Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger!

Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger!

The Story

The year is 2000. Our unlikely heroes, at the tender age of fourteen in order to follow anime law that all heroes be hunder 17, are having a normal day. Wait, being sucked into a vortex that sends one to another world is hardly normal. But, no matter, SSJ Heero (coincidentally named after the author), Amiko, Trunks Maxwell, and Cindy become stuck in another world.

Imagine the Other World to be very much like Earth, yet very different. Our heroes find one distinct difference: anime characters exist as reality in this world. So in order to gain the strength to survive, they must seek out any anime bishounen/bishoujo to capture and bond with, or else perish to the ultimate evil lurking in the universe...

Previous plot arcs:

Arc 1: The World Beyond Space

Arc 2: The Council of Rantmon

Arc 3: The Calls of the Other World

Chapter 42: Song of an Other World - The Crew continue on as Rantmon, the Enders, Jallopsimon, Black Amiko, and Shadow move to intercept the Six. What is this with the Trinity being complete in the Capital? And who is the boy at the beginning of the chapter? Not only that, but the Crew is met with an old acquaintance, now turned foe.

Chapter 43: Jet Grinding Madness - Hey, the entire chapter (for the most part) is spent on them rocket skates, so this HAS to be cool!

Chapter 44: The Melody of Time - Strange things are a happening in this strange land. Time never seems to be right, and the Crew is suffering from massive deja vu. Or, sort of. Anyway, just look forward to a whole lot of violence that sort of never happens.

Chapter 45: Overture of Betrayal - The plot kicks off again as we finally meet Hayden Morningwood, at the crazy place of HINATA-SOU?! A betrayal is to be had, and a battle between allies await our young heroes.

Chapter 46: The Five Bullets - The Crew races East on the Great River, just as Rantmon is met with Dromar and Rith, and Jallopsimon comes closer to the Crew. Team Voldemort ALMOST does something, but hey, there's Cell right there.

Chapter 47: Enders' Vengeful Nocturne - The Enders are caught off guard by news of Cell's death, and Knives immediately moves to stop the Six at any cost. The Zaibach Empire's sent forth, and well, stuff happens.

Chapter 48: The Peach Blossom's Aria - SSJ is reunited with an old aquaintance as Amiko, Kensou, TM, Davis, and Cindy search for an escape, all while Knives' army floods into the city of Komachi, seeking the Six. But there's another force at work, also seeking them...

Chapter 49: Daedalus' Labyrinth - Suzaku versus TM and Byakko versus Davis. Fight scenes galore, with Kensou fighting a thirty-second long one against a robot. Also, Knives comes up with a plan as an unexpected party arrives.

Chapter 50: The Calls of the Other World - It's fifty chapters of insanity completed as, ironically, nothing insane happens in this super chapter. Cindy faces Knives, Knives faces Daedalus, and the group is called by the planet, and a gigantic plot twist, to the Five, at least, takes place.

Chapter 51: A World's Secret - Well, there's lots and lots of talking in order to explain what in the BLAZING HELL the world is. But anyway, after doing that, something or other happens but I'm too lazy to describe it.

Chapter 52: Undanceable Waltz - Hey, hey, another FIGHTING chapter. TM versus Shadow and Amiko versus Black Amiko. I think it's obvious who will win, but the question... is HOW?! Will TM pull out a kickass technique at the last minute? Will Amiko outsmart her twin? READ IT.

Chapter 53: A Day in July - Wait, the author has never seen Trigun past episode 4? No problem! He just goes with the flow and sticks to wht he DOES know, which is nothing. Vash and Cindy face Knives as almost everyone else almost faces Voldemort. Also, Kino is pissed.

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Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger!