Author's Note: Should you see this: [1], refer to the bottom of the page. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero ( ____________________________________________________________________________________________ - OPENING SONG: YAKUSOKU WA IRANAI - nee aishitara daremo ga konna kodoku ni naru no? nee kurayami yori mo fukai kurushimi dakishimeteru no? nani mo kamo ga futari kagayaku tame kitto kimi o kimi o aishiteru kokoro de mitsumete iru kimi o kimi o shinjiteru samui yoru mo ---- Recap ---- [Chibi characters of the six appear in the foreground as scenes from the last episode play in the background. Though, you can't see 'cause this is text. Haha!] SSJ: Last time! Stuff happened, something to do with Cell. Amiko: Meanwhile, Rantmon meets up with Rith and Dromar, nearing the God of Earth. Kensou: More crap happens when Jallopsimon is shown more. TM: And back to us, Voldemort and company planned to stop us... Davis: But then there was Cell who interrupted and a huge fight scene in the river. Cindy: And I waste Cell with that insanely powerful bullet from Hayden. So, let's go! ---- Chapter 47: Enders' Vengeful Nocturne ---- [There was the flow of water still sounding in the deep of the night. The night progressed slowly as the moon was gone from the sky. It was a new moon. What was visible in the sky was the other planet, a sphere of blue some distance away. It was clear in the night, enveloping the area in a blue mist. And there on the river a long ways from a forest was a lonely boat. It moved silently with the river, a dark shape on top of a dark road. Six figures were strewn across the bottom and sides of the boat, sleeping as the night passed. Well, five of them were sleeping. One of the girls sat up, staring at the sky. It was Cindy, looking up at the planet hanging in the sky. To think that they came from a world not to different, and living somewhat comfortably at that. She couldn't get much sleep that night, being full of pain and all. Her muscles ached from the impact of the bullet, and after she awoke from her sleep, she found it was in the deep of the night. The stars shone brighter than she had ever seen, illuminating the area about the boat. The night was cold from the rain, and she was glad that the boys lay shivering without their cloaks. The dark passed on with Cindy watching the area. Everything seemed to be in disarray. Even in the night, birds were flying about. The animals were calling to each other. And when she looked over the side of the boat, groups of salmon raced along river with the boat. It was definitely strange. She figured it had something to do with Cell.] *** [She was right on the mark. News of Cell was spreading. The natural witnesses were spreading the news. The birds were spreading the news amongst themselves. It was spreading faster than the Six could know. Indeed, just some hours after Cell disappeared from the world, news spread from the birds, to the Lord of the Eagles, to Sarumon, and finally to Sauron and Knives within the Black Tower. Knives and Sauron were absolutely dumbfounded. The Enders were supposed to be Rantmon's personal elite, capable of any task assigned, and half of them were dead! Even if Cell was too arrogant and played too much, his power should have been more than sufficient to crush those damn kids! What the Hell was going on?! Utter confusion was spread across Knives' face. Cell was much stronger than him, and he was totally crushed by a group of kids. What did that say for his fate? Could he stand up against these people, with the resources they carried?! He shook all over, unable to comprehend the news. Knives fell to his knees, muttering to Sauron.] Knives: Is this possible...?! Sauron: They have powerful allies. Curses, we can't overlook any hidden powers they may have. (The news still needed time to sink in. A storm was brewing. It would come soon on Knives' doorstep, and he must dispose of it before it does any more damage to Rantmon. Knives hastily turned to Sauron.) Knives: Then, all of my men will immediately capture them while they were exhausted. (Sauron looked upon Knives for a bit, distressed and still shaking. Nevertheless, it couldn't be avoided. The Six would come anyway, and it was better if he did it now.) Sauron: Go. Make sure they'll suffer. (Knives nodded, and off he disappeared from the Black Tower. He raced from the Tower upon a large flying vehicle manned by none other than Legato. Knives relayed the situation to the clueless Legato.) Knives: Cell is dead. We will have to stop the brats. (Legato was caught unaware, nearly crashing the floating vehicle into the Misty Mountains below, but caught himself.) Legato: If they stopped Cell, are you going to use the Angel Arms? Knives: Yeah. Capturing them may be too hard. I'll just kill them and deal with Rantmon later. (A thought then crossed Legato's mind, and he presented the question to Knives.) Legato: What would Rantmon need their lives for, anyway? (Knives, suddenly being presented with the question, was