____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero ( ____________________________________________________________________________________________ - OPENING SONG: STANDING ON A HILL - DO AS INFINITY - [1] yakusoku no oka wa imademo nani hitotsu kawattenai sa ano hi kikasetekureta yume kono oka wa oboeteru kara nakisou na kimochi to iradatta seikatsu hitogomi no mayonaka tsuki no hikari miushinatte kanarazu ashita ni nareba waraeru kara tashika ni bokura wa koko ni tatteiru yo wow ---- Recap ---- [Chibi characters of the six appear in the foreground as scenes from the last episode play in the background. Though, you can't see 'cause this is text. Haha!] SSJ: Last time! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! We get caught by the Zaibach Empire. Amiko: But before we were being entertained, Sauron and Knives were pissed. Kensou: So after being caught, Amiko and I break out and storm the unguarded place looking for Dillandau. TM: While we play Super Smash Brothers and Halo. Cindy: Eventually though, we go after them. Davis: And Knives strikes, taking down the entire fortress. All: So, after that cliffhanger, on with the show! ---- Chapter 48: The Peach Blossom's Aria ---- [The sun was hot and heavy upon the weathered wayfarer that passed over the grassy knolls. Jallopsimon still traveled under the heavy air, wearing his shirt over his shoulders and allowing it to soak up his sweat. His two kodachi were seen quite clearly in the sun, quite threatening to the various animals around that dared think of assailing him. Over his shoulder, he carried a small pack, full of food and drinks whenever he needed it. He didn't need much. The next city would be a small distance away. He just continued on, his feet shuffling the grass as he passed. His powerful muscles were shining with sweat, for the day was a radical change from the cool temperatures a couple of days before. Still, none of that bothered him compared to his internal pain. You know what has been moving through his mind. His growing hatred for Davis. A new landmark came into sight a distance ahead. He saw something etched into the grass ahead of him. Tracks of a rather heavy wagon tore up the grass. He saw the landmark ahead. The remains of some kind of building. Upon approaching it, he saw that only the outer walls still stood up, and rubble and broken wood was thrown about. He saw why. A rather deep crater lay right in the middle of it. It was a fairly large blast that caused the crater. He turned his head in this direction and in that direction.] Jallopsimon: What happened- (Suddenly, his muscles tensed. His face became distorted. He screamed in pain, grabbing his throbbing forehead. He clenched his teeth as he struggled with a searing pain tearing through his head. Such a terrible pain he was starting to feel more frequently. He was suddenly pulled back to another scene... He saw the melancholy colors. The faded colors of a cloudy sky, the dreary tones of the street, and the charred black remains of what was a house. There were people crowded all around as the billowing black smoke filled the air and rained ashes upon the area. There he was. He was wrapped in a blanket, with black ashes smeared all over his skin. He was crying and crying. Tears were streaming down his face and onto the dirty blanket wrapped around him. People were wondering what happened to the home of the boy who would become today's Jallopsimon.) People: What happened? Another fire? Was it another gas leak? (As the people prodded each other for answers, he cried. The colors faded from his life then. Now, as the pain subsided and he was pulled back into the current world. He gasped with sudden relief from the pain. He was sprawled on the ground, his elbows shaking as they supported him. He suddenly felt heavier with the strange new burden. What did he just see? Was it from his past? His head hurt again trying to remember. He only could remember a couple of months back, when Rantmon first approached him... Months... He had only been under Rantmon's wing for a few months. Rantmon had helped him when he didn't know who he was. He had forgotten his name, age, past, everything. Now that he thought of it, the five came to the world just before the time he could remember back. How was he connected to them? He struggled to remember, but it only increased the welling pain. Finally, he gave up, panting and sweating more than ever. That pain was much worse than anything he had felt before. Was it amnesia that was blocking his memories? It felt much worse than simple amnesia... Still, he got to his feet and glanced at the remains of Naraku's castle. He figured it as such from Rantmon's descriptions back when the boy served him. The thoughts in his head and the anger in his heart were swirling together. He didn't know what he was, how he came to be, what his purpose was. Finally, he bit his finger. Blood trickled out. He let one drop fall to the ground before he thought to himself.) Jallopsimon: (I am alive. I exist for myself. My purpose for now is to kill Davis. I am no longer Rantmon's pawn...) (So, Jallopsimon took one final glance at the castle before eying footprints in the ground. He turned around and went along his way, shaking his black hair free from grass.) *** [SSJ awoke to find himself back at school. His homeroom teacher apparently threw a marker at him to wake up his unmotivated ass. He rubbed his head painfully and sighed. Was that all a dream? Did any of that he dreamed take place? He looked about the room. There was Amiko. Over there was another friend, with shabby brown hair. Frank Miguel was his name, or at least he thought it was in the dream. The day slipped past in a blur. He was with the crew, plus Frank and another, Van Toh, who seemed awfully familiar, with his black hair and brown eyes... No matter, for he was pulled away from them all. They flashed away from him as he reached forward, trying desperately to grab on to just their shadows. He awoke again, this time back in the forest. He was still in the Other World, Terra, apparently. Nevertheless, he painfully got to his feet, head throbbing from the wrench. Why had he remembered the friends at school, he didn't know. He was alone in the forest, and none of the rest could be seen anywhere. He did see bits and pieces from the Zaibach fortress here and there, and could only wonder what happened. He was alone. He wanted someone there to accompany him. But letting his bishoujo out now would give him away. What he needed to do was assess the situation. He climbed up a tree using Chakra, gazing above the foliage. He saw the giant ship in the air. He knew not that it was Knives' possession, and that his army was combing the forest for them. He knew one thing, though... He was hungry, and needed to go to the city under the ship quickly. He climbed back down and was on his way through the forest, towards the city.] *** [Amiko and company all clutched onto the branches they were on. They kept absolutely still, not to move or breathe loudly until the threat had past. Just below them was Seto Kaiba, surrounded by a rather well-armed group of underlings. Now, seeing as it was Amiko, both Kensou and TM were forced to hold her back, pushing her back into a tree the second the recognized him. Another underling came from beyond the twisting branches and winding paths. He approached Kaiba, saluting and bringing forth a rather peculiar item.] Underling: This has been retrieved. (He handed it over the Kaiba. The very wealthy boy looked upon what was brought to him. An arrow of eskudo. They weren't far; he was sure of it. The Five froze further, hoping not to be noticed as they looked upon the army below. Unfortunately, there was a group combing the treetops as well. The five did not know, but as Kaiba and the rest disappeared from sight, and thus they relaxed, the treetop enemies caught sight of them. There were two, both with radios about to signal in for backup. Unfortunately, the branch they stood upon shook. The two saw it. A white being that they simply could not describe.) Being: PUU! (And with that, the two were punted away from the forest. They flew over the trees, screaming in pain, and there was Mokona, quite large and proud of his accomplishment. The rest of Kaiba's army failed to hear the screams, for after all, the Minotaur's propulsion was quite loud. Now, Mokona returned to his original size and floated to the Crew, Tenpi sitting upon its head, silent, but looking about the area with his perceptive eyes. Mokona approached Cindy first, with Tenpi leaping off and carefully leaping among the branches to Amiko. Both girls were delighted with the two having lived and all, but kept silent as Kaiba's men finally gave the area up and disappeared among the trees. But not before one called for two missing underlings on his radio. With no answer, he knew something was up. Indeed, he looked up, suspecting something about the strange shadows on the ground. Unfortunately, directly above him was Davis, silently cursing to himself. Quite fortunately, however, the guy was severely nearsighted, and saw nothing but a blur of green and brown. He dismissed it and was on his way. Davis let out a sigh of relief.) Davis: That was close... Thank God for bad eyesight. *** [SSJ stepped into the city, looking up at the giant Minotaur above him. He knew nothing about it or where it came from, and he was pretty sure none of the anime he ever watched had it. It cast an ugly shadow upon the city, even with the beautiful towers of glass and metal. The city was rich and futuristic, not