____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSJ Heero ( ____________________________________________________________________________________________ - OPENING SONG: H.T. - (Imagine kick ass guitar here, okay?) dundundundundun dun dun DUN! dundundundun DUN DUN! dundundundundun dunDUN dunDUN dunDUNDUN! dundundundundun dun dun DUN! dundundundun DUN DUN! dundundundundundun DUN dunDUN dun dundun dundunDUN... dundundundundun dun dun DUN! dundundundun DUN DUN! dundundundundun dunDUN dunDUN dunDUNDUN! dundundundundun dun dun DUN! dundundundun DUN DUN! dundundundundun dunDUN dunDUN dunDUNDUN! (...and et cetera...) ---- Recap ---- [Chibi characters of the five appear in the foreground as scenes from the last episode play in the background. Though, you can't see 'cause this is text. Haha!] SSJ: LAST TIME! ON GINGA GIRI GIRI! TM: I face Shadow and get my ass kicked for a while. Kensou: And then he comes up from behind and pulls a Naruto, using the Rasengan. Amiko: And then I fight Black Amiko. Cindy: She outsmarts her and traps her, only to have Black ditch with Shadow. Davis: And after all that, on with the show again! ---- Chapter 53: A Day in July ---- There was much hustling and bustling at Solarice that day. More so than usual, at least. The entire government seemed to be moving throughout a gigantic room, lit brightly to show absolutely nothing. As nothing but yelling and shouting and stomps and a generally confused state, there was Kino Tsumuji, visibly stressed from his work. He couldn't believe the great time he picked to take over. He seemed to have dealt with it all: terrorists, a worldly mobilization of Rantmon's forces, a single person wreaking havoc following after five Outlaws, and now, on top of everything else, the entire Advanced Terran Aerial Fleet was missing. Gone along with everything else was Daedalus and everything related to him. Kino was twitching, angry and fuming all over. He swore, "That fucking Daedalus... I fucking knew that ass couldn't be trusted!" And beside Kino were his advisors, Harrison Craig and Kale West. The old, aging Kale West coldly said, "Calm yourself, Tsumuji. We don't need the entire world learning of your schizophrenia." Craig added, "Yes, President. It's best you calm yourself and-" "CALM MYSELF?!" Kino spat back. The entire room seemed to hush then as Kino yelled, "THE ENTIRE FUCKING ATAF IS GONE! HOW THE FUCK DO WE EXPLAIN THAT TO THE PEOPLE?!" Veins were appearing all throughout Kino's body. He was heaving and twitching, angry all over. "We'll let the Trinity solve this," was all Kale said before stepping away from Kino. Kale bowed and then left to the top secret elevator into the underground some distance away. That left Kino and Craig seemingly alone as people rushed around them still, searching for clues. Craig then noticed Kino stopped shaking. His veins, too, were fading and his speech returned to normal. Kino was grabbing his head in pain. "Are you back to normal, President?" But no, Kino suddenly let out a yell in pain. His skull felt like cracking. A tremendous, overwhelming pain not unlike nails stabbing into his head filled him. He yelled as the pain continued. Craig was filled with fear and rushed to Kino's side. He grabbed hold of him and shook him. "President! You need rest!" he stated. Kino groaned and grunted as the pain gradually decreased. He looked up at the empty space where the ATAF was. He saw her. She had come again. He saw her, dressed in her usual snow white kimono. Her long black hair shimmered. He saw her eyes, filled with sadness... No... They were filled with hate. They hated him. She still wasn't smiling. And gradually, the pain subsided. He let go of his head, panting and struggling to stand. "You should return to your room," said Craig. Kino was silent. He looked up at the empty space. She had disappeared. He looked at Craig, and he nodded. He stepped away from Craig and disappeared through a door. He finally muttered, "Yuki..." *** The water rushed past the boat is it continued unhindered on its course. The river was exceptionally clear for them; flood season was usually the most dangerous in these parts. As the sun beat down upon the land, birds flew high above. Clouds blotted out sunlight in parts of the area. And as the shadow of a cloud moved away from the boat, the water glistened as suddenly the Crew was attacked by sunlight. Momo's eyes gradually opened, and she was taken aback to find the large boat filled with the Five after returning. She saw that she was covered with SSJ's cloak (or rather, Hisame's cloak) with SSJ laying on the bench she had slept upon. She smiled and looked around the area. They had drifted far away from Komachi. She didn't recognize