____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero ( ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ---- Recap ---- [Chibi characters of the six appear in the foreground as scenes from the last episode play in the background. Though, you can't see 'cause this is text. Haha!] SSJ: LAST TIME! ON GINGA GIRI GIRI! Amiko: We run into a rather... angry character from before. Kensou: We are forced to split, and Amiko and I head to stop our runaway chocobos. Davis: SSJ and I run into Team Voldemort, taking care of them rather easily. TM: Cindy and I run away from the terror drone and Jarrett, and then the day was done. Cindy: So...! On with the show! ---- Chapter 44: The Melody of Time ---- [The melody of a certain Hyrulean theme echoed through the air, strangely enough, as a group of four chocobos trampled through a vast, glittering field of grass. The sun was high as their quest continued, hardly resting after the event with robots and rocket skates just two hours before. They weren't particularly tired, but then again, they all had the strength of several people. Tenpi was sitting upon Amiko's head, as did Mokona upon Cindy's, scouting about the area for anything and anyone. SSJ and Davis weren't particularly thrilled with the day, but then again, it was like every other day. As the day passed slowly, TM held his hand out, palm up, closing his eyes and concentrating as Cindy was driving the chocobo. Winds gathered to his hand. He brought his right hand over and out of the vicinity of the winds, concentrating as hard as he could. The winds circled and concentrated about a single point over his left hand as he still closed his eyes. It wrapped into a small sphere. Tremendous power flowed in his hand. Perfect! He opened his eyes to admire his work, only to have the sphere pop and the speeding winds race out of control. Cindy was shoved forward as TM was shoved back and off the chocobo, skidding across the grass. Quickly, he got back to his feet and dashed after the racing chocobo, barely catching it and jumping back on, panting. Cindy shot TM a glance.] Cindy: Maybe you should stop doing that, since you have been failing for the past hour. (TM glared at Cindy.) TM: This is training! I need to do it! (Cindy sighed as she turned back to guiding the chocobo onward. And so the day continued like that, TM constantly falling off and dashing back onto the chocobo as the day dragged on. The Crew then spotted something in the distance. Mokona sat up from Cindy's head and looked ahead, occasionally floating up. He saw the stone towers and the lively city before them. A large castle and town, surrounded by moats and trees was right in the distance. The Crew came to a halt and looked upon the castle. Amiko was the first to recognize it, followed by everyone else.) Amiko: Hyrule! TM: Hyrule! SSJ: Hyrule! (Davis whispered to Cindy.) Davis: It's only a model. (At that, the three "shh"'ed him to silence. Amiko then turned to everyone.) Amiko: Everyone, let's rest here. Let us ride to... Hyrule! *** [Hey, hey, there was Cell again within the castle Hyrule. He was within a highly decorated room, flowing carpets, sparkling chandeliers, and priceless works of art all around it. He leaned upon the wall by the window as sunlight streamed inside. Across from the menace stood a green man, clad in armor and capes with orange hair. Cell smiled at Ganondorf as four chocobos crossed into the city of Hyrule. Ganondorf stepped up to the window overlooking most of the town and saw each of them. Two boys in clothing from the recently disbanded Akatsuki organization, one boy with rather strange gloves, an older boy with a long weapon of some sort, two girls, each with a cute mascot animal on their heads. Ganondorf sneered.] Ganondorf: Tch... They are supposed to be strong? (Cell smiled without turning his gaze, replying to the evil minion.) Cell: That's what everyone else said... But they alone defeated the Council. I suppose news doesn't come around this area. (Ganondorf's eyes flashed upon that realization. He then smiled.) Ganondorf: Don't worry... My other form will be more than enough for them. Cell: I hope so, for it'd be a shame to lose someone like you. (With that, Cell disappeared from sight, leaving Ganondorf alone in the room. He turned back to look at the streets, seeing the Six moving quickly to pass through the town. Ganondorf looked upon the clock on the wall.) *** [Suddenly, night fell upon the land. And boy, was it sudden, considering in a couple of minutes, it went from completely bright to the beginning of night. The Crew stopped in their chocobo's tracks as everyone on the streets left. This certainly was strange... The Six turned their heads about in wonder.] Kensou: What the heck happened?! (A light then clicked in Amiko's head after the many, many times she played Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.) Amiko: Time is screwy here, mostly because Nintendo didn't want the passing time to take forever. (The rest looked at Amiko, and contemplated it. SSJ sighed.) SSJ: Well, whatever, we'll have to wait until sun rise in order to get out... (And as the Crew wandered through the town, there was a