became nothing but white. Blood flew from his mouth as SSJ continued the combo, kicking the demon straight up in the crotch. A searing pain jolted through Naraku's nerves as he flew up. SSJ paused for a bit, seeming to concentrate on something or other. Then he leapt up, quickly surpassing Naraku, and then drop kicking him straight into the broken earth. Dirt and sand flew everywhere, clouding the area. The first thing everyone saw was SSJ leaping away from the center of the attack, panting. They then saw Naraku, pissed as a dragon, standing from the smoke. Quickly, the demon flew at SSJ, aiming one slash with his black hand straight through the boy's torso. But SSJ was faster, dodging the blow with a simple sidestep, catching the demon's wrist in his left hand. Naraku was thoroughly confused.) Naraku: (What the fu-) (Naraku was hit in the gut with the blunt side of the Hellfire sword. Once again the demon coughed blood in pain, just as SSJ was twirling about in his place, ready to roundhouse kick Naraku. SSJ's foot then connected with Naraku's face, launching him away from the boy. Naraku could only think in disjointed thoughts.) Naraku: (How... Is he... So powerful...) (As Naraku tore through tore through the wall opposite SSJ, landing painfully into the stone wall, everyone else was frozen in place. SSJ was glaring at Naraku even more, panting with exhaustion. TM was the most confused. How did he get so powerful? Certainly, the training with Hiko didn't do this much. What was he doing different than TM? Davis was thinking the same, speaking his thoughts.) Davis: How can he be so fast, while being so strong? Each action seems to have all his power behind it. (It was then that the idea dawned on TM. That's what they were doing different.) TM: He's constantly changing his junctions. (Davis glanced at him.) Davis: What? TM: He's constantly changing where the bishoujos' powers go, giving him maximum speed and power. He took a while of concentrating before dropkicking Naraku. He was changing junctions then to where he most needed it. What a smart idea! (Everyone grinned. Naraku's defeat didn't seem so far away anymore. TM then heard SSJ call for him.) SSJ: Trunks Maxwell, get here. (TM was surprised that SSJ bothered saying his full pseudonym. He did, leaping over as Naraku dashed to Miroku.) TM: What? (SSJ answered without looking at him at all.) SSJ: We'll have to skin his back. (TM's eyes were wide open upon hearing the statement.) TM: Eh?! SSJ: Take the tattoo from him, and he loses his power. I'll hold his attention, you skin him. Simple as that. (TM could only imagine what he would need to do. Just the thought alone seemed terribly painful, but he nodded, and leapt away as Naraku directed his attention to them. Naraku hit where the two had stood, preparing to leap again to attack. Miroku, with his staff, didn't wait for Naraku to attack the kids. He came at Naraku, attacking with his staff. Naraku parried, blocking with his forearm. He then saw Miroku biting at the prayer beads around his right hand, using his left to pressure Naraku with the staff. Naraku didn't want to stick around for the attack, and quickly leapt away as Miroku screamed.) Miroku: Try to escape from the Wind Tunnel! (A torrent of wind suddenly was thrusted towards Naraku, pulling whatever was before him towards the hole. Naraku froze in midair. He still hadn't hit the ground when the pull of the black hole reached him. Grunting, he was drawn towards his demise, but quickly came up with a solution. As he skidded towards Miroku, he quickly grabbed a piece of dirt and stone from when TM used his Do Ryuu Sen. Quickly, he plucked a hair and wrapped it around the dirt, and soon, a clone was made. It leapt off of Naraku, flipped in the air, and landed behind a surprised Miroku. Quickly, Miroku wrapped his hand with the beads, sealing off the void. He was then launched into the air as Naraku uppercut him. He and his clone then pulled off their attack, each taking turns to attack the priest as he flew up. By the time Miroku landed, he was in considerable pain, bleeding from the nose. Naraku and his clone grinned, but failed to notice that a sword came through one of them. The clone split into dirt as the Tetsusaiga tore through, Inuyasha throwing swears at Naraku.) Inuyasha: First you won't just die, then you mock us with those damned books, and now you don't even take your opponents seriously! Why don't you just roll over and die now, instead of later?! (Inuyasha slashed at Naraku, who kept on dodging the blows. Slash after