____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero ____________________________________________________________________________________________ - OPENING SONG: HARUKA KANATA - fumikomuze akuseru kake hiki wa naisa sou dayo youru wo nukeru nejikomu sa saigo ni sashihiki zero sa sou dayo hibi wo kezuru kokoro wo sotto hiraite gyutto hiki yosetara todokuyo kitto tsutau yo motto sa aa iki isoide shiboritotte motsureru ashi dakedo mae yori zutto sou tokue ubaitotte tsukandatte kimi ja nai nara imi was naniosa dakara haruka kanata ---- Recap ---- [Chibi characters of the six appear in the foreground as scenes from the last episode play in the background. Though, you can't see 'cause this is text. =P] SSJ: LAST TIME! ON GINGA GIRI GIRI! Amiko: Round One - Naraku versus anyone and everyone! Kensou: A surprise new technique created by TM saves the day as SSJ once again steals it and uses it! TM: Round Two - Enders versus almost anyone and everyone! Davis: SSJ lets loose some anger as TM gets a completely unneeded powerup! Cindy: And there are more exclamation marks where that came from! On with the show! ---- Chapter 36: The Way of the Ninja ---- [Enter a pack of chocobos, more exactly, there were four, sprinting across the horizon with the sun setting in the background. Now, one of the chocobos, despite the failing light, was glowing a brilliant golden color, whereas the others were regular, bright yellows. There were packs and straps and saddles and whatnot on the chocobos, laden with goods and much needed supplies. The Crew was wearily driving their chocobos onward, moving Eastward and away from the sun. Amiko held onto Kensou as Tenpi chirped in one of the packs hanging from her, quite safe and secure. Mokona was gliding above them all, keeping strict lookout for anything and anything. It has been a peaceful day thus far, except for the running from the castle of Naraku some hours before. Overall, they were fatigued and quite jumpy. And Mokona's calls for attention did not help the mood. Immediately, Davis pulled the reigns of his chocobo, and everyone followed suit. The group, on their loaded chocobos, gathered as Mokona descended on Cindy's head. It spoke in its language, "puu"-ing this and that, which the author is too lazy to type out and subtitle. Finally, Cindy interpreted.] Cindy: There's a village nearby! (Mokona nodded, smiling with a giant grin. They dashed onward, following the gliding Mokona, for they were dearly tired and needed beds to rest on. Even more so after sleeping on hard metal the past nights. So they entered another forest, trees passing left and right. The chocobos dodged the oncoming wood as they strode forward to follow the faint white thing before them. The patter of their soft steps rang through the forest in this coming night, quite alerting a few others... In the shadows, was one man, sitting in the brambles of a tree. On his head was a flat cone-shaped hat, and he was wearing a cloak with printed clouds. His eyes were red, seeming to be glowing brightly in the dim light. The man, Uchiha Itachi, spoke to no one in particular.) Itachi: Well, looks like I'm not the only one visiting... (And in the same tree, a few layers under, was another, wearing similar clothes and a much animalistic face. Hoshigaki Hisame replied in the wind.) Hisame: Interesting visitors, don't you agree? Itachi: Those targets should not be much of a problem. (Hisame then chuckled.) Hisame: Better that they don't. We don't need any in our job... *** :: The Hidden Leaf Village :: [The sun was out of sight, with the moon in full shine then the troop of chocobos less-than-quietly entered the limits of the Hidden Leaf Village. The Crew, on their chocobos, entered the village, only to meet the gazes of various ninjas from left and right. They stopped in the middle of the streets, gazing about the gigantic village, with the giant carved mountain in the distance.] SSJ: The Hidden Leaf? TM: Naruto, eh? I wonder from when... (Immediately, with the freshness of the village, they realized how much their clothes smelt, after a long day of traveling and fighting. They sighed, and dashed to the hot springs, where they were able to cleanse their much bloody and dirty clothes. Cleansed and refreshed, they later found an inn as far from the people's gazes as possible, turning in and resting for the night.) *** :: Meanwhile! That Night... :: [Way off in another part of the Leaf Village, the people were no where near sleeping. All through the Hokage's palace, ninja ran left and right, passing information as they dashed off. It was a hub of activity in the midst of the silent night outside. A few of the better ninjas were lined in a row before the Hokage, with his wide, veiled hat. There was Iruka, Kakashi, Anko, et cetera as they were briefed by the short, wrinkled form of the Hokage. He kept on referring to a map of the village, with a building near the outskirts circled with red.] Hokage: Now, this'll be a problem since they have found our (not-so) Hidden Leaf. Not only that, but one of them possesses the Blood Sin... We can not allow them to leave. (He paused. The Hokage pondered and pondered over their course of action before finally commanding them all.) Hokage: Kakashi, Anko. Go there to take them here. Interrogation is in order. (Kakashi and Anko bowed, and disappeared in a blur. Iruka sighed, but the Third Hokage paid no attention.) *** :: The Next Morning :: [SSJ yawned and stretched in his bed. He threw his blanket off with a wide yawn, feeling he got a great sleep. Then he opened his eyes and thought one thing: Where the Hell did the bed come from?! He looked around to find himself in another room, quite clean and well kept. He saw across his bed was someone wearing a vest and a headband, with yellow hair. The announcer from the Chuunin Exams. He stared forward with narrow eyes, coming to the simple conclusion that this can not be good. As SSJ got up from his bed and walked to the window, the ninja did not stir at all. Light was flooding into the room from the window, which gave a clear view to the streets below. SSJ quietly opened the window and prepared to leap out, only to have it shut on his face. Immediately, he pulled himself back and screamed in pain, finding a shuriken in the side of the window. He glared at the ninja, who was wide awake and quite annoyed.] SSJ: WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! Ninja: No one said you could leave. SSJ: WELL, WHERE THE HELL AM I?! (Suddenly, the door opened, and in stepped the Hokage, with his draping clothes and his wide hat. He spoke in a very serious tone.) Hokage: Actually, you are within my palace. Very sorry, my lad, but we just can't allow you to leave at all. And would you please, keep it down? Other ninjas are trying to work. (SSJ glared at the old man, and glanced about the room for any weapon. The original ninja spoke.) Ninja: All your stuff is safe within your inn room. Don't worry about it, for you'll be back there after a bit. (SSJ sighed as the ninja rose. The Hokage turned and walked away, with the ninja and SSJ following close behind. SSJ found himself later sitting on a comfortable seat within the Hokage's room. Amiko, Kensou, Cindy, TM, and Davis were sitting on their own seats, huddled around a table as light poured in through the window. The pictures of every other Hokage hung on the wall opposite the door as the Hokage stepped into the room.) TM: It's about time you came, Hokage. (Suddenly, his head reeled back as a flower vase hit him square in the face. Amiko glared at TM as he glared back at her.) Amiko: Don't be so rude! TM: And hitting my face with a vase isn't rude? (He got another one to the face for that, and shot a glance at SSJ, then Kensou, as if saying "How can you two survive her?". Finally, the Hokage cleared his throat, catching everyone's attention.) Hokage: I apologize for bringing you here without your permission, but I can think of no better way of informing you that you may not leave this village ever again. (They all stared at the Hokage, whose face was serious and quite unmoved by the words.) TM: ...WHAT?! (TM leapt from his seat and dashed to the Hokage, grabbing the man by his clothes. He shook him several times, yelling at the top of his lungs.) TM: WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT WE CAN'T LEAVE?! (Quickly, TM was tossed away by a woman with black hair in a spikey ponytail, Anko. Five minutes later, he was tied up and chains as the Hokage explained.) Hokage: You see, the Hidden Leaf holds many secrets, which can not be let known- such as location. (SSJ then caught everyone's attention with a cough. He then spoke in his apathetic tone.) SSJ: Well, what about the Chuunin Exams? Don't a lot of people come then? (The Hokage smiled at the boy.) Hokage: They can not be known to people that aren't ninjas. Such as... Rantmon. (SSJ's eyes flickered for a bit, as the Hokage noticed, but SSJ didn't move. Cindy then spoke.) Cindy: So we'll be here... Forever?! (Davis then muttered.) Davis: That can't happen. We have a plan, and we're sticking to it. We've been delayed long enough. (The Hokage looked at each of the six. One after another, and smiled. They all had an admirable spirit. Except... His eyes rested on TM. There was something about that boy's soul that seemed strange...) Hokage: If you're adamant on going, we'll have to erase your memories of this place. (Everyone froze. All of them stared, wide-eyed, at the Hokage.) Hokage: But, we're no good at erasing memories. Who knows, it may erase the whole thing. But it must be done to protect the villagers. Please understand. (Everyone was silent. Their gazes were fixed upon the ground. Finally, the Hokage spoke.) Hokage: Think it over long and hard. The Chuunin Exams are in two days, and I invite you to come. By then, if you're still adamant on going, then we'll begin the operation. (Everyone didn't bother moving. Not even Anko, who was sitting in the corner, could look the Hokage straight in the eye. It was a bad trade-off, really. But, in time, they will understand. She then heard Cindy spoke. Cindy was looking again at the Hokage, her eyes full of some anguish from long ago.) Cindy: I'm sorry... But my memories are precious. You won't take them away from me. (SSJ nodded, and added on.) SSJ: We won't have our memories tampered with. *** :: Later! :: [As everyone was wandering down the street, SSJ was receiving attacks left and right from Davis, TM, and Amiko. He was annoyed and very much going on his last wire. Finally, Cindy pulled the three away from SSJ. They all glared at Cindy as Kensou followed the group from away. Amiko, TM, and Davis were now focusing their energies on Cindy as she pulled them away.] TM: What about Rantmon?! Davis: The plan, people! Amiko: We can't let anyone else be killed because of Rantmon! (Finally, Cindy became angry enough. With a bang and a crash, the three were silent and scared, a new bullet hole in the ground just before them, and smoke filing from Cindy's gun.) Cindy: I know about that! But... I won't let anyone take away my dear memories. They are my hope in the darkest times. I won't let anyone tamper with them. (Amiko looked at Cindy sympathetically. Finally, she relented and sighed. She patted her friend's shoulder, acknowledging her wishes. Davis and TM, too, were sighing. But then they heard Kensou speak.) Kensou: I don't think you all are looking at the bigger picture. Only SSJ seems to have a clear view. (Everyone's gaze turned to SSJ. He