any of the surroundings. The trees were far and few. The grass was yellow and dry from observation, tell tale signs of rocky, unfertile ground. They were ever nearing the Red Mountains, she saw as they loomed far away. It was quite a gloomy symbol in the beautiful day. The boat drifted on further; Momo was alarmed at how fast the current was. The environment was passing by with great speed, almost as if they all had chocobos. Her thoughts fell upon her escape. Her flight from Mishima had not been easy. She saw the river flowing inland. The government couldn't be trusted. Not at all. This river's flow, inland and not towards the oceans, were strange. The government certainly didn't tell; it was one big conspiracy. The river's inland flow only added to her building hate of the government. The Great River. The River of Hope. It didn't give her any. She had little hope left. And as she saw SSJ stir and awake, she was glad she had at least one person to rely on. Even if they just met. She saw him scratch his head and look around the area. He sighed, "Where are we?" She answered, "We're near the borders of Middle Earth." SSJ almost fell out of the boat in surprise. He turned and saw Momo, smiling. He softened, smiling as well. He sighed, "Didn't think you were awake, Momo." "Good morning to you, too." She said in reply. SSJ sighed, "Good morning." For someone like her, she seemed cheerful. Cheerfully sarcastic. He looked upon the land, seeing nothing but grass, river, and mountains around them. Only the occasional tree added to the plain scenery. Except that in the distance, there was a city away from the river. Momo and SSJ exchanged glances, and then turned to the far-off city. It was best to stay away, they figured. Unknown figures awaited in random cities. And after what happened at Komachi, they didn't want to run into anyone. Well, that was until Cindy suddenly yelled, "WHAT THE HECK?!" Everyone suddenly awoke, and SSJ and Momo realized Cindy had awoken. Everyone turned to her, sleepy for the most part, as she pointed and twitched. "It... It's July City!" she yelled. "What the Hell is July City doing in good condition?!" Everyone exchanged glances. TM and Cindy spoke in unison, "Trigun chapter." Cindy suddenly exploded in flames, shaking a fist and yelling, "All right, damn it! Vash is in there, somewhere or other, and I'll get him! Then I'll have three of my four husbands!" Momo leaned towards SSJ. "What does she mean by that?" Momo whispered. "She's probably the most normal of us, next to Amiko, maybe," SSJ whispered back, trying to keep it from Amiko and Cindy. "She's just a little obsessed." He didn't turn around to see Amiko and Cindy glare at him, though he still felt their piercing glares aimed at his back. The boat continued on, Davis just said, "You know, we should just keep going. It's a little far-" Cindy knocked him over the head with her gun, knocking him out cold. She then steered the boat off the river and dashed off towards the city. She yelled back, "Come on!" and then was gone. The others exchanged glances. One of them would have to watch over the boats. Momo and SSJ raised their hands at the same time. SSJ said, "Well, considering I'll be butchering Trigun, it's best I stay far from Cindy while doing it." "And I've got no fighting talent," Momo sheepishly added. The rest sighed and left the two looking after the boat. *** Within July City itself, there was a particularly large building. Knives sat in a chair within the top of the building. It was his base of operations. It was his home. It was where his mechanic was. He sat in a chair, holding out his arm as a young mechanic worked on it. With blond hair and blue eyes seeming to contrast with her mood, she swore as she continued working. "Damn it," she said, "What the heck did you do with it to get it this damaged?!" Knives froze. He couldn't tell her what happened. He just replied, "I got into a huge fight." "AGAIN?! You're starting to act like my other clients!" "Oh, shut up, Winry. Just fix my arm and get it over with." "You shouldn't be commanding me around. Yeah, so you're an Ender. Blah blah blah. I could do this-" She twisted a wrench connected to Knives' arm. He screamed in pain until she turned the wrench in the opposite direction. And finally, she finished, closing a hatch in his arm and sighing. "You didn't need to do that," Knives said, still reeling in pain. "I got the picture." And it was just then that he looked out the window, seeing a strange figure in the distance. He stepped to the window as Winry pulled out a calculator to start figuring his expenses. Knives saw smoke rising from a figure. The figure was running. Running to July City. It was Cindy. He swore and muttered to himself, "Shit. This'll be trouble." He turned to Winry as she said, "Well, with all the new materials and maintenance and other expenses for your automail... You owe me twenty-five hundred dollars." Knives groaned at the figure, but considering her, he knew better than to deal with her. He just gave her a crisp set of bills and sent her on her way. Winry smiled and left, later leaving on a train headed towards some town called Central City. Knives just sighed with relief that she was gone. "Okay," he began. He then looked out the window, seeing a large group of people chase after Cindy. "Now to deal with them." He stepped to a door and took an elevator down. As he descended, he felt his forehead sting. Damn, he needed his psychic powers now. But, Rantmon's judgment is best, he guessed. Upon a ping sounding and the door opening, Knives stepped out of the elevator and quickly stepped out of his building. *** Meanwhile in the city, a local donut shop was making millions. Millions, I say. For inside, there was a certain trouble maker. A man with blonde hair and a red coat was yelling, "I'll take whatever you have!" And so the confused workers packed up all the donuts into boxes marked "Krispy Kreme" and handed it to the man. The man, obviously Vash the Stampede, thanked the donut shop crew and stepped out of the store, arms full of Krispy Kreme boxes. Only to have the boxes shot down before him. Out of nowhere, bullets flew across the area, demolishing the donut store and the boxes of donuts, and instead leaving Vash, dumbfounded with torn boxes and broken donuts lying on the ground. Vash saw the Gung-Ho Guns just in front of him, armed to the teeth and ready to fight. Vash groaned. He looked at the donuts, then the donut shop, then back at the Gung-Ho Guns. "Man," he said, "You guys couldn't have come at a more inopportune time." The leader of the group wasn't as calm as Vash. "Shut up," Legato said back. "We're going to-" And suddenly, a meteor hit. Well, it wasn't exactly a meteor, but the Gung-Ho guns were flying this way and that. They flew high into the sky and were knocked out as they crashed painfully into the ground. Vash was stunned as he saw that in the place of the Gung-Ho Guns was a being infinitely worse. He saw Cindy. Cindy saw him, too. Even Vash was too slow to dodge Cindy as she instantly attached onto him. "What the Heck?!" he yelled as Cindy held onto him. "Oh, Vash!" she said. "How I wanted to meet you, even if this chapters bad and the author doesn't know a thing, but I've found you!" So she said as she slowly cut off blood circulation. She turned to her friends, beginning, "Well, guys..." But then she noticed they were not there at all. "Guys?" *** Amiko, Kensou, TM, and Davis collapsed in fatigue. They were not even near July City, and were tired from running after Cindy's tracks. They even were away from the grass, since the area was so dry. Man, now that they lay on the ground, they realized how far July City was and how far out of their way they were heading. They just sighed and lay there in the sand as the sun sucked out whatever strength they had left. "Aw, man," said TM. "We should have been smart and waited in the boat with SSJ..." Amiko sighed and shoved off the ground. "You're right," she said. She clapped her hands together, and immediately a cool breeze came forth. Their nerves relaxed as they got up to head back to the boat. Then they heard strange music play in the background. Familiar music... Something they haven't heard in a while. "To send the world to devastation!" yelled a familiar voice. Another added, "To make minions of every nation." "Yeah, yeah," muttered Kensou nonchalantly. "You don't need to say it. To strike down the lameness of self-insertion fics, to kill us all just for kicks, blah blah blah." Team Voldemort appeared, glaring at Kensou. "Shut up!" yelled back an obviously angry Voldemort. "We have been forgotten and haven't appeared for weeks, and here you are saying you're tired of us! If it wasn't for us, the author would have to stick crappy, unfunny filler in here!" The Crew exchanged glances. "And, uh," began Davis. "How is that different from any other time?" Suddenly, a meteor crashed right on Davis, almost causing massive HP damage if only he was an RPG character. *** SSJ was furiously typing at a laptop while waiting on the boat. Every pound on the keyboard was heard for a distance around. Momo turned to SSJ, wondering what he was doing. "SSJ?" she said. "What's up with you?" "Stupid Davis, who is he to insult my writing?!" she heard him mutter. She only sweatdropped as he continued typing in anger. *** Davis got out from his crater in major pain. And Team Voldemort waited for him to stand up before announcing their game. "Go forth, Maze brothers and Malik and Bakura," he commanded. "Show them how to play." The Maze brothers, Malik, and Bakura stepped forward. They grinned. 'Now,' they all thought, 'here's a game they're not prepared for!' They all reached inside their pockets and paused. The Crew tensed up, and saw them pull some things out of their pockets. They were decks. Card game decks. But none that they ever heard of. "Behold!" announced Malik. "This is the 'GGG!' Collectible Card Game!" Malik grinned as he shuffled his deck. Everyone froze. TM and Kensou dropped their weapons. Finally, TM cracked and yelled, "NANJYA KORYA?!" [Subtitles: WHAT THE FUCK?!] "Correct!" added Bakura. He, too, shuffled the deck. TM turned to the rest. They all were pale with veins apparent on their heads. "WHEN DID SSJ MARKET THIS?!" yelled TM. "LIKE I SHOULD KNOW?!" Amiko returned. This was bad! Absolutely, dismally bad! This was something they never prepared for! They froze as they saw Malik and Bakura slip the deck into their duel disks, formerly for "Yu-Gi-Oh!" now for "GGG!". The Crew just had their mouths so wide open, hippos were practically put to shame. They saw the Maze brothers grinning and doing the same. "Finally, an easy win!" proclaimed Ma. "Our chance of loss is truly thin!" rhymed Ze. And it was just then that they heard sirens. Everyone stopped to see a police car quickly approaching. Its sirens were flashing blue and red as it skidded to a stop before them, throwing sand and dust everywhere. The doors opened, and out came beings even worse than Satan's forces at Armageddon. Lawyers. Lawyers came from the police car and came up to the Yu-Gi-Oh! villains. The Crew turned white and stepped away from Team Voldemort, hoping not to be seen with all the copyright infringement and whatnot that they did on a regular basis. So the lawyers stepped to the terrified villains. The head lawyer, you could tell he was the head lawyer because he had "HEAD LAWYER" printed on the back of his suit, came to Malik and Bakura. He said, "I'm afraid that's infringement of the author's intellectual properties, and you'll have to see us... IN COURT!" "NOOOOOOooooo!" the four villains yelled as they were dragged away to the police car. The car started up and drove away again, lawyers and all gone in the dust. Voldemort blinked. Peter did so as well. "Damn it!" cursed Voldemort as he slapped his forehead. "Wormtongue-" ("Wormtail," Peter corrected.) "Wormtail," Voldemort commanded, "Do it now." Peter stepped up. The Crew faced him, prepared to fight. Peter raised his right hand, which Amiko remembered had been replaced in Chapter 29. Peter announced, "This time, you'll really lose." Peter clapped his hands together. A blue lightning spark shot through the area. Blue light came from his hand. The Crew, especially Amiko and TM, were taken aback as Peter's glove and shirt sleeve tore apart. They saw his metal arm, replacing the one lost to summon Voldemort. The blue light focused on the back of the hand. A blade formed and came from his arm. "NO WAY!" yelled Amiko and TM in unison. "That's right," said Wormtongue- Ehr, I mean, Wormtail. "I am the FULL METAL ALCHEMIST!" Another flash of sirens. The police car returned, the lawyers came back. "Square-Enix is waiting for you," they said, then dragged Peter away as he screamed in terror. And then the car drove away again. That left Voldemort alone, facing the Crew. Four on one. Definitely not good. But Voldemort's face still glared at them all. "Whatever," he muttered. "I can handle this alone, even if I don't have my afro!" So he put his hands together, preparing his killing curse. And yet another flash of sirens. Voldemort turned and saw the police car and the lawyers again. He turned white. "You're inherently an act of copyright infringement," the head lawyer said as he dragged Voldemort to the car. "NO!" yelled Voldemort as he skidded on the dirt. He screamed and tried to break free, but failed. Finally, he yelled back at the Crew, "MARK MY WORDS! TEAM VOLDEMORT IS BLASTING OFF AGAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIN..." He was dragged into the car. With a bling and a sparkle, the car disappeared in the sunset. The Crew were white with fear, glad to have escaped the wrath of the dreaded lawyers. "Let's get out of here," suggested Kensou. They all nodded in unison and dashed away from the site, hoping the lawyers wouldn't chase after them. *** Cindy was with Vash back at July City, and because so, she didn't mind much that her friends hadn't caught up. Vash was glad to have one of his pick-up attempts successful (but then again, he didn't know she was a fangirl). So they were