thoroughly surprised. He had never thought of it before, but with someone like Rantmon, he could get any human sacrifice he wanted. What were so special about these kids? Did being from another universe make that much of a difference?) Knives: That's a difficult question... Perhaps Rantmon'll answer it when he's done with his plan... *** [Much time has passed since Cell's death. The first dawn after the battle greeted the Crew upon the boat. They stretched and sighed and yawned, for another monotonous day awaited them. Water passed by, and the country was still in disarray. Most of the Crew hardly noticed. Everyone save for Cindy and Kensou just thought perhaps there was an earthquake or something. Kensou was quite confused by the actions of the life about them, however. Birds don't fly East in their migration. He pondered the situation for a bit, only to finally realize what was happening. They were witnesses to Cell's death. They were spreading the news. Only then did the repercussions of that act come to him.] Kensou: Shit! The Enders are going to counterattack! (Everyone was taken aback at Kensou's sudden excitement, but soon, water was thrown everywhere a distance ahead. Something crashed into the river before them. Something red. A shadow fell upon the Crew, who all turned their heads and saw the gloomy, floating fortress of the Zaibach Empire looming above. Mokona and Tenpi were thrown awake from their sleep as Amiko shrieked. Everyone turned to Amiko, who was pointing at the red figure before them.) Amiko: Oh, man! It's... It's... IT'S DILLANDAU'S GUYMELEF! (Everyone facefaulted, tipping the boat this way and that. As they righted themselves and the boat, they came extremely close to the giant machine. It reached down an arm, and picked up the tiny, in comparison, at least, boat. Dillandau's voice echoed through the area.) Dillandau: Here we are! Rantmon will be mighty pleased with this find! (Water flew and leaves fell was the red Alseides sped into the sky, off towards the distant Zaibach Empire. Well, crap, this didn't seem very good!) *** [Now, they all sat within a rather large cell within the floating Empire. No fuss, no fight, no nothing. They had nothing good enough to tackle giant robots, and when TM tried to prove otherwise, Amiko smacked him.] Amiko: There are things more important than getting out. (TM glared and yelled at Amiko.) TM: Like what?! (Amiko clasped her hands together, and suddenly the background changed to a flowery, shiny, girly, lovey background. TM was rather afraid of the change.) Amiko: Capturing Dillandau-chan, of course! (TM looked about the area, pounding on the flowery background.) TM: What the- Where the Hell are we?! (The background returned then, and TM sighed in relief, nearly fainting to the ground. Now, with Amiko set on capturing the wily, most likely insane, bishounen named Dillandau, it was clear they had to break out from the confining, yet well furnished, cell. Cindy didn't feel much like leaving the very soft and cushioned seat she had taken the past few minutes getting accompanied to, and neither did Mokona. Amiko turned to SSJ and Davis, who were pummeling each other in Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore, using the HDTV and a new PSX recently bought over the internet. The only person who didn't seem to actually mind leaving with her was Kensou. Tenpi, too, sat on her head and chirped in with enthusiasm. She faced the rest, quite disappointed.) Amiko: Two people and a chocobo can't take down an entire Empire. SSJ: Maybe not, but one person, a chocobo, and AMIKO can take down Satan's entire army. (There was a large dent in the wall not long afterwards, and inside lay SSJ, dazed and confused and muttering various times the spanish word for "gold". Amiko clapped her hands and dusted them off and turned to Kensou.) Amiko: Okay then, let's go. (The door broke loose and flew into the hallway, knocking out a rather surprised guard as it crashed into the wall opposite the room. The alarm sounded. People rushed to the room, heavily armed. When they came to the room, they were quite surprised to find the door wide open, yet everyone now indulging in a multiplayer Super Smash Brothers Melee game. They heard Cindy speak over her shoulder without turning from the screen.) Cindy: She went that-a-way. (And she pointed in the direction of Amiko's path. The soldiers were quite stupefied. Certainly, an escape easily seen, and they didn't bother leaving?! They just looked amongst each other, and the leader spoke.) Leader: Can we join in? (The four left looked among each other. Soon enough, an enormous multiplayer Gamecube tournament, with several Gamecubes, were taking place in the well-furnished room. And when that got finished with Cindy with the victory, the room was filled with computers- provided by the very high-tech Zaibach soldiers -and wires, and a gigantic game of Halo took place.) *** [Now, Amiko and Kensou dashed through the giant floating building, crashing through room after