____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero ____________________________________________________________________________________________ [The scene opens with the cast of GGG sitting around a table. SSJ, Amiko, TM, Cindy, Davis, Jallopsimon, and Rantmon all sat on the table, speaking. They all were drinking their fancy Starbucks drinks, while SSJ was typing GGG on his small laptop (which he doesn't have in real life).] Rantmon: I don't like how I wasn't in last chapter. Jallopsimon: You think that's bad? The last time I was seen was like in chapter 27! (SSJ muttered from over the computer.) SSJ: Oh, stop complaining about that, you two. (TM then produced a piece of paper with writing on it.) TM: Forget that now, for today, Excel Saga will be the subject. I've got a little something "written" by Rikudo Koshi. (The camera focused up on the paper, and Rikudo Koshi's voice is heard in the background.) Rikudo: "I, Rikudo Koshi, hereby allow Excel Saga to be parodied in GGG, and not the other way around..." Hey wait, I did not authorize this! (Cindy then whacked the author over the head, for he was right beside her, tied up to his chair. He slumped onto the table unconscious from the blow as Amiko then sifted through the man's pockets, pulling out his stamp.) Amiko: Here ya go! (She tossed the stamp at TM, who caught it and put the red ink onto the paper. Davis then spoke in order to have something to do in the scene.) Davis: Wait, what the heck is Excel Saga? (TM and SSJ looked up and glared at Davis, who sweatdropped. SSJ nodded at TM, who reached into his shirt pocket, as if pulling out a gun. Davis turned white as TM quickly revealed a jewel case with "Excel Saga" written over it.) TM: Watch it. Davis: ...Do you carry that around with you all the time? TM: ...Yes. (They all then looked up at the screen, smiling. Well, except SSJ, who was still tapping away at his computer, writing the very words you now read.) All: On with the show! - OPENING SONG: LOVE (LOYALTY) - Sore wa ai ja nai Ai wa sore ja nai Ai shite 'ru kedo ai sarete wa inai Kesshite ai ja nai Ketsu wa ai ja nai Ai shite 'ru kedo motometari wa shinai Kono mi sasagete inochi nagedashi Wakime mo furazu Tada hitasura ni Damashite sukashite yoko-hairi Tanin wo fumitaoshi keri wo kamashite Tonzura koite! Tonzura koite! Tonzura koite! Tonzura koite! Tonzura koite! Tonzura koite! Tonzura koite! Banana no kawa de koronde mo Sore wa subete ano kata no tame Shiite iu nara sore wa kitto Ai to iu na no chuuseishin *** [The place: F Province. The city: F City. Underneath the metal, modern city with cars and skyscrapers and such, there was a dark, hidden room. Two particularly young girls, one being a newly graduated high school student; the other unknown, since she doesn't exactly go by Earth reckoning of age. Anyhow, they stood before a particular man, sitting in his particularly comfortable chair, reading a particular manga called "Excel Saga". The girls had their right hands raised high up, proclaiming at the top of their lungs.] Both: Hail, Illpalatzo! (The man, now confirmed to be Illpalatzo, then spoke.) Illpalatzo: Well, it seems you both are rather spirited. (The strange girl with purple hair then bowed, replying.) Hyatt: I thank you for noticing, Illpalatzo-sama. (The graduate, blonde and wearing clothes that particularly appeal to fanboys, then spoke in one breath.) Excel: Hai! I, Excel, also thank you, Illpalatzo-sama for noticing little me; even if our last mission was a failure, leaving half of the city infested with those aliens; but yes, I am fine and well; very, very energetic, and ready to tackle another mission, and I thank you again for noticing, Illpalatzo-sama! (At the end of her sentence, Illpalatzo was seen gripping a rope reaching from the ceiling, and Excel turned pale. He pulled the rope, and Excel leapt up, expecting the ground below her to collapse and make her fall. But no, a projector came down from beside Illpalatzo, and behind the two girls, a screen pulled down.) Illpalatzo: Observe. This will be our next mission. (Excel and Hyatt sat back in beach chairs, eating popcorn- Excel spilling hers about- as the projector played. There was the old and black five, the four, the three, each accompanied by a high-pitched beep. At two, the projector suddenly gave a wail as the reels got caught within its springs. Illpalatzo cursed and kicked it down.) Illpalatzo: Whoever invented these defective things, anyway?! Oh well, I'll save handling him for the next mission. (Illpalatzo then pulled out photographs from his pocket instead, handing them to Excel and Hyatt.) Illpalatzo: Locate and capture this boy. I have a score to settle with him. (Excel glanced at the picture, making her classic, cute faces unable to be described in text. Anyway, she noticed the brown hair and blue eyes of the boy, his long hair swaying all around. She, too, pocketed the photograph. Hyatt took one glance at the photograph before bowing.) Hyatt: It may be difficult, but I will do your bidding, Illpalatzo-sama. Excel: Okay, Illpalatzo-sama! I will faithfully carry out Illpalatzo-sama's order and bring him swiftly here! (The ground suddenly collapsed under her, and she fell.) Excel: Ja, ochima---su! (Subtitles: Then, I'll fa----ll!) (And Illpalatzo was seen, with a myriad of ropes all about him.) Illpalatzo: Damn, wrong one. (He pulled another one, and tray immediately appeared beside him, with a freshly wrapped and freshly made In N' Out burger sitting on it.) Illpalatzo: Okay, that's the one! *** :: Meanwhile! :: [The Crew headed over the hills of grass and stared into a deep valley. It was daybreak, and they were just fine and full of vigor. Down in the valley was a small city. Well, less small and more gigantic. SSJ and TM thought something was strangely familiar with the buildings... But that mattered not, for they continued into the city, hoping to pass through. Their still not fatigued chocobos continued on through the streets of the city, lost in the tangle of cars and people. They much expected to pass through unheeded, if not for a giant explosion ripping through the building just next to them. TM looked threw his head about for the source of the problem, screaming out a word he just learned.] TM: NANJYA KORYA?! (Subtitles: WHAT THE FUCK?!) (They all then turned their attention to a group of strangely clad people standing in particularly strange poses on top of a towering building to their right. It was the Daitenjin, dressed up and prepared to do their ten good deeds for the day.) SSJ: Oh, no... Cindy: This doesn't look good, huh? (Then the leader, Watanabe in his blue suit, yelled.) Watanabe: Adhere to the traffic laws or prepare to be PUNISHED! (A sweatdrop formed for each of the six, and there was a general sigh from them all. They then looked both ways down the streets, everyone but Kensou trying to see which side of the street traffic travels. They then got onto the left side and rode on. BAM! Another explosion ripped into the ground before them. They threw a surprised glance at the Daitenjin again, for their hearts nearly stopped from sudden fear.) Misaki: Slow down! (They sighed again, and slowed their chocobos to a walk.) Iwata: Slower! (They pulled on the reigns of their chocobo. The bird's walking was reduced to trudging along at a snail's pace. When they saw that they were no longer bothered, they sighed once more.) *** :: Meanwhile Yet Again! :: [Team Voldemort was once again at alive and well and also at large. They sat within the confines of the sewers of F City, planning their next game. Malik and Bakura were preparing their next game: Magic the Gathering. Surely, such an old game those young whippersnappers wouldn't have played! But Voldemort was preparing himself for their next plan. He was working on casting his spells all the more faster. Perhaps he could find a way to cast spells without the incantation. Whatever he could do, he needed to do it. Defeat them and defeat Black Amiko. Simple plan. And currently, Peter was with a screwdriver, sticking it into his right hand. His right hand was wide open, and a complex maze of circuitry and wires shown through. He tightened several screws within his hand before closing it