slash, the demons continued, neither ever tiring. And then Inuyasha smirked. Someone leapt off of the demon's back, landing behind Naraku. Unsheathing was heard as Kensou's hair fluttered in the movement. He screamed his fighting style, preparing to shout his attack.) Kensou: Nidachi Nitou Ryuu... (Dragon of the Four Blades...) (Kensou aimed his four blades at Naraku, who was busy fending off Inuyasha. Naraku's eyes were wide in terror, as he turned around to face Kensou, for once again, he was going to deal a serious blow.) Kensou: Kamikaze Kenbu! (Sword Dance Typhoon!) (Slash after slash riddled Naraku. Screams of pain filled the air as Naraku's chest as slashed repeatedly by Kensou's twirling blades. And with that, Kensou finished slashing Naraku, combined his two weapons, and proceeded to kick Naraku straight into the air. Naraku landed a distance away, blood flowing from his wounds, and in considerable pain. He mustered every strength possible to get up on his legs. He quickly saw Davis, readying for battle. He, too, saw Miroku, on his feet again. He also saw Inuyasha, swearing at him. And Kensou, blades bloody and ready for another round...) Naraku: Where are the other two...? No matter... (Once again, his books flew at him, and he opened the white one. His fingers spilled blood onto the white pages, but the liquid ran off without a single spot of residue on the holy pages. It was then that he felt a searing pain in his right shoulder as claws tore through his muscles. Once more, he screamed in pain, and very familiar hands grabbed onto the books. Naraku looked up and was about to attack, but a short sword tore through his left hand. Blood flew around him once more. Both of his arms were practically useless now as everyone saw Sesshoumaru hanging from the ceiling, taking the Books of Mana without a word.) Naraku: ...Why... You... (Sesshoumaru was about to leave, but not without saying his intentions.) Sesshoumaru: The Black Mistress is getting quite impatient. (Sesshoumaru dropped down and turned to dash away, but Naraku wouldn't allow it with just a word. Quickly, the demon pulled the Tensaiga out of his left arm and muttered a spell.) Naraku: "The faithful desires your aide!" (He had spoken the words of worship. A heavenly light came upon him, healing him ever so slightly. But that was just enough for him to call enough aura to cover his right hand in blackness. Sesshoumaru sprinted away, but Naraku quickly slashed at the demon. He hit square in the back, and Sesshoumaru wailed. He cursed, quickly taking back his Tensaiga while balancing the books on one hand.) Sesshoumaru: Damn... Need to escape. (He sighed.) Sesshoumaru: Looks like I won't get the jewel. (And Naraku was about to deal the death blow, if he didn't hear someone from behind him.) SSJ: Hey. (A wind touched Naraku's face as he turned around in surprise. Sesshoumaru quickly took the time to escape. Naraku saw SSJ, his blade glowing white, and a torrent surrounding it, just as with TM's attack before. The winds circled around the blade, ready to strike down Naraku. Before he could react, SSJ thrust the sword at his chest, yelling the attack.) SSJ: ZERO-POWERED GATOTSU! (It hit with painful precision. Naraku coughed blood as the torrent tore inside his own body, for SSJ had stabbed into the demon's chest. And in his moment of pain, TM's attack added to it. Blood flew. The storm tore through Naraku's back, leaving a wide hole in the demon. Amiko and Cindy were disgusted as they saw the typhoon of blood flying from Naraku. They then saw something in TM's hand. Bloody skin.) Amiko: Naraku's back?! Cindy: He skinned him! (The two were disgusted, but glad that it seemed Naraku was finally finished. Naraku flew into the air as the typhoon did it's last bit of damage inside his body. He coughed blood and spit as he fell, leaving a bloody trail as he skidded along what was left of the carpet. SSJ was panting, resting on his Hellfire sword thrusted into the ground.) SSJ: I guess... I should be glad... For Kurosawa Eiji... Showing me that. (Cindy glanced at Amiko, wondering what he was talking about. Amiko explained.) Amiko: When we first came, our first opponent was with Kurosawa Eiji. He was a good fighter, and showed did the Gatotsu... A right-handed one. Cindy: Unlike Saitou's left-handed one... (Amiko nodded. Everyone was exhausted. Naraku lay on the ground, struggling to breathe with what he had left of his lungs. He then tried to speak.) Naraku: ...Ugh... Why...? ...How... Could I lose...? (TM looked at SSJ, knowing what he would say. When SSJ didn't speak, TM said SSJ's words for him.) TM: It was simply because you sucked. Not even SSJ is stupid enough to pick a fight with six skilled enemies, and he does some stupid things... Right? (He glanced at SSJ, and saw SSJ grin and nod. Everyone cheered for the group who had defeated Naraku. Kagome rushed and jumped onto Inuyasha, who began muttering about how stupid humans were. Sango went to Miroku, Shippou following, helping him on his balance. Amiko came to Davis and Kensou, panting from their attacks. Amiko exclaimed how incredible Kensou's fight was. Cindy went to SSJ and TM, who were grinning and lightly punching fists in friendship. SSJ's anger seemed to have lifted with this victory, yet he turned to Naraku, glaring as always.) SSJ: You lost the second you decided to piss me off. (Naraku used whatever strength he had to glance at the boy.) Naraku: ...What? (SSJ was angered, but kept his calm.) SSJ: In the pit. Dumbledore. (But yet, Naraku's eyes were unintelligible, seeming to really know nothing. SSJ was taken aback, wondering then, who killed Dumbledore? His mental question was answered when he heard voices calling from the door opposite the throne. He recognized it with surprise: Sauron!) Sauron: That would be us. (Everyone turned to the doorway into the wooden hall, seeing with immense dismay, the Enders, standing proud. Sauron, Phage, Knives, and Cell, all gleaming with power grinned as they had finally caught the Five. Naraku spoke weakly.) Naraku: Enders... Forgive me... (Sauron turned his head, directing Phage to the broken demon. Everyone shifted away from Phage, into one corner, as she placed her smooth hands upon Naraku's face. The demon instantly died, his face becoming blackened and burnt. Everyone was taken aback as Phage, The Untouchable, pulled away and stepped back to the ranks of the Enders. Their end has come?! Sauron seemed all the more threatening, with his ring gleaming on his finger; Phage, hands blackened from the ashes of Naraku's face, struck terror into them all; Knives, with his guns drawn and ready to fire, stood menacing; And Cell was shining in is brilliant aura. Amiko turned to SSJ.) Amiko: What happened to Dumbledore...? (SSJ paused for a bit, but eventually turned to her. His eyes were narrow and depressive.) SSJ: He's dead. (Amiko gasped in surprise. Her voice was shaky, as was her breath. Cindy, beside her, was frozen, eyes fixed on the ground. TM shot glances at SSJ and back to the Enders, as did Davis. SSJ then turned back to the Inuyasha crew.) SSJ: We'll need your help. (Kagome, Sango, Miroku, and Shippou turned to each other, and eventually all gazes landed on Inuyasha. Inuyasha looked about him, finding the fearful eyes of his friends. Inuyasha's gaze sunk to the ground as the Enders prepared to strike. Finally, he raised his head, revealing a grin on his face. Everyone's spirits immediately rose. Without saying a word, it was settled. TM caught Kagome; Davis caught Sango; Amiko had Inuyasha; and Cindy retrieved Miroku and Shippou. Then there was a sudden crash. Behind everyone, Sauron's blade was clashing with SSJ's. Sauron was doing as much as he could pressing his blade down upon SSJ, who was propping up his sword horizontally with both hands. They saw Sauron clearly surprised by the boy's sword.) Sauron: The Hellfire Sword?! How-?! SSJ: It was a present from Dullahan. (With that, SSJ raised his foot and kicked Sauron straight to the gut. Sauron skidded back just far enough to give SSJ time to yell.) SSJ: No point standing around! Find an enemy and take care of him! (He then caught sight of Phage, as did everyone else.) SSJ: Or, eh... Her, in that case. (Everyone leapt away from their spots as Cell smashed clasped hands into the ground. Davis landed a distance away, choosing his opponent. Cell smirked, as did Davis, who dashed forward to give the organism a flaming fist to the face. Cindy landed just before Knives, tossing pineapple bombs at the plant. Knives dodged, launching bullet after bullet at the girl. Then he looked behind and saw TM readying a low slash. He jumped just as TM's blade slashed where his ankles were a second ago. Knives pushed off the blade and landed away from Cindy and TM. TM suddenly realized he was still gripping Naraku's back. He quickly dropped the skin as Cindy fended off Knives. He looked upon his hand. Quite clearly, there was ink on it. Suddenly, he yelled in pain. The ink dashed from his hand, up his arm, over his shoulder, and settled on his back. Under the armor, under his shirt, the ink drew itself in a very intricate and very familiar pattern. TM recognized it upon feeling it: The Blood Sin! He was suddenly filled with a new power. A tremendous aura filled him. As Knives fired a bullet at TM, the boy seemed to see it move in slow motion. Quickly, at least to the others, he moved his sword in the way and deflected the bullet. Knives was aghast.) Knives: IMPOSSIBLE! (TM looked at Knives with narrow eyes, grinning with new strength. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, rubbing his blood away.) TM: Let's get wild! (And as TM and Knives went at it, Amiko's bow and arrow set materialized in her hands as she was falling. She docked an arrow and let it fly at Phage. With the reactions of a elf, surprising Amiko, Phage caught the arrow in her hands, a terrible glare forming in her face. Phage then unsheathed her deadly knife and tossed at Amiko, who was still in mid-air. Amiko gasped for her life, and was relieved upon seeing Kensou use SSJ's red cloak to catch it in a net. Kensou was quick upon swinging the cloak and launching the knife straight back at Phage. Scared out of her wits, she jumped to her side, rolling and narrowly missing the knife. She then looked up to see another arrow aimed straight at her.) Phage: Too fast! (She held her arm before her. Blood flew from her. Amiko and Kensou saw Phage, bloody, with the arrow through her hand. They saw Phage, glaring at them with wide eyes.) Phage: I'll kill you! *** :: Meanwhile... :: Voldemort: That bodes... [Wormtail glanced at Voldemort, who stood on the field of grass before him. They were speeding through the fields towards the castle, their cloaks flowing in the rushing wind. Wormtail inquired to the dark wizard, who stood still in the grass, looking up at the sky.] Peter: Oro? What bodes, master? (The wizard glanced back at his servant, and answered with a shaky voice.) Voldemort: The author added an ellipse instead of an exclamation mark on the scene change. (Wormtail looked up, clearly seeing what Voldemort spoke of. He was silent, but simply shook his head.) Peter: We can't fail! After all, Lord Voldemort, our plan is brilliant! (Voldemort shifted his stare back at the castle looming below him. He stood in doubt, for he thought he saw something through the hole in the roof. But he was pulled from his doubt as Malik passed him, Millennium Rod clearly shown.) Malik: Even if we fail, and face our consequences, what of it? (Voldemort's attention was then caught by the Maze brothers, sneaking behind and following the heir to the Gravekeeper family.) Ma: Death is impossible for a being such as you... Ze: And no suffering will make us rue... Ma: Our service, which was truly a great time... Ze: Even if we can't exactly rhyme. (Voldemort looked at the Maze brothers, grinning with renewed confidence. He then heard Malik call for Bakura.) Malik: Hey, don't you have anything inspirational to say? (Everyone turned to Bakura, whose arms were crossed and who was silent and seemingly in deep thought. The owner of the Millennium Ring looked up at them all, then spoke with confidence.) Bakura: We don't need inspiration. Satan will have to wait before he gets us, because we're not dying now. (Voldemort's hand then tightened into a fist. He was suddenly filled with a renewed vigor. There was simply no way they could fail... They'll succeed no matter what. No Ender, no dragon, no god, and especially no Rantmon will get in their way. They will see through it! Voldemort pointed at the castle and yelled.) Voldemort: Okay! Left flank! Right flank! Move out! (Left flank, Bakura and Malik immediately dashed off, along with Right flank, the Maze brothers. They split up, one dashing left, the other speeding right. All while Voldemort and his loyal servant sprinted straight for the castle.) *** :: Back to the action! :: [Sauron launched slash after slash after the leader of the Outlaws, but quite simply, none of them hit him. SSJ was just too fast for the blade to draw blood, even as Sauron used all of his power. For a boy, SSJ was using the Hellfire sword amazingly. Little did Sauron know of the training the boy endured with Hiko, or the power the boy's bishoujo, or the power of the boy's friendship. All he knew was that Rantmon wanted them down, and out if necessary! He was then surprised to see the Hellfire sword shrouded in the torrent again.] Sauron: How can you use that new power so effectively?! (He was drawn towards the center of the torrent as SSJ yelled out his attack.) SSJ: ZERO-POWERED SOU RYUU SEN! (SSJ wildly spun his sword at the Dark Lord, who was taken aback by the sheer speed of the attack. He saw how devastating the attack was to Naraku, and he sure as hell did not want to be on the receiving end of this one! Sauron leapt. He soared above SSJ and behind him, raising his Witchking and slamming down on SSJ as the boy quickly tried to stop his own attack. It reached SSJ. The boy was simply too slow to dodge. Or rather, SSJ reached the blade, catching it between the back of his hands. His arms were crossed over his head, trapping the blade, as well as Sauron.) Sauron: What the-?! SSJ: Thanks for reminding me of a certain technique. The first I ever mimicked. (Sauron couldn't move. If he released the sword, SSJ would use it against him for sure. If he didn't... He saw SSJ's blade, still in his right hand, become surrounded in an even more powerful storm. SSJ's wrists slide up the dark blade as he yelled his attack.) SSJ: ZERO-POWERED HAWATARI! (It hit Sauron with a most painful crunch. The hilt of the boy's sword hit Sauron right under the chin, seeming to impale the Dark Lord. Sauron flew into the air, Witchking still in hand. In tremendous pain, he slammed straight through the ceiling as SSJ rested on his blade. Sauron's pain did not exactly go through well with the other Enders. Cell was suddenly filled with a new rage that simply scared Davis. Cindy and TM were flying away from Knives as he suddenly formed his two Angel Arms, aimed directly at the two a mere twenty feet away from him. Phage was taking it the worst, as she was the second most powerful Ender. As she saw Sauron tear through the roof and fall into the carpet, she launched herself at Kensou and Amiko, who struggled to fight a long-range battle. She saw SSJ stride up to Sauron, struggling to move. She saw him lift his blade and slice off the finger with Sauron's ring. Phage launched herself at SSJ, who was quite taken aback. Quickly, he tore off the finger from the ring, and placed it on his own finger. Phage flew through air. No longer was SSJ visible. She roared in fury, seeing Sauron, her leader, in terrible pain. She spoke to him.) Phage: Lord Sauron... Stand! They can't defeat us! (Everyone was surprised to see Sauron, after much trouble, get to his feet. Although, he was bloody and shaking, he was still terrible and loomed over their hopes. They then saw Sauron quickly shift his glare to his left.) Sauron: There! (As fast as lightning, Sauron gripped his Witchking and dash at what seemed to be empty air. But everyone heard the sound of metal clashing. Sauron kicked at the air, and suddenly SSJ became visible. The ring rolled off towards Davis. Cell dashed for the One Ring. Davis suddenly needed to stop him before he reached the artifact of Doom. As Davis dashed for the artificial organism, an idea snapped in his mind. Suddenly, he was before Cell, thanking his bishoujo for his speed, with a fiery storm surrounding his fist. Cell had simply no time to think as the fist connected with his chin.) Davis Uh.. I need a name! Uh... FIRESTORM COMBO! (After uppercutting the android into the air, Davis leaped up, clasping his hands together, and slammed Cell into the ground with flaming fists. It knocked Cell deep into the earth as Davis quickly formed a battalion of meteors to slam into cell, shoving him deeper into the ground. And as a final after thought, Davis covered the now fifty-foot deep hole with dirt, burying Cell under. He panted, but spotted the One Ring again. He dashed for the ring, only for a bullet to dig into ground before him. He saw Knives; one arm was normal with a revolver; the other as the Angel Arms, aimed for TM and Cindy. Or at least, where they were. The minute he took his eyes off the two, they were quickly dashing ahead. Before he could think, Cindy already launched a volley of bullets at the plant. They hit with stunning accuracy, all tearing through his torso. Yet, TM felt that wasn't enough. He still dashed forward, unsheathing his sword. Everyone saw the brilliant red aura burst from him as he prepared his prized attack. Yet it was different. A gigantic burst of energy flew from him, and a gigantic swarm of red light shone from the boy. It was an amazing power he had never felt before. It was an amazing power he was glad to wield. He came to one conclusion. He wanted to make them feel more later. He turned his sword around in his hands, holding it completely backwards as he declared his attack.) TM: For ignoring us, why not just feel pain a million times over! ZERO SLASH! (TM then slashed the blade in