Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger!

Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger!

The Never-Asked-Questions

As my brainchild grows older, and at the same time gets more readers (*GASP*), there are sure to be people who just don't know what the freaking HELL GGG is. Thus, it seems apparant that those starting the series (or otherwise) might want to read this.

1. What in the HELL is Ginga GIRI GIRI?

Ginga GIRI GIRI, which translates to "the universe is in danger", is a moronic story written by a moronic author in the summer of 2000 B.C. Since then, only 26 or so chapters were finished, and more are coming at this very slow pace. As time went on, and the author more experienced, the earlier chapters were rewritten to be less stupid and a lot cooler. As the author and his friends say when they mention GGG, "IT'LL NEVER BE FINISHED!"

2. Will it ever be finished?


3. What's with the wierd shifts in writing?

Since this is the author's first fic, the first chapter ever was so incredibly short, and so incredibly stupid, along with the following chapters, that they simply had to have been rewritten. Of course, some chapters were written by the author's friend, and thus the author is either too lazy to edit it, or doesn't want to mess with his friend's work. Either way, the shifts are due to rewrites in some chapters, and some chapters left unedited due to laziness.

4. What time period does GGG take place in?

GGG takes place within the school year of 2000-2001 AD, the year that the author was in eighth grade. Coincidentally, SSJ Heero and his friends are also in eighth grade in the school year of 2000-2001 AD.

5. What the HELL is it about?

GGG is about the adventures of three kids who get sucked up into another world, which shall be called the Other World. In that other world, anime exists as reality, and bishounen and bishoujo roam the world. Within the second chapter, it is known that pokeballs can capture bishounen/bishoujo, and the three explore the world searching for bishounen/bishoujo to catch.

6. It seems like all those fanfictions on those sites. Why is it so unoriginal?

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you not realize this fic was written in 2000 B.-freaking-C., when anime wasn't even INVENTED? Can you imagine how REVOLUTIONARY this idea was back then?

...Okay, for a serious answer, this was actually original the time it came out (summer of 2000 A.D.). Back then, all those NEW "catch bishounen" stories did not exist. Then they sprouted all over the place. Damn bandwagon.

7. There's a discrepancy in the timeline of the fic!

No, there isn't.

8. Yes, there is!

Lies! Suspend your disbelief!

9. Will you get around to rewriting some of the later chapters?

I did. So now you can stop not bothering me about it.

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Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger!