____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero ____________________________________________________________________________________________ - OPENING SONG: NANKA SHIAWASE - Mezamashi ni okosare sukejuuru wo konashi Toki ni egao tsukuri nokoru wadakamari Koi mo yume mo tetsugaku de itsu mo kotae wa nai kedo Koin hajiku you ni arukidasou Nanka shiawase Chotto shiawase Kanjiru toki koso shiawase no hajimari Nanka yukesou Umaku yukesou Fumidasu ippo de subete kaete yukeru ne ---- Recap ---- [Chibi characters of the six appear in the foreground as scenes from the last episode play in the background. Though, you can't see 'cause this is text. =P] SSJ: LAST TIME! ON GINGA GIRI GIRI! Kensou: Intense investigation work happens. TM: Afterwards, robots! Fire! Stuff! Davis: We learn some clues on the false Amiko and Cindy. Amiko: They turn out to be DUO and WUFEI, with QUATRE! (And so Amiko goes about waving fans and cheering and making everyone else sweatdrop.) Cindy: So... On with the show! ---- Chapter 40: Trial by Fire ---- [It was daytime for the Crew. The sun was high in the sky as they tramped along a small dirt path. The vegetation was rough and small, with patches of rougher dirt showing in small patches across the scene. Hills rolled off into the distance, covered with short trees with few leaves. The scene contrasted with the fact that it was Spring, but it was to be expected, for dragons were up and about the world. In the distance was a small band of travelers, each of differing builds and strengths. From what the Crew could distinguish, there were two girls, hardly seventeen, and three boys, about the same age. The tramps of their chocobo's feet, throwing sand into the air, also alerted the travelers ahead of their presence. The group turned about, and as they did, their shoulder guards, adorned with gold and steel, shone brightly. Everyone saw the golden Japanese symbols upon the shoulder guards. SSJ, supposedly being their leader, was the first to raise his hand and greet them all.] SSJ: Yo. (He then turned to Amiko.) SSJ: What do their shoulders say? Amiko: Aren't you learning Japanese? SSJ: I'm not that far, yet! (Amiko pouted at him for a bit, but then looked again at their shoulder guards.) Amiko: Hokuten... The Northern Sky. (And then the small band stood upright and proud. One of the girls, the shortest of them all, in fact, stepped up and waved. Besides the shoulder guard, she wore some armor upon her forearms and legs. Her black, rough boots were stained with the sand, and so were her sleeveless white shirt and red pants. SSJ noted chain mail ringing as she spoke.) Girl: Well, well... Looks like the Outlaws- And Kensou Mishima! What a surprise! (Kensou was taken aback at how she recognized him.) Kensou: Who are you?! (The girl then put up her palms as she sheepishly grinned. SSJ noted again special gloves on her hand, fingerless, and with the symbol of the Rood Inverse inked on the back of each.) Girl: Now, now, no need to be so hostile. My name is Anya Tsukimoto, leader of the Hokuten. (The Crew exchanged glances. None but Davis and Kensou knew what the heck they were. Davis then explained.) Davis: She's part of a clan, this one being the Hokuten. There are many clans about the world, some doing simple jobs such as mercenary work, others being employed by the government as elite military units. And then, there are some others part of factions against the government. Anya: Like you all. I'd like to have a word, anyhow. (SSJ sighed and glared at the short girl. She seemed to be completely diminutive, since he was on a chocobo, and most of what he saw was her dark brown hair, curled as they reached her shoulders. SSJ got off and approached her, noting her eyes were almost the same shade as his own. The rest of the Hokuten stepped forward, ready to strike with their hidden weapons, yet Anya waved a hand to calm them.) SSJ: So, what do you want? Anya: Just a couple of questions answered. (There was a pause as SSJ contemplated, closing his eyes and sighing. He replied without bothering to open his eyes, leaning back on his chocobo and crossing his arms.) SSJ: Shoot. Anya: Where are you headed? (TM then was about to answer their journey to Rantmon, had Davis not stopped him and explained.) Davis: To a friend of mine. We have favors to ask of him. Anya: Oh? Not heading to the Ura Buto Satsujin? (TM and Cindy heard it well. They knew what it was immediately. The Ura Buto Satsujin was a tournament to the death, where the loser loses not only their lives, but their relics as well.) Cindy: Wait, that means this is a... TM: ...Flame of Recca chapter. (Then, Davis spoke on the contrary.) Davis: No, we do not plan on entering that. Besides, we have no elemental weapons or anything of value. (Anya then smiled at that.) Anya: Oh? How about the Hellfire Sword your leader is holding? The eskudo armor and glove that girl has? The Blood Sin on that boy's back? The Meteor Gloves that the Tamer is wearing? The- (But then SSJ cut her off there.) SSJ: We get the point. Anyway, why should we bother with that? It'll waste our time. Anya: Because someone very important is also in there. Namely, a boy that looks like one of you, but I forget at the moment. (Everyone saw SSJ suddenly twitch as his eyes open widely, revealing the white in them and the small specks of brown and black. Anya smiled again.) Anya: Seems I've got your attention. Anyhow, my second question, what happened to certain people you all have come across? Namely, Relena Peacecraft, the Battousai, and Harry Potter? (Amiko then explained, trying to keep an innocent face.) Amiko: They have willingly come with us on our journey. (Anya looked up at the girl, still with a smile.) Anya: And... Where are they? (Amiko sighed.) Amiko: Here. Right now. ...It's hard to explain, really. Anya: I see. Well, maybe we shall meet again. I'm sure you'll all do well at the Ura Buto Satsujin. (And with that, she led her clan forward and away. There was a fork in the road, and they turned right. Davis pointed out that the tournament was at the left path. SSJ said nothing as he hopped onto his chocobo and had it take the left path. Everyone sighed at his sudden serious mood.) *** :: Later! :: [The Crew came to a rather large area enclosed by a barb wire fence. Now, it was nothing their chocobos couldn't handle, so they were off into a small forest lying on the other side. Before they came there, they had noticed the dome structure in the distance, and they made their way there. In the middle of the forest, they were thus forced to leave their chocobos and go alone on into the mass of people off out of the forest. They were jostled about the crowd as they walked on into the towering dome, shadowing the sun and throwing a dark abyss onto them, but they ignored the inconvenience. They shoved their way through the crowds of people throughout the entrance hall, making their way to a single, solitary table before wide doors into the arena, so they thought. At this table sat a single, solitary man, papers about and very serious. And as they approached, he caught sight of them, and spoke as if in routine.] Man: Do you have your invitations? (They all became silent at that, for TM and Cindy remembered invitations were needed, sighing with relief. But another hand slammed onto the table, and all of them turned to see who did it. They weren't much surprised to see Anya again, waving and smiling at them. She then turned to the man.) Anya: Clan Hokuten has arrived. (The man, without reacting, simply asked for their names. Anya replied with her name.) Anya: Tsukimoto Anya. (The other girl, dressed as a Shinto priestess, wearing a white shirt and red kimono, nice sandals under her feet, and having her raven black hair tied into a ponytail, said her name as well. Her very serious brown eyes reflected her discipline.) Girl: Hoshida Risika. (Behind Risika was a large, burly man. An ax was strapped onto his back, with his body covered with loads of armor. There was chain mail armor under his white clothes that covered his entire body, with red, thick plated armor on top, straps about his body holding the armors in place.) Man: Paul Mercuria. (To Paul's side, there was a much smaller looking teen, dressed in flowing, baggy clothing such as a coat with a cape-like tail, crimson pants that waved in the wind, almost opaque sunglasses, large black leather boots, and white fingerless gloves. On his belt, there was a pack where his weapons were thought to be.) Teen: Lee Starmon. (And behind them all, now was the tallest of the clan, towering above them all and wearing a shimmering white shirt and boots of brown. A red bandana was tied about his neck and a belt of the same shade fastened up his black, bagging pants. Armor was put on at a bare minimum and in the strangest places. A piece of armor covered the right side of his chest, the left calf of his, his lower back, and the back of his left arm. He spoke in a low, deep voice.) Man: Orion of the North. (And with Clan Hokuten confirmed and completed, the doors opened and they stepped forward. The Crew stood there, staring at the clan as it left them behind. Kensou stared intently at each of the members, thinking clearly of who they were. Just before the threshold, however, Anya turned back and clasped her hands together.) Anya: Would you let them through? It's a favor from Siria. (The man attending the table turned white at the name. He shot an incredulous stare upon the Crew, and finally, upon closer inspection, recognized Davis Matthews, former minion of Rantmon. Shakily, he sat in his seat and meekly questioned.) Man: Names? SSJ: SSJ Heero - the author of the fic. TM: Trunks Maxwell - the keeper of the Blood Sin. Amiko: Amiko Sherley - genius, archer, and pretty girl. Davis: Davis Matthews - Dark Digimon Tamer and mage. Cindy: Cindy Hoa - gun specialist and also pretty girl. Kensou: Kensou Mishima - son of the former president. (And with the names done and given, the man before them shakily and messily forged their papers and allowed them through. But he came to one line and stopped. He looked up and asked.) Man: W-What sh-shall your t-team name b-b-be? (The Crew looked about each other, thinking of a name. SSJ finally snapped his fingers and spoke for them all.) SSJ: Team Outlaws. (Everyone tried and tried to think of a better name. Upon failing, they stuck with the name given to them by the government, sighing. So their papers were finished, and the man bid them suffrage. As they passed the man and entered, TM spoke proudly amongst them.) TM: See? Everyone fears my power! Cindy: Sure, it's more likely because Amiko and I were too cute. (But during this, SSJ rubbed his chin, and a light clicked in his head. He paused just as the crew passed the doorway. The doors slammed behind them, and he turned to Amiko.) SSJ: Siria... As in Siria Mauzel?! (But Amiko shrugged. Neither she, nor SSJ, could see where she fit into the situation. But there were other worries at the moment. They now were in the tournament, SSJ, covered with the circular, pointed hat and the cloak of Hisame, looked about the contenders, searching for Dark. There was people from everywhere and anywhere, dressed in a variety of ways, carrying a variety of weapons, and speaking a variety of languages. Kensou then caught Amiko's attention as he craned his neck, searching for the Hokuten.) Amiko: What's up? Kensou: There was something about that team that seemed strange... Especially that Orion... But then the door opened, and in came Team Hokage, including Kaoru Koganei and everyone. Upon catching sight of the Outlaws. Kaoru was silent for a bit, but then squealed and dashed towards TM. TM grinned to himself and his power as the boy passed and stopped at Davis. TM was frozen with his grin as Kaoru yelled.) Kaoru: Man! It's that Dark Digimon Tamer! Holy crap, someone who also escaped working for his evil master! (TM then sighed in the background, Cindy patting him on the back. SSJ, Amiko, and Kensou sweatdropped, as the rest of Team Hokage smiled at them and greeted. As the two teams spoke, there was a boy standing all above them, on the very ceiling of the stadium. Now, that must have meant he was upside-down, which he very much was, his very pale brown hair falling down as he caught sight of the Crew. He was clad in materials as black as outer space- a sleeveless shirt, shorts, and open-toed boots meant for sparring. Under the shirt was a ton of bandages, white and contrasting greatly with his black attire. In fact, all around his right leg were bandages, and a white scarf was wrapped about his neck and hanging down. His hands were covered with black, fingerless gloves, which continued on past the hand and wrapped up his arms until they terminated close to his elbows. Strapped onto his back was a rather dangerous sledge-hammer, and what seemed to be a pick-ax was tied about his waist. The only armor the boy had was protecting the side of his left leg. He muttered to himself as he watched them, hundreds of feet away. They were mere specks from that distance.) Boy: Finally found him. The shadow can finally move. (And with that, he was gone. Footprints were left in the ceiling.) *** :: Meanwhile! :: [In his very comfortable chair within his very comfortable room, Kurei sat, maskless and all. Carpet lined the floor, the table beside him had fancy tea, and before him lay a series of screens. He was very much white and his eyes wide, seeing Team Outlaws on the screen. Footsteps were heard behind him, at the doorway into a hallway brighter than the room he sat in. He saw Cell standing in the doorway, rose to his feet and bowed. Cell spoke.] Cell: Found them, huh? Kurei: Yes, master. (Cell rubbed his chin thoughtfully, finally announcing his plan after a bit of thought.) Cell: Jump in after their first round matches. We'll see how good they are afterwards. (Kurei smiled along with Cell, turning back to the screen and speaking.) Kurei: It shall be done. (Kurei than put up a chair for Cell to sit in, and the biological creation happily obliged. Kurei pulled up another one and sat on the other side of the table, pouring tea for his new guest.) *** :: Later! :: [The stadium was roaring with spectators from around the globe. The underground martial arts tournament known as Dead or Alive... Or, ehr, Ura Buto Satsujin was well underway. There was a loud cheering as the second match was going forward, Domon trying to landing punches upon his very flexible opponent, Minamio. Domon quickly dispatched his opponent, only to fall unconscious before a crowd of mixed cheers. Next came Fuko verses Fujimaru, SSJ cheering and waving around a flag made just five minutes before.] TM: Where the Hell did you get the materials for that?! SSJ: Borrowed it from Saicho. But now is not the time for that! GO FUKO! (Everyone else sweatdropped at SSJ's sudden cheerfulness, which seemed completely out of character, but shrugged it off. As the fight progressed, and at the same time, as Fuko's clothing started dwindling down, TM was gaining a nosebleed as SSJ turned red with anger at that Fujimaru. It took the rest of the Outlaws in order to restrain their leader from rushing into the ring.) Davis: Stick around for a bit! Cindy: You know she'll win, anyway! (And in the ring, Fuko was fending off Fujimaru's scythes as simultaneously, her Claws of the Wind were flying about the ring.) Fujimaru: Now, let's see those nice ones! (Blood flew into the air at that point. Fujimaru's back was suddenly riddled with the claws. He screamed in pain as he dashed around the ring, screaming in pain. Fuko sighed as the man finally was defeated, and sauntered away from the ring, towards Team Hokage and Team Outlaws. There was a cheering, SSJ wrapping his arm around Fuko's shoulder and holding up a wine bottle. TM immediately noticed and yelled, with Domon besides him.) TM: HEY! That's my wine! Domon: And that's my Fuko! (SSJ glared at TM, then at Domon, Fuko sighing. The matches continued on, until finally, Team Outlaws' fights came. Tatsuko came to the middle of the ring, microphone in hand, and announced the fighters.) Tatsuko: In the North side! Uruha Maboroshi! In the South, Team Outlaws! (There was a giant cheer of confusion. No one expected the Outlaws to be attending. Hell, Mori Kouran, standing in his party room full of guests failed to remember giving them an invitation! What was going on?! But it mattered little as Davis was chosen for the first match against the lion-chimera, Shiju. Upon catching sight of the beast, he glared at SSJ and his poor writing skills.) Davis: Great. I'm not as important, so you stick me with a less important fighter. SSJ: Hey, I'm trying, here! (Davis muttered something else under his breath, but the author thinks one can guess it was a very rude swear towards SSJ. He stretched his arms and stepped into the ring, just as the beast came as well. It gave a hearty bellow that made the audience shiver. Davis simply yawned. Finally, Tatsuko lifted an arm and declared.) Tatsuko: Round one, first fight! Hajime! [Subtitles: Begin!] (Shiju wasted no time, rushing forward on its four legs. It raised its front legs and slashed at Davis, only to have him block with his powerful gloves. With tremendous force, Davis lifted the beast and threw it back, straight into a stone wall. Smoke and stone flew about as Shiju tried to rebalance itself. Davis sighed and spoke to his team as the beast was recovering.) Davis: I bet five bucks my next move will be the finisher. (But TM could only scoff at that notion.) TM: What?! Ten says it won't. Davis: Deal, then. (Davis sidestepped as Shiju flew past, barely dodging its razor sharp claws. Dust and shards of the stone flew into the air as his opponent crashed into the ring. He stepped to TM and shook his hand to seal the bet. With that, Davis leapt back into the ring, landing behind Shiju, who had once again tried to tear the boy in two. Davis put his hands together, making a variety of hand motions, as if performing a ninja seal. Shiju turned around and caught sight Davis. Catching sight of him, it opened its mouth and leapt at Davis, attempting to swallow him in one gulp. Its teeth tore through Davis, amidst the gasps of the teams, and the cheers of the crowd. With one large gulp, it seemed that Shiju had won. Tatsuko was about to say so herself, had not spokes suddenly appeared tearing through the beast's neck. Spikes of flaming earth, no less! From above came a yell. Everyone looked up and saw Davis, holding a giant spiked ball of fiery earth in his hands.) Cindy: He used the stone all around to form a meteor! Davis: Bingo! Meteor Strike! (Tatsuko turned white and dashed away from the ring. Just as she leapt away, the giant ball of stone landed straight onto the beast Shiju, crushing it instantly as Davis stood on top. Genjuro, the old man on the other side of the ring, had his mouth stretching to the floor at sight of the immense attack. There was a tumult of cheers as the audience saw the destruction they desired. Davis was led off the ring, and the next batch of fighters were chosen, the ring magically restored. [Mori Kouran hired very fast builders and stone cutters, apparently, to fix the ring in the five minutes before each match.] Davis walked to the grumbling TM, who handed him a ten dollar bill. Demi then stepped onto the new ring and announced the next fighters.) Demi: From Uruha Maboroshi: Mokuren Nagai! From Team Outlaws: Cindy Hoa! (Cindy shot a disgusted glare at Mokuren Nagai, who was laughing at his luck of fighting a lady. Mokona floated off her shoulder and landed on Amiko's head as it looked on to the ring. She took out her many revolvers and loaded each one before placing them with separate holsters on her belt. They stood apart from each other as the audience muttered amongst themselves. Mokuren appeared threatening and dangerous, but Cindy was one of the Outlaws. It was a difficult comparison, but Demi yelled into her mic.) Demi: Round one, second fight! Hajime! (Cindy was quick on the draw, pulling out two of her revolvers and letting bullets fly. Yet Mokuren, too, was quick, dodging down low and sending plants towards her. Cindy dashed left as the wood tore through the stone where she stood, the crowd cheering louder for her death. She leapt forward and turned about in midair, facing Mokuren and aiming her guns at him. Explosions came from the guns as she slid across the ring on her back. The bullets tore through Mokuren. Cindy felt proud of herself then. But Mokuren seemed unaffected by the blows. In fact, he was laughing! A shadow spread across the ring as he changed into his tree form.) Cindy: Well, damn! Mokuren: Wahaha! Well, girl, what do you say to that?! (Cindy sighed at that.) Cindy: Easy solution. (Mokuren sent a volley of branches at her. With dashing through a forest in the Naruto chapter, this seemed like nothing. She leapt onto the branches and dashed forward, towards a surprised Mokuren. She loaded her weapons and let bullets fly at the face in the trunk. Mokuren blocked