the general direction of Knives. The back of Hiko's sword crashed into the ground as he launched a thick red wave of energy straight at the surprised Knives. Knives was thrown away due to the attack. It shoved him through a wall, straight out the other side of the castle, and flying into the forest several miles away before ending, leaving a giant scar on the Earth. But Sauron was nearing the ring, preparing to slash through Davis to get through it. Everyone froze. Davis was too stiff to move. Sauron came dangerously close, and let his sword swing towards the mage fighter. Only to have it meet the Hellfire sword once more. Before anyone could have seen, SSJ had reached Sauron, blocked the blade, and put his own only a millimeter from the Dark Lord's neck. Everyone turned to SSJ, whose eyes were once again locked in a glare.) SSJ: Thinking I'm not worth paying attention to is one thing, but trying to kill my friend while doing it, oh man- (He immediately silenced. All was still in the castle. No one dared move. Because they all saw it. Lines of text ran across the broken floor, across what was left of the wall, across what was left of the ceiling. Cindy was the first to express her thoughts.) Cindy: What's going on?! (Phage immediately snapped out of her surprise, and took the opportunity to take the advantage. She yelled, drawing everyone's attention.) Phage: Boy, stop. (Everyone turned to Phage. Well, except for Amiko, who was frozen with the Untouchable behind her. The deadly woman wrapped her arms around Amiko, careful not to touch her.) Phage: It'd be a shame for someone so young to feel a death such as this. Move away from my Lord, or she dies. (SSJ suddenly was filled with fear. His eyes were wide. His grip on his blade slackened. His muscles failed to keep up. His blade fell to the ground before Sauron as SSJ collapsed, staring at Amiko in Phage's grasp. Even his breath was wary, seeing his friend in such a predicament. The text running across the room was a blur to him, as his eyes suddenly became clouded. Sauron took the time to give SSJ a swift kick straight to his side, making him skid some distance away. Sauron, with three fingers left on his right hand, grasped the ring and gripped it tightly in his hand. He stepped away, towards Phage, turning back to everyone and declaring.) Sauron: We win. (From the ground, Cell tore out, dirty and as pissed as a dragon. He floated and landed before Sauron, giving Davis the most uncomfortable glare. From the gigantic gash in the wall, Knives appeared, standing tall and proud. The Enders grouped together, save for Phage, who was busy keeping Amiko within her reach.) Sauron: Now, you should have complied from the start. Rantmon wants you, preferably alive, so you all can witness his rise to power. (Cindy then yelled, quite fearful of their prospects.) Cindy: Rise to power?! TM: What the Hell is he planning to do with the Six Gods?! Isn't he already friggin' powerful?! (Cell then laughed at the boy's incompetence, rubbing his artificial forehead as he satirically spoke.) Cell: Rantmon's concerns are no one else's. He does as he pleases, for he alone is truly perfect! (They all then heard SSJ's raspy voice, gasping for air. Everyone turned to him, Phage making it ever clearer that Amiko was completely at her mercy. He spoke as he rose, a narrow glare in his eyes quite clear. His hatred has returned.) SSJ: Perfect, my ass. He goes around sealing gods, releasing dragons, and sending you to do his dirty work... If he is so perfect... THEN WHY HAS NONE OF HIS PLANS WORKED?! (Sauron snapped. He was completely in anger as he flew at SSJ, whose blade was yet a distance away. SSJ glared as Sauron came nearer, as he slammed his weapon into where SSJ stood. It hit the ground full of text, sending dirt into the air. But SSJ then uppercut the Dark Lord, sending him into the air! Everyone was frozen as SSJ dealt blow after blow upon the Ender with just his bare hands. Quite clearly, Aisha Clan-Clan's instincts were being used as SSJ slammed Sauron again and again in the ground, tearing apart the enemy with simply his fists. Knives and Cell simply wouldn't stand for it. They all prepared to dash at the boy. If only Cindy's guns weren't aimed directly at their eyes, just a couple centimeters away. They froze. Moving forward, they would only meet their untimely demise. Behind, they were quite aware of Davis and TM, each surrounded by a storm of fire or red wind. But most of all, they were frozen because of Phage. They saw that she had tried to stab her nails