____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero ( ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ---- Recap ---- SSJ: Here we are with Arc number 3 beginning now! Last time, Kurei wanted to kick our asses! Amiko: And Kensou jumped in to fight Kurei. Kensou: So more of my style was revealed as I fought Kurei. TM: And hey, suddenly ice clones appear and my Shadow is introduced. Davis: After killing the leader of the Hokuten, he leaves. Cindy: But wait, what the Hell is up with Anya standing again?! What's going on?! All: Anyway! On with the show! ---- Chapter 42: Song of an Other World ---- There was a slam of a door on a bright March day. The sun was shining, few clouds hovered through the air, and the birds soared unhindered by anything. Everything was free and glad. A teen-age boy sighed as he walked through the halls of his small home, carefully making his way through the halls as he approached his room. He stepped inside to feel it quite warmer in his room than out. He yawned as he threw down his backpack by his messy bed, clothes thrown all over it. It couldn't be helped, for his tall computer was constantly whirring in the background. Rather lazily, he reached for his window and opened it to let the fresh air inside. At that, he fell upon his chair and stared at the ceiling, muttering to himself, "It's been five months or so and they're still gone..." And he sighed again. After all, they were his friends, and he was quite worried about them. As he switched on his monitor and looked through the various array of windows open upon it, he sighed at the task awaiting him. The windows were black with gray text running across- lines and lines of code were printed in each window. It would be tedious sorting through them. But he had good reasons to use his time on it. He couldn't leave it be for long, or else bad things would follow. So he got to his keyboard and began sifting through the text. It continued on like that for the day. It has been like that for the past few months. Sitting there, searching. He couldn't afford anything to happen to the work. Even several back-up batteries and generators would provide power to his computer should the electricity fail. His task was far too important for that. So, he stretched and continued tapping at his keyboard, staring intently at the text running across the screen. It would continue on like that. At least, until they came back... *** Meanwhile, Jallopsimon was having a fine and dandy time. He sat upon the stern of the S.S. Belkin, waiting for it to approach land. A light breeze touched his face as he looked up at the sky. No one bothered him as he thought about many things. The Five were going around in circles! There was no reason to their path... And then he thought about it a little more. He didn't think even they knew where they were going. But he guessed that now that the Council dispersed, they would make their way to Rantmon. Not like they knew where his palace was, constantly flying about the world and all. He was slowly closing in. He got word they were on that very ship only a couple of weeks ago. He thought of what to do once he reached them. Perhaps in a dignified, cool manner announce himself before killing the Tamer. Maybe go wild and do whatever he felt. And as he thought, no one bothered him still. It was so mainly because there was no one left on the ship. He thought about his accomplishments over his chase. Took out the Nishiten on his own, destroyed several city blocks in Osseke, and now took the ship he was riding on that very moment for himself. And no one bothered him, for they were rotting within the cargo hold, never to speak again. Jallopsimon whistled a tune as he finally caught sight of land. And with that, he saw a small fleet of naval ships. Surely, to stop his crusade, no doubt. He sighed, what was he going to do? Without much thought, he leapt off his seat and stepped to the bridge. Pulling a lever, the various machines inside the ship pumped faster. More waves formed as the ship picked up speed. He wasn't planning on docking properly, anyway, and would rather much prefer a dignified entrance like running the ship into the beach. Cannon fire erupted upon the seas. Balls of explosives smote the seas by the ship, making it sway this way and that. Bullets bounced along the side of the ship, putting holes within the hull. Jallopsimon felt a huge crash as an explosion tore through the side of the ship. He dashed to the deck and looked over, seeing smoke rising from a hole. A cannon had hit the ship. Jallopsimon sighed, "Eh, might as well." He turned and returned to the bridge, finding a remote control with one red button on it. He pressed it. An explosion rocked the seas as the ship he stood upon jolted forward. Flames tore through the back of the ship as it skidded along the surface of the water. More explosions tore through the back as more of the fuel caught fire, launching the boat ever faster forward. It crashed with a tremendous boom straight into one of the opposing ships as Jallopsimon leapt onto it. Bullets flew past him as he crashed upon the lines of armed soldiers on the other deck, punching, kicking, and in general beating anything and everything into a pulp. Sand flew as the ships slid onto the beach, with Jallopsimon leaping off as a final explosion tore through the S.S. Belkin. And he paused, stretched, and yawned. That was not enough excitement for him. He shot a disinterested glance at the soldiers, sending bullets upon bullets at him. He shrugged and walked off, uninjured at all from the fray. They swore at their luck as Jallopsimon disappeared from sight and more pressing problems filled their minds. "Meh... And I thought they'd