talking and joking and conversing as they headed out of July City. And then an explosion completely obliterated July City. Vash and Cindy froze, for they felt the shockwave and saw their shadows had lengthened, turning around to see the huge ball of energy that replaced July City. Vash froze. "July City," he muttered aloud. His face twisted into anger and he yelled, "Knives!" The ball of energy faded. A silhouette was visible as the scene returned to normal- well, except for the entire city being leveled. Knives stood there, facing Cindy and an angry Vash. Knives glared back and said, "Hello again, Brother... And you, too, Cindy." "Cindy?" Vash said with surprise. He turned to take a look at Cindy, and indeed recognized her. "One of the Outlaws?!" "Yeah, Vash," said Cindy. "Let's forget that for a bit and take care of your brother for good." Vash looked at Cindy, surprised to see her pull out guns just like his. He then turned to Knives, seeing him stand with his black gun. Vash reluctantly sighed and produced his own silver gun. The three faced each other, ready to fight. Suddenly, explosions sounded and bullets crashed into every object possible. Rocks were torn apart, metal shrapnel dented as the bullets ricocheted, dust flew everywhere as the landscape was destroyed by flying bullets. Knives flew through the air, dodging bullets every which way from Vash and Cindy. It was quite a feat, since they both were showering him with ammunition. Knives could only think of one way to stop it all. The Angel Arms. In an instant, his right arm suddenly transformed into his angelic cannon. A bullet struck the arm. As quickly as it transformed, it reverted and Knives' black gun flew away. He swore, "Shit. Against two, the Angel Arms is useless." He continued dodging, and only one more possibility came to mind. Literally. His head stung again. He struggled, his face twisting into a determined glare. The stinging increased. Smoke came from Knives' forehead. Cindy and Vash froze, seeing Knives' forehead smoking as light came forth. The light rushed out of an opening scar. It had been so faint, the two never noticed it. But a scar was opening, blood rushing down Knives' face. The scar carved into Knives' forehead was a familiar one. The Rood Inverse once again appeared in a flash of light. Vash could only say in pieces, "What... The... Hell?!" The sensation stopped. Knives' face was covered in his blood. He panted; the pain was terribly powerful. He answered, "This is what Rantmon does to his high subordinates. He seals our power, just in case we get any funny ideas. He did it to me, his one true loyal disciple. I had to push myself to get one bit of my psychic powers because of it, but I have it again." Knives began glowing a black aura. Cindy and Vash were filled with terror. Cindy screamed as she gripped her gun and fired. The black aura around Knives blocked the bullet, turned it around, and sent it flying back at Cindy. Cindy was filled with fear as the bullet sped to her. She froze. And then there was the clash of metal and metal. Vash had jumped in the way and deflected the bullet with his arm. "Knives," began Vash. "You aren't going to kill any more people." Knives only smiled. In an instant, two Angel Arms appeared. Light seemed to shower upon the area. The two arms faced each other, ready to fire. A gigantic impact filled the area. The two blasts had hit, canceling each other. Knives and Vash yelled as they fired again, throwing sand away with mostly the same effect. As the two continued trying to hit each other, Cindy reached into her pocket. She pulled out the box Davis had given her. She opened it and loaded a bullet into her gun. She had three left as she cocked her gun. She aimed it at Knives. As Vash and Knives still fought, she found it hard to aim it at Knives. Vash kept getting in the way. Then she saw it. She saw a black aura explode out of Knives, blood rushing down the man's face. Vash fired a shot from his Angel Arms. This time, it was a different effect. Knives gave a war cry, and Vash's blast stopped in its tracks. It began moving back. Back towards the two. Cindy's eyes widened as she saw Knives fire his own. "Get back!" she yelled at Vash. She switched the chamber of her gun to one carrying a normal bullet. She aimed and struck Vash's Angel Arm. It quickly returned to normal, giving Cindy a clear shot at Knives and the two blasts of energy headed for them. "TAKE THIS!" she yelled as she switched chambers back to the special bullet. She pulled the trigger. Like before, a gigantic shockwave filled the area. Knives was taken aback as the gigantic wave of energy bursted from Cindy's gun, engulfing the two blasts. It not only canceled