____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero ( ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ---- Recap ---- [Chibi characters of the six appear in the foreground as scenes from the last episode play in the background. Though, you can't see 'cause this is text. =P] SSJ: Last time! We met a strange group known as the Hokuten. Amiko: Though, I wouldn't exactly say "met". Anyhow, we then joined the Ura Buto Satsujin. Kensou: Rumors of a look-alike of one of us was abound, so we joined in the fight. TM: We fought through Genjuro's army with little stress. Davis: And now we have to meet and fight Kurei. Cindy: What exciting battle awaits?! On with the show! ---- Chapter 41: Risen From the Ashes ---- [Kurei looked up at the boy and girl standing upon the stands to his right. The stands were now empty, and slowly dust and rocks were falling from the cracked ceiling. SSJ had barely landed for two seconds before Kurei sent flames racing towards his direction. Immediately, SSJ shoved Fuko out of the way and dodged in the opposite direction, managing to escape with a tiny burn on his arm. As SSJ flew left, he threw off his cloak and hat, unwrapping his sword, and leapt at Kurei. There was a high-pitched clang as Kurei blocked with the bangles on his hand. Kurei grinned as his hand became bathed in a blue flame again. SSJ swore as he kicked off Kurei, with the flame following. It struck SSJ and bathed him in a terrible heat, shoving him back and crashing into the wall of the stands. There was a tremendous boom as stone flew away from the impact. The flames abated, and there was SSJ, erratically breathing while clenching his teeth. As fast as he could, he threw off his shirt and chain mail armor. Doing so, he glared at Kurei, as red burns upon his chest were clearly visible.) SSJ: Damn metal and their conductivity! (Kurei grinned. Then two arrows dug into his skull. Blood flew about as Amiko stood with her bow out as if she just fired an arrow. She grinned, but next she saw, the arrows were in a wooden log. She, too, cursed.) Amiko: Damn ninjas and their skills! (Flames suddenly came from above. Amiko barely dodged the flames, but the squelching heat soon engulfed her. She was forced to take off her jacket as she looked up at Kurei, falling to the ground from above. Kurei landed and immediately dashed towards SSJ again, planning to finally defeat him.) Kurei: Two down...! (But suddenly, the man's mask shattered. Its shards tore his face. As he flew back, revealing his scarred face, he saw Davis in the air, twirling about. Davis landed with the grace of a cat as Kaoru and Domon came from a crater in the ground. Kurei gripped his face as he muttered.) Kurei: How...?! Davis: Psh, all I did was create a meteor just in time to protect from the flame and debris. (And Davis cracked his knuckles, ready to rush and pound the snot out of him, but Kensou leapt into the way. Everyone stopped and shot a glance at him as he explained.) Kensou: I still haven't fought yet, so fight him. (SSJ paused for a bit, looking down at Kensou as he took off his cloak and armor.) SSJ: You gonna be alright? (Kensou smirked with pride.) Kensou: Don't worry; the Nidachi Nitou Ryuu is a style that can overcome any obstacle. (With that, SSJ nodded and leapt over to where Fuko was sitting, rubbing her head that hit the ground when SSJ shoved her away. He scratched his head and clasped his arms together.) SSJ: Sorry, yeah? (Fuko continued rubbing the pain away as she got to her feet with SSJ's help.) Fuko: Don't worry, I've felt worse. (SSJ grabbed Fuko and leapt away, towards the Crew, as Domon stomped up to their landing spot and cursed.) Domon: As I said, Fuko's mine! (Yanagi, with Recca following, went to SSJ's side and looked over the burns on him.) Yanagi: Wow... You Outlaws go through a lot. SSJ: Bah, this is nothing compared to whenever Amiko gets mad. (BAM! He was up in the air, Fuko and Yanagi gasping. And there Amiko was, holding a fan, fanning herself as SSJ slammed into the ground.) Amiko: You were saying?! (SSJ twitched a bit with pain as he righted himself sitting up. He felt a sting of pain as he replied.) SSJ: Gah... Heh, I was completely right. (A vein appeared on Amiko's forehead as her eye twitched in anger. She fumed and became as red as a tomato and then some, and then she pulled out another fan from nowhere.) Amiko: HIT A BUNCH OF TIMES WITH FANS TECHNIQUE! (As Amiko proceeded to do a one hundred hit combo on SSJ, Tokiya was looking up at Kensou and Kurei go at each other, blade for flame. Cindy was standing by Tokiya, who was the