be a challenge..." *** Solarice was having a fine day as Kino strolled through the capital building, heading down from his office high above the city. He came to his own private elevator, pressed the button, and the door opened with a soft ping. Now, he wasn't one to leave a planet hanging. Hell, that's what he took it over for. But he was genuinely interested in a call he had just received from Kale West. He looked upon his small PDA, silver with a color screen (after all, he was rich enough to afford one now). He read off "The Trinity is complete." He grinned as he looked upon the bustling city from his glass elevator. The city was filled with giant skyscrapers. Businesses flocked to the capital. The towers of metal and glass gleamed in the light of the rising sun. People moved throughout the city, minding their business as they moved from building to building. Kino moved down from his tower. The ground and people moved up to meet his sight. It was a brilliant city. Certainly, all the great groups, all the great thoughts, all the great people of the city were worth protecting. Which is why he was excited to learn of the Trinity being completed. He came down to the ground, and the many pedestrians caught a brief glimpse of the president before he disappeared into the ground. Darkness met Kino's eyes as the sky became blocked out with the shaft wall. He went down lower, lower, and lower, and eventually the elevator came to a complete stop. Another ping sounded through the elevator as the door opened to reveal a wide room. A wide, circling room was revealed to his eyes, dipping down into a depression at the very center. Stairs wound around the room and led to a central site full of metal and electricity. Three very large rectangular shapes stood in the depression, with a line of consoles circling around, many buttons and lights about the place. Kino was amazed at the very size of the thing. He hadn't expected it to be so large upon first proposal. He heard footsteps before him, and the old, balding Kale West stood before him, putting his weight upon a cane. Kino spoke to the man, "What are it's specifications?" Kale smiled at Kino's seriousness. He answered while reading off of a PDA, "It's fifty by twenty by ten meters. Has a processing power of a hundred terahertz each, currently holds a record of the history of the world and is only one percent full in hard drive space, and its logic processing can play twelve world-champion chess players at the same time and win in five moves each." Kino made a frown. He looked up at the brilliant machine and uttered, "Using it for useless purposes, huh? Hm, well, it seems impressive. What has Daedalus programmed it to do? And speaking of him, where is he?" The old man paused a bit, looking about for where that man went. The room was silent. No one else was in it but them. Kale sighed. He never did understand that Daedalus. "I do not know where he is," Kale answered. "But, he has made it able to take control of the country in your absence. It is constantly fed with data from the outside world including stocks, science achievements, and politics. Its logic makes it able to figure out answers to many difficult political questions. It is in effect an eternal president should you not be there. It would be a very good one, as well." Kino looked up at the towers of wires and electricity. Impressive as they were, he still had one question, "When can the Gemini be accompanied with it?" Kale paused as he smiled. Kino looked down upon the man. Kale spoke softly, "It already has. And after that, its accuracy, combat, and strategies have increased tremendously." "Oh, you guys are efficient, huh? Good work. Perhaps you deserve a raise." Kale smiled at that as Kino looked up at the marvelous machine. It made no sound at all, yet he could see that it was doing more work than the entire city combined. The bustling, economic city could not complete with the Trinity. Kino then got a thought, "Have you code-named them anything?" Kale shook his head as he stepped up and stood beside the president of the world. "No, we haven't the time." "Then, I think they should be the Id, Ego, and Superego." With that, they turned and entered Kino's elevator again, back above the towering city. The future looked a lot brighter for the world. Indeed, it did. Finally, logic and reason would rule again. *** Well, there yonder was Rantmon upon his island in the sky. He was in his private room, sitting at his table and looking upon his map of the Crew's course, grabbing his head in anger. How hard was it to take care of them?! His Council floundered at them, and Phage couldn't kill them?! Not only that, but they were traveling quickly, as well, no doubt because they caught some fast legs. He swore as he pushed his chair back and hastily rose to his feet. Dillandau was away at the moment, looking over the empty throne room. The chairs of the Council were empty. No one was left there but him. It was then that Rantmon's throne rose up again and the angry Rantmon came up from his room. Dillandau turned and bowed as Rantmon made his decision, "You may be on leave. I've found the God of Earth now. I no longer need an assistant. And Dillandau bowed again, speaking to Rantmon, "I am glad to be of service, Rantmon. Then, I'll return to Zaibach." The boy turned towards the large double doors and disappeared beyond the threshold. Soon after, a red mech of sorts was flying from the island and disappeared over the horizon after a bit of time. Rantmon stood in his palace. The rooms were empty save for him. Well, not really. He looked above him, and there was the giant Rood Inverse glowing up there with a brilliant blue hue. The symbol for Ice wasn't