turned back to them with a grin on his face.) SSJ: Seriously, why are you guys so concerned? They'll have bigger problems to worry about once the Chuunin Exams roll around. (Finally, everyone caught on. Their spirits were lifted, and they all walked slowly back to their room. As they passed the street, the Hokage stared out his window at them all. Kakashi and the rest of the higher ninjas were with him, standing in the room as the Hokage watched him disappeared from view.) Kakashi: Your thoughts were correct. (The Hokage turned around to face the group of jounin that stood before him. He nodded.) Hokage: Yes. The boy with short hair has it... The Blood Sin. (The other ninjas shook with fear. The Hokage, though, reassured them.) Hokage: He still doesn't know its full potential, no doubt. All he can use is the power boost. He still doesn't know of its incredible ability... Which is why we must keep him here as long as it takes for him to control it. (Everyone thus nodded, and with a wisp of smoke, they were gone. The Hokage smiled. The six could leave the Leaf. Or, they could except for TM. But, he won't awaken for a long time...) *** :: And with the villains of the chapter! :: [Orochimaru was not having a fine time. The bird flew from his hand and away into the sky. He glared at it for a bit, but returned to reading the letter he got from its leg. There was then a voice calling from behind him.] Voice: Orders from Rantmon, I presume? (Orochimaru wheeled around, finding Itachi and Hisame standing there. Thoroughly taken aback, he stammered.) Orochimaru: What is this all about? Does 'Akatsuki' think I need help?! (Itachi glared at the snake-like ninja as he replied.) Itachi: Yes. Cell has explained our situation. Phage is dead. (Orochimaru stared at the man. His voice was shaky. He was totally stunned.) Orochimaru: You're joking... Did... They kill her?! Itachi: Not exactly. Cell couldn't explain it, but he does know one thing. One of them, with a ponytail, struck Phage with his blade. (Orochimaru instantly understood. Phage's blood was still on it. It can't be washed off. Not now, not ever. One touch to that blade means instant death! Finally, he replied.) Orochimaru: How did they survive the Enders? Itachi: That is none of our concern. We'll focus on defeating them and bringing them to Rantmon. That is the order given to 'Akatsuki' from Cell. Orochimaru: But- My takeover of Leaf Village?! Itachi: Abandon it, or change it to catching them. I will head off to get the most powerful one, as well as the Hokage. (Itachi then turned and disappeared from sight, Hisame following close behind. Orochimaru clenched his teeth. He had a bad feeling... He then yelled.) Orochimaru: You'll take the leader? Itachi: Leader? No, he's weak. The one with the tattoo. *** :: Later that day! :: [SSJ wandered alone throughout the gigantic village, his sword strapped onto his back. He wandered, not thinking much about anything besides an easy way of escaping. The most direct way would be simply to dash out when the snakes of Orochimaru breached the walls, but he thought it wasn't that much of a great idea, with the possibility of getting caught in the fight and all. Soon, SSJ found himself within the Gai camp, with Lee, Neji, and Tenten gathered about him. Trees stood all about him, and he was surprised he never noticed that he wandered into the forest. His eyes were narrow as he watched them stare straight at him.] SSJ: What is it? (Tenten then reached into her pack attached to her belt. SSJ, knowing the kind of ninja Tenten was, quickly got ready for battle. However, she pulled out a notebook and pen.) Tenten: Oh my god! It's one of the Outlaws! Oh, can I have your autograph?! (SSJ facefaulted. He got up soon after and glanced at the girl's face.) SSJ: Why's my autograph worth getting? I don't have much of a work ethic, my character is horribly cliché and unoriginal, my fighting sucks, and I always get my group into trouble. (Lee then glared at SSJ. Raising a fist, he threatened SSJ.) Lee: Do it. (SSJ sighed.) SSJ: Hai, hai. *** (SSJ later was throwing shurikens at a target on the tree before him, panting with fatigue. Tenten was watching over him, clapping at his skill.) Tenten: You're pretty good! However, you could use some training. (SSJ looked up at a tree to face the girl.) SSJ: Training? Tenten: To be a ninja, of course! It'll be great for you if you can use our skills! SSJ: Why do you care so much? (SSJ then saw Lee suddenly appear from the bushes just beside him, leaves flying about everywhere. Lee raised a fist.) Lee: Do it. (SSJ sighed.) SSJ: Hai, hai. (SSJ was silent. Then he picked up another shuriken and tossed it at the target. He then replied without looking up.) SSJ: So, you teach me ninjutsu so I can be better. In return, I'll do one thing you wish... Within reason. (Tenten clapped with delight as she leapt down and called Neji. SSJ shot a Sano-esque glare at Lee, who was smiling at their understanding.) *** :: TM and Davis :: [The streets were full of life that time when TM and Davis wandered about the city. They glanced through all the shops, looking for anything to buy. Then TM remembered giving all his money to Black Amiko, which made him mad enough to slice down a tree with his battoujutsu. It crashed into the ground with a dull thud, its birds escaping it as quickly as possible. As the leaves fell, he heard someone come from behind. He turned around and saw Sasuke approaching him, with Naruto and Sakura following close behind. TM's eyes narrowed into Sano's classic apathetic look as Sasuke approached.] Sasuke: What's your name? (TM sighed and replied.) TM: It's Trunks Maxwell. Call me TM, Sasuke. (Sasuke grinned at that.) Sasuke: So it is true... You guys always know what's