room in search for Dillandau. Amiko easily kicked down a door, and seeing the empty room, moved to the next. Same result with the next. Soon enough, an entire hallway was littered with battered wood and broken doors, all in a neat trail following Amiko's path. Kensou was quite scared at Amiko's enthusiasm, never fatiguing despite causing quite a bit of property damage. They didn't even have to fight anyone that crossed paths with them, one look at Amiko kicking doors open, and they knew she was serious. All the while, she screamed out for Dillandau, who was nowhere to be seen. But however, is a booby prize, the wall before her tore away from a sword. She and Kensou stopped in their tracks, looking out the large gap and seeing a rather familiar machine- to Amiko at least. The hulking frame of the Escaflowne was just outside the scar torn into the side of the floating city, coincidentally enough, and out leapt Van. He landed just before Amiko, and knowing her, that was not a very good idea on his part. She was fast and instantly latched onto him, despite oncoming guards in both directions.] Van: What the-?! Who are you?! Amiko: Oh, Van-kun! How I waited for us to meet! Ever since we've been here I've been so excited since I would be meeting you and Dillandau and we'll be happy... (And she continued on and on, not noticing a bit that they were suddenly surrounded by the peons of the Zaibach Empire. Kensou and Van were then pressed in the dilemma, and Amiko would have no chance of getting off of Van to help. No matter, Van drew his sword and Kensou unsheathed his nidachi, and the two went slashing at the enemies who came forth.) *** [After promptly stomping every one of the guards in the Halo tournament, TM was proud of his insane achievement, killing them all without using any ammo. All he did was smack everyone right on the back of their heads with the plasma gun and guaranteed his victory. Now, with that task complete, the Crew sighed as all the guards sulked and shuffled away from the room, dejected and depressed. They simply waved from their well-furnished room, and that was that. Well, until there was a shattering of glass, and in a rather cool fashion, six people from a certain lovable team came crashing into the scene. The four didn't even have to turn around to figure out who they were. They sat back into their seats as SSJ yelled.] SSJ: Hey, let's get the game over with, here. (Team Voldemort lost balance from surprise, crashing into the ground with a thud. Voldemort looked back at his men, muttering.) Voldemort: How the Hell did the kid know? (Peter shrugged, raising his hands in confusion, as did the rest of the team. None the less, Voldemort pointed at the line of computers, and the Yu-Gi-Oh! villains proudly leapt into seats of a few computers, proud of their practice at Rantmon's LAN party. Though, the bad thing was that they were now playing Halo, which is much different than Counterstrike in many ways. One of them being that everyone else had a freaking tank, and nuked all the major respawn points with ease. But with that, the Crew suffered the same amount of deaths at the end of the period. From suicide maneuvers, unlike Team Voldemort. In any case, Team Voldemort did not get one kill, and they collapsed in their seats, dejected and depressed. Voldemort slapped his forehead. These people were supposed to be masters of games, and they lose to these kids every time! Voldemort just had to ask the question.) Voldemort: How the Hell are you kids so good?! (The four paused, throwing a glance at Voldemort. Then at each other. They then burst out laughing at Voldemort's density, causing the Dark Wizard to fume.) Cindy: Haha! You can't figure it out?! TM: We're kids! You think we sit around and twiddle our thumbs at home?! (A green beam of death neared TM then, suddenly cast from a new wand Voldemort finally received. TM had no time to dodge. He bent back a la the Matrix as the beam flew just over him, barely touching him. Whew, good thing for that Blood Sin! Okay, lame old, 1999 parodies aside, the four faced Voldemort and Peter in preparation for imminent battle. Voldemort had the first draw, shooting out a spell.) Voldemort: CRUCIO! (The spell raced at Cindy, who barely ducked in time to avoid the curse. Only then did Voldemort fire ten more at the same time at everyone else. Everyone dashed about the room. Spells hit the walls and, sadly, the very fast and very new computers. The boys were not much pleased by the events, turning to Voldemort with a face full of scowl. The Dark Wizard paused in his onslaught of spells.) SSJ: Those Radeon 98000s... [1] TM: Those terabyte hard drives... Davis: Those AMD 10 gigahertz processors... (Their faces suddenly exploded into anger, surprising everyone in the room. Cindy scurried away, half from embarrassment and half from fear. Peter cowered in the corner by the window they just broke through. The boys shot glances at each other, and all pulled out kunais. They knew their target. Voldemort grinned.) Voldemort: That won't work against me. Boys: To Hell it will! (They all leapt at Voldemort, kunai gripped tightly. As soon as they jumped forward, TM sent forth a legion of kage bunshin, exploding in a red aura. The room was dyed red as Voldemort lost sight of anything but TM. Before he realized what had happened, the kage bunshin exploded into smoke, and the boys were not aiming for him. They were aiming at the lump of hair above him. He tried to aim his wand and yell a spell, but he got a mouth full of sock from SSJ. The wizard coughed, and as he did so, a lump of his hair fell to the ground. He saw it and grabbed his cheeks as the boys finished their attack.) Voldemort: My afro?! NOOOOOOOOOoooooooo! (And so, his afro given to him by Nabeshin was gone, and with it a good deal of hilarity. The Crew didn't mind after all he did to the stuff they could have stolen. And as Voldemort was reeling, the three pulled back their fists with anger. TM had the Blood Sin behind him. SSJ had his bishoujo behind him. Davis had flames about his fist. Simultaneously, their fists smashed into Voldemort's jaw, sending him flying back out the window. As he flew out, his foot caught onto a wire, pulling the entire wreck of computers towards the window. The boys were just fast enough to leap onto the ceiling and stick on, ducking and avoiding pain. The computers crashed forward into Bakura, Malik, and the Maze brothers, forward into Peter, and soon enough, the wall was gone and flying with Team Voldemort.) Team Voldemort: Team Voldemort is blasting off agaiiiiinnnn... (And with a bling and a sparkle, they were gone. The boys fell from the ceiling and landed on the ground, looking back at Voldemort's disappearance. They then sighed as they calmed down. They then heard Cindy.) Cindy: Well, since there's nothing else to do, let's get Ames. (They all exchanged glances. That seemed to be the best thing to do now.) *** [Van stormed into a wide room, quite empty and with his steps echoing. Of course, Amiko was still hanging off of him, and he was getting quite fatigued giving her both a tour and a piggy-back ride. He heard laughing. Kensou dashed into the room as well, quite occupied with many more Zaibach officers arriving. Without thinking, he took apart his nidachi, splitting them into two. He yelled his attack and threw them forward.) Kensou: Futaya! (The blades flew forward, both struck their targets in rather unimportant areas, since Kensou was tired. Still, the targets screamed in pain, slowly turned black, and disappeared with the wind as ashes. Everyone stopped. Kensou cursed, realizing his mistake, leapt forward to grab his weapons and sheathe them. Everyone still saw it just before he sheathed the weapon. They were pitch black. Phage's blood blackened the blade. The Zaibach officers stepped back in fear. No one wanted to touch that blade, and soon, panic set into them all. With much screaming and fear, they dashed away from the room. Amiko and Van were staring, surprised at Kensou's weapon. He turned back, at Van, and just in time to make a surprised face. Van and Amiko took the hint, dodging away just as two claws dug into the metal floor they were standing upon. They landed on the ground away from each other, facing the hulking red Alseides there, claws retracting back into its arm. Dillandau's voice called.) Dillandau: Van, I've been waiting for you! (Van replied with harshness at Dillandau.) Van: Tch! You know the only reason why I came! (Dillandau laughed. His piercing laugh echoed through the area. Amiko and Kensou became chilled at Dillandau's violent laughing. Amiko feared two bishies she liked would end up fighting! Finally, Dillandau spoke, quite civil and calm.) Dillandau: Yeah, yeah, here you go. (The top of the guymelef opened, and Dillandau tossed down a small set of ringing objects at Van, who caught it in his hand. They jingled and jangled on a ring.) Amiko: Keys...? Van: I'll give the Corvette back soon. (Amiko and Kensou facefaulted. Van and Dillandau turned to the two, and then back to each other.) Dillandau: Don't mess it up too much at that party. Van: I wo- (There was a flash of red light and Van was gone in Amiko's bishie ball. She wouldn't be letting Van leave in a Corvette if she could help it! Dillandau was taken aback. Amiko didn't spare him, who had carelessly lowered the armor on his guymelef. She tossed the bishie ball.) *** [The rest of the Crew dashed towards Amiko and Kensou, wherever the Hell they were. They followed a line of destruction among doorways, hoping it was from Amiko's wrath. They dashed on and on, through sawdust, through carpet, through broken walls, and finally came to a halt. They came to the edge of a rather large hole on the ground. It was a hole, by any chance. Cindy stuck her head out and examined down the opening in the ground. She looked left and right. It was in the halls, too. Suddenly, the floor ahead of them was moving up. The ground they stood on shook. Their part of the floating Empire was falling! They