glowing as brightly as the rest, and a crystal was seen just over the symbol. It had taken him a while, but the most elusive one, Earth, was soon to be his. Then an idea struck him. He looked above his throne and saw the cracked, old sword hanging there on the wall. He went to it and took it up from the mantelpiece. Its weight was immense, even if it was in terrible condition. But it couldn't be helped, considering what it went through. The Atma had an interesting history, after all. Rantmon felt like it was a good time to fix it and test out its power. He spoke his plans aloud, somewhat of a bad habit when he had a good idea, "Then we'll see if the God of Earth can stand up to it now... Maybe not, just like last time..." And all through the day, the sound of the hammer and anvil would have been heard for miles around. But the palace in the sky was floating through the Unity Gulf, far from any civilization. The day seemed to darken over the world as the terrible Atma was going to be reforged... *** Smoke rose from the forests. Fires blazed out of control throughout the thick forests surrounding a peculiar domed building. In the forest was a lone girl, making various motions with her hands as her clothes swayed in the wind, various straps flying as her brown hair flew about. Black Amiko was having a fun time testing out her various strengths. After the first book, the others got increasingly more difficult. Maybe it was the conflicting powers fighting with each other. Whatever, it didn't matter. Nothing would be too hard for her. She was, after all, a genius! Her hand motions suddenly changed. What once was a furious, fast cycle of motions suddenly became slow and plodding with more elegance. She was surrounded by a blue aura, and suddenly hail and rain fell upon the forest, putting the fire out with no difficulty. Black Amiko panted. Using two opposite elements after another was a difficult thing to do. But she smiled. She had done it. She only had one more book to master now. She had mastered War, Wilding, Worship, and Wind. The Black Book of Decay was awaiting her, and it was the most terrifying book of all. But she thought she could handle it. After all, it couldn't be as black as her soul. She stopped the rain and hail and produced the black book, beginning to flip through the pages. It was then that she felt it. The area suddenly got colder. She turned about and saw a boy standing there, a giant sword of ice resting on his shoulder. The girl was taken aback. "You?!" she yelled in surprise. The boy grinned as he looked upon the girl. They both said the same thing at once, "Where are the rest of you?!" Shadow was silenced as Black was taken aback. Both of them echoed each other's thoughts. There were other shadows besides themselves? And then Black Amiko heard White Amiko's words back when she first met the girl. 'I thought SSJ's was the only one...' Black Amiko smiled, finally realizing what she meant. "It seems we are the same, right?" Shadow grinned as well, with the blade of his Glacier suddenly evaporating and disappearing at that. "Is that so...? The Master never said about there being more than one of us." Black Amiko put the book she clasped in her hands away as she continued, "There's a third, as well. Where are you headed?" There was a slight pause as Shadow stretched. His muscles were burning slightly from his own training. He replied without emotion, "I haven't thought of it, really." Black Amiko smiled. Another lost soul for her to add to her minions. It was too easy to sway them. Much too easy for someone like her. "Then come with me. I'm heading to kill the Master." "Oh... Sounds interesting. And fun, as well..." The union was made. The two shadows had banded together for Black Amiko's plan. As they left, the forest reeled in pain from their path. Shadow's training took out half the forest, with the torn pieces of the trees lying about the ground. Black Amiko's portion were blackened yet still with icicles hanging from them. There was a cry from the forest as birds escaped from the duo. It certainly was a dark time for the world. *** The Enders, too, were planning on darkening the world in their own way. Now that Rantmon no longer had his council, the rest of the mission would count on them. Cell, Knives, and Sauron stood in the room of television screens, with shots of a destroyed ring from the Ura Buto Satsujin shining in the dark. Cell's cheek was burning from Sauron's slap. Sauron knew their predicament. Yet, the Dark Lord had a feeling Cell didn't. "We're not here to be entertained. If you had enough time to watch the battles, you should have jumped in yourself and fought." Cell glared and spat back at Sauron, "You don't know what happened at all! There was a kid who could have lifted the weight of the Earth!" SMACK! Cell fell upon his side as Sauron has his arm outstretched after slapping the being. Sauron was visibly vexing as he stood over the Ender. Knives shook in his place as he saw his overlord angry. It was a bad thing to get Sauron angry. A very bad thing. "So what if a kid could? You're an Ender, and all you need to worry about was to capture them." And Sauron paused as he allowed Cell to get to his feet. He pondered a bit before continuing. "We'll then split and encounter them in our own territories. That way, it shouldn't be hard to catch them. Know your job and do it. No more failures will be accepted. We don't need anymore stains." And Sauron was gone in a flow of leaves. Cell cursed, and two disappeared after pressing his index and middle fingers to his forehead. Knives sighed and then disappeared as well. With their arrangement, Knives figured he wouldn't get to face that girl again. Cell would