next. Is it telepathy? Ninjutsu? Future reading? TM: Manga reading, actually, but what is it you want? (Sasuke pointed to himself with his thumb as he clenched his fist.) Sasuke: How about a fight? (TM then sighed at hearing the proposition.) *** [Sasuke lay on the ground five minutes later, with TM sitting on a dented steel chair on top of the boy. Sakura, in the background, was screaming for Sasuke as Naruto grinned with delight, with leaves from the fallen tree blowing everywhere in the wind.] Sasuke: That's unfair! Pulling a steel chair out of nowhere?! TM: As if anything's fair? I lost all my money because of people being unfair- (However, he received a kick to the face from Sakura, who was yelling at the top of her lungs.) Sakura: We don't want a speech! Just get off Sasuke-kun! (And Davis was sitting far away, playing his Game Boy Advance, trying to ignore everything going about him. Even as TM continued to deal with Sasuke and Sakura, Davis simply continued mowing down vampires in his Castlevania game.) *** (They all were then walking away, talking about various things. They passed building after building as they passed topic after topic. As the sun was high, Naruto looked at Davis, and spoke with curiosity.) Naruto: When will you all leave? Davis: I don't think we'll be leaving soon enough. (Sasuke grinned as he walked ahead of the group. He turned around and challenged.) Sasuke: Then, we can spar all we want. (Yet, Davis crossed his arms in an X shape, and replied on the contrary.) Davis: Nope! I don't think you'll be able to fight us after the exams. Besides, you have an advantage of knowing ninja skills. (Sasuke then grinned at the much taller and older boy.) Sasuke: Then we'll show you what we know! Level the playing field, then! (Davis and TM exchanged glances, but thought it would be best to let them have their way. Besides, they would get stronger, so it wasn't that bad a trade.) *** :: Two Days Later :: [Cindy awoke in their room to find it only occupied by Amiko, Kensou, and her. She could only wonder what SSJ, TM, and Davis have been up to the past day, but she pushed that from her mind as she went for the shower. She returned some half hour later to find Amiko, fresh awake and reading up on Naruto manga. Tenpi was flittering all about the bed before Amiko, making her calm and relaxed. Cindy then asked, pointing to the stack of manga.] Cindy: Where'd you get that, Ames? Amiko: SSJ and TM lent it to me, saying it might help. (Cindy's glance shifted from Amiko and to Kensou, who was sitting rigid on his bed, legs crossed and arms folded together. Tenpi, too, followed their gaze.) Cindy: Hey, Kensou! (Yet, Kensou did not reply. He was silent and very much frozen.) Amiko: He meditates like that every morning. Cindy: Really? Amiko: He's very devoted to his art... (Cindy’s face twisted into a smile as she poked Amiko with her shoulder.) Cindy: You seem to know him quite well despite having just met last week, Ames. (Amiko glared at Cindy, who was giggling mischievously. Finally, the door opened and in stepped SSJ and Davis. Amiko and Cindy responded to their yells of "Tadaima!" ["I'm back!"] with a fury of books. After the two recovered from the painful smashes of books, Amiko and Cindy proceeded to scold them.) Amiko: WHERE have you guys been?! Cindy: WHY have you left us here with no money? (SSJ then raised his hands in apology.) SSJ: Gomen, na! (Sorry!) But we have been training. (Amiko and Cindy's eyes turned to dots.) Cindy: Training? Amiko: For WHAT?! (The camera closed in on Davis.) Davis: Ninjutsu. We're gonna escape using ninjutsu! SSJ: After we handle some problems. (Everyone was silent.) Cindy: Problems? Davis: Turns out TM is what they want to stay, not us. The tattoo he got yesterday seems to have some secret we don't know about and they fear it going into the outside. (Everyone was silent again. Amiko then spoke.) Amiko: And how did you figure this out? Davis: Well, it says so in this instruction manual. (Amiko's mouth dropped to the ground as Davis produced an instruction manual with a large Blood Sin printed on the front. The title clearly read "The Blood Sin and other Heretical Symbols for Dummies". Davis then flipped through the pages, finally landing on one and read.) Davis: "The owner of the Blood Sin was chosen for a reason..." Blah blah... "In order to control its power and abilities, the owner must be strong in will and body..." Blah blah, stuff about magic... Blah Blah... "A person who tries to release the power of the Blood Sin prematurely suffers the shock which scars him permanently." Cindy: Shock?! Davis: Yeah. He turns into a moogle. (Davis then showed the page to the girls, where a large, detailed diagram showed one figure turning slowly into a moogle. They sweatdropped.) SSJ: Anyway, let's get going. The Chuunin Exams begin soon. (Amiko nodded, then glanced back at Kensou. He was no longer sitting there, but was outside the window, doing pull-ups on the tree outside.) SSJ: I think he'll be a while. (Amiko then walked to the window and spoke, clutching her baby chocobo in her arms.) Amiko: Ne, Kensou! We'll be off. (Kensou nodded without turning back as he continued to pull himself up and down. Finally, they all left the messy room and proceeded to the stadium.) *** :: Later! :: [SSJ, Cindy, and Amiko sat in the bleachers of the gigantic stadium in the middle of the Leaf Village, waiting for the Exams to start. The people gathered there filled the stadium with noise as their various chatter echoed endlessly. SSJ leaned back, staring at the sky in boredom, as Amiko and Cindy looked about the crowd for any trace of TM. Davis was currently away, supposedly to the bathroom, as Tenpi and Mokona dashed through the stands, making every little