were trying to make them fall to their death with the entire section! As quick as possible, they dived forward, barely making it past the threshold. They all sighed as the ground behind them collapsed for some unknown reason. Suddenly, the ground gave way under SSJ, who quickly grabbed onto the very edges of the Empire. His feet dangled dangerously over the edge as he held on for dear life.) SSJ: STUPID CORNER-CUTTING CONSTRUCTION! (Davis reached to SSJ and grabbed his arm. SSJ took pressure off his other arm and found something for his feet to push off of. But then, Davis' grip slipped due to his sweaty palms, a rather nasty side effect of gaming for extended periods of time.) Davis: Whoops. SSJ: DAMN YOU TO HELL, DAVIS! (He fell over the edge, screaming and flailing. Was that to be his end? Was he going to die there and no longer be able to write this fic? Well, that would have been a load off his mind, he'll tell you that now! Wait a second, since this fic is being read, he must have survived. He tumbled a whopping one story before landing upon the rather soft trees below. The camera pulled back, revealing the Zaibach Empire to be hovering just over a city, with a forest surrounding it. SSJ rolled across the hills and forests, throwing wood everywhere as he came to a stop just barely near a small river delta. He sighed in relief. He saw the piece of the Empire they were just in a good mile or two away. He swore in pain. He saw a wrench fall out of the Empire, aimed straight for his head. He swore again, too sore to move.) *** [Well, SSJ was certainly all right, so Cindy and everyone went about their business searching for Amiko, and soon found her sitting upon Dillandau's guymelef, proud of her victory. Cindy, TM, and Davis looked about the room, finding no sign of damage save for one hole in the ground. Amiko was pretty good when she was in fangirl mode... Now, with their task done and they were set on leaving. But, oh no, a giant explosion tore through the side of the room they were standing on. The ground rocked, the room shook, and they felt the rush of wind. They looked at the source of the explosion, and found a giant empty sphere where the explosion took place just before them. They looked ahead and saw who did it. They saw two gigantic, angelic arms.] Cindy: That SSJ is pretty damn lucky... (As quickly as they could, they scrambled out of the area, scurrying quickly towards the place SSJ fell out from. The Empire was shoved a little ways from where SSJ was, but it was better than being caught in a fiery explosion! The five leapt out, just in time for a second explosion to tear into what was left of the Empire. They were lost in the rain of shrapnel and explosion, lost in the forest, and lost for good in Knives’ eyes. Knives stood upon a large ship. Wings jutted out of its sides. It hovered in the air with the latest technology, recently released from the government. Glass domes separated the giant bridge from the outside. The blood red beast floated in the air just above the town, a visible red shield taking shape around the vehicle. The Minotaur. But he knew it wasn't over. He felt them still alive in the forest. It would take a Hell of a time finding them. He returned to his bridge via a cargo elevator, calling one of his lieutenants. Forward from the confines of the ship came a person by the name of Seto Kaiba, perhaps you have heard of him. In any case, Knives commanded as such.) Knives: Find them and bring them to me. Do- Not- Fail. (Kaiba bowed, and left the ship on his blimp. Knives waited above the city, casting a shadow upon the land. They were done for.) ---- To Be Continued ---- - ENDING SONG: MYSTIC EYES - tsuki no mukou aoi searchlight kasanaru totsuzen maiorita angel sou kimi wa dare? ima unmei no tobira ga hiraku So just fall in love munasawagi suru kono shunkan wo nogasanai Don't stop, baby yake-sou na kimi no mystic eyes mujaki na egao de breaking down kimi dake ni hitomi no oku no aizu hatenai tabi wa hajimaru mou tomaranai mune no kodou kimi wo saratte yukitai ---- Preview ---- [The Naruto Main Theme plays in background. The six appear as chibi style, and random scenes from the next episode play, though you can't see because this is text. Haha!] SSJ: Next time! What's this, who is this girl that I meet? Amiko: Whoo, could be a cliché love interest! (SSJ glared at Amiko.) SSJ: I'm not THAT lame... ... ... ...Damn it, I am. (SSJ sulked in the background as the rest continued, ignoring him.) Kensou: Knives' assault continues as they roam the forest for us, only to find us long gone within the city. Davis: What city? SSJ hasn't named it yet, but trust us, it'll be named by next week. TM: Anyway, drama and crap with some hilarity, maybe, if SSJ can cough some up. Cindy: Next! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! "The Peach Blossom's Aria" ---- Author's Note (Holy, I haven't used these in a bit, huh?): [1]: No, that is not a typo. I wanted it to be really futuristic and cool, so I slapped on another zero. ----