into Amiko's skin. They saw she was very close to touching Amiko's face. But they saw, too, that the words that had filled the room was quite running about her, locking her in place.) Phage: What... What's going on?! (All the flowing text about the room suddenly circled and surrounded Phage and Amiko, moving quite quickly about the two. It ran all over Phage, who struggled to move despite the words surrounding her. Amiko glanced at the last line of text as it ran across the floor. She clearly saw "AVADA" running across the ground, and realized one thing: It was a spell! She had no time to waste! She had to move away! She shot Kensou a look as he stood. He quickly took up his blade and dashed towards Phage and Amiko. The last lines of text were completely on Phage. As he raced, he saw through the gouge in the wall, quite clearly, Voldemort and Wormtail, standing side-by-side, arms folded over each other, muttering something inaudible. He dashed all the more faster, taking up SSJ's cloak as Phage turned her eyes to look at him, before they, too, were engulfed with text. Kensou's blade slashed through Phage's arm. Blood flew about as Phage silently screamed in her shut mouth, for she couldn't move it at all. Kensou used SSJ's cloak to protect Amiko and him from Phage's blood. With his blade, he knocked Phage's arm out of the way before it came into contact with Amiko's skin. As quickly as he could, he pulled Amiko from Phage's grasp, just as SSJ grabbed his Hellfire sword and dashed at Sauron. Sauron held his Witchking before him to block. But suddenly, SSJ disappeared from sight. Sauron stared before him, completely taken aback at the boy's disappearance. He then felt a wind behind him. He turned and saw SSJ's eyes, completely white with anger, with the Hellfire sword raised above his head in preparation of an attack.) SSJ: GO AHEAD AND DIE! (SSJ's sword came down and struck the Witchking. Shards of metal flew into the air. Blood flew... The Hellfire sword didn't merely strike Sauron's weapon. It had cut it straight in two! The Hellfire sword cut down Sauron's shoulder, across his torso, and out his hip, leaving a giant scar across the Dark Lord. Blood flew about the two as the pieces of the Witchking fell to the ground. SSJ then grabbed the reeling Ender by the face and threw him straight at Cell and Knives. Sauron flew through the air. Cindy quickly ducked as he slammed straight into Cell and Knives. As quickly as possible, the Crew then regrouped and retrieved their stuff as the Enders were reeling. TM felt his pockets, reassured the Shikkon pieces were there. SSJ wrapped his Hellfire sword again as they dashed away, muttering about his cloak.) Kensou: Sorry, SSJ, but it had to be done. (SSJ glanced away as they dashed away from the throne room.) SSJ: Yeah... But I still liked that cloak. (Everyone sweatdropped, but quite simply, were too swamped with other thoughts to think it further. Quickly, they were tossed into the air as a gigantic shockwave filled the castle. A tremendous sphere of energy tore through the castle and into the sky as an explosion tore Phage to pieces. Sauron, Knives, and Cell, reeling in pain, had tears running down their cheeks as they heard Phage's terrible cries of pain echo through the castle. She had moved again, but it was to no avail. As the light temporarily blinded the Enders, they came to a quick realization that the silhouette of Phage inside the flames would be the last they see of her.) *** Wormtail: We got them... ...We got them! ...WE GOT THEM! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! (Voldemort was grinning. Their plan had worked after all. A silly thing like the Enders was no problem, for their plan had succeeded. Malik, Bakura, and the Maze brothers came from their posts on other sides of the castle, grinning with joy. Voldemort balled his fist and shook it into the air.) Voldemort: Revenge complete! Let us... Go?! (They all heard the rush of footsteps. They turned to the entrance of Naraku's palace only to see the crew dash out. They saw Amiko was whole, safe and sound.) Voldemort: HOW?! (The crew glanced right, spotting Team Voldemort in the grass. They stopped. Voldemort dashed and surrounded the six.) Voldemort: How could you survive?! (The six looked about at Team Voldemort, quite exhausted from their earlier encounter. Amiko then realized what happened.) Amiko: You all cast the spell?! Voldemort: We all surrounded the castle to form a triangle, and muttered the incantation for the Beta Flare spell, yes, but HOW?! That spell was