much of a surprise for a city right by the river. He wondered where his friends were. They were fine, he was sure of it- Amiko was there and all. He feared the damage THEY would do onto the poor soldiers that might cross their path. He did his best to keep hidden despite the large amount of armed men all around the city, wandering through the alleys and abandoned walkways for somewhere to eat. The hunger was clawing at his stomach, almost becoming painful as he trudged on. Finally, ignoring all logic, he stepped out of the alleys and approached a nearby Chinese restaurant. And who does he find there, all lined up at the bar and eating ramen. There was Team Voldemort, slurping on their ramen and commenting on how the damned kids were so elusive and resourceful. Now, they failed to notice him as he approached them. SSJ gave no thought to them, nor they to him, and he sat right beside Voldemort and ordered his favorite chao mein dish with chicken. Voldemort turned to the new guy, only barely noticing it was SSJ. But whatever, he simply shrugged it off and continued slurping his noodles. As the chef brought SSJ's food on a plate, SSJ began conversation with the wizard.] SSJ: What, are you on a vacation? (Voldemort finished slurping down his noodles and replied.) Voldemort: Yeah. We don't feel like fighting you guys during major plot events like this. SSJ: Ah... I see. (So SSJ used his chopsticks and proceeded to eat his dish. Voldemort and company eventually left, leaving him alone as he finished and paid his bill. So he stepped out of the restaurant full and happy. Happy enough to meet one particularly perceptive soldier, at least. SSJ was quick to react to the exclamation mark appearing over the soldier's head a la Metal Gear Solid. He drew his blade and slashed through the guy with battoujutsu with little remorse. Blood flew about the area. He heard it hit the ground, splatter among the wall, and, for some reason, heard it hit clothes. It wasn't his own, that was for sure. He turned about and looked down the street, finding a single girl. Her casual red shirt and open black jacket were stained with blood. From her face, it dripped onto her nice blue jeans. Some had gotten into her black hair, and was made clearer with her dark brown streaks. He sort of remembered her gray eyes. He just simply stood in wonder, not knowing what to say.) Girl: Y... You... SSJ: Uh... Momo, was it? *** [Amiko and company barely escaped into the city as the search for them intensified. More soldiers were sent into the forest searching for them, and quickly enough, they sneaked off unnoticed and still out of their enemies' sights. So now the maze of streets and buildings lay before them. The Minotaur was high above with Knives waiting for them. They needed to get away from it. The city was taken by that thing. From what they knew, no one left the city through the river or gates. It would be a hell of a time getting out, and much too difficult to get out without getting caught. They needed a diversion, and their bishounen and bishoujo needed exercise. So in an abandoned, run down alleyway of the city, many flashes of red light filled the area. All the bishies were out. Amiko, Cindy, TM, and Davis needed all the eyes they could get. They felt slightly heavier, but now that they were not strengthened by their bishies, they truly felt how much they had grown. Well, they would've if Amiko's bishies weren't fighting all the time. It was a wonder how they kept fighting when everyone else's bishies got along just fine. Heero was knocking Duo away with a steel chair at that point.) Heero: Damn it, who said you could take Amiko?! Duo: She took ME, you bastard! (Elsewhere, Draco, who had taken a liking to Amiko's ruthlessness, was dueling with Harry in control of Amiko's heart. Kamui and Fuuma were battling with their holy swords. Cloud, Squall, Zidane, Tidus, Auron, and Wakka were having a knife fight to determine the owner of Amiko. There was much confusion and explosions and what not before Amiko yelled for them to be quiet.) Amiko: QUIET! (With that, all the fighting ceased, and the senseless destruction halted. Amiko pulled out an arrow and through it into the cement. The cement cracked, and the arrow was propped up.] Amiko: Let's split up and meet here later. Kensou and my company will look North. TM: I'll see any openings West. Davis: I'll take East. Cindy: That leaves me with South. (Mokona and Tenpi nodded to each other. Tenpi leapt into the bag around Amiko's shoulders as Mokona floated to Cindy's head. And with that, they dashed away from the area, just in time for a pair of eyes to come around the corner. It wasn't that of a soldier, that was for sure. Mostly because it wasn't connected to any body, and rolled across the corner, peering over at