with his branches, preventing the blow. Only then he ran into another problem, screaming.) Mokuren: GAH! SAWDUST IN MY EYE! (And as Mokuren shut his eye and attempted to rub his eyes clean, Cindy called upon Sano's strength.) Cindy: Everything we've got, Sano! I want deforestation, not training! (Mokuren heard it clearly. He swore to himself as Cindy slammed a fist into his side. An explosion tore through his side as he fell. He was no longer connected to the roots, and overall unable to get up. He then looked about and saw Cindy. He then saw the chainsaw she was wielding.) Mokuren: Aw, shit. Cindy: Give up, or you will be sold as cheap lumber. (He disregarded the threat. She was a young girl! Hardly sixteen! She couldn't have defeated him! But as the whirring, roaring blades of the chainsaw came dangerously close to his eyes, he finally screamed aloud.) Mokuren: Fine! I give up! Please, don't kill me! (And with that, Cindy's fight was over as well. There was a cheering audience above them all; one section was waving around a giant flag with her name! Then the next fight came, the ring magically fixed again. Demi once again announced the fighters.) Demi: From Uruha Maboroshi, Meno! From Team Outlaws, Amiko Sherley! (There was another roar of cheers as another flag was raised in the stands, right next to Cindy's. Amiko's name was on it now, and Amiko smiled and bowed to the audience, and another scream was made. Finally, she stepped into the ring as did Meno. Now, Amiko, too, has seen Flame of Recca, and knew Meno's style. She was thus trying to come up with a way to free her from the control of Genjuro, who put down an hourglass right on the side of the ring. And as Demi yelled for the fight to begin, Amiko and Meno stood and stared at each other. Finally, upon Genjuro's urgings, Meno let loose a scythe of hair at Amiko. Amiko dodged this way and that, barely escaping the blades of hair. She then had her bow and arrows appear from her eskudo glove and launched an arrow. It completely missed Meno. Genjuro laughed.) Genjuro: Where the heck are you aiming?! (But then he realized, though a bit slowly, that it was strangely flying straight at him. Suddenly, he swore, and created his barrier just in time to stop the arrow in its path, halfway inside. Genjuro grew stiff and yelled at Meno.) Genjuro: Kill her! Meno: Hai. (But then Amiko cut in.) Amiko: Stop it, Meno! I'll help your father soon enough! (There was a spread of confusion amongst the stands, not quite understanding what was said. Even Team Hokage was confused.) Fuko: Eh, what does that mean? SSJ: The hourglass. Inside is Meno's father. (Fuko glanced at SSJ.) Fuko: And how do you know this?! (SSJ smiled at Fuko.) SSJ: We just do. (Amiko then caught sight of the fountain as Meno was suddenly confused on who to attack. Then against Genjuro's wishes, her bladed hair flew at the barrier, trying to break through. Amiko leapt out of the ring and into the fountain, turning blue the instant she landed inside. She was then gone with a puff of smoke, and suddenly behind Genjuro. The old man turned about.) Genjuro: What the-?! (Crack! The jewel on his staff shattered and fell to pieces upon the floor. The hourglass shattered, and there suddenly was another man in the ring. Meno dashed to her father and hugged him tightly. She then turned to Demi.) Meno: I give up the match. (Once again, cheers rang out as Amiko reappeared in the ring, still blue and all. She saw Davis go to heat up the fountain with his flame, and without hesitation, she teleported inside the heated water and was herself again. Cheers once again erupted for Amiko. Genjuro stepped up to the ring, sallow and very angry at this. Tatsuko came in again then announced his opponent.) Tatsuko: From Uruha Maboroshi, Genjuro! From Team Outlaws, Trunks Maxwell! (Genjuro stared at TM, who biting into a slice of toast provided by Davis. Genjuro grew annoyed at the boy's nonchalance as he stepped into the ring, almost forgetting to take off his cloak and hat. And they stood across from each other, Genjuro feeling mighty competitive, while TM simply started cracking his knuckles.) Tatsuko: Final battle of Round one! Hajime! (Genjuro unsheathed the hidden sword in his staff, just as TM scratched the back of his neck, yawning and stretching.) Genjuro: You're pretty full of yourself, eh? TM: Why don't you just shut it and give up? (Genjuro popped a vein, immediately dashing at TM with his blade. TM parried by drawing his sword ever so slightly, warding off the sharp blade. With a kick, Genjuro was up in the air. While Genjuro's velocity was slowly diminishing due to acceleration of gravity, TM took out a banana, unpeeled, and took a rather large bite. When Genjuro finally reached the floor and bounced off unharmed, he saw TM had eaten through half the banana already. He fumed as TM didn't care enough to take the guy seriously. Suddenly, he seemed to split into many selves, dashing about the place and surrounding TM in a circle, continuously dashing as to confuse the boy. Now, TM had finished his banana, and of course being the lazy American, threw the peel onto the floor. Genjuro, still dashing, failed to stop in time to avoid the peel, and he went skidding across the ring and into a stone wall. When smoke and dust cleared from the impact, Genjuro could be seen quite dazed, confused, and unconscious. TM had won in a startling upset, without even attacking once! The stands were not sure to cheer or sigh. Off in the distance, someone stirred. Kurei, in his red cloak and mask stood far above the stands and eyed the competition. It was just as the rumors said. It was quite difficult to defeat an Uruha team member with little effort, and these kids pulled it off. No wonder Rantmon's Council had to be called and the Enders had to be sent. They certainly were amazing, and now, it was his job to finally clean things up. He leapt down from his spot, landing within the ring with a soft thud. Team Outlaws, about to leave after finishing the match, suddenly wheeled around and caught sight of Kurei, eyes wide and ready for battle. Tatsuko was about to go and question him, had not she noticed his insane eyes. She ran off the ring, and with the other referees, dashed from the tournament. Kurei then spoke, pointing a menacing finger at the Crew.) Kurei: Master Cell and Rantmon-sama has been too bothered by your presence. I will rectify that! (With that, the SSJ grabbed hold of Fuko, ignoring Domon's yells, and leapt away. Taking the hint, everyone escaped as well, TM grabbing hold of Yanagi with Recca hanging on, and Tokiya Mikagami dragging Cindy away. Kurei shot a giant flame at where they had stood, but still, in the way, was Kaoru and Domon. Davis swore and leapt before the two. An explosion rocked the stadium. Flames tore through the ceiling and pieces fell upon the stands. Many a people began fleeing from the disaster. The Crew yelled for Davis, hoping that he had somehow survived the blow. Yet upon the smoke clearing, they saw nothing but a pile of rubble. They froze while Kurei laughed.) Kurei: One down... (Kurei then caught sight of SSJ, up in the stands beside him, gripping Fuko. SSJ and Fuko were glaring at Kurei, ready to fight. Kurei simply chuckled and muttered nonchalantly.) Kurei: Two down. ---- To Be Continued ---- - ENDING SONG: ZUTTO KIMI NO SOBA DE - yume no neji wo maide hito no kanashiimi mou tsuyosa wo mita sonna kimi no soba de subete wo utsuseru hito de itai ashita ni meyouwanai youni ima mou wasureru youni hashiru hashiru doko made mou iku yure de yure de kokoro no mama ni yurarete donna kurushii mi nante kimi no ireba doriko 're nareru ---- Preview ---- [Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! Preview music plays in background. The six appear as chibi style, and random scenes from the next episode play, though you can't see because this is text. =P] SSJ: NEXT TIME! ON GINGA GIRI GIRI! What becomes of Davis?! Amiko: I'm pretty sure everyone knows he survives, but I think they want to know HOW! Kensou: Kurei is determined to capture us, so we must fight against him to defend ourselves. TM: The trial by fire ignites further as a shadow descends upon the fight! Davis: And we come face to face with simply the most powerful human on Earth. Cindy: Another fighting, gory, bloody episode, probably! All: NEXT! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! "Risen From the Ashes" ----