one who saved her.) Tokiya: Nidachi Nitou Ryuu... But his weapon only has one blade... Cindy: The other ones are his secret. (At that moment, Kensou dug his main blade into the stone ring. He shoved off the ground and balanced himself on the tip of his weapon, dug into the ground and vertically supporting him as flames engulfed the bottom part of the ring. He shoved off the ground and flipped towards Kurei, gripping his weapon by the tip as it ran a vertical arc towards the opponent.) Kensou: Nidachi Nitou Ryuu... Shoki Yumigata! [Subtitles: Initial Arc!] (The blade came down upon the slower Kurei. He barely had time to move the bangles on his wrist in the way and avoid a major injury. However, when Kensou, moved away, Kurei noticed it. There was a tiny cut on the metal. Kurei was completely shocked. He froze as the realization dawned on him.) Kurei: That weapon... It's made of some powerful materials! (Kensou slid away, his weapon slightly smoking. As Kensou slowed, he looked up at Kurei and smiled.) Kensou: Yeah. To be exact, it's forged of celesium! (Davis nearly fell over after hearing that. In fact, everyone but the Crew minus Davis lost balance and had to hold onto something. They were short of breath as SSJ, Amiko, TM, and Cindy looked about.) Davis: No way! Tokiya: It's that powerful?! (Cindy turned to Tokiya.) Cindy: What's celesium? (The Flame of Recca cast shot Cindy an incredulous glance.) Tokiya: You're one of the most wanted people amongst both planets, and you don't know?! Cindy: Hey, none of the others no either. (Davis then interrupted and answered the inquiry.) Davis: Celesium is only found within the deepest caves and darkest trenches of the Red Mountains. Mining it is a hell of a job, since it can withstand even an atom bomb with no difficulty. Since it is so rare and powerful, it was thought to be a gift from the gods themselves, so hence, Celesium, the celestial metal. I don't know how the Hell the government managed to get it, let alone forge it! (And as Kensou unsheathed the second blade of his weapon, he yelled at Davis.) Kensou: My father had connections to an alchemist by the name of Hayden Morningwood! (Davis once again was caught with his mouth dry.) Davis: Hayden... Morningwood?! (Kensou dodged away from Kurei's flame. Kurei was now very much disturbed, fearful for his life, even. Kensou dashed up towards Kurei and loosely gripped his weapon.) Kensou: Nidachi Nitou Ryuu... Hinekureken! [Subtitles: Twirling Blades!] (Quickly, with perfect form and care, Kensou spun the weapon about his body. The blades flew this way and that around him, making it near impossible to see it with the speed. The blades were behind, then in front, then beside, twirling endlessly. It was a wonder to everyone that Kensou did not cut himself. But Kurei was ready for any move Kensou had. With a quick hand, he caught a blade of Kensou's weapon, stopping it directly in place. He grinned. He stopped the attack! How weak!) Kurei: What a usele- (Then he saw Kensou was still spinning about. Kensou caught hold of his weapon and in one of his turns, leapt off the ground and twirled his foot into Kurei's bloody face. Kurei flew back in a heap of pain as Kensou landed, his double-bladed weapon in hand. When friction stopped Kurei's motion, the man shakily got to his feet, bruised and scraped.) Kurei: What the Hell was that?! Kensou: That was the attack. If the blades didn't get you, then my momentum and speed would. It's a double-attack that can not be stopped- Hinekureken! It can be translated into either Twirling Blades or Twirling Fists. (Kurei swore as he was tired and weakened. That was just a regular person! There was no way in Hell he could be that powerful! Davis then yelled at Kensou from outside the ring.) Davis: Wait a damn minute! Your dad knows Hayden?! (Kensou turned to him and replied with astonishment.) Kensou: It's the same one? Are you sure about that?! Davis: Damn sure considering the Hayden I know is also an alchemist! How many alchemists are there in this world?! (Kensou and Davis stared at each other in mutual surprise. Davis' friend, Hayden, being the same one as the forger of the twin nidachi! But then a thought came to Kensou.) Kensou: The one I know should be in his fifties! Davis: No way! He's at most thirty! (Kensou was then drawn into battle again with a flame tearing through the ring. Davis fell to the ground in confusion. It was then that they all heard footsteps. Everyone stopped and froze, save for Kensou and Kurei, who were still trading blows in their fight. SSJ caught sight of a group with shoulder