them, but overcame them, rushing ever quickly at Knives. The ground tore to shreds as the bullet, a gigantic storm of energy swirling around it, raced to Knives. Knives grit his teeth with blood rushing down his face even more. His black aura came again. He struggled to use his psychic powers. He struggled to shove it away. He succeeded. The bullet raced past Knives. Knives was saved. But he had no time to rejoice, for the storm that followed was almost as bad. He was thrown into the sky, slashed by the winds and burned by the energy. He screamed in pain. Cracks appeared in his automail replacing his left arm. It shattered. His other arm was not in a better condition; a wave of energy ran straight through it, burning it to an insane degree. He finally fell to the ground with pain much too unbearable. He struggled to move. He failed. He lay on the ground, trying to do something. He couldn't move his arms. His legs refused to carry him. He heaved, struggling to breathe. And he finally said, "So... That's how... They beat Cell... Damned resourceful brats..." And he lay there, staring at the sky. He saw Vash stand over him. Vash looked down on his brother, seeing the seal and light from it fade away. The blood stopped flooding out of his forehead, but still covered his face in a mask. "This is how it has to happen, huh?" said Vash. Knives just looked at his brother. He felt a pang, somewhere in his heart. Knives closed his eyes, contemplating. He then opened them and turned to the sky. "Leave me be," was all he said. 'Rantmon,' he thought. 'I tried to be your great disciple... I have failed...' Vash nodded. He stepped back, slowly going to Cindy. She saw him take one last look at Knives. She pulled out a bishie ball. "Well, Vash," she said. "Let's go." He disappeared in a flash of light. Somehow, catching him didn't feel so happy. She then shot one last glance at Knives and walked away. She headed back to the boat, happy to see her friends safe and sound. She saw SSJ, busily typing at his laptop as Momo read it over his shoulder; Amiko, smiling back as she sat beside Kensou; TM, who grinned back while playing a game of poker with Davis. She sighed with relief as Davis finally looked up and said, "You okay?" She looked back at where July had been. It was gone now, and no doubt the others noticed. She turned back to everyone. "Yeah. Let's go." She had handled one of Rantmon's Enders almost on her own. She felt like she had gotten stronger. *** Knives lay in the desert, waiting for feeling to return to him. The sun was no longer beating down then. There was no light at the end of the tunnel. He was shrouded in darkness. He heard it, then. The beat of wings. He thought, 'He's faster than I thought.' Out of the darkness, he saw it. A massive, daunting figure, winged as it flew down to him. He saw the beast. He saw the person riding it. It was the Witchking. "How pathetic," said the Witchking. "This is what becomes of Rantmon's Enders? All but one has failed?" Knives twisted his neck, looking up at the bright moon. It showered the only light on the area. He smiled and replied, "I have only one more thing to say. Give this to Sauron: They have a weapon on their hands. Don't trust the girl with black hair. Hell, don't trust any of them for one second. They are resourceful little rats. Hold back, and he'll lose." The Witchking said back, "Hm. Impossible for Sauron to lose without them using the Blade, anyway. I still will consider it, considering the state you're in. Prepare yourself." Knives just continued smiling at the moon. That was the least he could do to help. The Witchking's beast raised its head. It bellowed and lowered it upon Knives. Needless to say, he was digested some hours later. ---- To Be Continued ---- - ENDING SONG: Kaze wa Mirai ni Fuku - aoi sora no shita de kaze wa mirai ni fuku taiyou no hizashi wo dakishimeru you ni tada nagasareru dake ashiato dake wo nokoshite hoho wo naderu kuuki to nekorobu kusa ga areba hoka ni nanimo iranai michitarita egao de hateshinaku tsudzuku ashita wo mitsume nemuru ---- Preview ---- [The Naruto Main Theme plays in background. The six appear as chibi style, and random scenes from the next episode play, though you can't see because this is text. Haha!] SSJ: NEXT TIME! ON GINGA GIRI GIRI! We have entered Middle Earth! Amiko: Aw, yeah! As we continue on, yet another mini-arc begins! Kensou: So, the author hasn't exactly made up what happens yet, but deal with it. TM: Hell, he hasn't even made up what exactly Sauron will do! Davis: If that's not bad authoring, none of us (including SSJ) knows what is. Cindy: And anyway, you think he'll make up a title when he doesn't even know what'll happen? All: JUST READ IT! ----