stop them first before they came to his territory. Knives cursed thinking about it. He wanted to get her back for the humiliation. But whatever, he would never disobey Sauron's orders. To do so would be a crime that nothing could repay. As he disappeared, the day yet darkened again as three forces were working against the Six now. *** Cell appeared within a room of sorts. Weapons of every sort arrayed the walls in a very pleasant way. Before him, in the center of the room sat a man. The man was very much pale as Cell approached him with curiosity. The man's white hair, his skin, his entire disposition... Cell shrugged off the feeling and spoke, "Well, I have a use for you now." The man shook as his head moved. His gaze moved from the floor to Cell. And Cell shook at the most disturbing part of all. He saw the man's eyes were pure white. No pupils. No iris. Just white. It was disturbing, to say the least. "What shall become of me, then?" the man asked. "When shall I be freed?" Cell sneered at the man. He was in a bad mood from Sauron, and he couldn't help but be annoyed at the man, "Freedom won't be given to you. If you want to be freed, do it after you accomplish the mission." The man bowed his head again. He went quiet as Cell continued. "There is a target for you to take care of. Five of them, I say to be precise. They've been pricking Rantmon's side for a while, and it's up to you to get rid of them. There will be no killing no matter what, just enough to take them back, got it?" The man stood and stepped to the weapons on the walls, pocketing many and arming himself. Two large shurikens hung from his back. A sheathed sword lay on his side. His black pants were covered with lines of kunai ready to be thrown. His long white shirt with long sleeves hung from him awkwardly as he stepped away from cell. He then spoke with his raspy voice, "I understand, then. I will take them back in exchange for my death. Does that sound fair?" Cell glared at him, but then sighed, "Fine. It will free our hands a bit. Be quick about it, since I hear they are heading towards your house... Hayden Morningwood." *** Now, finally, the Crew's chocobos walked onward, unfatigued as a rather large city came into view. Davis knew the river they were headed to wasn't much farther, and their weary rides would end there. Maybe a week or so and they would be riding a much easier trail to Rantmon. The sun was shining high and their sweat glowed as the day heated up. The glimmering glass stretched on as more and more buildings came forward. The stone path slowly turned to asphalt. They have been a long way, indeed, with little interruption. The city was like those the Five had lived in back in the real world. The small towers, array of crossing streets, and various houses lined together seemed awfully familiar... But when they entered, it definitely wasn't familiar, as giant flying mechs flew across the sky with the logo of the police painted on. And with good reason, too. Gangs of teens flew across from building to building, flame trails following from strange skates on their feet. TM and SSJ looked at each other. SSJ began, "Looks like..." TM finished, "Jet Set Radio Future, eh?" They looked about the city, ridden with various graffiti everywhere, many different styles of many different gangs. There constantly were teams passing by, grinding on various rails or walls as they passed. SSJ rubbed his chin a bit while thinking, but then a voice called from one of the passing robots, "Well, well, well... If it isn't the three who cost me my promotion." The Six looked up to see one of the police robots descending upon them. They a hatch on the top open, and from it stood a very familiar man... But no, none of them could recognize him at all. They shrugged as the man fumed, "Figures, you all wouldn't remember me from one of the filler chapters!" SSJ then felt a tinge of a memory deep inside. He looked up at the man and then replied. "David... Jarrett, isn't it?" The man grinned at that. "Yes, that's right! Now, I have finally found you! Ever since I lost you and let that guy escape, I have only gone through constant demotions and humiliation!" The Crew looked at each other, and then sighed. TM then nonchalantly answered the man, "Well, maybe it was your fault for leaving that guy alone and trying to get the AUTHOR, of all people." Jarrett was then visibly angry at that. He yelled, "Silence! You three, I can have my revenge now!" He then dropped down into the robot as the hatch closed. Everyone saw the two arms at the robot's side. TM and SSJ recognized the robot. "CRAP!" TM screamed. "RUN!" SSJ added. SSJ kicked his chocobo and it dashed away, and everyone followed suit. From the robot's side came a vast line of missiles that raced towards the Six. They pulled the reigns on their chocobos as the missiles raced past, tearing into the street before them and leaving them at bay. They looked up at Jarrett's machine as he laughed, "Well, then! Game over!" ---- To Be Continued ---- - ENDING SONG: TOKI NO HOUROUSHA (TINA/TERRA'S THEME FROM FFVI) - Haruka tooku yoru o koete Sabaku no umi o samayou Kami o koe wa shinkirou Wasurerareta hitobito Kage wa shiroku yurameki tatsu Ima hitotabi no maboroshi Aoku moeru yuusha no yume Towa ni nemuru hitobito Haruka tooku yoru o koete ---- Preview ---- SSJ: NEXT TIME! ON GINGA GIRI GIRI! What the Heck is this guy's problem? Amiko: Well, we can't help the guy, but we can sure as hell run away. Kensou: SSJ comes up with an excuse to have us all in rocket skates the entire chapter. TM: And it'll be kick ass... I think. Davis: I doubt it, considering that SSJ's writing it. Cindy: He's got a point there. Anyway, Next! "Jet Grinding Madness" ----