guards. The Hokuten were there. SSJ shoved Amiko away as she stopped her attack, then turned to Yanagi.) SSJ: ...I can't move from the pain. (Amiko, Fuko, and Yanagi sweatdropped. But Yanagi still approached SSJ.) Yanagi: Who are they? SSJ: Not sure ourselves. (A white light came from Yanagi's hands as she proceeded to heal SSJ's wounds and burns, and finally SSJ leapt to his feet and met up with the clan. The rest followed and soon enough, the Outlaws and Team Hokage were looking at the Hokuten. Anya was smiling amidst the destruction and fighting going on.) Anya: Hello, SSJ Heero! Nice to meet again, huh? (SSJ glared at the girl as he replied.) SSJ: You seem cheerful. Anya: But of course! Here we are, seeing an amazing fight, Mishima has a weapon made of celesium, Kurei is on the run, and the Outlaws are sitting around watching it! (TM then shoved forward, towering over Anya. His shadow fell upon her as he spoke.) TM: What did you come for? Anya: Oh come on, we came to protect you all! (TM shot an incredulous look at Anya.) TM: Protect us?! From what?! (Anya then smiled and pointed to a spot behind TM.) Anya: Those. (The Outlaws slowly turned their heads. Then they saw where she was pointing. She was pointing to the highest row of a set of stands. Upon it were very many very white figures. Completely white, I might add. Suddenly, another came from the ground, forming itself out of nowhere. A sudden chill spread across the room as more and more white figures came forth. Kurei and Kensou suddenly stopped their fight.) Kensou: What the-?! Kurei: What is this?! (And suddenly, a voice was heard about the room. It echoed through every crevice, hole, space, and area of the room. It was deep, yet vaguely familiar.) Voice: Ice clones. Destroy them all, why don't you. They're made of the moisture in the air, and if you don't stop them from forming, the temperature in the room will eventually drop to absolute zero, killing everyone inside. But hey, no pressure or anything, just show me what you can do. (The Crew looked around for the source of the sound, but the sudden movements of the ice clones threw them out of their search. Hundreds of ice clones were seen among the stands, each holding a blade of ice as well. Kurei and Kensou looked up at them.) Kurei: Feh... They're in the way of my mission. Kensou: What bothers... (The clones then leapt up from the stands and towards the group of people. TM quickly gathered energy and slashed his blade at direction of a closely knit group of clones. His prized red wave shot from the blade and tore through a great many of them, and as they fell to the ground and melted, the other fighters got ready for action. Fuko shot a wave of wind at any clone that got near enough. With a crashing noise like that of glass, each split to pieces and melted upon the ground. Yet she missed one, who was behind her and in the air still. As she turned about and saw it ready its blade to slash her, SSJ was seen crashing into the figure, shoving it away with his shoulder. It crashed and split upon impact with a wall, but SSJ fell to the floor in a heap of pain. He was screaming as Fuko dashed up to him and saw his shoulder and arm. They were blackened. Not by flames, but they were frostbitten with cold. Fuko covered her open mouth as the voice echoed again.) Voice: Oh yeah, I forgot to say that the ice is at absolute zero as well. Kind of hard to touch them directly, huh? (In a flash of red light, Yuna was beside SSJ and proceeded to heal his wound amidst Fuko's gasps. SSJ got to his feet and yelled at where he thought the voice was.) SSJ: Oh, screw off, damn it! (Meanwhile, Recca and TM were about Yanagi, fending off clone after clone. Recca was launching his dragons at many of them, while TM was launching Zero Slash after Zero Slash.) Recca: What the Hell is with this?! Get away from my Princess! TM: Who the Hell is creating this?! Get away from me! Yanagi: Recca-kun! TM! Over there! (They shot her a glance and saw her pointing her finger. The room suddenly got colder. TM and Recca shivered as their breath became visible in the cooling room. They followed where the pointed and looked at the top of the stands again. An ice clone was forming once again. But now it was bigger than before. TM's eyes twitched with anger at the giant monster of white before him, taking its first steps in his direction. TM's red aura burst forth from him as he yelled a war cry, surprising Recca and Yanagi.) Yanagi: TM's aura... Recca: Is visible?! TM: I'll show everyone the power of the Blood Sin! (With that, he leapt forward with his blade before him. Winds flew about his blade and centered about its metal. A storm of icy chills covered his blade as he yelled his attack.) TM: ZERO-POWERED KUZU RYUU SEN! (With amazing speed, TM flew towards the ice clone. It raised its frozen blade in the air, having it crash into the ceiling and having more rubble drop. An orange light of a setting sun penetrated through a hole into the darker stadium. And then it swung its weapon down upon TM. TM then thought of a plan.) TM: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! (With a puff of smoke, a shadow clone appeared beside TM. TM kicked off the clone and flew to his right, barely dodging the blade as it crashed down upon the stands. Wood and stone were shoved from the impact and the destruction. TM landed upon the stands and leapt straight at the clone.) TM: As I said! ZERO-POWERED KUZU RYUU SEN! (The blade struck the clone right on its side. The storm from TM's blade transferred into the body of ice. Cracks suddenly ripped through the clone with a tremendous crash. Its pieces were thrown about as the winds abated and eventually stopped. TM landed upon a puddle of water. Yanagi and Recca were clapping with amazement. TM looked upon his fans and bowed. He then caught sight of Kaoru, using his Kogon Ankin to fend off hoards of ice clones on his own using the fourth form. As Kaoru caught the boomerang, TM whacked him upside the head.) Kaoru: What the Hell was that for?! TM: Fool, you haven't learned the sixth form, yet?! (Kaoru froze.) Kaoru: What- How do YOU know the form, then?! TM: I'm the author's friend. I have my ways. (With that, he yanked the weapon from Kaoru's grip and started his method of converting it. He pulled a piece there, disconnected two areas here, changing its shape everywhere. Soon enough, it was a jumbled mess of conversions as Kaoru glared at him.) Kaoru: What the Hell is that? TM: Shut up! (TM gripped two parts of the weapon, and pulled them apart. A fury of clicking sounded as many pieces fell in place. Kaoru was taken aback to find that it seemed much bigger than before. Soon, TM was standing there with a golden tommy gun!) Kaoru: WHAT THE-?! TM: Eat gold! (A furious rat-tat-tat echoed through the room as explosions and bullets came from the new weapon. There was destruction everywhere that bullets hit, with none of its opponents spared in its attack. Kaoru facefaulted with embarrassment as TM laughed and laughed and laughed as the day set slowly into night, very much proud of his accomplishments. Kurei, meanwhile, was swearing as more and more as he shot heat from his Phoenix incarnation of flame. A great many clones more still leapt at the minion of Rantmon, and a great many became a puddle of water before they even came near him. But there was still a couple more before the man who was engaged in a battle beside him. He had no time to dodge! But then Kensou yelled another attack of his as he tightened his grip upon his weapon.) Kensou: Nidachi Nitou Ryuu! Futaya! [Subtitles: Twin Arrow!] (With one extremely rapid motion, he pulled his weapon apart, launching the first half of his weapon forward, straight towards a clone threatening Kurei. He held the other half of his weapon, pulling it back and throwing it as well at the other clone threatening Kurei. Both weapons struck their targets right on their heads, and more puddles of water filled the ring. Kensou leapt forward and retrieved his weapons and connected them into a singular weapon again. He was panting, and his breath was visible at the ever freezing room.) Kurei: Why'd you bother doing that? You know I'll still need to kill you. Kensou: Yeah, yeah. We can continue after we take care of this problem. (Cindy and Amiko were together, back to back, fending off clone after clone with their projectile attacks. A seemingly endless supply of clones came forward after each successive one destroyed, forcing the two to move back, straight towards the crater Davis created earlier. Now, that wasn't the best place to be, what with it now being flooded from the water of the clones. Near them, Tokiya and Domon were taking care of plenty clones, as Domon was armed with the claw thing he retrieved from the member of the Idiot Trio. As the fighter threw the weapon that clasped onto a clone, he was quick to send it crashing into another one. Soon, though, his arms were in a great pain.) Domon: What the Hell is this...? The weapon feels as cold as ice! (At that, Tokiya slashed through a clone and landed next to Domon. He stuck his blade into the ground, and soon enough, stalagmites of ice tore from the ground