where the Crew had been. A voice echoed past the corner.) Voice: Ah, they just left. Should we chase after them? (Another deep, commanding voice echoed. It seemed familiar...) Other voice: Not so loud, Genbu. (The first voice chuckled.) Genbu: Weren't you the one saying we shouldn't give ourselves away, Master Suzaku? (The names should very much sound familiar. Past the corner were six distinctive characters. There was Master Suzaku, from which Jallopsimon stole the kodachi from, standing up fine, as if his spine being shattered did nothing. There was Genbu, with right shoulder and arm in good condition. Nataku was there, his skull quite fine with a wide grin. They were all just fine, as if Jallopsimon's one-man-attack did no damage. And they were in the best of moods.) Suzaku: If we pursue them too openly, the Minotaur will notice. Daedalus didn't want us to be caught. It'd give him away. (Nataku laughed aloud. His shrill cackle echoed through the empty streets. Birds flew away, but finally, he stopped and turned to the serious Suzaku.) Nataku: What, are people going to believe that the infamous Nishiten is alive and casually waiting in a city? (From the background, Byakko laughed as well, turning to Nataku. Byakko's hand was bulging at points. They bulged and stretched and finally, from his skin, metal blades came forth. He felt no pain at all from that, he just simply smiled.) Byakko: One of them will be in a coffin soon. (Suddenly, Suzaku yelled.) Suzaku: Stop! (Byakko froze. He wouldn't dare stand up against his master, who could defeat him ten times over. They saw that the tips of two blades came from each of their master's palms. Slowly, more and more of the blades came forth, until the hands closed down on the hilts of the short blades. Suzaku stood with pride.) Suzaku: You're not going to take care of them all. We'll deal with the two boys. Everyone else will keep watch. (So they nodded, and Suzaku and Byakko were off. The Nishiten were back! By what devilry had this occurred?!) *** [Little to SSJ's knowledge, his friends were in danger from the revived clan. But he was pressed with problems of his own, as he sat across from Momo in her apartment within the city of Komachi. All around, his bishoujo were out and dusting and cleaning the room.] SSJ: So, what happened after I left? Why did you end up here? (Momo sighed, thanking Kasumi who brought her a cup of coffee. She sipped the delicious coffee and began as SSJ's bishoujo sat in chairs brought from out of nowhere.) Momo: Well... It's hard for me to think of it. Papa... They took him away... Mishima took Papa away... They were looking for you. (Tears welled in her eyes. SSJ felt bad that he did this to her. He bowed his head as she continued.) Momo: You don't know, huh... My brother returned just before they took him away. Papa couldn't go; they were already there... We barely escaped on his speeder bike. (So that's what happened. SSJ felt miserable for ruining her life. He stared down at the tabletop. He heard his bishoujo comforting her with their voices and heard her wipe her tears.) SSJ: How... How have you lived here? (Momo looked up at SSJ, then around her apartment. It was barely furnished, she couldn't get any more.) Momo: My brother had been able to take care of me every now and then, leaving me with food, but I haven't heard from him for a long time... For now I'm just trying my best with the little money I took from home. Since the coup, I've been hoping to be able to go home and have Papa freed... (Damn it... She couldn't live like this. Not without anyone helping her. SSJ turned to Kasumi. He liked her and all, but he couldn't help being nice.) SSJ: Kasumi... Stay here and take care- (There suddenly was a knocking at the door. SSJ wheeled about and peered at the door, with a mighty powerful knocking. He turned back to Momo, who stood up, rather shakily, and headed to the door. Slowly opening the locks, yet keeping the chain in place, she opened the door to a crack. She looked outside and saw with fear a large and armed group of soldiers. No way. Not again. More soldiers came to take her away.) Soldier: Momoko Yamatani, bring out the member of the Outlaws. (Momo slid away from the door. She stepped back and felt SSJ's hands on both shoulders. She looked up at him.) SSJ: "Momoko"? Momo's just a nickname, huh? (Momo nodded, and flashes of red light filled the room. Then, Kasumi was the only one left with Momo. SSJ stepped to the door and pulled the chain loose. Momo stared wide eyed at him as he opened the door to face all the soldiers. He didn't turn back as he spoke.) SSJ: Sorry for making your life a living hell. Kasumi, take care of her. (Kasumi nodded.) Kasumi: Well... Okay, SSJ, but take care. (SSJ smiled and nodded. So he then spoke to the