____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero ( ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ---- Recap ---- [Chibi characters of the six appear in the foreground as scenes from the last episode play in the background. Though, you can't see 'cause this is text. Haha!] SSJ: LAST TIME! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! Amiko: After a long while, we finally reach Hayden Morningwood. Kensou: At the very familiar place of Hinata-sou, coincidentally enough. TM: So a sheathe was made, but in came Hayden's father. Davis: A fight takes place where SSJ shows off his Gentle Fist style. Cindy: And finally, Hayden defeats his own father, using Soul Alchemy. SSJ: And we are given these five bullets by Hayden to fight the Enders. All: So! On with the show! ---- Chapter 46: The Five Bullets ---- [The boat sailed down the wide stretch of the Great River. Everything was fine and dandy, without much event or humor for the past day or two. Now that they were boating down, they had nothing to do. No chocobo to steer, no town to stop in, and no people to meet. They hardly talked now, with it being boring and all. The day passed slowly without event, moving ever closer to Rantmon's palace. Now that they thought about it, no one save for Davis seemed to know where Rantmon's palace actually WAS. Cindy turned to Davis, who was looking about the side of the boat for any nearby water traffic.] Cindy: Hey, Davis, where IS Rantmon's palace anyway? (Davis turned away from the water and to the rest of the Crew, returning his glance with curiosity.) Davis: Well, I can't really say, since it's moving all the time. (Everyone facefaulted, rocking the boat and splashing water everywhere. However, Davis continued.) Davis: But, with this plan to seal the gods, I have an idea where he will go. (Everyone paid attention, eager for this information, staring at Davis as he continued.) Davis: Well, you all should know that there is a small continent northwest of the mainland, Lunar. In the sea between it and the mainland, there seems to be strong magical energies, and he will most likely go there to finish the task of sealing their powers, probably so he can steal them for himself. (Everyone's gaze turned to the ground, and just the sound of the water filled the area. SSJ sighed, resting his head on the back of the boat and starred up at the sky. He was glad that they were shaded by a tarp they had erected some time before. But for some reason, the time seemed to drag. There was nothing to do on this boat. There was no room on the floor to play games. The boat was rocking too much to play careful games of Chess with Amiko. No point of looking around, for the environment was basically the same: nature all around, with a town in the distance upon the river. Even the mascots, Tenpi and Mokona, were exhausted. They simply sat in their respective owner's laps as they were rubbed and hugged, mostly through habit of Amiko and Cindy. There was a long pause as they passed further on their way, with the sky becoming as gray and melancholy as the Crew. Then it began to rain then, a very light and fairly cold wind. A chill came upon the area. SSJ and TM sighed, thankful for the tarp. It was the least they could do to defend themselves from the water all around them. It was the rain season, the ones from Earth guessed, as they passed along the river, ripples forming across the water. Their energy had been sucked out of them. SSJ didn't feel like cracking jokes or writing anything funny. He just looked up at the sky that was not covered by the tarp and thought about how much he hated the rain. Especially now, when touching it would turn him into a... Well, too late. A drop of water hit SSJ's skin as the winds grew faster, and he let out a loud swear as he was replaced with a yellow Kero. Everyone was too tired to even sweatdrop then, but just looked at him before turning to where they had been staring. Davis sighed, pulled out a bucket, and heated up the water, allowing SSJ to stick his tail in and become normal again. He pulled his cloak tighter and hat closer to him after that, since a powerful rain seemed to be brewing. Amiko turned to Davis.) Amiko: Hey, shouldn't we stop for now? Not only are we raining, but aren't those rapids up there? (Davis exchanged glances with Amiko before rubbing his chin.) Davis: Yeah, it'd be too dangerous to try and cross rapids in this weather. *** :: Meanwhile! :: [Rantmon was sweating alone in the room with the Rood Inverse carved upon the floor, where the fraud Mauzel had been. He wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand as he looked upon the glowing red sword before him. It only could be forged at extremely high temperatures, much too high for any normal human to withstand. But this was not too bad for him, and he was proud upon laying the sword upon the anvil and allowing it to cool. He got up from his chair, a simple stool of wood actually, and looked out one of the windows in the stone wall at the clear sky. After several days, it was finally done. The Atma was reforged. Yet, it will take a while before it becomes usable and stable. He grinned as his island passed over the land, towards the only place the God of Earth could be, at the world's only desert, the Millennium Sands. He left the room, past the hall of the basement, up from under his throne, out the main hall, and eventually out onto the open area of the island. The concrete square was before him, sand covering the edges of the island, some raining off the edges. The land cowered in fear before him. Women took their children and hid them away in their buildings upon spotting his palace. Trained militia dispersed in all directions of panic upon seeing the floating island. He was feared in every part of the globe. Especially in the brightness of the day, his palace was a recognizable monument of terror. Then he saw a pair of wings. Two of them. There were two dragons heading for him. One came a distance before the other. Dromar and Rith. They had come to Rantmon, who stood proud and strong. They landed before him, Dromar bellowing into the day, its blue scales shining. There was Rith, brown scales and blue wings bright with the sky, also bellowing. They stopped upon Rantmon raising a hand.) Rantmon: Calm down. I've been expecting you two. (As Rantmon was about to speak, Rith suddenly jerked his head around. It sniffed into the sky. A sudden joy seemed to pass over it, and it turned to Rantmon and bellowed again, surprising Rantmon. A voice came from it. It was a different kind of voice, though. Rantmon didn't "hear" it, but instead felt it in his mind.) Rith: He's here! He's waiting to be freed! (Rantmon's surprise faded. The deity smiled.) Rantmon: Volt, the Prophet, is near, huh? *** [Jallopsimon wasn't wasting time. As quickly as he had gotten onto the mainland, he stole the nearest car and began his transcontinental trek after the Crew. Oh how he hated Davis, making him go through all this just to meet him again. He despised every minute of his drive, not even knowing where Davis would be. He could only follow the information everyone else had given to him in fear, and only to learn he's several weeks behind. He hated Davis' guts for defeating him. He hated his being for making him chase after him. He hated every single bit of Davis' for the torment he was going through then. He was a fugitive, the number one person on the Terran Wanted list. He risked being caught and having his name being defiled even further with petty murder just for a chance to reclaim his pride. Davis would suffer. He would pay. It was then that Jallopsimon caught sight of a city in rather bad condition. He saw the sign. South City. He spotted a large group gathered by the entrance and didn't feel much for meeting new people. So he pulled off the road and abandoned the new Mustang he had been driving in and entered the town after leaping over the walls. He took a look around. It was a pathetic town, cracking and falling apart with its streets all torn. A gigantic crater was spread across the Southeast portion of the town. Even more noticeable was the stench of decay throughout the area. And he liked how it was pathetic. It would be easier to coerce a hapless human to tell him whatever. The first person he met in the town happened to be a police officer, and coincidentally one named David Jarrett, who was transferred just the day before. He was swearing over his bad luck, eyes on the ground, when he saw Jallopsimon's shadow. He looked up at the boy, clad in the clothes of an adventurer. With baggy pants, opened jacket, and a green shirt, Jallopsimon played the part of a hoodlum rather well, especially with the two kodachi at his side.) Jallopsimon: I'd like to ask you something. (Jarrett scoffed at the kid, remembering the devil kids that reduced him to this situation.) Jarrett: A brat like you comes out of nowhere and wants to ask me something without even a greeting?! Get out of here, brat. I've got no time for you. (Jarrett suddenly noticed Jallopsimon's eyes flashing, but not fast enough to avoid a giant slash appear across his torso, from his left shoulder to his right hip. He grabbed his wound, blood oozing through his fingers and around his arm, and yelled in pain. No one heard him. He had wandered too far away from his squad while in his anger. He attempted to scurry away, but then Jallopsimon's drawn kodachi impaled him straight through his leg and attached him to the ground. Another searing pain and a scream. Jallopsimon was apparently desensitized to all this, not even flinching at the guy's torment.) Jallopsimon: Now the question, what do you know of the Outlaws? (The question caught Jarrett off guard. He knew exactly where they had been just a few days ago. He clenched his teeth. He had tears streaming down his face. He knew what was going to happen. He was going to die unless he told.) Jarrett: P-please... D-Don't kill me! Please! Th-They were j-just at H-Hikage Street in Tokyo-4 three days ago! (Jallopsimon tore his blade from the poor man's leg, wiped it off on Jarrett's shirt and spoke simply to the man's face.) Jallopsimon: I won't kill you, but only because you regular people are too pathetic to kill like this. Go and try to get back to your squad before you die of blood loss. (With that, Jallopsimon turned his back, leapt over past the wall, and stepped away from the town, Southeast towards Tokyo-4. Jarrett painfully pulled himself to his feet and limped back toward his squadron, yelling for them. He was filled with such terrible pain, and upon his squad finally arriving, he finally collapsed.) *** [Meanwhile, however, there were others working their own plans. Over on the banks of the river, hidden by the trees, there was Team Voldemort, waiting with their plan neatly set up. They all grinned to themselves, proud of their accomplishments in so little time provided. There was Voldemort, afro and all still, standing up in a tree and looking down upon his men.] Voldemort: Are you all in position? (The rest of the team confirmed so, and Voldemort waited in his tree, looking at the Crew who were appearing over the horizon. He smiled, for now it seemed like his plan was finally getting to work! But then it began to rain. There suddenly were high winds. Voldemort looked at the Crew, who were heading towards the edge of the river, cursing at his luck. And it was then that Team Voldemort saw what was causing the wind. Up in the sky, some distance behind the Crew, there stood a green menace. Cell was there. Voldemort swore, putting his hands together and shooting a Nabe Hame Ha at Cell. Cell, surprised as he was, dodged rather easily, and soon was standing right before the Dark Wizard, face twisted with anger upon recognizing the wizard.) Cell: Well, well, if it isn't Voldemort... Killing Enders seems to be a pastime for bastards like you, huh? (With that, Cell punched straight into Voldemort, knocking him into the trunk of the tree and through it. The tree shattered into pieces, flying forward and landing in the river, setting off every mine laid in the river. Cell was also surprised at this, though he didn't flinch. He just sneered at the pathetic wizard as he skidded across the dirt on the other side of the riverbank. Out from all around and under Cell leapt the rest of Team Voldemort. Peter ran to his master as the rest leapt up and at Cell.) Peter: Master! Malik: How dare you?! Bakura: Bastard! Ma: Ruining our plans has sealed your fate! Ze: And we will show you the depths of our hate! (But none of the four did any of these things, for immediately, they were flying in other directions. Cell held up one finger, evidence of the only thing he used to knock them away. But only then did he realize what they were doing. He saw the string around the area. The mines were only one half of the trap that awaited the crew! He saw hoards of kunai fly toward him, realizing that the four rerouted the path straight at him. Still, he wasn't a general of Rantmon for nothing. He knocked away every single one of the speeding weapons, ending without the slightest injury. This was all an insult to his power! They seriously thought all of that would help. Suddenly, an explosion tore through the area. A bullet tore through the leaves about him, and struck him right on the back of the head. He turned about, and there he saw Cindy in the back of the boat, floating past and away from the area. They had used his fray with Team Voldemort to their advantage, he saw. Cindy turned to the rest of the Crew, looking out at Cell who flew into the sky.) Cindy: What'll we do?! We're going into the rapids in rainy weather, SSJ and TM won't be able to do anything, and we have Cell chasing after us! (They all looked up at Cell. They had nowhere to go upon the Great River as the rapids sped towards them. They were thrown about as the boat flew through the river, Kensou steering the boat away from rocks. The rest saw Cell prepare a ball of energy in his hands. Davis swore, and as fast as he could, there was a giant shield of flaming earth between them and Cell, made from the banks of the river. It barely held as the explosion tore through it, crumbling to pieces after Davis let it fall.) Davis: Crap, why now?! (Suddenly, there was shade. They looked up and saw that the forest got thick around the area. SSJ turned to TM.) SSJ: Now's our chance! There's no rain here! (TM nodded, and the two leapt out from the boat and grabbed onto branches, swinging around and landing atop them. There came Cell racing towards the boat. SSJ and TM nodded to each other. Suddenly, flashes of red and white filled the area. SSJ stood with his drawn blade down. TM stood with his own up.) SSJ: WIND SLASH! TM: ZERO SLASH! (Two large scars tore into the ground and through the trees, aimed straight at Cell. He was going to fast to dodge. He was struck by the blades of the void, flying back in pain and falling into the river, sending water everywhere. They took the time to leap after the boat from branch to branch, turning around for a bit to see Cell shoot out of the water with anger in his veins. TM cursed and sheathed his sword; he then came to a stop on one of the branches as Cell chased after them. SSJ stopped, too.) SSJ: No time for that, TM! You won't be able to concentrate it! (But TM ignored SSJ, and once again, there was the ball of wind. TM yelled at SSJ.) TM: Just find a way to stop him! (SSJ saw Cell coming forward, and then thought of the best idea