and through the clones. He then addressed Domon's question during his succession technique.) Tokiya: It's made of metal, so your weapon easily gives up heat. I suggest you not use it any more! (So Domon did, standing by as Tokiya continuously shot icicle after icicle at any clone that presented itself. Suddenly, there was the sound of cracking ice behind Tokiya. His area got extremely chilled. He turned around only to see an ice clone directly behind him, still hardening and forming. A bladed arm formed in the air and slashed down directly upon the unsuspecting Tokiya. But it then tore into pieces as an explosion rang through the room, and a bullet was embedded into the head. A single strand of Tokiya's hair split and fell upon the ground. He turned to Cindy and Amiko, behind him smiling.) Amiko: Thanks for getting the clones off us. Cindy: It was a real help! (And nearby, Davis was dashing straight on the walls using the ninjutsu he learned from the Leaf Village. As he sprinted along, his fist met a substantial number of clones, tearing them to pieces as his hands became surrounded with flames. Whenever a clone was distant, he formed a meteor straight from the stands and threw it at the clone, which melted on impact. As he dashed about the domed stadium, he saw something strange. Straight in the center of the ceiling, on the highest point, a single figure stood there. He looked exactly like the clones.) Davis: Bingo! (And Davis rushed ever faster on the ceiling towards the figure. When he got closer, he realized one of the strangest things, it was a boy no older than he! As he dashed and finally reached him, he saw that the boy was smiling. He also saw that the boy had aqua eyes like frozen ice. His hair was a familiar, yet paler shade of brown.) Davis: TM's as well?! (But before Davis could react, the TM look-alike’s fist crashed with his gut. His feet and Chakra suddenly lost grip with the wall, and he tumbled down towards the floor. Everyone froze.) TM: Davis! Amiko: No! (And then, the Hokuten, who had a great deal of water about them, paused and looked up at the falling boy. Risika was ready and pulled out a paper from her shirt. Upon the paper, there was ink on it, reading as the Japanese symbol for "slug". Risika was just about to send it flying forward, had not she felt Anya's arm grabbing hers and stopping it.) Risika: Anya-chan! Do you want him to die?! Anya: I see something there. (Risika looked up and noticed it as well. A white speck as floating right under Davis. It seemed to be flapping its ears to keep afloat. Cindy then recognized it as Mokona and yelled up at him, amplifying her yells by cupping her hands over her mouth.) Cindy: Mokona! Help him! (Mokona, in the air, simply "puu'ed" and grew large enough to catch Davis in its very fluffy self. As Davis reeled from the powerful punch, he saw Mokona and the pressure he put upon Mokona's soft body. Davis then leapt off and onto the stands, glaring up at the figure on the ceiling. He pointed there.) Davis: There's our man! (Everyone looked up, barely catching sight of the figure. They then saw something insane. The boy, too, lost his grip on the ceiling, and he fell down towards the ring. TM yelled in surprise.) TM: What the-?! (And as the figure fell, he shifted his position in mid-air. He moved himself so that his head no longer was aimed at the ground. He righted himself, his feet aimed for the stone coming up quickly below. With a giant crash, he hit the stone ring, sending debris everywhere. From such an impact, the Crew was surprised he didn't flatten himself. But when the dust cleared, it was quite proven that he had lived. In fact, he was standing upright, very much smiling and not seeming to be in any bit of pain. Everyone faltered save for the Hokuten. There was no way he could have survived! And when they got a better look at the boy's face, they were shocked on the realization that it looked exactly like TM's. The boy then smiled, seeming to be very proud and calm for a dark side of a character. He was a complete change from Dark SSJ and Black Amiko.) Boy: Okay, so let's introduce ourselves, eh? The name's Shadow. Shadow TM, if you wish for the full name. I am a Cancer, my favorite drink is the blood of my enemies, and my hobbies are slaughter, freezing people to death, crushing them to death, perhaps even tearing them to pieces with my bare hands, and taking long walks on the beach! (Everyone sweatdropped as they stared at the smiling Shadow with an air of caution. Even if he was seemingly to calm and proud of his own good, falling a couple hundred feet