off, flexing it, and covering it with a glove again.] Voldemort: Still having problems with that hand? Peter: Ever since the spell was cast, it has been malfunctioning. I'll fix it later. Voldemort: It'd better that you do sooner. (And during then, the Maze brothers immersed themselves in poetry in order to get more rhymes. Ma went through Poe, Frost, Dickenson, and still went on into the poetic culture. Ze was popping in CD after CD into his portable CD player.) Ma: Perhaps there is no greater poet than Poe. Ze: You may be right, but Nelly is the one with the mad flow. (Ma then glared at Ze, smacking him over the head.) Ma: That stuff isn't even true music! Turn off that crap and read good ones some time. Ze: We're not musicians; we're not poets, either. We're just trying to improve our rhyme. (Ma then rubbed his chin thoughtfully.) Ma: A good point, brother Ze. Ze: I can only say "meh". (And so their hijinks continued on into the day. They were going on, preparing for what they wanted to be the last time they confronted the Crew.) *** :: Back to the Crew! :: [The Crew was nearing the end of F City, after much harassment and explosions from the Daitenjin. They were weary, tired, and annoyed just after entering the city vigorous, strong, and in good spirits. They trudged on, just a millimeter from city limits before an explosion stopped them again. They turned around and found the Daitenjin again, blasters in hand. Lines of text appeared over the largest one. SSJ and TM were so annoyed they didn't bother reading the text. They leapt off their chocobos and dashed towards the Daitenjin. A pokeball rolled across the screen as it blurred into a battle, music began, and a battle a la Pokemon began.] SSJ: Jill-chan, go! TM: Lulu! Make them stop bothering us! (Jill appeared, rocket launcher in hand, as Lulu came up in a flash of red light. They then began their attacks, charging up for the assault-) Daitenjin: 75% Off Liquidation Sale Special! (Boom! Jill and Lulu were flying, with swirls for eyes. SSJ was pulling his hair out, yelling for Jill as TM was admiring the view of Lulu. Nevertheless, the two bishoujo disappeared in red and returned to the boys. The Daitenjin wasted no time blasting the boys in the air as well, and the two were knocked out instantly. Davis, Amiko, Cindy, and Kensou simply drove their chocobos away from where the two would land, letting them hit the ground loudly and painfully. They sighed, glancing at the Daitenjin. The Rapponmatsus spoke.) Rapponmatsu-2: As Sumi-chan said... Rapponmatsu-1: Have a nice day. (The Crew sweatdropped, almost expected something more threatening. They then readied TM and SSJ onto their chocobos, preparing to leave the city as the Daitenjin departed. But way up on a building above them observed a certain blonde haired girl with green eyes. She held a photograph and looked down upon the Crew, finding just the boy. Excel put the picture in her pocket and spoke with half her face in shadows, and a red eye glowing.) Excel: Prepa---re yourself! (Then, there was a loud snapping of rope. The Crew couldn't help looking up to see the criss-crossing ropes raining upon them. Before they could react, the net hit the ground with a loud smash. A couple meters past them. Davis looked at the net with wide eyes.) Davis: What the- (There then came a soft, feminine voice. Davis looked to his left, finding a strangely clad woman with purple hair. Hyatt smiled as she spoke.) Hyatt: Hello- GUAH. (She coughed blood all over Davis, then fainting onto his chocobo. The chocobo was screaming as Davis grabbed his head, yelling.) Davis: W-W-WHAT THE-?! (It was then that Amiko smacked him over the head.) Amiko: Come on, take her to a hospital! (So they did, taking her up onto Davis' chocobo and dashing away, SSJ and TM's chocobos following.) *** :: Back at Illpalatzo! :: [Illpalatzo, at the moment, was sitting in his massive throne, holding a book and reading it. On the cover was a familiar boy with a red cloak and black hair, a girl with brown hair, and a boy with short brown hair that was slicked back, all of them in cool poses holding