certain team waiting up on a rooftop of an inn, looking down upon the unsuspecting masses. They grinned, for they definitely have it nailed now. Today will be the day that they will defeat the Crew! Voldemort grinned as he stood up upon the edge of the roof. Peter looked up at his master and absolutely admired him in the glowing moonlight. There will be no problem, now! But then, there was a squawk. Or a chirp. Or whatever sound swallows make. In any case, a rather small swallow crashed straight into the back of Voldemort's head. Now, birds aren't usually that slow and unable to dodge, and one of that size wouldn't hurt anyone, but it was gripping a line, connected to another swallow, with a coconut upon the line. They all slammed into Voldemort. The wizard lost balance and fell down sixty feet into the gravel below, right before the Crew as they were about to enter the inn. The Crew sweatdropped as Voldemort got to his feet, his team dropping down. The music started again, with Bakura wondering how it was happening despite the boom box not quite turned on. Nevertheless...) Voldemort: To send the world to devastation. Peter: To make minions of every nation. Malik: To strike down the lameness of self-insertion fics! Bakura: To kill you all just for kicks. (And so they went through all their names in dramatic fashion. The Maze brothers then struck a pose as well.) Voldemort: Team Voldemort is blasting off at the speed of light! Peter, Malik, & Bakura: Surrender now or prepare for our bite! Maze: Ma-Ze, damn straight! (The Crew sweatdropped again. Another chapter, another encounter with the team that never seemed to get it right. Still, upon finishing their hastily prepared motto, they faced the Crew with an air of supremacy.) Voldemort: Saa... This time, we'll be sure you obliterate you all! (Malik and Bakura then stepped up, threatening and menacing. The Six each took a step back as Malik and Bakura grinned and reached into their pockets. The Crew waited tensely as the two quickly pulled out two remote controls from their pockets, with long antennas and one large red button. The Crew turned white. They pressed the two buttons. With a twang, the Six were flying through the air, as were Malik and Bakura, away from Hyrule, away from the castle, away from rest. Malik looked on with narrow eyes as they became dangerously far away from the ground.) Malik: Perhaps I should have thought this out more... (And soon enough, they all slammed into soft hay in the middle of the Lon Lon Ranch. They spat out dry hay and roughed it out of their hair and scratched it off their backs as they rolled off and got onto the soft dirt of the ranch. The Six were on their feet, facing Malik and Bakura, as the sun was rising again.) Malik: Here's the deal... It's a two-on-two match. Bakura: We shall ride horses and fight with arrows until no one from one side is left up. (They then fetched their own horses and leapt upon their backs.) Malik: Or, if you're not feeling skilled on your- Wait, what?! (Everyone turned to see Amiko grab a clarinet out of nowhere and began playing Epona's theme. At that, a rather strong horse came from out of nowhere, and she leapt onto it. Malik and Bakura froze.) Malik: Oh, no. Bakura: She can't... (Malik and Bakura exchanged glances.) Bakura: Perhaps I should have thought this out more... *** (Soon enough, Bakura and Malik were on the ground, full of bruises and injuries from falling off their horses. There was a yawn heard, and everyone diverted their attention to the young girl, Malon, standing there by the entrance with a cup of milk.) Malon: Eh... What are you people doing on our farm? (And then, there was a giant crash right behind the girl, making her drop her glass of milk. The glass shattered about the dirt, with milk spilling everywhere, as she wheeled around to see the demonic form of Nabeshin #4. She screamed in terror as she dashed away, back into the ranch, and there was Lord Voldemort, palms forward, no longer wanting to play around.) Voldemort: Another defeat, Malik! Bakura! Well, I'll clean up now! (The Six were frozen in place as Voldemort quickly launched a gigantic Nabe Hame Ha wave straight at them. Cindy mustered whatever strength she had to fight her surprise and drag down everyone with her as she ducked. The beam of energy flew harmlessly past, and Voldemort looked down at the Crew, not seeing TM's eyes closed. SSJ caught sight of it.) SSJ: Run! (He crawled back along with the rest as TM's eyes shot open, sending Voldemort into the realm of the Tsukuyomi again. The entire world seemed to be a negative. Voldemort was terrified, since it was his first experience. He had seen its effects, though. Uchiha Itachi foaming at the mouth is not something the villain department exactly expects.) TM: For the next few days, you'll watch the horrors of GOATSE. (Voldemort lost his breath.) Voldemort: You wouldn't. TM: I would! (Suddenly, in the black world, one image appeared right before Voldemort's eyes. It is not one that should be described, so the author will refrain from it. Luckily for Voldemort, the days in Ocarina of Time are short, and a couple of minutes later, he was laying at TM's