without injury is not a weak task! TM was the first to charge at Shadow. He was behind Shadow at the time, and prepared to slash straight at him and possibly dodge any counter attacks. Yet he never even noticed Shadow pulling the sledgehammer from his back and slamming it straight into his gut. A tremendous pain shot through him as he coughed out blood and flew back, scraping along the ground.) SSJ: What the Hell?! Cindy: What amazing strength! (Shadow smiled with delight, but then he wasn't fast enough to prevent a small piece of paper to meet with his sledge hammer. All of a sudden, it felt like it weighed as much as the Earth, and dragged down the boy to the ground. It crashed into the ground as Shadow pulled his arm away, rubbing it.) Shadow: Now, that hurt. (He then saw Risika, arm extended, for she threw the note that attached to the hammer.) Risika: The Earth charm. Makes its target extremely heavy, just as heavy as a planet. (And Shadow sighed and grinned.) Shadow: Y'know, this is why I like being me... (With that, he reached down to the sledgehammer, clasped his fingers around the handle, and raised it up with ease. Risika was shocked at that development, stuttering as she fell to her knees.) Risika: Eeh?! Tha-That's impossible! Shadow: Oh, nothing is impossible for me, baby. I always enjoy seeing the look on people's faces when they see how far my power extends. (With that, Shadow tore the note off of the hammer, and it was its regular weight again. Still, he attached it again to the strap wrapping around his body, and instead unattached the pick-ax from his belt. Anya walked up and grinned. The rest of the people took the time to move to TM and have Yanagi heal him as Anya spoke.) Anya: A pick-ax? You expect to win with that? (Shadow smiled.) Shadow: Yup. (And as moonlight flooded through the holes in the ceiling, the room suddenly experienced another chill. Everyone saw it. Ice came from the flat top of the pick-ax. It extended the top of the weapon, making it longer and longer. Finally, Cindy was the first to finally realized it wasn't a pick-ax at all!) Cindy: That's actually a sword?! (Shadow smiled as the ice blade of the weapon lengthen at a frightening speed and tear straight into Anya's heart. Anya gasped in pain at that. The rest of the Hokuten leapt away in shock.) Anya: N-No... Way... (Shadow smiled ever wider.) Shadow: Yep. I carry around just the hilt of my Glacier. It's a name I gave to my own weapon, cool, eh? Then, see you in the next world! (Anya coughed blood as the blade melted and a line of water stretched from Shadow to Anya. Anya then collapsed to the ground as a puddle of blood flooded from her open wound. Everyone froze as Shadow turned about to face TM.) Shadow: Yeah, I know I'd enjoy facing you as well, but quite frankly, it's night and I want to get some sleep. We may meet again someday... Toodles. (Shadow then waved very casually at TM, and with the sound of forming ice again, a tunnel of ice formed around Shadow and twisted its way around the room and eventually into a hole in the roof. A minute or so later, the tunnel melted, its use was done, leaving water and nothing else upon the ground. TM fell to his knees, absolutely stunned by the turn of events. He then turned to SSJ.) TM: This is what we get for listening to you. SSJ: Aw, shut up. How should I know there's a third?! (And after a time, everyone was once again where they left their chocobos. SSJ was with Fuko as they spoke.) Fuko: You all have interesting lives, isn't that right? SSJ: Yeah... A little too interesting. (Fuko then smiled.) Fuko: I'll gladly go and help you. The least I can do for saving me from Kurei. (SSJ smiled and took out a bishie ball, catching Fuko and ignoring Domon's yells.) Domon: HEY! RELEASE FUKO! I swear, if you don't, I'll- (Suddenly, he turned red and into pure light. He was then stuffed into a bishie ball that flew towards Cindy, standing next to Tokiya.) Cindy: Man, he gets annoying. (Tokiya then looked away, and muttered something under his breath.) Cindy: Huh? (Tokiya turned a shade of red and spoke a bit louder, making it barely audible by Cindy.) Tokiya: Maybe I should go with you and calm him down. (Cindy devilishly grinned and nudged Tokiya, making him turn a deeper shade of red. He was even redder as he became light and disappeared within a bishie ball. TM and Amiko were then with Yanagi and Recca, watching them all disappear with light.) Yanagi: Tokiya-san sure... Changed. Recca: Yeah, but is it for the better? (Amiko patted Recca on the back.) Amiko: Now, now, don't be so mean. (With that, Amiko