girl cry out in glee. Soon, the chatter died. In the center of the ring stood all the competitors of the Third Test. There was Naruto, Shikamaru, Temari, Neji, Gaara, Kankuro, Shino, and Sasuke, on time, surprisingly. SSJ noticed it immediately. Something changed from the manga. Sasuke isn't supposed to be here. Yet that didn't matter, because the announcer was yelling at the crowds up above. The three didn't pay much attention, for SSJ was busy contemplating, as Amiko and Cindy searched for TM. But finally, the first battle started, Naruto versus Neji.] *** [Elsewhere, TM sat within a glowing Rood Inverse imprinted on the ground, shirtless, with his tattooed back clearly showing. Davis watched as the various kage ninjas, from Hokage, Raikage, Mizukage, and Tsuchikage surrounded the circle and chant various spells. One after another, lines of energy flew through the air, finding TM's back and imprinting onto it. TM gritted his teeth as the process continued, for it felt like his flesh was burning. Davis looked on as the final line was drawn in TM's back. TM sighed with relief, for the pain was finally done with. The Rood Inverse disappeared from the ground, and TM could stand again. As he did so, there suddenly was the sound of wind. Within the Hokage's hand, there was a kunai, caught from mid-flight. Davis and TM saw someone emerge from the darkness surrounding the room where they stood. From the shadows of the many pillars that surrounded them, out stepped a familiar, black-haired ninja. Itachi, TM immediately recognized. The Mizukage spoke.) Mizukage: What's this all about?! (Itachi did not speak, but from the shadows, a bandaged sword came flying out. It struck the kage ninjas with a hard impact, sending them flying back. Hisame grinned as he gripped his hilt, while the ninjas hit the ground with a hard thud. TM and Davis were just lucky they ducked, as the kage ninjas that once surrounded them were now gone. TM got up and yelled.) TM: What do you want?! (Hisame glared at TM, quite unhinged.) Hisame: Don't bother getting in our way. The Hokage is needed to be killed. (Davis stood with TM, and made fire within his hands. Hisame and Itachi were taken aback to find that Davis had some legendary element gloves.) Davis: I'm afraid we can't let you do that. TM: Be careful. They're both incredibly strong. *** [There was a gigantic crash. Gigantic snakes suddenly appeared and crashed through the barriers of the Leaf Village. Yet, almost everyone slept through it, by the use of someone's genjutsu technique. SSJ was still awake, thanks to his ninja training, and he quickly roused Amiko and Cindy as an onslaught of ninjas came storming into the stadium. Left and right, skilled Leaf ninjas countered the equally skilled Sand ninjas. SSJ raised a hand.) SSJ: Satsuki! Take care of this! (And from the ground where Sasuke and Gaara stood, out came a gigantic machine. Wires tore from the ground, connecting onto the machine. At the very top, a young girl was visible. Sasuke and Gaara ignored the change in circumstance as they dashed off. SSJ's gaze followed the two, and he sighed.) SSJ: Damn it, TM and Davis aren't done yet? (He then turned to Amiko and Cindy.) SSJ: I know you two are used to cheerleading, but take care of that guy. Try to stop him from going too far in the transformation. (Cindy and Amiko nodded, and dashed off towards Sasuke. From elsewhere, Sakura, Shikamaru, and Naruto followed. SSJ grinned as he was left with a gigantic computer and a cute girl. He leapt on top of the Beast and commanded.) SSJ: Okay, Satsuki! Take out any enemy you can find! (Satsuki smiled and nodded. Wires came forth and electrocuted any Sand ninjas available. As Kakashi was about to attack Kabuto and another, the two were quickly shocked and fainted. SSJ smiled at the progress, but his joy was cut short as he received a fist directly to his face. He flew back onto the roof of the stadium, where he saw some five ninjas land. Orochimaru and his Sound Nin!) *** [Amiko and Cindy leapt from tree to tree, trying hard to keep up with Sasuke and Gaara. After all, they haven't trained to be ninjas at all, and they were having a hard time simply staying on the branches. Yet eventually, the leaps became second nature, as Sakura and Naruto quickly overtook the two. Amiko and Cindy stopped, as did Naruto and Sakura.) Naruto: Naa, Sakura, aren't they TM's friends? Sakura: I think they are! (Amiko and Cindy nodded.) Amiko: Yes, we are. Cindy: How'd you know him? (Sakura and Naruto then turned towards the direction Sasuke was now.) Sakura: We'll talk while we run. (So they did, and Amiko and Cindy learned of how the various kage ninjas were busy putting a control seal on TM's tattoo. Leaves fell about each tree they landed in. Finally, though, after much toil and race, they reached Sasuke, who faced a mutating Gaara. Cindy covered her open mouth as Amiko sweated. Gaara caught sight of the company that stood before him, and laughed with joy. So many targets, so little time! How he would enjoy killing them all! That thought was cut short, however, as a bullet tore through the shoulder of his arm. He glared at the girl who shot him, yet still with a smirk. Cindy, with her gun raised, couldn't stand the ugly sight of the boy.) Cindy: Please, either shut up or get shot up. Gaara: Bullets? They don't hurt as much as- (BANG! Another bullet tore through the branch above the ninja, hitting him directly on the head. A bump formed, and Cindy was still as serious as ever. Gaara became serious as well.) Gaara: Still trying, huh? *** [TM dashed about the room, leaping from pillar, to ceiling, to pillar, over a random banana peel, and away from every attack Hisame was using. Left and right, Hisame gritted his fanged teeth as TM dodged