to stop Cell. As the android speed forward, throwing water about. SSJ suddenly leapt out before the Ender. With one hand, he grabbed onto a branch, and then shoved off, spinning around in midair.) SSJ: HAKKESHOU KAITEN! (His white aura flooded the dark area and stopped Cell in his midair tracks. The blow did quite a small number on Cell, but that was the most he could do to the Ender. Upon finishing the maneuver, SSJ fell from the stunned Cell and into the river as Cell opened his eyes and saw TM hanging from the branch just in front of him. The boy stuck out his hand full of wind.) TM: RASENGAN! (The spiral of wind hit alright, but only after it hit did TM realize it wasn't concentrated enough. The winds tore about Cell's torso in a wide spiral, not the concentrated sphere of energy he had hoped. Cell yelled in annoyance at the pain, and thrashed TM off the branch and into the river. Spinel and Kero pulled out of the water and into the boat at that, swearing at Cell.) SSJ: The guy just won't die! TM: Damn bastard! (The boat was speeding through the shaded rapids then, water thrown upon the Crew as Kensou struggled to maintain control of the boat. Of course, SSJ and TM couldn't do much then, even if they did grow into the true forms of their bodies, but Amiko had plenty of options. From her glove came her bow and arrows again, and with a puff of smoke, she was behind Cell. An arrow flew from point blank range at Cell. He caught it easily, and threw a fist at Amiko. Another puff of smoke, this time she was before him, aimed straight for the monster's eye. Another arrow flew, straight through Cell, seemingly. But then Cell was behind Amiko, and she didn't even realize it before she was smacked up and through the foliage. A ray of light tore down to the ground as Amiko flew away in pain, teleporting again in midair and reappearing on the boat coughing and wheezing. Rain fell through the hole. SSJ and TM glanced back at Amiko and turned again to Cell.) SSJ: Damn it! TM: What'll we do?! (There Cell was again, flying about the boat in break-neck speed, throwing water everywhere on the boat. They were all then pressed with a much different problem of the boat sinking down as they speeded along, so there went SSJ and TM with their cone-shaped rice hats trying to get the water out. Bullets flew about the area, leaves fluttered onto the river, and there were short flashes of fire from Cindy's gun every time she pulled the trigger at Cell. None of them came even close to hitting, since Cell was much faster than bullets could ever hope to travel. Cindy swore, flipping open her gun to reload. The boat rocked as Cell flew past, throwing water everywhere. Even more so, one of their bags was thrown off, landing in the water and floating away. They didn't care to notice, though, with Cell throttling them whenever he spotted an opening. As Cell flew at lightning speed at them, Davis reacted just as fast. He clapped his hands together, and immediately, a meteor shot from the ground, heading straight on at Cell. With a fist, Cell shattered the weak meteor and flew forward to send a kick straight to Davis' gut. Davis flew in the opposite direction of the ship and landed in the river a ways back, gasping in pain and coughing out water. Cell took the time to ignore the former digimon tamer, throwing energy blasts at the Crew. Explosions rocked the sides. Cell was still just playing with them! Something hit Davis from behind. He wheeled about on the river and found the bag that had fallen off. The pack was open. He saw a box. Suddenly, he remembered what Hayden made for them. He pulled out the box, opening it and was glad to find the five bullets dry. He pulled one out and closed the box, thrusting his arm back and yelling.) Davis: CINDY! (And as Cindy quickly shot a glance at Davis, he tossed the bullet at the boat. She barely caught it from falling over the edge, and upon realizing it was a bullet, turned to Davis again.) Cindy: What the heck's this?! Davis: Just use it! (So Cindy nodded, popping open her revolver and slipping the new bullet in. She clicked the gun shut and glared at Cell. Even if the bullet could take him out, he was too fast to hit easily. She needed a way to get him without any time to react. She turned to Amiko.) Cindy: Teleport me near to him. Amiko: EH?! (Amiko shot a surprised look at her friend, surprised at her determination. She then turned back to look at Cell, standing in a tree waiting for them to act.) Amiko: What good will that do?! Cindy: I've got a plan, Ames! We'll beat him for sure! (Amiko looked again at Cell, proud and strong. She then smiled. That just may be his undoing. She recalled how he failed to dodge Cindy's bullets once they flew at him and caught him by surprise.) Amiko: Okay, grab on. (So Cindy put a hand on Amiko's shoulder, and in a puff of smoke, they were gone. Cell heard it immediately. A sound of someone materializing right next to him. He threw an elbow and smacked the person away. Cindy yelped and went flying away. He looked at the girl and grinned, turning back at the boat speeding along the rapids. He thought he would have even more fun, tormenting Cindy's