intended for you! (The Dark Wizard pointed to Amiko. Everyone quickly surrounded Amiko, making their weapons clear. However, Voldemort raised his hand and calmed them.) Voldemort: Don't bother. We're so exhausted from casting the spell, we hardly can do anymore. (Team Voldemort then pulled away and grouped together, as the Outlaws moved away and stood a distance away. Amiko then explained from behind her frontline of SSJ and Kensou.) Amiko: It found a new target... Phage. (Team Voldemort stood, stunned. Their breath was suddenly shaky and unreliable. Their knees gave in. They fell to their knees in fear. Malik, Bakura, and the Maze brothers suddenly stood with the Eye of Anubis clearly shining on his forehead, yelling at them.) Malik: You mean to tell us... Bakura: That the whole spell... Ma: Missed its target... Ze: And killed an ENDER?! (The Outlaws nodded. Team Voldemort collapsed in terror at their grievous mistake. Voldemort then stood, commanding in spite of his fear.) Voldemort: Come on, comrades. We escape now. This won't be our death! (With that, the frightened team turned and fled from the scene, crushing the tall grass and forming a small trail leading off into the distance. Such was the flight of the first killers of an Ender. The six yet did not want to stay for Sauron and company to dash after them. Quickly, Kensou and Amiko dashed back to where they left Davis' chocobo. Kensou threw his sheathed weapon on the ground as he threw on his chain mail and cloak, picking up his dangerous weapon as Davis jumped onto the back of his prized chocobo. Davis turned to the rest.) Davis: Is there a faster way to our wagon? (Suddenly, a rumble echoed through the forest. They all turned about, and a swarm of stilvas came dashing through the natural forest. TM quickly stopped one with his hands, using his newfound powers.) TM: Maybe we can use these! SSJ: I have a better idea! (TM then looked behind the rush and saw an even better swarm. A swarm of chocobos, perhaps kept locked under the castle in a stable somewhere, came dashing, following the stilvas. TM stopped two in their tracks, one in each hand, as SSJ caught onto another and leapt onto its back. They both found that the chocobos were quite tame. Cindy dashed to one that TM stopped, as Kensou and Amiko dashed to the other. Quickly, TM leapt onto the one with Cindy as they all dashed away from the castle. SSJ then glanced at TM.) SSJ: Where did that power come from? (TM then grinned back at SSJ.) TM: I guess I inherited it. The Blood Sin chose me. (SSJ was silent, staring at the ground that his chocobo passed.) SSJ: Then, that's a good thing. We'll need that power. (Cindy then yelled across the trees at SSJ as she held onto TM.) Cindy: Maybe, but you have a greater power! (SSJ glanced at Cindy to his right, but Amiko to his left, who was holding onto Kensou, completed to statement.) Amiko: Your willpower just may be stronger than any of ours! (SSJ's eyes were wide as his chocobo dashed along, throwing wind and leaves in his face. His eyes fell to the ground as he smiled softly. Tears almost welled in his eyes, but once again, he held them back. Then with blurry eyes, he yelled into the wind.) SSJ: Okay! We go back to Sengoku Jidai, then next stop, Rantmon! (And everyone was filled with a new vitality. Maybe, just maybe, defeating Rantmon might not be so difficult.) ---- To Be Continued ---- - ENDING SONG: EVERY HEART - Ikutsu namida o nagashitara every heart sunao ni nareru darou Dare ni omoi tsutaetara every heart kokoro mita sareru no darou nagai nagai yoru ni obieteita Tooi hoshi ni inotteta meguru meguru toki no naka de Bokutachi wa ai o sagashiteiru Tsuyoku tsuyoku naritai kara kyou mo takaisora miageteiru meguru meguru toki no naka de boku tachi wa ikite nanika wo shiru toki ni warai shugoshi naite kyou mo mada aruki tsuzukete iku ---- Preview ---- [Japanese Yu Yu Hakusho Preview music plays in background. The six appear as chibi style, and random scenes from the next episode play, though you can't see because this is text. =P] SSJ: NEXT TIME! ON GINGA GIRI GIRI! Amiko: After all the trouble and seriousness of fighting Enders... Kensou: Suddenly, we arrive at a rather humorous event. TM: What will come to pass as we stumble upon a Hidden Village of the Leaf, and are not allowed to leave? Davis: And what the HECK is with that guy with sand? Or that snake guy? Or that guy with wierd, red eyes? Cindy: And what's this about training to be ninjas?! All: NEXT! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! "The Way of the Ninja" ----