every attack he made. Finally, he yelled.) Hisame: Stay still, you moron! (Then, there was a voice behind the angry ninja.) TM: Okay then. (Hisame froze as TM was suddenly behind him, crouching for a blow. He used kage Bunshin! It completely caught him off guard! He suddenly had two choices, face a blow from the front or behind. Being the simple ninja he was, he simply slashed through the TM before him, which split into smoke, and with a powerful kick, the one behind him went flying. He turned about and slashed at TM. Only to have that one split into smoke as well.) Hisame: What?! TM: FEEL THIS! ZERO-POWERED ONE THOUSAND YEARS OF PAIN! (Before Hisame could turn around, TM, with his two index fingers surrounded by a hurricane, jabbed them into the ninja's behind. They stood like that for a passing second. TM was getting quite uncomfortable having his fingers in another thing's ass...) Hisame: O... Oro...? (And finally, Hisame was flying through the air, screaming in pain. He hit the ceiling only to have Davis leap off a pillar and slam him into the ground with a flaming kick. TM was wiping his fingers on Hisame's cloak as Davis stood up from the man. One down, one to go. They then looked at Itachi, who hardly moved from where he originally appeared. They then saw Itachi take off his cloak. He closed his eyes for a bit, before opening them just a little.) Itachi: Eat shit. (TM suddenly realized what was going to happen. Quickly, he yelled as he tripped Davis.) TM: DON'T OPEN YOUR EYES! (Suddenly, TM was in complete blackness. There was nothing around him. He could barely see himself in the blackness, as he was outlined only in white.) TM: Whoa, this is really different. (He suddenly was strapped onto a cross. Itachi appeared before him, sword in hand.) Itachi: For the next seventy-two hours, I'll stab you continuously with katanas. (TM gulped, and could do nothing but scream as the pain came onto him.) *** [SSJ dashed left and right, dodging Orochimaru's attacks as he leapt at the legendary ninja and slammed a fist into him. Orochimaru went reeling as his Sound Nin watched in joy. The fire wall was set around them, as SSJ and Orochimaru traded blows.] Orochimaru: For the glory of Rantmon! Use any technique you have, and I will crush it! (SSJ leapt to dodge fist and kick from Orochimaru. He needed a quick way to defeat Orochimaru, and fast! Then he came up with an idea. He kicked Orochimaru away as he put his hands together. Orochimaru could only get up to see he was suddenly surrounded by many, many SSJs. He could only laugh.) Orochimaru: What will this do?! Pathetically weak enemy changing into even weaker ones! What kind of strategy do you have?! SSJ: This one. HENGE NO JUTSU! (Smoke filled the area. Suddenly, SSJ was nowhere to be seen anywhere. What once was a centurion of SSJs was now suddenly a centurion of the most terrible being imaginable... A hundred Celine Dions suddenly were surrounding Orochimaru. The Sound Nin could hardly believe it. Orochimaru put his hands to his face in fear.) Orochimaru: DEAR GOD, NOT THAT! (Out of nowhere, every single Celine Dion image pulled out a microphone. Orochimaru tried to cover his ears, but it was too late. They all began to sing "My Heart Will Go On". Orochimaru, and every one of the Sound Nins reeled in pain from each stanza, each verse, each syllable. Every stanza was insanity. Every verse was deafening pain. Every syllable was agony. One minute passed. They were screaming in pain, covering their ears and trying to block it out. Two minutes passed. They were rolling across the floor, trying to shake off the fear in their hearts. Three minutes. They were banging their heads on the roof. A quick death, or even a slow one, was better than such agony! Finally, it was done, and the many clones and images disappeared, leaving only SSJ in the center of them all. Blood was flowing from their ears as they lay there, too weak to move. SSJ grinned as words went across the non-existent screen.) SSJ: Leaf Village Secret Technique - One Trillion Years of Pain™! (The Sound Nin and Orochimaru happened to mutter the word "gold" in Spanish as they reeled in pain. Kakashi, down below, was too laying on the ground, unable to move. He, unfortunately, happened to hear the song.) Kakashi: That... Was way... Too much... Oro... *** [Amiko and Cindy were busy launching whatever they had at the Sand Monster, Gaara, as Sasuke and Naruto threw attack and attack at what appeared to be a demon. With great fury, he slashed with his great arm, knocking Sasuke and Naruto out into a tree. They slumped down as Sakura came to their aid. The checked them both, then turned back to Amiko and Cindy, facing the ever growing creature. They threw bullets and arrows. No effect. Branches and rocks. No effect. They pulled steel chairs out of nowhere and dashed up to Gaara, smacking him over and over with them. No effect. Amiko pulled out her fan, and Cindy pulled out one of her own. They then yelled out their attack.) Amiko & Cindy: Team Up Technique - Hit a Bunch of Times with Fans Technique! (They then looked at the sweatdropping Sakura.) Amiko & Cindy: We're working on the name. (Then, they smacked at Gaara from left and right. His face was thrown this way and that as they attacked him repeatedly with their weapons of doom. Finally, after much pain, they both smacked him at the same time, sending the Sand Village ninja spinning into the sky. Gaara fell through the trees and hit the ground rather painfully as Amiko and Cindy slapped hands.) Amiko: Up high! Cindy: Down low! (But then they realized their were not finished. Out from Gaara's small crater, a gigantic badger of sand rose, tearing through the trees and standing high in the sky. Amiko sighed.) Amiko: Okay, let's