feet, heaving and convulsing. He has truly seen terror. SSJ shuddered at what Voldemort just went through, just before dashing up to the exhausted TM to support him. SSJ looked upon Voldemort, twitching and staring at the sky, dazed and confused. TM was sweating and panting, sharingan eyes still bright and clear.) SSJ: That Misuse of Sharingan takes too much energy. (TM took one last deep breath, and then the red of his eyes faded to his normal aqua. He then got to his own feet as they allowed Davis to step up. They saw Peter Pettigrew with Voldemort, trying to help the wizard up, Ma and Ze discussing Emily Dickenson just behind. Cindy and Amiko rolled Malik and Bakura to the rest of the team as Davis sighed. He snapped a finger, and an explosion tore through the ground just under the team.) Team Voldemort: Team Voldemort is blasting off agaiiiiinnnn... (And with a bling and a sparkle, they were gone. The Crew sighed, and fell to their feet. Damn it, their chocobos were still in town, and probably gone by now with their stuff. This wasn't good... There was a sparkle and a bling. A certain team was falling back to where they were. An explosion ripped into the ground just when they landed. Everything was flowing backwards, the Crew went from balanced to back on the ground, and then into the air, then landing gracefully on their feet, then backwards out of Hyrule...) *** [The melody of a certain Hyrulean theme echoed through the air, strangely enough, as a group of four chocobos trampled through a vast, glittering field of grass. The sun was high as their quest continued, hardly resting after the event with robots and rocket skates just two hours before. They weren't particularly tired, but then again, they all had the strength of several people. Tenpi was sitting upon Amiko's head, as did Mokona upon Cindy's, scouting about the area for anything and anyone. SSJ and Davis weren't particularly thrilled with the day, but then again, it was like every other day. As the day passed slowly, TM held his hand out, palm up, closing his eyes and concentrating as Cindy was driving the chocobo. Winds gathered to his hand. He brought his right hand over and out of the vicinity of the winds, concentrating as hard as he could. The winds circled and concentrated about a single point over his left hand as he still closed his eyes. It wrapped into a small sphere. Tremendous power flowed in his hand. Perfect! But then he lost concentration, with the sphere of wind dissipating and knocking him off the chocobo as they came to a halt at Amiko's hand. Everyone looked at her, who was rubbing her chin.] Amiko: Wait, this scene seems really familiar... TM: What, are you going through deja vu? (Everyone looked about the scene, trying to find something they recognized. It was only just then did Amiko recognize the giant form of Hyrule in the distance. She rubbed her chin, but then shrugged off the strange feeling, turning to everyone.) Amiko: Okay, let's go to Hyrule! *** [As the Six entered Hyrule, with the skies darkening already, they saw the villagers disappeared as night replaced the day. And with the villagers gone, Ganondorf looked down upon the Six, thinking he should fight them. He didn't know why, but he had a feeling. So, he threw open the window in his room and jumped out as the Crew stepped further into the town. They were way past his tower, however, when he smashed into the ground in a rather humorous way, leaving a Ganondorf-shaped indent in the gravel. And as he was disoriented and was knocked out from it, the Crew went past, coming across the Temple of Time, with a strange melody coming forth from it. The Crew exchanged glances as Amiko rubbed her chin. So they went forth and shoved open the giant doors of the temple with a loud creak from the old hinges. Inside, there was a Hyrulean, with blond hair, green clothes, and a fairy fluttering all about him, practicing playing his ocarina. Unless the reader is dense, the reader would know it was Link, famed Hero of Time. Amiko certainly had no problem recognizing him. Amiko's eyes bulged with hearts as Link paid no attention to the Six at all.] Link: Something's wrong here... (And the fairy floating around Link inquired.) Navi: What? What's strange? (Link thought for a bit before replying.) Link: I'm actually talking. (And before the rest realized it, Amiko was all over Link. The rest no longer were surprised at her fangirl antics by that point, but when a gigantic tail crashed through the door of the temple of time, everyone stopped. Amiko got up from the surprised link, for she was only on him a few seconds and looked up at Ganon, transformed and persistent in his task.) Ganon: Rantmon wishes your capture... I think. Well, it doesn't matter what I think, for it is for Rantmon! (Everyone sighed, and Ganon stood proud and tall before them, ready to attack. They took their time to analyze their opponent, large and positively dangerous. Without warning, Ganon then jumped forward, swinging his tail around in an attempt to knock away any of the Crew. SSJ leapt up as Ganon landed where he was standing on a moment ago. In midair, the avatar of the author unwrapped his Hellfire sword