friends one by one right before her. He shot a glance again at Cindy, seeing her run away from the whole area. That's right, as he expected. During times like these, a person's true self shows through. Her cowardice, in this case, became radically apparent. TM saw it from the boat and yelled into the forest.) TM: Hey, Cindy! Get back here! (Light suddenly flooded the area. The trees became thinner and the wall of foliage weaker. Light shone more on the ground as they went even quicker through near the end of the rapids. The clouds were left behind back at the depths of the forest, and no rain fell then. Cell flew slowly towards the boat. He looked upon the helpless Crew. There was Kensou, cursing, for he seemed to be the only one who could control the boat at this time. TM and SSJ were pathetic dolls. Amiko could hardly do any damage on him. He raised an arm and prepared a ball of energy in his palms, thinking of causing just enough damage to knock them out. Only then did he hear a clicking suddenly beside him. He turned to his right, altogether unafraid of the surprise awaiting him.) Cell: Eh? (That was the last word he said before a barrel was pointed straight between his eyes. Cindy was there on the trees, hanging by her legs and stretching her back to face Cell. She pulled the trigger. A gigantic boom tore throughout the area. Cell couldn't even scream before a giant wave of energy tore through his head. Cindy flew away from the blast, in tremendous pain for feeling the recoil on that blast. She tumbled through the air and saw Cell split apart in air. The ball of energy was hit by the blast as well, and another explosion tore through the area. A line of trees behind Cell were torn asunder as the bullet continued on, leaving a scar of destruction upon Terra. Cell was torn to pieces, even his individual cells were split apart by his own energy ball. Cindy hit the ground and skidded along, tumbling on the rough grass until she came to a stop some distance away from the river. From there, she could see the forest covering the river, and the rest of the Crew some ways ahead. She realized how badly she had taken the hit. She could hardly move. Her arms absolutely refused to move after that shock, her legs were sore from hanging on the branch, her stomach hurt from stretching to face Cell. She heard a puff of smoke beside her, and saw Amiko there with Yuna and SSJ.) SSJ: Good work, Cindy-chan! Amiko: We got rid of Cell! (Cindy smiled at that. She finally did something important. She looked up at the rest before speaking.) Cindy: Heh. Just let me sleep, guys... (So she dozed off to sleep, still gripping onto her gun. Yuna proceeded to heal the girl, and soon enough, they were back onto the boat with their lost bag and Davis. Mokona was patting the sleeping Cindy, huddled tightly under the guys' cloaks. Amiko hugged and patted Tenpi, whose feathers needed straightening after being so wet. Kensou turned to Davis with the burning question, as Davis was burning up some water in a small cup.) Kensou: Where the Hell did that bullet come from?! Davis: Hayden. He had enough thought to make it from the Shikkon Jewel we didn't use. (Kensou exchanged glances with SSJ, Amiko, and TM, all very glad Davis had connections. So the boat went forward along the river, away from the darkness of the clawing forest, out into the sunlight with the calm river. They were altogether sighing with fatigue. Two Enders were dead. Two more waited for them to come. And surely, neither of the two expected them to have the resources to beat Cell. As the two Enders waited in their territory of news, none of them knew what had happened. A storm was coming. A powerful storm that would shake the land was coming. And the name of that storm was the Outlaws.) ---- To Be Continued ---- - ENDING SONG: DON'T YOU SEE! - Tomodachi ni tegami wo kaku toki mitai ni Surasura to kotoba ga dete kureba ii no ni Mou sukoshi o-tagai wo shiriau ni wa jikan ga hoshii Uragiranai no wa kazoku dake nante Sabishisugiru yo Love is asking to be loved Shinjiru koto wo yamete shimaeba raku ni natte wakaru kedo Don't you see! Negatte mo inotte mo kiseki omoide Sukoshi wa ki ni kakete Don't you see! Chotto sameta furi wo suru kuse wa Kizutsuku no ga kowai kara ---- Preview ---- [The Naruto Main Theme plays in background. The six appear as chibi style, and random scenes from the next episode play, though you can't see because this is text. Haha!] SSJ: NEXT TIME! ON GINGA GIRI GIRI! Amiko: As news of the second Ender dying spreads across the land, we end up within the boundaries of the Zaibach... Empire... (Amiko suddenly stopped, reading over the script for the next chapter again.) AMIKO: HOLY, YES! (And as Amiko bounced across the screen, squealing with joy, the rest of the Crew continued, trying to ignore her.) Kensou: And as you can guess, she'll be having fun there. TM: Watch out for Dillandau trying to stop us, though- Davis: Uh, I think Dillandau is someone she WANTS to meet... (TM and Davis looked at each other, and then sighed. They hit the mark just perfectly.) Cindy: Next! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! "Enders' Vengeful Nocturne" ----