take it up to level two. (Amiko suddenly disappeared in smoke. At least, the normal Amiko disappeared. In her place, though, there was a smaller, lighter version of her. She spoke to Cindy with a high pitched voice.) Amiko: Come on, Cindy! Double Chibi Storm! (Cindy, not knowing that she could, concentrated with her hands folded together. Suddenly, she too, became short and deformed, and she checked out her disproportional body.) Cindy: Hey, my head's bigger than my entire body. Amiko: You get used to it after a while. (Then, lightning cracked on a clear day. The two crashed repeatedly into the badger demon, Shukaku, who yelled in pain with each blow. Hit after hit intensified the pain as the two leapt off each other, past each other, into each other, anything to cause damage on the thing. Numbers flew across the screen, each blow breaking the non-existent 9999 damage barrier. They then appeared above the demon, ready for one final blow. They both pulled out their fans, and in a surprise twist, ACTUALLY OPENED THEM. They waved their fans quickly at the demon.) Amiko & Cindy: Fan a Bunch of Times with Fans Technique! (A tornado seemed to appear around the demon. Bit by bit, sand was torn off the giant, until finally, the only one left was Gaara, floating in the sky. Amiko and Cindy grinned as they pulled off one final attack. Amiko leapt off Cindy, who in turn leapt off the fans and caught up with Amiko. They raised their deformed fist, preparing to strike. As Gaara opened his eyes to see what was above him, he saw they had suddenly reverted to their original forms, smoke surrounding the two.) Amiko & Cindy: NEWTON SLAM! (With the force of several jet fighters, they slammed their fists into Gaara's stomach, sending him falling painfully into the hard ground below. Amiko and Cindy kicked off each other and landed in trees, laughing with delight.) Amiko: Ohoho! I think that was pretty good for our first time without being cheerleaders in a while! Cindy: Ahaha! I think it was pretty damn good, as well! (And in too much pain to move, Gaara muttered on the ground.) Gaara: ...Oro... *** [TM fell onto the floor in utter pain. What felt like three days of pain actually took place in an instant. What power. What an obstacle. He felt there was simply no way he could recover from that. But Davis then spoke.] Davis: Can I open my eyes?! (TM couldn't answer, he could only groan. Against his best wishes, Davis opened his eyes and got to his feet, finding TM sweating and convulsing. Davis patted TM's bare back before turning to face Itachi. Itachi only glanced back as the former tamer threw a punch at Itachi, hitting the man squarely on the cheek. But Itachi didn't reel in pain. A small trickle of blood came from Itachi's ears. The reverberations of the attack only just slightly did pain to Itachi's ears. But that meant nothing, as Itachi raised a finger and flicked Davis away into a pillar. Itachi turned and stepped towards the downed Hokage. Some of his blood had fallen to the ground. TM reached out and struggled to push himself off the ground. Itachi's blood smeared on his bare hands. Suddenly, TM screamed loudly, as if in a tremendous pain. Itachi turned around, actually surprised. No, it wasn't pain. It was something else. TM was clutching at his eyes. He was suddenly glowing red, his tremendous aura forming again. His eyes were facing the ground. An agonizing pause. He looked up at Itachi. His hands were on his sides. Itachi saw it clearly. TM had Sharingan eyes. Itachi stepped back in surprise. He gasped, unable to grasp the reason of this plot twist. In TM's light aqua eyes, the dark shapes of the Sharingan was clear. Itachi's breath faltered.) TM: So this... Is the Blood Sin's ability... Touch someone's blood... Acquire their traits. (TM closed his eyes for a bit.) TM: So that's how you do it... Your Tsukuyomi technique... (TM's eyes opened just a bit. Itachi almost closed his eyes. But he was too slow. He was suddenly plunged in darkness. His own technique was being used against him! He stood in blackness, quite fearful of having to feel the pain to come.) Itachi: Stop this... (Suddenly, Itachi was sitting in a chair, tied up with powerful rope. Before him was a covered platter on a table. The outline of TM lifted the cover, and Itachi reeled in disgust. A pile of crap was on the plate.) TM: "Eat shit", as you said to me. For the next week, you'll eat nothing but shit! (TM grabbed the back of Itachi's head, and shoved the face into the pile. Itachi could hardly scream as TM pulled the head back and repeated... ...Itachi was suddenly lying on the floor of the room between TM and Davis, "oro"-ing into the night. Never had he felt such torment before. He hardly felt TM poking the guy over and over with his foot. Finally, TM strode to Davis, who was rubbing his own forehead.) Davis: That guy was seriously powerful. TM: Didn't I tell you? (They then heard Itachi mutter.) Itachi: That's too much... It's a... Misuse of Sharingan... (TM rubbed his chin, and a light clicked in his head.) TM: Hey, thanks for the idea name. "Misuse of Sharingan". I like it! (The two then turned to the Hokage, expecting him to still be out. But no, the kage ninjas were up and about, playing a game of chess. TM and Davis smacked them all upside the head, yelling.) TM: AND I THOUGHT WE WERE IN TROUBLE! Davis: YEAH! WHAT'S THIS ALL ABOUT?! (Soon, though, the two sat before the Hokage, who was bowing.) Hokage: Your control over the Blood Sin has been proven. Who knew that a kid could master it in less than a day? Amazing. (TM grinned, and then stood to turn and leave. He then caught sight of Itachi's cloak. Thinking about SSJ's lost cloak, he took up the cloak and hat of Itachi, telling Davis to take the other. TM