pokeballs. His fingers were covering the title as he read, flipping over to the next page. Finally, after ten or so pages, he threw the book into his garbage compactor.] Illpalatzo: What garbage! It's like it's written by a fourteen-year-old kid! (He then pressed a button on his garbage compactor, and the book was no more as it became lost in the squeals and crunches of the machine. He pulled a rope hanging from the ceiling, and a book case came from the ground.) Illpalatzo: Feh. Here's some better stuff. (He pulled out another book, this one having a single boy on the front of a blue book. The words "Order" and "Phoenix" could be seen through his fingers.) *** :: Back to the Crew! :: (The Crew was gathered around the strange girl with purple hair, who was now confirmed to be Hyatt thanks to SSJ and TM, freshly awakened from their nap. Hyatt lay covered with a blanket on a bed within a morgue, confirmed to be dead. The room was utterly spotless as they waited for anyone to come. Finally, footsteps sounded from the door, which open and allowed light to flood into the room. In step a familiar doctor and nurse, ready to examine the patient. When the Crew moved out of the way, the doctor and nurse caught sight of the patient. A loud scream echoed through the halls and the two dashed from the room screaming. Amiko, Cindy, and Davis were watching wide-eyed at where the two used to stand, and wondered what scared them so much. Kensou was covering his ears in pain as he glared at where they ran.) Kensou: What was that all about?! (SSJ and TM were smart enough to cover their ears with earplugs, pulling them out and sighing. SSJ then shot a glance at TM, and the two counted down.) SSJ & TM: 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... (When they reached zero, the bed shook as Hyatt got up from her position, sitting up and looking about the room. She put a hand to her cheek in a Mutsumi-ish way, and muttered.) Hyatt: Ara ara...? (And then through the door came a certain blonde haired girl. She was muttering a random, crazy phrase in her high pitched voice as she waltzed towards the crew. Seriously waltzing, for she held that wooden doll of hers with both hands was waltzing this way and that as she approached them.) Excel: Hacchan! You should stop dying like that, y'know! Kensou: ...Dying?! TM: It's a gag. (Kensou, being the oldest and should be the calmest of them all, was seriously confused with this situation. TM made it seem like her death was something that happened almost every day! Excel, meanwhile, after propping Hyatt on her back, scratched her head with her curvy-flat-arm gag, as if remembering her task. Finally, a light clicked over her head. She took the light from its floating place in the air and tossed it at Davis, who was not quite sure what to expect now. It hit with stunning accuracy and Davis collapsed onto the floor. Excel then grabbed the boy's arms and dashed away, yelling.) Excel: Sorry! Illpalatzo-sama has business with him! (And the Crew was standing there, not expecting that turn of events. Quickly though, they dashed after Excel, leaping onto their chocobos and sprinting after the strangely much faster and much more energetic girl.) *** :: Later! :: (As they continued to dash onward, someone planned to stop them. Soon after, there was an explosion before them, throwing smoke into the air. They pulled their chocobos to a quick halt, looking around for the Daitenjin. But no, when the smoke cleared, who else would appear but Team Voldemort, prepared for their new challenge.) Amiko: Not you guys again! Cindy: Don't you ever get tired?! (Ignoring them, Malik and Bakura stood forward, their hands in their shirt pockets. Everyone tensed up as the two pulled out the two most unexpected things- Magic: the Gathering decks. SSJ and TM stared, and stared, and stared, as if expecting something more. SSJ and TM then laughed with relief, causing Malik and Bakura's eyes to twitch.) SSJ: Wait here. TM: We'll be back. (SSJ and TM walked away discussing about their plan. As they walked, they passed a rich man, who was soon missing a wallet that TM