and yelled aloud.) SSJ: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu - Ryuu Tsui Sen! (As gravity pulled him back to the ground, he raised his sword high and yelled, ready to slice Ganon in two. But then he was slammed into the wall by one of Ganon's legs. Ganon laughed as he shoved SSJ deeper into the wall, but then there was a small breeze of wind. He averted his eyes to look behind him, and there was TM, struggling to do the Rasengan. He spun his hands together in an attempt to concentrate the storm in his hands. It then compressed into a sphere. TM smiled and leapt forward, ready to slam it into Ganon.) TM: This is the end of you! (Ganon swore. TM was quick as he dashed forward with the Rasengan, thrusting it forward. But as the boy did that, the sphere broke again, and by the time his palm hit Ganon's body, there was no more wind about it. TM stood there for a while, cursing to himself. He was then promptly knocked up by Ganon's tail, and then a volley of bullets struck Ganon. Ganon looked about for the source, spotting Cindy a distance away.) Cindy: Damn you! I'll show you to bother us! (Cindy then put her hands together and concentrated, in a puff of smoke, her regular self was replaced by her chibi self. SSJ and TM stared at Cindy, knowing what was happening and wondering when she learned the chibi storm. Cindy smirked as she was about to slam into Ganon, causing massive pain. But then her foot slipped on a banana peel, carelessly left by someone, sending her rolling, tumbling, and crashing into a wall, dazed and confused. Link innocently pointed to Navi, who was fluttering about in anger.) Navi: Wait, I can't even EAT a bana- Link: She did it. No, really. I swear. (Amiko smacked Navi, floating about in the air, faithfully believing Link despite some banana between his teeth. SSJ, who was still trapped between the wall and Ganon, sweatdropped with TM and Davis. Then Davis stepped up to the plate, launching meteor after meteor after meteor at the enemy. Ganon, however, was thoroughly unaffected, and pulled out a missile launcher from nowhere, making everyone's jaws drop to the ground. With smoke and the hiss of flames, Ganon launched missiles after missiles after missiles at Davis, still surprised that Ganon even HAD missiles. Davis was hit, explosions tearing through the ground and around. The rest of the Crew had eyes wide open to witness it. Davis screamed in pain. But when he fell to the ground he got back up, making everyone facefault. Kensou yelled at Davis.) Kensou: WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU?! (Amiko then explained, still gripping onto Link, who was struggling to get out of her clutches.) Amiko: Well, it's not much him as the world we're in. He only lost one heart for that attack. (Kensou shot a glance at Amiko, thoroughly confused. But he turned back to the attack, and Davis was dodging missile after missile launched from Ganon's side. It became easier and easier to leap forward with each dodge, even more so once Ganon ran out of missiles. Davis was ready to slam a flaming fist into him, had not Ganon threw the entire missile launcher at Davis, hitting him squarely in the face and launching him back. Amiko sweatdropped and sighed.) Amiko: Damn it, do you have to rely on me all the time?! (She then, for a brief moment, let go of Link to face Ganon, only to realize that was her mistake. Link immediately dashed off, not caring about Ganon since a fangirl was right there. It was a shame, he slipped on the same banana Cindy slipped on, skidding forward, flew off a rock, bounced off the wall, and landed just next to Amiko. She wasted no time catching Link and facing Ganon.) Amiko: Okay, time for beating you. (Amiko got her bow and arrow from her Eskudo glove, and docked a light arrow carelessly left behind by Link. She aimed carefully at Ganon's head, and with a swift movement, an arrow went through Ganon's cheek. He screamed in pain as Amiko rolled forward, between the thing's leg and behind him, seeing his glowing tail. Her bow and arrows disappeared then, and she pulled out her second best weapons.) Amiko: Hit a Bunch of Times with Fans Technique! (Similar to the ending cinema of Ocarina of Time, Amiko then smashes her fans multiple, multiple times into Ganon. She smacked him, pulled her fan away, and smacked him again, over and over again. Ganon lost grip of SSJ as he was pushed further and further away by Amiko's attack. Finally, Amiko leapt into the air, ready to slam her fan straight down into Ganon... She went back to the ground exactly as she leapt up. She slammed her fans into him multiple times. She dashed backwards. An arrow of light pulled itself from Ganon's cheek and flew back into Amiko's hand. A missile launcher flew back up as Davis flew towards it, hitting it with pain. A missile flew back at Ganon. All of time went backwards. It certainly was strange, though no one felt or knew what was happening...) *** [The melody of a certain Hyrulean theme echoed through the air, strangely enough, as a group of four chocobos trampled through a vast, glittering field of grass. The sun was high as their quest continued, hardly resting after the event