then donned the cloudy cloak and hat.) TM: I don't think I look too bad in this. Davis: This one for SSJ, huh? (TM nodded, and the two stepped to the exit of the room. They opened the door, and for a moment, they were almost blinded. Yet they crossed the threshold into the sunlight beyond.) *** :: Later :: [Hardly an hour passed after the attack on Leaf Village and it was already over. Orochimaru was paralyzed from the terrible impact of SSJ's attack, unable to even speak. That made it easy for the ninjas to stick him in pudding and send him sinking into a nearby lake. The Sound Nin were, too, stuck in pudding, birds all about pecking at them. Even Tenpi was gorging before Amiko pulled him away and held him in her arms as he cried "kweh". Tenten was currently with SSJ as he sat on the rooftop where he defeated Orochimaru. Lee, also was there.] Tenten: Okay, you said you'd do something for me! How about you take me along?! (SSJ then looked at Lee.) SSJ: I don't have much of a choice, do I? (Lee raised a fist.) Lee: Do it. (SSJ sighed.) SSJ: Hai, hai. (So he pulled out a bishie ball from his belt, pressed its button, and tossed it at Tenten. She disappeared in a flash of red, entered the bishie ball, and was gone. When she met all the other bishoujo, there was much apathy, for it seemed like he added a new one every day. TM and Cindy were waiting in a random stable in the outskirts of the Leaf Village. TM sat about as Cindy was riding around on their chocobo. In came Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke, Sasuke in front. Sasuke raised a hand.) Sasuke: Come on, a fight! (TM sighed. Five minutes later, he was again sitting on a chair on top of Sasuke, quite bored.) TM: Maybe you should get a bit stronger... (Then TM's face reeled. Sakura had kicked him directly to the face, sending him flying backwards and having the chair fall off Sasuke. But something fell from his belt. It bounced off Sakura's shoulder, growing larger, hit the ground, and rolled about to hit her foot. She was red and gone by the time TM got up. He sighed as the bishie ball flew back to him.) TM: Well, that's good. (His face reeled again, as this time Naruto was kicking him in the face. Another bishie ball flew out the window just behind him, hitting Hyuuga Hinata, previously unmentioned in the chapter because of lack of room. She was gone as well by the time Naruto realized what happened. TM lay on the floor, dazed from two attacks.) TM: Two bishoujo in one day... What a deal...? *** [Davis was walking with Amiko towards the stables as a girl bumped into him. Her blonde hair swished in the air, and he realized it was Ino. But she dashed onwards, to the stable. Davis and Amiko glanced at each other, seeing as she was yelling for Sasuke. They followed, only to find her beating on TM, who sighed as no pain came. Hinata was out, trying to get Ino off TM.] Hinata: Please, Ino! Calm down! (Davis then stepped up.) Davis: Want me to get her off your hands? TM: Sure. (Davis pulled out his bishie ball, and in one swift motion, caught Ino. There was a sudden cry of anger from his own bishoujo's waiting room from Ino. Hinata then returned to TM. They were then left with Sasuke and Naruto. Just then, SSJ, too, arrived, eyes narrow. A package suddenly flew towards him. He caught it with surprise, then looked at TM.) TM: You wanted a cloak, so there. (SSJ opened the package, finding Hisame's cloak and hat. He smiled and donned the two as Kensou arrived, weapon slung over his shoulder.) Kensou: Shall we be going, then? SSJ: Yeah. (Then, they all leapt onto their chocobos. Naruto dashed in front of them.) Naruto: Hey, wait! Give back Sakura-chan! TM: I don't know how. Sorry. Naruto: WHAT?! (Then, he was gone as well. A bishie ball flew at Cindy, who everyone glanced at.) Cindy: If you want to go with her, then fine! (Naruto was much contented, leaving only Sasuke with them all in the stable. Finishing the job, Amiko got a bishie ball and caught Sasuke, as they all prepared to leave. Then the Hokage stood in the doorway of their exit.) Hokage: I see you are taking some of our best and brightest ninjas. SSJ: We'll need them. Hokage: Ah, yes. We're all counting on you to defeat Rantmon! (The six smiled. The Hokage bowed, and so did they. The Outlaws then snapped the reigns and the chocobos dashed one by one through the door. Dirt flew into the air from their pounding on the ground. And they dashed away from the setting sun, ever faster towards their destination.) ---- To Be Continued ---- - ENDING SONG: WIND - Cultivate your hunger before you idealize. Motivate your anger to make them all realize. Climbing the mountain, never coming down. Break into the contents, never falling down. My knee is still shaking, like I was twelve, Sneaking out of the classroom, by the back door. A man railed at me twice though, but I didn't care. Waiting is wasting for people like me. Don't try to live so wise. Don't cry 'cause you're so right. Don't dry with fakes or fears, 'Cause you will hate yourself in the end. Don't try to live so wise. Don't cry 'cause you're so right. Don't dry with fakes or fears, 'Cause you will hate yourself in the end. ---- Preview ---- [Japanese Yu Yu Hakusho Preview music plays in background. The six appear as chibi style, and random scenes from the next episode play, though you can't see because this is text. =P] SSJ: NEXT TIME! ON GINGA GIRI GIRI! Amiko: Rikudo Koshi hereby allows us to use Excel Saga in any way we want. TM: Or at least we wish he did. Cindy: Anyway, it's a dog-eat-dog world in F city, and bad things are about. Kensou: Not to mention that Voldemort and company decides to gain power. Davis: Next! On Ginga GIRI GIRI! All: "Loyalty in the Name of Love"! Naruto: Watch out for wackiness! ----