caught Recca, and TM caught Yanagi. Amiko had to pull Koganei off of Davis before catching him as well. Amiko proceeded to tease her friend.) Amiko: Hey, you have fans already! Davis: And I don't need any! Give them to SSJ! (SSJ glared at Davis, but said nothing. He then leapt upon his chocobo, sighing with fatigue.) SSJ: All that for nothing. (Amiko then leapt onto her own chocobo, gripping onto Kensou who was before her. Amiko: Except for catching bishies, you mean. SSJ: Yeah, yeah, whatever. (As everyone got to their chocobos and jumped on to their backs, Amiko spoke to Kensou.) Amiko: How long have you been practicing kenjutsu, Kensou? (Kensou paused as a thought crossed his mind. A moment of silence crept over him. Finally, Amiko inquired again, throwing him from his trance.) Kensou: I... I think I've been fighting all my life... (Amiko was silent and asked no more. She thought she struck an unpleasant cord of Kensou's memories. But that mattered little as Kensou kicked their chocobo as it dashed forward. Everyone else followed suit, for night was deep and they sought much needed rest...) *** :: Meanwhile! :: [Meanwhile, still within the stadium, the Hokuten sat, silent, still, and solemn about the body of their leader. Anya lay, quiet dead, with the hole in her chest gaping at them all. It must have been truly painful. For Anya, I mean, for she was the one impaled by a giant sword. Slowly, the blood that had been running from her chest stopped its flow. It froze in place. It then slowly changed direction. It flowed in the opposite path, back into the wound. The clan smiled as Lee spoke, scratching his back, covered with his baggy shirt.] Lee: Right on time. (Red left the ground, leaving it as if it had never been stained. After a while, the ground was completely free of blood, and it all flowed back within Anya's veins. Slowly, her wound shrunk. What once was a mouth of blood and gore became a small speck, and then was gone completely. Anya opened her eyes to see Orion above her, handing her a bottle of water.) Orion: You should be more careful. Dying is not exactly pleasant, I assume. (Anya took the bottle and took a large gulp of it. She then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and replied.) Anya: It isn't, but the worst part is being separated from life. Without that, death is a simple process, nothing to be feared. (Risika then sighed.) Risika: I thought you died for real that time. (Anya then patted Risika's hair. The girl looked up at her leader, who was smiling widely.) Anya: Heh, you must not have that much faith if a simple wound was feared. I've lived through a million false deaths. I have yet to face a true death. (And Risika half-heartedly smiled at her friend. The Clan then got to their feet and left the area, leaving Kurei in the middle of the ring, for he was still there, fatigued and exhausted from the day. As he looked up at the ceiling, he finally came to a conclusion after an hour of silence and thought.) Kurei: Rantmon... I apologize... I... I have failed... (With that, Kurei disappeared with a swirl of leaves, and apparently was never seen again. And so was the end of the Council of Rantmon. The terrible force of the Council had passed from the world with Kurei. The great overlord, Rantmon's, army was gone. The only thing standing between the Crew and Rantmon were the Enders, one less. Darkness disappeared from the land, a cloud passed the moon, and the full circle of the moon was shown upon the world.) ---- END OF ARC 2 : TO BE CONTINUED ---- - ENDING SONG: ZUTTO KIMI NO SOBA DE - yume no neji wo maide hito no kanashiimi mou tsuyosa wo mita sonna kimi no soba de subete wo utsuseru hito de itai ashita ni meyouwanai youni ima mou wasureru youni hashiru hashiru doko made mou iku yure de yure de kokoro no mama ni yurarete donna kurushii mi nante kimi no ireba doriko 're nareru ---- Preview ---- [Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! Preview music plays in background. The six appear as chibi style, and random scenes from the next episode play, though you can't see because this is text. =P] SSJ: Okay! Here we are with the end of Arc 2! Amiko: Well, that certainly was interesting... Kensou: So next, we get very little screen time as the less shown characters have the spotlight! TM: Get ready for Rantmon, Jallopsimon, Kino, and... Wait, I think that's all of them. Davis: And where are we? Well, we come face to face with a far off memory. Cindy: Or at least, SSJ, Amiko, and TM do. All: NEXT! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! "Song of an Other World" ----