had in his pockets. They walked straight into a card shop, leaving five seconds later each with a Magic: The Gathering deck.) TM: What's your deck? SSJ: Mirrodin. TM: Hah. Can't compare to elvish power here! SSJ: I'd care if we were facing each other. (The two then came back and faced Malik and Bakura, ready to play. Malik and Bakura were clearly taken aback. Malik: B-b-but... Wait! This game is like ten years old! You kids play such an old game?! TM: Yeah, but it's still popular. (Malik and Bakura then put their hands to their cheeks and screamed.) Malik & Bakura: Double shock! Bakura: This is bad! *** (And it was bad, indeed. Six turns later, they were done as SSJ had a billion artifact creatures- and many more artifacts- out, as TM had many, many elves and many, many ways to hurt them. The two sighed as Malik and Bakura collapsed onto the pavement, once again shocked from losing a game. Next came the Maze brothers, pointing at Cindy and Amiko.) Cindy: Whoa, we're suddenly in the foreground. Amiko: Amazing. (The Maze brothers then sat, paper and fountain pens in hand.) Ma: I declare a better challenge for you all. Ze: A battle of words, where you will fall! (Amiko and Cindy shot a glance at each other, and then sat down to take the challenge. Mokona landed on Cindy's head as Tenpi looked around, sitting in Amiko's bag. The Maze brothers grinned devilishly.) Ma: Brother Ze will inform the cost! Ze: Six words phrases 'til rhyme's lost. (Cindy then raised a hand.) Cindy: So, question here, so be mellow. Amiko: What color's between red and yellow? Ma: Bah! That is the color orange! (Ma and Ze then froze. Lesson after lesson taught them one thing: nothing rhymes with orange. Or, ehr... Wait, it doesn't. But you get the picture. There was no word they knew of that rhymed with orange. Ma and Ze collapsed onto the floor as well, tired much like Bakura and Malik. Cindy and Amiko had their attention on a puzzle book they held in front of them, however. Amiko slapped her forehead, calling herself stupid for being unable to answer it. When they looked up and saw the Maze brothers laying on the pavement, tired, wondering what happened. They then shrugged and got up, leaving the two to sulk. That left only Voldemort and Peter, who both were twitching with annoyance. Suddenly, out from a ramen shop just to their left, out came Nabeshin. The director looked up at the situation, seeing Team Voldemort losing. He then saw Voldemort pull out his wand and aim it at the Crew.) Voldemort: AVADA KEDAVRA! (Poof! A wisp of smoke came from the wand and the crew ducked for cover. But no beam of energy or whatever the killing curse was supposed to do came. Voldemort's eye twitched, then her threw the wand onto the ground and stomped on it.) Voldemort: DAMN BOOTLEGS FROM E-BAY! (Nabeshin sighed and approached Voldemort.) Nabeshin: You still haven't awakened. (Voldemort shot a surprised glance at Nabeshin.) Voldemort: What?! (Nabeshin then put a hand on Nabeshin's shoulder. Suddenly, there came a burst of energy. Nabeshin yelled as an aura suddenly burst from him. A large green aura filled the streets, sending wind and rocks away from its focal point. The Crew covered their eyes and ducked, seeing in horror as the hood on Voldemort's head suddenly grew wide at the top. So it continued until the hood on Voldemort's head made it appear that the top was wider than the bottom. Voldemort prodded the suddenly increased head, as Nabeshin admired his work. Finally, Voldemort grabbed at his head and yelled.) Voldemort: Afro?! NOOOOOOooooo!! (And Voldemort's screams echoed through the streets.) Nabeshin: From now on, you shall be... Nabeshin #4! (And SSJ grabbed his head, recoiling in horror. What a terrible, terrible, terrible plot twist! TM, on the other hand, was thoughtfully rubbing his chin.) TM: There's only one thing to say here... NANJA KORYA?! (Subtitles: WHAT THE FUCK?!) *** (Soon after, Voldemort no longer was hating this plot twist. In fact, he was enjoying it! He no longer needed a precious wand to attack. Everyone left TM to handle Nabeshin #4, for he was the strongest of them