soldiers.) SSJ: Who wants me? (There was a simultaneous answer from the band.) Soldiers: Millions Knives, Third Tier Ender wants you and your friends. (SSJ sighed and stepped through the door.) *** [Amiko and Kensou, along with all her bishounen wandered through the streets, heading North with the sun high above. They thought some things were getting weird, as the soldiers started appearing more frequently, in larger groups as well. Something was up, and it was getting quite dangerous to search for an exit. They heard the wind blow, turning to the sky and seeing a small ship rise from the city a distance away. It headed up to the Minotaur. Both could only wonder what it was for. They suddenly felt a large weight upon them. They could not explain it, that ship seemed to be important, somehow. It seemed pointless to try finding an exit, but they didn't know why. Suddenly, as they looked back upon the city, they heard two giant crashes. In the East and West sides of the city, smoke and dust flew into the air as buildings collapsed. What was going on?! They abandoned their search instantly. Her bishounen disappeared with red flashes as she sped forward, fatigue lessening as more strength came to her.] *** [This certainly was a pleasant day! On TM's side right before the collapsed tower of metal and glass, there was Suzaku, both kodachi sharp and shining before him. Dust and sparks came from the shrapnel and wreckage. Blood of the building's inhabitants came forth, and TM rose to anger as he saw the red liquid flood the area. His own red aura came forth, flooding the area in a much different way. Suzaku was smiling as TM immediately got into his battoujutsu stance, his bishoujo standing before him, ready to fight. TM yelled at the leader of the Nishiten.] TM: Who the Hell are you?! (Suzaku grinned as he faced TM. Such a weakling didn't know what he was! How he would educate the fool. Suzaku crossed his forearms, blades pointing up at opposite directions.) Suzaku: I will only tell you my name should you defeat me. With that said... You'll never know. (TM clenched his teeth. A hard battle lay ahead. Suzaku was the first to attack, leaping forward with speed.) Suzaku: First Stance: The Voice of the Devil. *** [Davis skidded to a halt as Byakko was silhouetted in the sunlight. Davis saw the blades ripping from the man's hand and forearms. He could only think of how amazingly strong the guy was; he took down that six-story building with one punch! None of the people in there survived, he was sure. It collapsed before they knew anything at all. Davis' bishoujo stood before him, just as serious as Davis. Rikku was ahead of the rest.] Rikku: We're right by you, Davis! (Davis nodded, looking upon the collapsed building behind Byakko. Davis exploded with anger, flames coming forth from his gloves. The ground around him cracked, and a wave of meteors formed from the asphalt, surrounding Davis as he glared at Byakko. Byakko simply smiled as Davis raised his fists and demanded with ferocity.) Davis: Why are the Nishiten here?! And... Where the HELL did those blades come from?! (Byakko, too, raised his fists, but did so with a rather casual face.) Byakko: It doesn't matter to trash like you. You'll be dead in a few minutes. (Davis and his bishoujo leapt forward at Byakko, taking the initiative. Byakko simply dropped to the ground. He placed his hands on the ground and threatened the boy.) Byakko: Then I will show you my defense: Devil Spines. ---- To Be Continued ---- - ENDING SONG: OASIS - DO AS INFINITY - [2] Sure chigau tabi ni sora wo nagamete maiochiru Kinou no yuki nara ima goro omoi e to tsumoru Kaki atsumeta kioku ni wa nani mo utsuranai Dakishimeteru kotoba dake wo kono kaze ni nosete Doko made mo hibiki kienai nara Semete kyou wa setsunai mama Aa kore ijou kizutsuku yuuki mo nai Kuchibiru ga tsutaetakute hikari yori mo hayaku Kirameita kotoba ga ima Hane hirogeru ---- Preview ---- [The Naruto Main Theme plays in background. The six appear as chibi style, and random scenes from the next episode play, though you can't see because this is text. Haha!] SSJ: Next! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! Looks like things really heat up again! Amiko: As TM and Davis fight Suzaku and Byakko, Kensou and I head to the Minotaur. Kensou: Knives gets desperate as a government fleet approaches! Man, they're fast! TM: Yes, they are! A winding climax of this small mini-arc comes closer as Knives comes up with a plan. Davis: The cries of the planet echo as the world descends further into Rantmon's hand. Cindy: Next! On GINGA GIRI GIRI! "Daedalus' Labrynth" ---- Author's Note: [1] & [2]: To my knowledge, these songs was not used in any anime, so I took the liberty of cutting out the rest of the lyrics and making the songs "TV Size", if you will.