with robots and rocket skates just two hours before. They weren't particularly tired, but then again, they all had the strength of several people. Tenpi was sitting upon Amiko's head, as did Mokona upon Cindy's, scouting about the area for anything and anyone. SSJ and Davis weren't particularly thrilled with the day, but then again, it was like every other day. As the day passed slowly, TM held his hand out, palm up, closing his eyes and concentrating as Cindy was driving the chocobo. Winds gathered to his hand. He brought his right hand over and out of the vicinity of the winds, concentrating as hard as he could. The winds circled and concentrated about a single point over his left hand as he still closed his eyes. It wrapped into a small sphere. Tremendous power flowed in his hand. Perfect! He opened his eyes to admire his work, only to have the sphere pop and the speeding winds race out of control. Cindy was shoved forward as TM was shoved back and off the chocobo, skidding across the grass. Quickly, he got back to his feet and dashed after the racing chocobo, barely catching it and jumping back on, panting. Cindy shot TM a glance.] Cindy: Maybe you should stop doing that, since you have been failing for the past hour. (TM glared at Cindy.) TM: This is training! I need to do it! (Cindy sighed as she turned back to guiding the chocobo onward. And so the day continued like that, TM constantly falling off and dashing back onto the chocobo as the day dragged on. Amiko yawned, for the day was very slow, even though she felt strange. She then cracked her arms, neck, and was about to crack her back, had she not felt an extra bishie ball there at her belt. She pulled it out. She didn't remember catching another bishie! Wondering who it was, anyway, she looked at SSJ's chocobo, and sent out whoever was in it onto there. Out came Link, much to Amiko's surprise. She was about to leap onto him in happiness, had not Kensou held her back. Still, Amiko looked on, shifting her glances between Link and Hyrule. She then shrugged, returning him to her bishie ball.) Amiko: Oh well, who cares. (They slowed down some distance away. SSJ saw it. The towers, the moat, the town, the mountains were there. Hyrule was away in the distance. ) Amiko: Hyrule! TM: Hyrule! SSJ: Hyrule! (Davis whispered to Cindy.) Davis: It's only a model. (At that, the three "shh"'ed him to silence. Amiko then turned to everyone.) Amiko: Everyone, let's rest here. Let us ride to... Hyrule! *** [Elsewhere, Sakura Kinomoto sweatdropped as she was wearing her very familiar clothes again, with Tomoyo Daidouji videotaping her. She then looked up at the clock tower beyond the bushes and trees where she stood. Her current opponent was up there!] Tomoyo: Do well, Sakura-chan. (Sakura smiled, nodding.) Sakura: Yeah! (She then busted out her Clow rod, summoning the Fly card, and off she raced to the top of the tower. She looked at the time. It was speeding up! Now, luckily, Li Syaoran was there and sealed the Time card for a bit with his spells, allowing Sakura to capture the card without problem. Time flowed back to normal. The day wouldn't repeat anymore. Sakura sighed as she landed on the ground as Li got the Clow card.) Sakura: It's a good thing that's over! Tomoyo: Oh, you were great, Sakura-chan! (And the two went home, not a care in the world...) *** [The Crew still stood outside of Hyrule, on the hill they had been standing on. Amiko stared at Hyrule, rubbing her chin. She then shrugged, turning to the rest.] Amiko: On second thought, let's not go to Hyrule. It is a silly place. (The rest nodded, and the Six rode away into the sunset. Of course, they never did encounter Team Voldemort, except for SSJ and Davis on rocket skates earlier, nor did they face Ganondorf. They left through the fields, onwards to their destination. They were not long now, Davis knew. As Hyrule disappeared, they continued on with an unfatigued pace. That certainly was a strange day!) ---- To Be Continued ---- - ENDING SONG: LEGEND OF ZELDA - SYSTEM OF A DOWN VERSION, BABY! - Link, he come to town Come to save the Princess Zelda Ganon took her away Now the children don't play But they will when Link saves the day Hallelujah! Now Link, fill up your hearts So you can shoot your sword with power And when you're feeling all down The fairy will come around So you'll be brave, and not a sissy coward Now Link has saved the day Put Ganon in his grave So now Zelda is free And now our hero shall be Link! I think your name shall go down into history ---- Preview ---- [The Naruto Main Theme plays in background. The six appear as chibi style, and random scenes from the next episode play, though you can't see because this is text. Haha!] SSJ: Next! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! Finally, we reach Hayden! Amiko: Warm welcomes, meeting of old friends, and making a sheathe for the Hellfire sword. Kensou: But there seems to be a plot in the way... TM: Cell's minion, Hayden Morningwood, is thus revealed, and a dramatic fight ensues! Davis: Well, damn, this absolutely completely sucks. Cindy: Next! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! "Overture of Betrayal" ----