all. Voldemort put his palms together and a light glowed within them.) Voldemort: Nabe... Hame... HA! (TM braced himself and dodged left, seeing everything move in slow motion like a game of Max Payne, minus the horribly overdramatic, trying-to-be-poetic lines. The blurred Nabe Hame Ha flew past him as he slowly dashed towards Voldemort, who was moving in slow, jerky pieces. TM reached Voldemort and threw a punch, sending Voldemort skidding back. Voldemort prepared and shot another Nabe Hame Ha, sending TM skidding back as well. Voldemort then raised a finger, muttering the killing curse at TM's direction. TM leapt sideways to his right, Voldemort launching spell after spell. Spells were falling like raindrops, so Max Payne would say. TM skidded on his shoulder and rolled onto his feet. Voldemort put his hands together as TM did the same. TM's thoughts were not exactly normal at that point.) TM: (I learned this from playing Davis all the time in Capcom VS SNK! Down to forward, triple-punch!) (They then yelled their attacks at the same time.) TM: Shinkuu... Voldemort: Nabe Hame... (Balls of energy formed in their hands. They then thrusted their hands forward and finished their attack names.) TM: HADOUKEN! Voldemort: HA! (Simultaneously, two beams of energy shot at each other, colliding and pushing against each other. The odds turned into Voldemort's favor. His beam kept on moving forward, pushing onward. It came closer. Closer to TM. But wait, TM made a come back. With a scream, he put forth more energy, shoving Voldemort's attack back. His own energy beam moved forward. Closer to Voldemort. Then Voldemort kicked off his shoe and launched a Nabe Hame Ha from his foot as well. Everyone was taken aback; their mouths dropped to the floor. With a tremendous boom, it reached TM and tore him to pieces. Light filled the area, temporarily taking away everyone's vision. ...When they could see again, the Crew saw a smoldering heap where TM was, and Voldemort was laughing in delight. One down, five to go! The Dark Wizard turned his laughing face about and saw the Crew, who were surprisingly not scared, fearful, or anything. They just looked on with narrow eyes. Voldemort stopped laughing. Before he could react, THWACK! He collapsed onto the floor, and TM, who had been behind the wizard, opened up a dented steel chair and sat on top of the wizard.) TM: You fell for Kage Bunshin, loser. (And Peter Pettigrew sighed, almost waiting for what was coming next. TM got up off his chair and kicked Voldemort at Wormtail, who collapsed on the pile with the Maze brothers and Voldemort. Cindy summoned Sano, who tossed pineapple bombs at the direction of Team Voldemort. Soon, they were in the air, holding hands in a flying ring.) Team Voldemort: Team Voldemort is blasting off agaiiiiinnnn... (And with a bling and a sparkle, they were gone. Everyone sighed. They then looked around for any clue by which Excel escaped to. Finding none, they sighed once more. Then an explosion ripped into the asphalt just beside them. Up on the roof of a building, there was the Daitenjin again, in a cool pose. Without wanting to go through much, SSJ simply threw a bishie ball and caught the one in green, Misaki Matsuya. Then they leapt onto their chocobos and departed the scene, shaking off the Daitenjin's trail as they left, hopefully.) *** :: Later! :: [Excel and Hyatt once again raised their hands in honor of Illpalatzo, who was sitting in his throne. They yelled and filled the room with their voices.] Excel: Hail Illpala- Hyatt: -tzo. (Illpalatzo nodded, and thus spoke.) Illpalatzo: Very good Excel-kun. I say this is mission complete. (Excel was leaping across the room, yelling "success" over and over as she bounced about. Hyatt stayed in place and looked over at Davis, who was sitting in a strait jacket, looking up at Illpalatzo with a sigh. Illpalatzo looked down on the boy and then spoke, Excel still bouncing off the room.) Illpalatzo: Now, as for you, it's time for you to receive what's coming for you. (Davis simply peered at the man through narrow eyes. Suddenly, the door to the hideout they were in now burst open, and the Crew sprinted inside.) TM: Okay, this is the place! Cindy: Give back Davis! (Illpalatzo was silent. He glanced at them, then to Davis.) Illpalatzo: Who are they? Excel: Hai, let me answer that, Illpalatzo-sama! These are clearly ordinary people, waiting for us to govern them all! Little do they know of how rotten the world is, and it should be cleansed! Or little do they know of our plans to conquer the city and rule them all with an iron fist- they are simply here to take back their friend there, Davis, and probably ruin our plots! (Illpalatzo pulled on one of the ropes right by him, and Excel fell into the pit once more. The evil mastermind then spoke.) Illpalatzo: Well, if you are Davis' friends, I'm afraid to inform you all that Davis has a present coming to him. (Everyone froze in horror as a rope came down from the ceiling. Illpalatzo grabbed the rope and tugged on it tightly. Everyone looked about for what may come. The wall just by Davis opened. Everyone waited as the buzz of machinery came from the hole. But then, out came a tray with a thousand dollar bill on it. Everyone sweatdropped.) Illpalatzo: My poker debts, repaid. (Davis stared at it for a bit, freed himself from the strait jacket Houdini style, and then took the bill into his hand. The tray then disappeared into the wall, which closed afterwards. Illpalatzo then spoke again.) Illpalatzo: Okay, with that done, please leave and forget of this place. (They all sighed and turned to leave. TM, being sly and balanced, accidentally put his foot on a random banana peel laid carelessly on the ground. He slipped across the floor and fell straight into the hole Excel was in. A red light came from the hole, and TM was screaming.) TM: Yes! I caught Excel! (And he did a particularly cool pose. Shame no one could see it considering he was that deep inside. TM soon pulled himself out, and Illpalatzo was sighing.) Illpalatzo: So that's one less member of Across... (He jotted it into a notepad he pulled from his cloak. He then contemplated how they would take over the world with simply two people.) Illpalatzo: Okay, we have a new mission, Hyatt. We shall accompany them and get rid of Rantmon, then we can take over the world. (Hyatt bowed.) Hyatt: Hai, Illpalatzo-sama. (Hyatt then turned and stepped to Davis. She bowed, and Davis caught her, since he was the first to spot her. Then Amiko nudged Cindy, and she tossed a bishie-ball at Illpalatzo. As Across became no more in F City, the Crew then scratched their heads and sighed. With that, they got onto their chocobos and slowly trudged to the end of the city, very much tired from their day. BOOM! An explosion ripped behind them. Not wanting to see the Daitenjin again, they dashed forward, escaping the many, many explosions that followed.) Daitenjin: Awesome Looking Death Explosion! ---- Chapter 37: Loyalty in the Name of Love ---- ---- Today's Experiment... Success! ---- - ENDING SONG: MENCHI - AISHUU NO BOLERO ~ SHOKUSU NO NE - Arf arf arfarfarf... Arf arf arfarfarf... (Kizutsuite 'ta ano hi kara) Arf arfarfarfarfarf arf arf arf... (Anata ga chikazuite kita wake) Arf arf arfarfarf... Arf arf arfarfarf... (Hagotae no yawarakai) Arf arfarfarfarfarf arf arf arf... (Kono mi ga anata no konomi to) Arf arfarf arf arf arf... (Ue ni taete 'ru hitomi ni) Arf arfarf arf arf arf... (Kono mi wa dou utsuru) Arf arf arfarfarf... Arf arf arfarfarf... (Shokusu nara hito-omoi ni) Arf arfarfarfarfarf arf arf arf... (O-niku ga kataku naranu you ni) ---- Preview ---- [Japanese Yu Yu Hakusho Preview music plays in background. The six appear as chibi style, and random scenes from the next episode play, though you can't see because this is text. =P] SSJ: Next time! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! Amiko: In celebration of Christmas, Angels will be in the next episode. Kensou: That shoot exploding crosses for some reason or other. Cindy: Yeah, it's a giant robot anime without angst or stuff like that. Davis: What's this...? A crazy fanboy comes and bothers us? TM: So what else is new? All: Next! "Getting on Other's NERVs" ----